adaptation of the child in kindergarten

It would seem that yesterday you went shopping for newborns and with bated breath bought a dowry for his crumbs. But time passes quickly, and now you're already concerned about such a serious matter as the adaptation of the child in kindergarten.

Already more than a decade has been considerable debate about whether the needs kindergarten child.
One side believes that the presence of the baby in the nursery and its separation from the mother has on his psyche a very negative impact. Their opponents also argue that the so-called "home" children in the future there are serious problems with adaptation in children's groups.

To say for sure who is right, it is quite difficult. Both points of view have the right to exist. Decisions must be made only by the parents, carefully weighing all the "pros" and "cons". And in some cases (for example, my mother had to go to work), the answer is obvious, as the other way just simply do not have.

If Sadiku still be, parents should take care that the adjustment period in the kindergarten went as smooth as possible and painless. After all, it will depend on it, will you walk in the garden for the baby joy, or turn into a daily torture and restraint "strength" as a child, and the parent of the nervous system. Drag the hand depends, and screaming obscenities good child in the garden, and so every day - a very dubious pleasure.

In order to avoid such a situation, and a period of adaptation in kindergarten I went without complications and unpleasant moments, prepare for Sadiku should start at least six months before the proposed date of the visit. If the preparation of such neglect, the consequences can be very unfavorable, until the children's neuroses.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that the preparation for the children's Sadiku is only to buy necessary clothing and spare shoes, as well as undergo a medical examination in the clinic. Of course, it all just need to do, but this is the last step in the preparation for kindergarten.

Training also includes several components:

  • Information preparation.
  • Psychological preparation.
  • Physiological training.

For best results, the preparation should begin well in advance, otherwise it will itself be a heavy psychological and emotional stress on the fragile psyche of the child.

Adapting to the child's Garden - awareness training

 adaptation in kindergarten

First of all, parents need to choose the appropriate advance kindergarten. It has long been sunk in the summer the days when all preschools worked on the same principle and are proud to wear the title of "day nursery - a garden." In our time it is very difficult to find two alike kindergartens, which is why it is so important to choose the garden that would best meet the needs of your baby and it is posted to your requirements. Below is a classification of kindergartens and a brief description of each type.

  • Kindergarten general developmental type. This type gardens emphasizes the comprehensive and harmonious development of children, both physically and intellectually. The main motto of kindergartens - a bit of everything.
  • Nursery care and sanitation. The main priorities of this type of kindergartens aimed to strengthen and conducting various treatments. Your baby may offer daily consumption of oxygen cocktails or as systematic courses recreational or therapeutic massage, tempering. But do not expect in such a public kindergarten - or especially in-depth training to facilitate the intellectual development of the baby - is likely to be limited to dealing only standard program.
  • Kindergarten compensating type. Typically, each such garden operates on a particular one profile. Pupils of similar gardens are kids who have any - any deviation from normal development: both physical and mental. For example, these gardens are designed for children with speech therapy problems delayed the overall mental development, musculoskeletal diseases - musculoskeletal system, suffering from impaired functioning of the auditory or visual device, simply and often chronically ill kids.

In these gardens run health workers and teachers specialization, with experience it with this group of children. With children is conducted continuous in-depth work aimed at improvement and development of children. As a rule, in the gardens of compensating for the children selected special that is suitable to them, diet and day. In addition, most frequently in these gardens and with children and their parents psychologists to help them integrate into society. In order for a child to hit it like a garden, you must have an appropriate referral from a corresponding profile.

  • Kindergarten - Child Development Center. Such gardens set the task as much as possible to reveal all the abilities of the child. Pools, computer classes and art studio - almost mandatory attributes like kindergartens.
  • Kindergarten combined type. This type of kindergarten is the most widespread. These gardens include different groups: the compensatory, recreational, educational.

