We all want to find true love, get rich, become a successful person and to achieve maximum success in life. But how many of us know that all of these benefits could be achieved much more quickly than thought, with the help of a kind of magic, called affirmations? In general affirmations - positive statements is compiled in a special way. Assertions such person repeats himself, as if ordering the execution of his own subconscious requirements. Perhaps someone will concern a similar manner to achieve the desired skeptical - what is the use of ordinary words? However, practice shows that the affirmations are effective, and often help people fairly quickly get what they dream.
The answer to the question of what affirmations is simple and complicated at the same time. If to speak popular language, it is arbitrary phrases that contain a specific verbal formula that could with frequent and prolonged repetition to fix some attitudes in our consciousness with you. So we can significantly influence their psycho-emotional background, and change your life in one direction or another. However, working with affirmations caution should be exercised. It is important to understand in the beginning, but is it really so bad the current reality? It is no wonder folk wisdom calls us not to waste time in vain, engaging in the search for additional benefits to the already successful life.
It seems to be very simple, but it is not so. Besides the fact that it is to say, the value is and what the thought you put into spoken words. Because affirmations can be called emotions and feelings, of which is precisely the whole of human life. Think about how often you pronounce phrases like these: "My life - a complete misunderstanding", "I am a loser" or "How I had enough! ". But this is the affirmations, but with a negative connotation. And they make your life program. So is it any wonder if you really is not got much, plans are crumbling, and dreams and remain illusory and unattainable? It looks like it's time to start work on the bugs.
To do this, you do not need to consult a psychologist or a psychic. You are quite capable on their own to establish their own life and make her happy. And, importantly, it does not entail any financial costs. You only need patience, time, integrity, to herself and a willingness to let into their lives a little bit of magic, so to speak about the work of the human subconscious. So, here are the secrets of how the method should be used affirmations.
Learn how to make affirmations
The factor of personal involvement
Of course, there are many ready-made common phrases that are suitable for the realization of various human desires. But at best they merely impersonal, and at worst - are other people's thoughts, aspirations and desires, you do not have a particular bearing on them personally. The author, who made them, or thinking about their own dreams, or even purely mechanical in its mandated work. Therefore ready affirmations probably work worse than those on the creation of which will have to work to you personally. Even if at first glance they will not be so laconic and beautiful as it is written by someone else.
Therefore, if you want all the rules to apply to the universe with certain desires and to receive a positive response, do not look for easy ways. It is better to take a clean sheet of paper and pen, prepare yourself coffee or hot tea, turn on your favorite tune and focus on what matters to you in a moment. To start in any form write down what you want to achieve in the near future. Then given a certain specifics phrases, timing, and so forth. How to do it correctly, allowing fewer mistakes, you can read further.
Specifics and clarity of
Affirmations should include important for the implementation of a desire to complement and conditions. For example, someone who dreams of great love and serious long-term relationship, the spell should be formulated as follows: "I can easily get a mutual love my dear man." If it will be made as "I can easily find a man", the subconscious will focus only on the search for the man, but not his desire never to lose. And then the man can either be already married, or soon will disappear from your life.
In short, our wishes have come true feature with stunning accuracy. Therefore, they need to think through in every word carefully and attentively their choosing. These words should not be of a double meaning. For example, a sick man who keeps talking himself instead of the phrase: "I am recovering," the phrase "I recover" may, instead of getting rid of his illness suddenly overweight.
The main task, which is solved by the affirmations is to cause in your mind clear and specific images, feelings and emotions. It is these "levers" to help people realize what they want. The stronger and more vivid images and emotions, the better the result, which will be able to bring yourself affirmations. That is why it is important not just to want something, but simply see the object of their desires mind's eye, with all the details like color picture.
For example, you have a dream to become the owner of the car. But to say: "I have a car" is not enough. It would be correct to make the following affirmation: "I have a great car such a make, model and color." Or, for example, you want to buy a separate apartment. In this case, your affirmations should sound like the following: "I have a wonderful two-bedroom apartment on the third floor of the new house on a certain street," or "I live in a different apartment, which is where something is my property."
