Factors of age spots and methods of getting rid of them
Cosmetics of pigment spots
Cabin treatments
Home remedies for age spots
Prevention of hyperpigmentation
Today the dark spots on the body - a problem not only middle-aged ladies. Even young girls are increasingly faced with this problem. Of course, the causes of hyperpigmentation in women of different ages definitely different. However, regardless of the reasons, and those and other one question: "How to get rid of age spots? "Before we tackle that question, it is necessary to understand what are the dark spots and the reasons for their occurrence.
What are age spots?
Brown spots - it's skin, where broken pigmentation. In these areas it is either strengthened or pigment is completely absent. Depending on this, there are several types of pigment spots:
Efelidy. More commonly known as freckles. This small brown spots, which are more common in people with fair skin and hair (blond, red). The appearance of freckles is directly dependent on the intensity of solar radiation. In winter, when solar activity is low, efelidy pale, and under the spring rays darken and become noticeable. Freckles - the only kind of pigmented spots from which you can completely get rid of using salon procedures.
Lentigines. This brown spots, which are caused by accumulation of melanin on the skin surface. These spots are called "senile", because they usually occur in people over fifty or sixty years. There are these spots, usually on the outside of the brushes. Under the influence of the sun spots darken.
Chloasma. Skin with the accumulation of small specks of various shapes, merging with each other. Usually appear in pregnant women and due to hormonal imbalance in the body.
Vitiligo. This white pigment spots. On pigmented areas of skin melanin is absent, hence the characteristic color of vitiligo. It is a skin disease very difficult to treat, however, well-chosen physician drugs and patience patient help rid the body of the rash.
Factors of age spots and methods of getting rid of them
Brown spots may appear completely at any age. They are not insured by any young girl or woman after forty. Today, the true cause of pigmented spots on the skin known. However, the specialists identify several factors that may contribute to the appearance of age spots on the body.
Sun. Ultraviolet radiation - the main factor in the appearance of age spots on the skin. That aggressive sun rays destroy skin cells with melanin, resulting in unsightly dark spots appear on the body.
Diseases of internal organs. Disorders of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract may contribute to the appearance of the skin dark or white spots.
Hormonal imbalance. Adolescence, with its hormonal surges, disruption of thyroid diseases of the female reproductive system and hormonal contraceptives can provoke excessive production of melanin in certain areas of the skin and, as a consequence, the appearance of dark spots.
Pregnancy. Some women in the early stages of pregnancy may notice in his body pigmentation spots. This is due to hormonal changes and body. Typically, postpartum pigmentation disappears.
Lack of vitamin C and folic acid in the body. An unbalanced diet can lead to a weakening of the protective functions of the body, including to the sunlight, and as a result - the appearance of brown spots on the body.
Injuries of the skin. Separate squeezing blackheads and pimples, cauterization of wounds on the skin, as well as the removal of moles can leave behind not only the scars, but also dark spots. Burns in the healing of various degree can also provoke hyperpigmentation on the skin.
Cramped and uncomfortable clothing. Brown spots on the skin can also appear due to friction or pressure on the skin taut straps, garters and belts.
Improper cosmetics or beauty treatments. Some cosmetics are not suitable to your skin, or salon treatments, made at the wrong time, can provoke the appearance of age spots. This applies to chemical peels, done in the period of maximum solar activity, as well as cosmetics, which contain essential oils. In addition, alcohol-containing perfumes in contact with the skin, especially under the bright sun, can also "give" dark spots.
To get rid of hyperpigmentation on your body complex. We need thorough approach to solving this problem. Most importantly - do not self-medicate! The first thing you should do - make an appointment with a therapist. If it does not detect the disease, "guilty" in the hyperpigmentation of the skin, you can safely go to a dermatologist, who will explain how to get rid of age spots, and you will choose the best cosmetic and necessary procedure.
Cosmetics of pigment spots
Whitening cream based on mercury
In no case do not assign themselves medicated bleaching creams. This can only be done by the doctor. Otherwise, you risk getting dark spots even more resistant and darker than the original. As a rule, medical cosmetics of pigment spots incorporates mercury - very toxic metal.
Before using this cream is necessary to test for allergies. It is held in the crook of the elbow. If within one day after application of the cream from the skin there was no reaction, it can be used.
In bleaching creams containing mercury has a mass of contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, as well as the presence of kidney and liver. Due to the high toxicity of mercury, bleaching cream should not be used continuously. And in the first 2 weeks of applying the cream altogether forbidden to wash with plain water because of the risk of severe skin irritation. During this period, doctors are advised to wash cleansing lotion.
Cosmetics with natural whitening ingredients
It is a safe alternative to mercury-containing creams. Such bleaching creams typically contain hydrogen peroxide, citric or lactic acid, salicyl alcohol, which has a bleaching properties. As a rule, medical cosmetics with such components is very small shelf life - about 1 week. Then the cream simply becomes ineffective.
