Always, at all times, women would like to have firmer, larger breasts - it's beautiful, nice and sexy look, in the end! No wonder that the ladies are working hard, using all sorts of tools and techniques to make large size of their breasts. Over, beauty clinic offers a radical solution to the problem - just hold surgery, implantation of use, and chest will be exemplary. But such methods are not always possible and not at all helpful. Is not it better to use funds for breast augmentation, and proven by our ancestors?
Strange advice
Among the folk remedies, there are quite a paradox - their effect is not yet understood, but evidence to support their use is frequent enough.
Drinking one glass of beer a day
More countries prescription is unlikely to be found, however, this method is popular. It's hard to say how the beer is in the firmness and breast augmentation, but the fact remains - for the study of women satisfied with the results. Just keep in mind that beer can cause weight gain, and be careful;
Iodine mesh
What just not ready to go for the sake of women owning firm, high breasts! Even iodine paint mesh agree, and this despite the fact that you can get burned. After all, the skin on the chest is very thin and delicate, so do not be surprised if soon you will find peeling skin appears itching and burning. And the high content of iodine in the body can trigger the occurrence of many diseases;
Juice hemlock
Very often, there is information that can increase breast rubbing juice hemlock into the skin. It is not true! The plant is poisonous and can cause severe poisoning. Sometimes, in their quest for the beauty of women go too far. In this case, and medicine can not cope with an intoxication of an organism;
Eats the raw dough
Correct advice - eat raw dough and breasts increase by 100%. Just do not forget that at the same time you get a "posh" gift in the form of overweight and digestive problems. Do you aspire to?
To put mustard on his chest
Another mindless adherence to the Soviet Union. Well, how can increase breast mustard? Be reasonable and do not lead to the beauty of its commitment to the absurd. Mustard can cause burns to the skin and the heart begins to work with an arrhythmia. By the way, at elevated pressure generally contraindicated the use of mustard plasters (even when cold). Who will give you a guarantee that you do not have problems with the cardiovascular system?
It is strange and paradoxical prescriptions for breast augmentation may lead a woman in a hospital bed - and that's at best. If you have decided to hold a breast augmentation folk remedies, then stick with real options. Listen to the advice of doctors, and then your body will get only benefit.
What foods can increase the breast
Medicine categorical - methods of breast enlargement have to be literate. And one of these is proper nutrition. There are several products that can help:
Lemon juice - drink it is necessary only in a diluted form and not more than one cup per day;
Dairy products - there are no restrictions here;
Chicken - have to be boiled, fried and grilled not considered;
Fish - in any form, sea and river;
Walnuts - there can be infinite, but remember that they can be a good idea to get better;
Black tea with milk - it is necessary to drink it with sugar, in any amount and necessarily hot;
Turmeric milk - spice is dissolved in milk (1 teaspoon per cup of milk) and the day is the amount necessary to drink.
Such products can have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, including a bit to strengthen the pectoral muscles. One condition - you can not eat these foods daily. Choose any one and drink / eat a week, then go to another. Even medicine does not see any obstacles to the use of the above options.
If you still do not know how to enlarge breasts of folk remedies, and then read this information. There are several options for the use of herbs - they can be purchased at the pharmacy and do not doubt the quality.
Lime Blossom
Buy at the pharmacy it was his, not just lime. The recipe is as follows: Color brew as tea and drinking for at least three times per day. It is advisable to consume a drink with vitamins - for example, folic acid, A or E. According to the study is the color of lime storage of natural estrogen, so breast size increased by two for 3 months! And besides, this tea will improve the immune system, leading to an overall improvement in health;
This is generally a very useful herb for the female body - it can not only increase the chest, but also regulate the menstrual cycle, improve blood circulation. The recipe: 2 tablespoons oregano brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes and have to drink half a cup three times a day. If the taste of the infusion did not like it, then add a little honey;
Infusion of hop cones
He did as follows: in a thermos zaparivat 1 tablespoon of dry hops. Boiled water is necessary to take 1 liter. Drink a drug must be 100 grams 3 times a day before meals. Ladies just delighted with this method - just a month you can see the first results. Just remember one thing: this infusion should be drunk all his life, or his chest quickly take initial shape. Medicine claims that the constant use of this decoction can lead to kidney problems - so, think for yourself.
These methods really safe for health, they are effective and popular methods are also permitted, even conventional medicine. Just do not rely on the fact that these broths immediately produce the desired effect. Only hard work in the struggle for the perfect body can give results. That is why doctors recommend to do and exercise.
Breast - it muscles and to make it elastic tightened if necessary in the first place. Besides exercise, in this case, nothing will help. Ask for help in the fitness club, talk with the coach and he is sure to tell you how and what to do. Or find ways of training in the media or the Internet. By the way, these exercises you will not only tighten the pectoral muscles, but also will shape the whole figure as a whole.
Do not forget about the miraculous power of massage. There is nothing better than spending a massage with essential oils. Gentle movements of oil will be rubbed into the skin and have beneficial effects on muscle and mammary glands. In addition, there is nothing more pleasant aromatherapy sessions, and that's what you get during this massage.
... Is it worth it?
There is a legend that eating raw cabbage daily and in large quantities can lead to breast enlargement. Stupidity, nothing confirmed! How much would you not "hrumkali" this vegetable, the results will not be. But his own hurt and upset stomach the whole digestive system is quite real.
If you are still thinking about how to increase the breasts of folk remedies, then think about the following:
Why You Need It? In order to increase their own self-esteem? So, there needs a psychologist. If required by your favorite, then why do you need it?
How much are you willing to sacrifice their health and figure? If you want to quickly fix the problem, then you will be disappointed. Quick results will not be health benefits - is questionable. And absolutely nothing can be done without problems - will have to make considerable efforts to exercise.
Do not forget that the above methods you can only tighten the muscles of the chest. No miracle concoctions and lotions do not exist. And the surgical solution to this problem is not ideal. Is not it easier to recall that the woman is beautiful in any form. And it does not matter what your breasts. Do not try to imitate a famous actress, better go to the stylist, tidy their hair done by a professional manicure, choose a new wardrobe. The only way you can feel like a queen!
We advise to check: Is it possible to increase a breast massage