The whole point is that the specifics forms in your mind a clear image of your dreams or desires, thereby causing some to experience an emotional outburst. And he, in turn, gives rise to consciousness to run the program to achieve anything. Therefore, for some people who do not have a developed imagination, it is best to draw your desires or cut ready images that are suitable for them. In this case, it will run not only a method of affirmations, and visualization.
To spell worked, you need to learn to be true phrase, working with it according to the laws of positive psychology. The formula correct affirmations necessarily include the pronoun "I", the verb in the present tense and the most desirable circumstances and additions. Your magic phrase must not contain any other pronouns other than "I," "me," "my," "mine" and so on.
Remember - it's your life and only you are the center of it. Therefore, everything that happens in it, has already happened or will happen in the future depends primarily on you. Therefore, all those phrases by which you are planning to change their realities of life for the better should revolve solely around your "I". Just because your consciousness and the universe itself will understand exactly what you expect and what you strive for.
Not superfluous to you and may be information that affirmation, made by you to others, even the closest, people will not run. These magic words, unfortunately, can only help ourselves. Affirmations also can not force others to do anything for you. So do not make them like this:
I appreciate and respect in the workplace;
My husband is happy with me;
My kids are healthy;
I love my family.
Therefore, no matter how tall you are and the good sense to invest in any affirmations made up in this way, the result of them do not wait. We can not do anything for other people, even if you really want to help them. So do not waste time and energy, and better to devote their work on themselves. Although there are situations where some changes on your part and can benefit others. Think about it.
"No," and categorical denials!
Important: do not use affirmations particle "no", because our subconscious does not see it. An example of the correct spells: "I easily going to marry the one I love." Or: "I refuse to bad habits." But phrases like: "I'm not sick," or "I do not smoke" is incorrect, as the human brain by lowering the particle "no", take them as an order to smoke and get sick. To order a good health, you can make the spell: "I can easily recover from all diseases," or simply, "I am healthy."
For those of you who want to experience the effect of affirmations, you should know that your sentence should not contain categorical verbs, for example: stop (s), I got rid of (-las) escaped (s) and so on. You do not have to use in their mental universe promises to the particle "no", as well as an adverb-denial, such as: Never, never, no one, and so on. This is a very important rule, just need to made up the phrase you have worked with the greatest efficiency.
The key to success - currently
Here is another important rule of drawing up such peculiar spell: entering into these verbs should be used only in the present tense. In verbs our brain reacts much more efficiently. But phrases like "I'll be healthy" or "I want to become the chief" can not work at all, because the subconscious mind of man does not perceive the future as a guide to action. In this case, your brain understands the following: according to the first affirmations you're a sick man, and judging by the second - in low positions.
When you talk about yourself in the future, the information which is held at this moment your subconscious has a single point - none of the desired at the moment you do not have. Hence, the program to achieve the objectives will not start, and long-awaited change your life do not occur. Therefore, no "will", "soon" or "tomorrow"! Let your mind correct setting - "has," "have," "now." This is the way you implement message and direct guide to action. Here are some good and bad choices.
Incorrect examples of affirmations:
I give up smoking;
I want to lose weight;
On Monday I sit on a diet;
I give myself in good shape in the summer.
Correct examples of affirmations:
I quit smoking;
I lost weight significantly;
I stick to the diet and achieved initial results;
I am in good shape and enjoy the summer.
The importance of words with strong emotional overtones
About that, what is the role of emotions to work with affirmations, mentioned above. The brighter your feelings about some desire, the greater the likelihood that your subconscious orient correctly and tunes in its execution. This is precisely the essence of effective affirmations. But to make them so, to use for drawing up words with strong emotional overtones. Remember only that the main thing - a positive meaning and the construction of the phrase.
