that put single mothers


  • Who is a single mother: she who can be considered
  • What are the main benefits laid a single mother
  • Benefits of subjects of the Russian Federation
  • Additional allowances issued by a single mother in Moscow
  • Benefits, put a single mother
  • Nuances of employment benefits single mothers
  • Social benefits for single mothers
  • What benefits are put on the Tax and Housing Code: nuance

Modern people value the bonds of marriage is not so much as representatives of previous generations, and were themselves the relationship between a man and a woman become confusing and difficult. So today, society is much less surprising a single mother raising a child without a husband. But the fact that in the XXI century, people did not pay so much attention to it, the woman does not become easier to put your own son or daughter to her feet. On the contrary - it would be useful even greater attention on the part of society, of course, manifested in tolerance, understanding and assistance.

However, we can not assume that the state does not care about women raising children on their own. Every single mother given certain rights, privileges, they should pay the cash benefits. But it should be noted that such assistance can claim not all women with children, living without a husband. Mom can become a loner and deliberately, but to confirm their status legally. Only then can we expect to receive assistance from the state.

Who is a single mother: she who can be considered

To understand what is necessary to single mothers, need to first figure out who on the legal level assigned to this status. It is given to the woman:

  • Given birth outside of marriage (even without marriage), or later than 300 calendar days after its official termination.
  • Do not set legally (ie, either voluntarily or by a court order) the paternity of the child
  • Not to marry, but to formalize the adoption or adoption.
  • Gave birth in a marriage (or for up to 300 calendar days from the date of divorce), but obtained a judgment that a man (former or current spouse), recorded the child's father, successfully challenged his paternity.

Of course, the legal interpretation of this status has its drawbacks. For example, if a woman's husband died, she did not get the rights of a single mother and follows them assistance. Officially, it will be considered a widow and not be able to enjoy a number of benefits, although it actually left without a breadwinner (or, at least, the person that make a significant portion of the money in the family budget) and forced to raise a daughter or son of your own. But let's go back to the rights of those who received this status legally.

 that put a single mother from the state

What are the main benefits laid a single mother

First of all it benefits all those who get all-new mom:

  • one-time issued on becoming pregnant woman on account of a medical institution (for up to 94 days, that is up to 12 weeks);
  • maternity leave;
  • one-time issued by birth of the child;
  • Daylight monthly;
  • monthly, issued for the period of leave to care for a child (if at the time of payment of the son or daughter is 18 months).

But at the same time benefits for single mothers are usually larger in size (when compared with the usual benefit mothers). This and care of the state. It should be noted that in the course of all the nuances of benefit payments can only be social protection authorities, which is attributed to a single mother in the community. Therefore, in each case a woman needs to apply to the appropriate authorities for further details.

Benefits of subjects of the Russian Federation

Also, be aware that a variety of subjects of the Russian Federation can pay my mother a single legal status of supplementary benefits. Naturally, this is done with the purpose of social support women raising a child on their own, and this laudable initiative. If we consider the situation in general, the laws of most of the Russian Federation stipulates the right of single mothers to receive the following additional benefits:

  • monthly compensation - compensation for costs associated with the increase in the cost of living;
  • assistance in kind, producing a variety of benefits for children who are under 3 years of age;
  • monthly compensation - compensation for costs associated with the increase in the price of children's food.

Separately, it should be noted the tax deduction (for working mothers) in PIT: a woman gets it twice the amount of the standard, if the documents the child's paternity is not specified. However, it can also apply any single parent (both biological and adoptive), as well as a trustee or guardian.

Additional allowances issued by a single mother in Moscow

Again, the size and conditions for the issuance of additional funds depend on the specific subject of the laws of the Russian Federation. If we talk about what to expect single mother in Moscow, at the expense of the city budget provided for her "bonus" benefits. But keep in mind that they are linked to the level of her earnings. So, if you own a woman raising a child receives income does not exceed the cost of living in Moscow (in per capita terms), it is necessary:

  • The monthly allowance, provided at a higher rate. On January 1, 2012, its value is 1600 rubles (if the child is up to 1, 5, or from 3 to 18 years) or 3,200 rubles (if the son or daughter of 18 to 36 months).
  • Monthly payment, shall reimburse the costs associated with the increase in the cost of living. It is issued if the child is less than 16 years (if he is studying in educational institution) or 18 years (if it implements educational programs). The amount of this compensation is 750 rubles.
  • Monthly payment, shall reimburse the costs caused by the increase in the price of children's food. In this case, the payout is 675 rubles and issued as long as the child is 3 years old.

Note for those allowances to single mothers must submit an application to the social protection agencies. Doing that is most convenient for the 3 months prior to the anticipated receipt of payments for sick leave (or 3 months later). This can be explained very simply: all benefits are considered income. And if with them, and with the salary mom "pick up" the cost of living, it simply will not pay compensation. Another nuance is that a woman can get these benefits, even if you will marry. But it must be to her new husband did not adopt (not to adopt) a child, because only in this case, his income will not be counted when calculating the subsistence minimum for each family member.

Additional benefits may be issued by a single mother, even when per capita income exceeds the cost of living. Just in this case will be smaller payouts. Expenses at improving living standards shall be reimbursed in the amount of 300 rubles (monthly). However, compensation for rising prices for food remains unchanged and is still the same 675 rubles.

