- Step one: strengthen teeth
- Step Two: Getting bleaching
- Gently whitening!
- The perfect smile or how to properly care for your teeth
- Yellow Teeth - health problems
Folk remedies to whiten your teeth at home - it would seem that could be easier? But in fact, not all beauty recipes, we inherited from our mothers and grandmothers, are equally useful and safe. In some cases, such experiments are fraught with quite serious consequences. And hypersensitivity is not the biggest problem. Damage and destruction of enamel of healthy teeth - that's what to be afraid of the fair sex, dared to experience the soda, vinegar, salt, citric acid, peroxide and many similar ingredients.
Step one: strengthen teeth
Before you decide on teeth whitening folk remedies, go see your dentist and properly strengthen the enamel. For a week or two before the procedure start daily consume milk and cheese, to replenish the body's calcium. Please note, cheap products, made from powders and chemical additives not only help, but also harm your health.
Also make it a rule in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs. Not bad helps the tea tree, oak bark, chamomile, mint. Because of tinctures, you can get rid of bad breath and prevent the emergence of bacteria, because of which there is tooth decay, inflammation, periodontal disease and many similar diseases.
Step Two: Getting bleaching
Today, there are quite a number of methods and techniques that can help you become the owner of the smart snow-white smile. Like any self-whitening at home, and even folk remedies, it has its pros and cons. Therefore, we recommend pre-weigh carefully the pros and cons in order to avoid many unpleasant consequences.
Soda, which we are accustomed to add to the dough so that it has risen, has another remarkable property - it perfectly cleans teeth yellow. Until recently, it added to almost all whitening toothpaste, since it was believed that this ingredient is completely safe. But as it turned out, it quickly destroys the enamel, so abused her all the same it is not necessary.
So, mix baking soda with lemon juice in a ratio of one to one, then add there a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide (just three percent). Moisten a cotton swab and gently rub her teeth, and then rinse your mouth with copious amounts of warm water. After this procedure, we recommend two o'clock to refrain from consumption of food and fluids (especially strong cold or hot). Use these recipes, in practice it is recommended no more than once a week.
If you are afraid to damage the enamel, try more loyal whitening method. When cleaning is added to the paste a small amount of baking soda (on the tip of a knife). Thus, the load is distributed evenly, the surface of the teeth hardly scratched and unpleasant taste is imperceptible.
Previously, women using peroxide clarified eyebrows, hair, and even skin to achieve the noble pale color. Later beauties started to use this tool for combating natural yellowing enamel and emerged intact. They are either wiped teeth soaked in a liquid with a cotton swab or rinse your mouth after brushing with a solution (one hundred forty milliliters of water drops of peroxide). Ten days later, the smile becomes a snow-white, and the result lasts for a long time. However, to predict the consequences of such procedures is extremely difficult.
Packaging of tablets (ten pieces) grind in a coffee grinder to form a powder or crumble knife. The wet brush lightly dip in the corner, and then proceed with a thorough cleaning of the teeth. Five minutes later, rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs to remove residues.
Some of the more complex recipes also deserve your attention. So, for example, you can prepare a completely safe toothpaste, which should be used every day. Dry in the microwave or oven banana peel, Peremel it in a blender or coffee grinder with a teaspoon of dry resin and sea salt. The resulting powder, add a small amount of olive oil to the mixture is creamy and not spreading. Apply to the gums and teeth in the morning and in the evening after eating.
To prepare the paste of salt you will need to pack tooth powder, half a teaspoon of fine white salt, which should be ground to a powder, and baking soda. Thoroughly mix all ingredients. It is recommended to use this means no more than once every two weeks.
To whiten slightly yellowed teeth every morning, wipe them with fresh lemon juice. However, these recipes do not fit the fair sex with sensitive gums or dental caries, as acid can cause unpleasant burning a sensation in the mouth. Unfortunately, the result in this case will not be seen right away, plus the perfect whiteness you are unlikely to get anywhere.
In any case not using lemon peel since it may contain chemical additives. Sometimes manufacturers of fruit and vegetables covered by special mixtures or wax to make them easier to transport and store. Therefore, even for food with overseas delicacies should scrape the peel.
Strawberry and many other berries contain bleaching agents that will not harm your health. Suffice it once a week to make a three-minute mask from fresh berries. After the procedure is better to clean the teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
Gently whitening!
Please note that not all people are suitable methods and means for whitening teeth. Self-medication products and non-professional products from the refrigerator to avoid those who have small cracks formed on the enamel or tooth decay, periodontal disease patients, pregnant. Do not experiment ladies who are allergic to a particular ingredient.
Previously advised to consult with your dentist, who will tell to you the best option. However, in most cases, an expert will discourage their patients from self-medication, as some recipes can spoil even the most healthy and strong teeth.
Common misconceptions people whitening teeth at home
- Traditional recipes are always efficacious
It all depends on what results you expect to receive. If your primary goal - brightening teeth on one tone, you will not be disappointed (a week or two to clean off the plaque from tobacco, beverages and food). But perfectly white Hollywood smile with the help of improvised means you will not get even when brushing your teeth every day will be soda and peroxide.
- There innocuous folk methods of whitening
Completely safe methods do not. But if you do not resort to such cleanings more often than once or twice a month, enamel is not damaged and it begins to crumble. Note that a lot depends on the state of the teeth of the fair sex. Patients prone to tooth decay and certainly not withstand such loads.
- Home whitening results last long
In fact, the resulting effect is short-lived and enjoy the snow-white smile, you can up to three days, after which the teeth will again start to darken. Part of the reason lies in the dye contained in the food we consume daily, in part - in genetics.
The perfect smile or how to properly care for your teeth
If you want as little as possible to apply to the dentist and forget about yellowing teeth once and for all? Often the plaque comes from the non-observance of elementary norms of hygiene, which are often some of the fair sex do not even know. For example, the dental floss used in our country units. Not to mention the special powders and rinses.
Firstly, the need to brush the teeth twice a day - in the morning and evening. And only twice a week, you should use whitening toothpaste in the rest of the time - the usual fluoride. Be sure to study the labels on the packages and get products for daily use.
By the way, you need to squeeze in the brush a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a pea). By the time the cleaning procedure should take about three minutes. This is sufficient to remove all the resulting plaque and food particles without damaging the enamel and gums.
It should be changed at least once every three months. During this time, on the surface begin to intensively breed bacteria, which then can lead to serious disease. If the bristles are worn out ahead of time, dispose of it without regret. As soon as you have been ill with influenza, acute respiratory infections, sore throat and other viral diseases, change the brush.
Unfortunately, the benefits of mouthrinse know a few ladies. But this tool has whitening, antibacterial and refreshing properties. You can buy ready-made products and to prepare infusions and decoctions of its own, using the popular recipes beauty.
For whiter teeth also affects food. Coffee, wine, tea and other beverages, containing natural and chemically dyes, lead to yellowing of teeth. Eat as many fish, rich in fluorine, milk, liver, beef, eggs, apples and carrots. Try to give the load on the jaw and do not rub the grated fruit and vegetables.
Yellow Teeth - health problems
And, last but not least - if your smile abruptly turned dark yellow and mouth came an unpleasant smell, pass a comprehensive examination. Do not start immediately to use traditional remedies. Teeth whitening - is the last thing you need to think in this case. These changes indicate that your body that something is wrong. Remember, the first step should be to find the cause and not the symptoms resolve.