Very well, if your affirmations in pronunciation will cause you a sense of joy, awe, excitement and extraordinary elation. This can be achieved by using certain words and phrases, such as: delicious, great, great, great, great, great, with great joy, with great desire, and so on. Here are some examples of successful emotionally affirmations:
I have great pleasure to go to work;
I am very pleased to improve their body;
I look amazing every morning;
I have a wonderful husband;
I live in a super-comfortable apartment and so on.
Do not be afraid of superlatives and create vivid, emotionally-phrase spells. Especially good at those, which refer to your spiritual values, therefore, quite apart from material desires, do not forget about those who are able to transform your inner world.
How it works?
It should be noted that the secret of the effective operation of any affirmation is how you are comfortable and easy to pronounce them. Agree that the phrase, which has in its structure more than ten words, it is difficult to remember. Of course, you can simply read the writing, but even in this case to do so often you do not get. So, what should be the size of successful affirmations? The answer is unequivocal: they may consist of three to six words. Such sentences are pronounced easily and quickly captured the human consciousness.
So, in a successful affirmation of no more than one or two sentences, which sound pleasant to the ear. Work with these suggestions in various ways. They can write a big bright letters on a piece of paper and hang it in a prominent place where they will always catch the eye. And then, looking at a spell, you will admire them and provide excellent picture of his life, which comes after the realization of this desire.
Or better to say such a spell out loud or to yourself as often as possible, or burn them to a player and listen anytime. Affirmations are effective and which are recorded in the notebook many times. The main thing - as far as possible to feel heard, uttered or written, and if desired will be fulfilled.
Surprising in this small. The researchers of the human brain have found that the life of people manage their conscious and subconscious. And many of our failures and programmed by us on an unconscious level. Affirmations also allow you to change the program and adjust it to the positive outcome of the situation. Repeated many times, they are written in the subcortex. Subconscious believes that the spell has come true, and regulates the whole organism and its environment, guided by their faith.
The method is much more effective than traditional affirmations of self-hypnosis, which is based on the attempt of man himself somewhat convincing. And it's not so easy. As to the affirmations, then believe in them is not necessary. Just constantly repeating a spell as often as possible to record a program the subconscious mind and was acting in accordance with it. And the actual result will not be slow in coming.
In some cases, affirmations do not work?
Yes, it should be noted that sometimes the magic phrase is not valid. This happens if you make a series of blunders. For example:
properly accounted affirmations;
They used the word "I";
your phrases have a clear focus;
in them there is a future time;
in your work with spells no regularity.
How to improve the situation in the first four cases mentioned earlier, but with regard to the last point, it is worth looking in detail. First, note that the frequent repetition of affirmations from different directions will not bring the desired effect. It's practically the same thing if, instead of a single case, you perform well and accurately, you suddenly will take just over a dozen, will rush out and eventually will not lead to the end of a single one. Therefore, the method of affirmation does not tolerate vanity and inconsistency. Indeed, instead of focusing on one desire, you dissipating precious energy in different, in the end not getting anything.
But in most cases say that the affirmations do not work, those of us who do not have sufficient resources of endurance and patience and eager to get what they want immediately, here and now. This is possible only with the participation of the fairy godmother of the well-known fairy tales. But we have to deal with reality in the face of normal human psychology. Therefore, the effect of a magic wand waiting for nothing. But make sure to have a lot of effort, because the way through the forest past attitudes and beliefs will not be easy, especially at the initial stage of the method of affirmations.
To understand exactly what it is, take a simple life example. Lives imagine a young successful woman. It has your business, bringing very tangible income, independent housing in the capital and the opportunity not to think about the future in the part which relates to finances. But there is life in this business woman beloved, home and children. But I want to! And the right age and the biological clock is ticking ever more insistently.
Imagine what would happen if it suddenly starts to convince your subconscious mind using the phrases "I met the man of my dreams," or "I have a great family and three children." They do not work only for the simple reason that the whole life of the woman was subject to quite different goals and desires. And in order to restart the program, you need to believe that there is a different happiness. And in this lies the main difficulty.