Parents must choose a kindergarten, focusing on the needs of their child and their physical capabilities, as well as payment for attending kindergarten is also quite different, since not all the municipal gardens. Before you give a child to kindergarten, find out what type of garden:

  • Municipal Gardens. They are statements of the local branch of the Department of Education and are subsidized by the state budget. In these gardens is the smallest payment, as parents pay only a fraction of the amount needed for the maintenance of the baby. The rest of the sum paid by the state. As a rule, these gardens all acquisition costs of toys, teaching aids and other rests on the shoulders of parents, "voluntary - compulsory" form.
  • Departmental kindergartens. This type of statement is in the gardens of a particular company. Improvement of the garden, and the amount of payment for his visit is directly dependent on how much money allocated for this purpose the company. Most often get into this garden can only child employees.
  • Commercial nurseries. These gardens always have a huge number of advantages: a delicious and balanced meals, individual approach to each child, their own qualified medical staff, teachers, very good living conditions, a strong educational base, a small number of children in the group. The only drawback, which has a kindergarten - is the high cost of residence of the child.
  • Family daycare. This garden is a kind of private gardens. The main difference lies in the fact that the number of children in the group is very small, and there are children in the home. In recent years, this form of preschool education becomes increasingly popular. The big plus is that it virtually eliminates the difficult adaptation in kindergarten.

Once you have decided with a choice of kindergarten, you need to visit and speak with the head of the kindergarten and the teachers in the prospective group of your child. Pay attention to the general atmosphere of the kindergarten, living conditions: the presence of security garden, state of play areas for walking, the overall appearance of the surrounding area. Inside look at the state of the corridors, game rooms, bedrooms.

Try unnoticed by teachers observe their relationship with their children.
Be sure to ask about all the nuances of children's stay in this particular garden. Try not to lose sight of the slightest details:

  • The list of documents required to enroll the child in this preschool educational institution. Subsequently, this measure will help you avoid surprises and need in a hurry to receive one or the other help.
  • Schedule. Knowing it, you can pre-teach the baby that will help to make the adaptation of the child in kindergarten much easier.
  • The adaptation program for kindergarten. In some kindergartens to such questions simply do not pay any attention, referring to it in terms of "stop and cry," In other gardens designed the whole adaptation programs that allow your child to get used to Sadiq as quickly as possible. This issue also needs to be discussed with the head of the garden in advance, in order to avoid various misunderstandings.

All of the above information preparation is extremely useful, then you'll see this.

Psychological preparation

 adaptation period in the kindergarten

So, the garden is selected, it is fully satisfied parents. They decide, "Sadiku preparing for." The next step should be the psychological preparation of your baby. It should be carried out very carefully and gradually to not get the opposite effect, and an ardent denial on the part of the baby.

Even if your child is very curious, lively and sociable baby, neglect of psychological preparation is still not worth it. Indeed, in a completely new and unfamiliar surroundings, even an adult will feel a certain psychological discomfort, and even more so the baby and may turn inward, resulting severe adaptation in kindergarten.

As a rule, if you begin to prepare in advance for the child need to attend kindergarten, adaptation is much easier. But do not just put the child before the fact. To begin with it should be a little interested in, and then give a clearer idea of ​​what a kindergarten.

To begin, select a route for walking with a child who will run past the kindergarten. Time for a walk is necessary to choose exactly when Sadowski kids will be on a walk. As a rule, any kid interested in a lot of kids playing on the playground. If suddenly your child has ignored this fact themselves carefully pay attention to it.

You can tell your child that kindergarten - this is a great place where kids play, paint and sing. However, the moms and dads were not allowed there, so they do not interfere with kiddies. Moms and dads bring the child in the morning and in the evening take it.

After this story, watch the reaction of the child. If a child shows an increased interest and requests you to it too was taken to the kindergarten, explain to him that is in the garden can not, you first need to grow up a bit. These trips need to make at least once a month.

If, however, showed no interest in the child, do not tell him that he will also soon go to preschool, or child begins categorically rejects everything that is connected with the kindergarten. Such trips you need to make a little more often, in addition, try to tell the kid something extremely interesting, related to kindergarten.