Cabin treatments
Salon procedures - an effective way to get rid of skin hyperpigmentation. But do not pick their own procedure itself - so you run the risk of further harm to the skin. This should make the doctor-dermatologist. He will choose for you the procedure that will be most effective. Usually, the doctor assigns one of these procedures:
Chemical peeling
Brown spots on the body can be removed by exposure of the skin of weak acid solutions. To delete them, use superficial and median peeling. Superficial peeling is carried out with the use of glycolic acid and fruit. To completely get rid of age spots on the body, it is sufficient to hold from 4 to 10 sessions glycol or fruit peels, which must be repeated every 15 days.
If the spots on the body of an extensive and dark, then the TCA peel. Beautician deals TCA solution on problem areas. As a result, peeling occurs peeling of the top layer of the skin and removing age spots. Just 2-3 treatments can get rid of the stains forever.
After peeling the skin should be protected from the sun, as it can cause repeated appearance of age spots.
Ultrasonic peeling
10 procedures such peeling once a year to brighten areas of pigmentation or stains will be removed completely from the skin. In the process of peeling cosmetologist after preliminary cleansing using ultrasonic device introduces cosmetic products with whitening ingredients. These substances penetrate deep into the skin and effectively cope with the pigmented areas.
Laser resurfacing
Grinding is carried out using an erbium or carbon dioxide laser. During the procedure, a beautician removes the top layer of the laser skin pigmentation spots. Removing the layer of the skin occurs immediately to reduce pain; Nevertheless, the procedure is quite painful and therefore performed under local anesthesia.
We know that the sun is "guilty" in the formation of age spots. However, beauticians were able to tame the light emission, and even send it to the elimination of pigmentation. The fact is that the dark spots on the effects of certain UV wave, which is sensitive only to melanin. Under the influence of light pigmented areas become lighter, if not disappear. The procedure completely painless - the patient may feel a slight tingling and warmth on the skin. Cosmetologists warn that after such a procedure possible slight reddening of the skin, which is normal and disappears on the second day.
To eliminate hyperpigmentation enough to hold 3 of the procedure - one time per month. And that spot did not appear again, enough to protect the skin from UV light and use sunscreen (at least SPF 20).
This is a mechanical peeling with special lightening crystals. These crystals remove the top layer of the skin, after which it bears therapeutic gel or ointment. Dermabrasion is usually assigned to remove small age spots. This procedure is very painful - it is performed only by a physician and under general anesthesia.
This effect of liquid nitrogen on the area with pigmentation. And the therapy is carried out punctually, ie affects only sites with hyperpigmentation. After the procedure starts increased exfoliation. At the top layer of the skin and stains are removed. This therapy is suitable to deal with lentigines (age spots).
It is administered by microinjection with a bleaching composition. Such therapy beauticians recommend prodelyvat 1 times a week for 2-3 months. Mesotherapy is appointed, as a rule, to remove age spots on areas with sensitive and thin skin.
Home remedies for age spots
Home remedies to get rid of age spots, though less effective than salon treatments, but, nevertheless, able to significantly reduce the dark spots on the body.
lemon juice. It has excellent bleaching properties and brightens the area on the body with pigmentation spots. With lemon juice obtained a very efficient solution for wiping. Take 10 tablespoons of pure water and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Wipe this solution places with pigment spots. It is also effective against stains and grapefruit juice.
hydrogen peroxide. Copes with spots on the body. 3% peroxide solution should be regularly lubricate the affected areas of the body pigmentation.
celandine extract. The extract was added to the bath in which to soak for about 20 minutes.
yogurt, buttermilk or sour milk also have whitening properties. Dipped in yogurt or milk should be cleaned with a cotton pad sites with pigment spots.
cucumber. It can grate and apply to areas with pigmentation, or take only cucumber juice and grease stains. Cucumber juice and pulp lighten the skin and, in addition, refresh it.
parsley. Infusion of green is very useful to wipe the stained areas of the body affected. To prepare the infusion, you need to finely chop the parsley and pour it boiling water. Then cool and strain. The infusion is ready for use.
Prevention of hyperpigmentation
To all the means to combat pigment spots on the body have a lasting effect, it requires prevention. It is mandatory to take care of body skin and protect it.
Proper nutrition. It is the primary measure for the prevention of skin hyperpigmentation. Your body should not experience a deficit of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Therefore, lean on citrus, pepper, currants and other foods rich in this vitamin.
Sunscreens. Makeup with SPF have to be on your shelf. Sunscreens should be applied to exposed areas of the body several times a day to update the protection layer. Protection factor is better to choose at least 20 SPF.
Limit exposure to the sun. That the sun can trigger a re-appearance of age spots. So try not to appear in the sun during the hours of its most active - from 12 to 17 hours.
Using proven cosmetics. Body lotion, shower gel, or exfoliation should be of good quality and free of corrosive and allergenic components, as well as essential oils and alcohols.
Now that you know how to get rid of age spots. Be patient and be prepared to regularly take care of the body and the results will not keep you waiting.
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