Separately, we note that a single mother, a recognized disability group I or II, and neither worked, appointed an additional monthly allowance of 6,000 rubles. It is paid until the child is living with a woman reaches the age of 18. If the mother to work, but her son or daughter of a disabled child, the allowance is granted until he (she) does not turn 23 years.

 that put a single mother of the Labour Code

Benefits, put a single mother

We must not forget that every single mother with how whatever standard of living and income should receive allowances to allow her benefits. So, while her child is under one and a half years, the state is obliged to pay on a monthly basis also some additional amount (its size depends on the particular subject of the laws of the Russian Federation). There are additional annual financial aid of 300 rubles. Yes, for 12 months, it is quite ridiculous amount, but it must issue a mandatory order.

We turn to employment benefits:

  • The administration of any company, regardless of its organizational-legal form, can not on its own initiative to dismiss a single mother. This woman put the preservation of jobs, at least as long as her son or daughter reaches the age of 14 years. The only exception - is the liquidation of the company. But in this case, the organization's leadership are bound to find a single mother for a new job. And preserving its specialty and position.
  • If the company has hired a woman to raise a child on their own contract, and its validity came to an end, it is obliged to employ its employee. At the same time, while there will be finding a new job, a single mother supposed to pay the average salary. However, not more than 3 months from the end of the calendar day of the contract.
  • When a single mother gets sick leave to care for her son (daughter) at the age of 14, it must pay to the amount of one hundred percent. Moreover, its obligation to grant a longer period than in standard situations.
  • Single mothers laid an additional 14-day vacation at its expense, the woman can take it at any suitable time for yourself, how to attach it to the core, so using them separately. Naturally, it is necessary to warn in advance the firm's management that it needs these two weeks, and tell when they need it.
  • No employer has the right to refuse to accept a woman in the state, remove it from office, reducing her salary because she was a single mother. If the Manager does not employs mother handed him a statement, he must report the reason for its decision, and in writing. This "explanatory" is a complete document that can be submitted to a court for an appeal.

Nuances of employment benefits single mothers

There are a number of features of the Labor Code, which many single mothers do not even know. Meanwhile, these nuances were created to make life easier for a woman raising a child alone. That's why we want you to know them so that you can arm themselves with knowledge of TC of the Russian Federation.

So, every single mother must understand that during hospital treatment she put increased benefits. In the first 10 days of stay in a medical institution of their size depends on what a woman's seniority. After starting from the 11th day, it paid 50% of salary mother. Moreover, if a son or daughter of preschool age, the woman receives an allowance for the duration of the treatment. If a child 7-15 years, payments are made only in the first 15 days.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation protects the lonely mother, helping her to keep their job. Please note, a woman raising a child alone can not fire not only because of the staff reductions, unsuitability for the post or just on the initiative of. It is protected and when a change of ownership of the enterprise. She was not threatened with dismissal, even in the case when the director, chief accountant or other responsible person has committed a grave error, and this led to extensive damage to property of the company.

His additional leave of 14 days a single mother can be used not only at any time of the year (this time agreeing with the authorities), but not entirely, and in parts. As you know, in this case it is not necessary to attach these "bonus" days to major. But until the next year his mother additional leave can not be (if spelled out in the collective agreement guarantee of its annual). If a woman is raising a disabled child, her monthly put another 4 day weekend, of course, paid.

 that put single mothers in Moscow

Social benefits for single mothers

  • If a single mother need accommodation, it claims to be a matter of priority.
  • A woman raising a minor son (daughter) alone has the right to arrange his (her) in any children's institution (except private). The state is obliged to ensure that child.
  • If a single mother bringing up the student, it may be given free meals in the dining room, it can receive free textbooks. We write "may" rather than "shall" because it all depends on the director of the educational institution: it was he who decides to provide such benefits or not.
  • A single mother has a right to buy a group of medicines (required to be available in every city a children's clinic) at a discount of up to 50%, depending on the drug. It is noteworthy that such an exemption is not limited to cheap, but at a fairly expensive medications.
  • If the state polyclinic has a massage room, a child of a single mother can use its services free of charge. While an ordinary family can count on a discount of 50%.
  • At least once every two years a child single mother put a ticket to the health camp or sanatorium. Moreover, it must provide free, or at most, a minor extra cost - in the prefecture or any other territorial administration.
  • At fairs and other sales of children's clothes and other things single mother is entitled to a significant discount. And such events should be held regularly in the same regional offices.

What benefits are put on the Tax and Housing Code: nuance

Earlier we wrote about the double tax deduction for personal income tax, up to date, as long as the child of a single mother of 18 years. However, it is possible only in case if a woman is not married. Tax Code treats the status of single mothers in their own way - this nuance must be considered. If the mother gets married, and her husband formalize the adoption (adoption), it will no longer be able to enjoy this benefit - it will rely on the standard deduction.

Of course, the tax code should be further developed in terms of the protection of women who are bringing up a child alone, but it takes into account the rights of individuals more than housing. Actually, the latter does not provide virtually no benefits. According to him, from a single mother almost the same rights as a normal full family. Yes, she was the first in the queue for housing, but only if the need of better housing conditions, and it must also be proved.

But it is not all bad: the main thing that the benefits will still have. Of course, in our time, any single mother is very difficult to raise a child on their feet, and keep up at work and in education, to build a career and build privacy. But it is good that the government still does not leave these women without the support that it receives the new laws, amend, revise the conditions of payment. It gives us hope that in the future a single mother will get more benefits, they will be easier in the education of sons and daughters.

 What put a single mother: what benefits can be expected

We advise to check: What rights have a single mother at work