Once kids get a rough idea of ​​what is a kindergarten, you can proceed to the second point of psychological preparation. Agree with the head of the possibility to visit the garden, along with the baby. As a rule, the parents manage to obtain such permission is pretty easy. Your baby can observe how other children play and even join nm. Approximately 95% of children willingly playing with them.

Too many kindergartens have so-called "group of the day," it is intended to accommodate a child in kindergarten. As a rule, parents have the opportunity to bring a child to a kindergarten for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday. At this time, experienced teachers acquaint kids with a new, "Sadouskaya" life, taught there in the team. Most often, in order to get into such a group, you just help from a pediatrician about the health of the child and the parents a written statement.

Necessary information can be obtained from the staff of the kindergarten. The main objective of the program to adapt to kindergarten - the most addictive kid to the children's collective, daily routine and discipline. That's a pretty good way of psychological preparation, which should not be neglected.

In addition, parents can also make a child's adaptation to Sadiq lighter, using role play. Play with your child by sending a kindergarten favorite toy. You can beat almost any situation, to introduce baby to the rules of conduct in the garden, with the regime of the day, to give the necessary skills to communicate with their peers.

Moreover, these games can provide an invaluable service, and at a time when the baby will begin to attend kindergarten. After watching the progress of the game, you can learn a lot about the moral condition of the kid and the surrounding psychological microclimate. Perhaps some of the problems the baby will prefer to keep silent, but observant parents during the game can always notice that their baby is something disturbing, and find out what it is.

The physiological preparation for Sadiku

 a period of adaptation in kindergarten

Equally important is the physiological training baby to attend kindergarten. The first thing you should notice is the child learning the necessary skills of self-service, such as:

  • The ability to make their own food - use a fork and spoon, not drink from a bottle and a cup. You also need to teach your child not to indulge in food.
  • Controlling their physiological needs, inform adults about his desire to go to the toilet. Teach your child to use the toilet.
  • Also, the child should be able to wash his hands and face, should know what you need soap and a towel.
  • It is desirable that the kid himself able to dress and undress. In an extreme case, with the help of an adult. Of course, we are not talking about zastёgivanii buttons or zippers three-year crumbs, but to pull her panties, he should be able to own.
  • It is necessary to teach the child to ensure that he knew exactly where it should be things. This skill is useful to you, so that later you do not have to waste time searching for things the kid that he would put in the wrong cupboards.

Here, in fact, and all the skills that should have a three-year kid. Everything else he learns as its maturity. However, parents will not be superfluous to specify at the selected kindergarten teachers, if they have any - any special requirements. Also, this needs to be done to those parents whose kids go to daycare. As a rule, children under two years presented far fewer requirements.

The next thing you should pay attention to carrying out the physiological training is to strengthen the immune system of the child. Tragically, the adaptation period toddlers in kindergartens is often complicated by a variety of diseases, causing additional difficulties. Moreover, the disease itself is extremely unpleasant, so still have to leave the baby at home. And after illness kid forced to adapt to the new range. All this creates an additional burden on the psycho-emotional system of the child.

In order to avoid such a situation, you need to pre-pay attention to the baby immunity. It is not necessary, of course, give the child a strong immune-boosting drugs just for prevention. Their use is possible only after the appointment of a doctor - immunologist.
However, you must make sure that the child had made all the necessary immunizations, make sure that the baby was not different kinds of anemia and vitamin deficiency.

Some pediatricians recommend that about a month before the start of a visit to a kindergarten child to start giving the baby a pharmacological drug "Glycine", which is positioned by doctors as a means to facilitate the adaptation period of the child in kindergarten. Also often and long ill kiddies recommended to undergo a course of treatment "Viferon" that gently and securely support the children's immunity. However, in any case, it is necessary to consult with your primary care pediatrician who knows the peculiarities of the development of your child and will be able to assess the individual needs of the child in the use of drugs.

And the last but not the least important aspect of physiological training - day regimen.
