To date, the appliance is considered to be the most simple and affordable device, with which you can get rid of a long time, even from a very dense vegetation on the body. Unfortunately, the procedure itself, no matter how assured producers will, in any case painful. And if the girls with a high pain threshold easily tolerate such torture, the delicate ladies who have even a light touch on the body are bruised, we have much more complicated.
But this does not mean that the fair sex so you need to continue to use razors that cause irritation, dryness and cause ingrown hairs. Just be more careful approach to the acquisition as an indispensable device.
How does hair removal
The principle of operation is quite simple epilator - tweezers or discs (depending on the type of appliance) grab the rod and plucked it out of the bulb with its root. The powerful device, thanks to a special system can cope even with the five millimeter coarse bristles. This perfect result holds for a long time - up to three weeks. When the hairs start to grow again, they can be immediately processed by this device. Thus, you do not have to walk with spiky black spots on the legs.
The important role played by epilation extra equipment that either comes bundled or sold separately. Thus, for example, to reduce pain, frozen pre-treated area by using special nozzles or conventional gloves with gel filler.
Note that some devices without the girls with sensitive skin do not do. They should be done before the procedure peels, whose main task - removing dead (of horned) particles. At the end of the inflamed area to apply soothing creams, which eliminate the irritation and prevent ingrown hairs. It is also recommended to use massage to relax and relieve stress.
Advantages and disadvantages of epilators
Before you decide to buy a particular device, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. Otherwise, you can become a happy owner of the device that will gather dust on the shelf in the pantry, which is an electric toothbrush, food processor and other such appliances.
The biggest drawback - it is painful procedure. But if you use a restrictive nozzle (designed for beginners), not going to handle the bikini zone at full speed and get ready for hair removal in advance, then the pain will be minimized. By the way, eventually you get used to such torture, and after six months or a year, they will not seem so unpleasant.
In second place is the duration of the procedure. Unlike conventional shaving for hair removal in sensitive persons will leave at least twenty to thirty minutes. And this is without breaks for coffee. But after a couple of days you just do not have to repeat all over again, as it occurs during normal shaving.
Also worth mentioning is the terrible sound that emits the appliance during operation. Some of the fair sex do not run the risk to bring the device to the legs, since the terrible buzzing leads them in horror. But this is not a problem, as the sale of electrical appliances are running almost silently.
As for the benefits, they are much more and they cross out all the disadvantages listed above. Firstly, any, even the cheapest epilator copes with its task. And the result is held for a long time, so you do not have anywhere to carry the device with them. And over time, the hairs on the legs and the remaining parts of the body that are constantly processed, become thin, pale, weak and barely perceptible.
Secondly, the market for household appliances is a number of similar devices with various attachments and amendments that find a suitable epilator in the cellar. Which one is better - depends entirely on your wishes, preferences and financial capabilities.
What should buy epilators
So, first you need to decide whether you will remove hair in the bikini area, underarms, on the face or whether you need a standard epilator, which can handle up. But, unfortunately, the higher your demands, the more expensive will cost the unit. The most interesting thing is that some useful features women often do not even use.
Additional features
The machine for a bikini
Previously, to make an intimate haircut, had to be recorded in a special room, blush before the master and give a significant part of the budget for such services. Now you can create a masterpiece of your own, using a nozzle bikini.
But such a purchase should the appliance only if you are sure that your young people appreciate your efforts appreciated. The fact that even the classic erotic hairstyles like units, not to mention the sequins, pictures, vivid colors, and the like fun experiments.
With this device you can cut to the desired length hair to make it more convenient to remove. Trimmers are of two types: folding and sliding. Previously, these devices could be found only in men's shavers, now they equip even the simplest female epilators.
Waterproof case
Often, women are wondering how best to choose the appliance: normal or waterproof. The advantage of first - low cost, that for some ladies plays a primary role. The second option is definitely better, as this device can be used in the bath when the skin to steam, and with shaving foam. Thus, after the removal of hair in the treated area does not appear irritation and dryness, and the procedure to be less painful. They can be used without prior preparation (dry). Unfortunately, these devices are not everyone can afford.
Removable head
To make sure your device is served as long as possible and thus was not a peddler of infection, it should be kept clean and free of dust, dirt and hair. Otherwise, on the surface begin to breed bacteria and fungi, which can get into your body through the microcracks during processing delicate skin area.
It is very difficult to clean the appliance when its pincers, springs or plates are made of a material that rusts in contact with water. Plus there is a risk that the head of the device quickly clogged debris. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to purchase the appliance with removable waterproof packing and filling, which is not affected by corrosion.
Battery charge
I do not know what the appliance is better? Choose one that can be charged, even if the battery has not yet sat. The fact that there are so-called battery memory. And if you turn the device to the network and turn it off from the wall outlet before you need to, then it will work very little. After the purchase of the device is recommended to drive two or three times, so that it works correctly.
On average, the appliance can operate in standalone mode from twenty minutes to two hours, depending on the capacity of the battery. In the charging device will have to spend at least an hour, maximum - sixteen. Pay special attention to these indicators should be the case if you get a device that can not run on the network, or if you plan to take it on the road.
Dual Head
Normal epilator equipped with a head that is just enough to remove the vegetation on the body. But manufacturers never rest on their laurels, as their main task - to release the appliance, which would work faster and more smoothly. Thanks to the efforts of technologists, the market appeared household equipment unit with two heads. Now deal with your hair is much easier.
If you want better quality epilator removes hair even on his knees and armpits, choose the instrument where there is floating head. It does its job even in remote places, follow the contours of your body. The fair sex who bought these instruments will never feel discomfort.
Number of tweezers
The more, the faster and more painful the procedure will take place. The maximum amount that can be found on today - 48, minimum - 13. Which is better to choose the appliance girls with sensitive skin? It is better to stay on where a packing limiter, which is most often used for the treatment of sensitive areas.
Protective cover
Whichever way the appliance and the quality was not stored and transported it should be neat. The presence of special devices (boxes, covers, etc.) is strongly encouraged. Therefore it is recommended to take a model, complete with attachments that are protecting the machine head and the body from damage.
Basic requirements for epilators
Whichever you choose the appliance, it must meet a number of requirements. The first and most important thing that you should check when buying - is a certificate that confirms quality. For your safety - above all, a cheap illegal machines, imported smuggled, can be made with toxic materials. Plus, who would be responsible if the waterproof, shock hits you in the bath or shower?
The next thing you should pay attention - is the presence of external defects, scratches and dents. This epilator is better not to take, even if it is sold at a big discount. Well, if the damage is limited to the case and to work the machine is not affected. But what if during the fall cracked postings that burns the next day after the end of the guarantee.
The important role played price. This does not mean that the more expensive the appliance, the better it is. Remember, the same device with identical figures in the neighboring stores can not cost five hundred rubles, and two thousand. For comparison, better come back in one institution. This will allow to understand the problem or simply as one of the businessmen decided to earn extra money.
If the choice is between the two trade marks, choose a more popular and publicized. The fact that the appliance manufacturer's famous last much longer, since such companies watching their image. In the case of malfunctions, breakdowns, etc., the unit quickly replaced with a new (or you return the money spent).
And last but not least - is the availability of the warranty card. In any commercial establishments you are required to give you a document with the stamp and date of purchase. And do not forget to take the check to confirm your purchase. By following these precautions, you are guaranteed to acquire quality products at reasonable prices.