Alcohol and pregnancy - no one there is no doubt that these two concepts are absolutely incompatible. However, despite this, around this issue "Alcohol and Pregnancy" for decades carried out all sorts of disputes. Some argue that a small amount of alcohol will not hurt the child, and others, talking about alcohol and pregnancy scare terrible consequences for the development of the fetus. Who is right?
And why in our time a pregnant woman with alcohol drink in their hands became almost normal, and absolutely no one is surprised? Of course, no one can tell the expectant mother how she should behave. However, before deciding on whether it is permissible for you to use of alcohol, please read this material. Below is described in detail the impact of alcohol on the pregnant woman and the fetus, from pregnancy planning and ending with delivery.
Everyone knows that alcohol during pregnancy adversely affects the fetus, but few people think about such an important issue as' alcohol and pregnancy planning. " After all, in fact, alcohol and pregnancy planning and a little compatible. It is unwise to rely on "maybe", and assume that this does not concern you, and you will go to the list of negligible lucky ones who got lucky after drinking alcohol during pregnancy do without negative consequences. In addition, in any case, do not forget that the consequences could be "long-playing" that will give itself felt in many years.
Numerous studies confirmed scientists prove the fact that if one of the parents, and especially, both in the planning period of pregnancy abuse Alcoholic drinks, the risk of complications of the normal course of pregnancy and the disruption of the normal development of the fetus is much higher.
The fact that you can not combine alcohol and pregnancy planning, was known to our ancestors. Father of Medicine Hippocrates argued that the use of alcohol during pregnancy planning is a child development of diseases such as epilepsy and idiocy. The bride and groom on their wedding day is strictly forbidden to drink even a small amount of wine. Moreover, a similar tradition and I met in Russia.
Explains devastating effects of alcohol that he or penetrating into the egg or the sperm, resulting in their critical damage - they take an irregular shape and size, not fully developed, they violated the vital metabolic processes. And the less time between intake of alcohol, and sexual intercourse, the greater the chance of birth of a disabled child.
Many couples are asking for some time to stop drinking alcohol before pregnancy?
The answer to this question is not difficult. Even if the alcohol has been received once, the negative effect on the sperms (their damage) extends for 13 - 14 days. During this period, the conception is not desirable. And if alcohol is used regularly before pregnancy, there is alcohol intoxication, receiving over time chronic. As a result, the chances of having a healthy baby is rapidly approaching zero.
No less often women are concerned about the impact that alcohol on a pregnancy test. The people are of the opinion that a pregnancy test after drinking alcohol may give false results - both positive and negative. But in fact, the effect of alcohol on pregnancy test greatly exaggerated and not supported by any scientific evidence. A pregnancy test after drinking alcohol shows the correct result, when used in accordance with its instructions.
The most common alcohol in early pregnancy is used at a time when a woman is unaware of her pregnancy
. Despite this, the alcohol in early pregnancy disproportionately hurts
. There is this because it is in the early stages there is a bookmark all internal organs of the fetus
. Alcohol in the first month of pregnancy may result in spontaneous abortion
. In order to understand what is dangerous alcohol in the first month of pregnancy, you need to know what happens to the embryo at this time
. During the first weeks after fertilization, the fertilized egg moves into the uterus, the fallopian tube
. At the same time it begins a very intense division of the egg
. As a result the egg into the uterus is already flagged as clumps of cells
. During the second week after fertilization begins the process of introducing the egg in the uterine wall
. At the same time, the process of forming branched shell designed to secure the ovum in the uterus - chorionic
. These two weeks are very original - the alcohol in the first days of pregnancy a woman's body operates on the principle of "either - or"
. Or alcohol in the first days of pregnancy in general does not affect the development of the fetus or cause a miscarriage
Usually women who consumed at least once alcohol in early pregnancy, learning about his position, very worried. It is necessary to try to calm down - if the pregnancy is preserved, alcohol early in pregnancy will not have a negative impact on the development of the baby. However, in the future should be to completely eliminate the use of any drink containing alcohol.
But alcohol to 4 weeks of pregnancy is able to do a lot of troubles. Drink at 4 weeks of pregnancy is very dangerous because it is starting from the fourth week begins tab and the formation of all the internal organs of the fetus. This process is called organogenesis. Alcohol, getting into the body of a pregnant woman, instantly penetrate into the bloodstream and reaches the fetus. It is known that alcohol - a very toxic substance, which is why it is a violation of the normal development of the baby. Thus it is clear that alcohol in the first month of pregnancy is very dangerous for the baby. However, not only alcohol in the first month of pregnancy can adversely affect fetal development. All of the above is equally true with respect to the use of drugs, some drugs and smoking.
And not only in the first month. Alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy in general is very dangerous, as tab and the subsequent differentiation of internal organs continues until the 13th week of pregnancy. As a result of the fact that a woman consumes alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy dramatically increases the chance of birth children with various developmental disabilities.
Primarily alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy is very negative effect on the development of the tab and primarily the nervous system. Children whose mothers drank alcohol during the first weeks of pregnancy, more often lag behind in intellectual development. Such children are often marked neuroses, irritability, aggression, hyperactivity, and so on. Enuresis, various violations of the hearing aid and, encephalopathy - also frequent disease in this group of children.
Talking about the effect of alcohol on pregnancy, we can not talk about the fact that he has embryotoxic action, as the embryo of an impact substances such as ethanol and acetaldehyde. Their action leads to the suspension of the normal synthesis of proteins and DNA molecules, which are in the rudiment of the brain and spinal cord.
Another example of the effect of alcohol on pregnancy, is the fact that alcohol significantly reduces the ability of the body of a pregnant woman to absorb vitamins and minerals such as:
- Zinc. For normal pregnancy Zinc plays an important role. The daily need for zinc in pregnant women increases in three - four times and is about 30 mg. Inadequate zinc content significantly increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, malformations of the embryo, and later to the premature birth, the weakness of labor, low birth weight remains.
- Folic acid. A sufficient amount of it is also vital for normal fetal development and pregnancy. Folic acid is responsible for many processes in the body of a pregnant woman, but the most important role it plays in the formation of the neural tube. Daily amount of folic acid for women during the first 12 weeks of gestation is about 400 mg.
- Vitamin E. This vitamin is responsible for the correct bookmark internal organs and well-being of the pregnant woman.
- Iron. Reduced hemoglobin negative impact on the state of both the fetus and of the pregnant woman. Very high risk of developing iron-deficiency anemia, which in turn threatens the baby hypoxia.
About fetal hypoxia say so often that women are accustomed to perceive this as a diagnosis for granted and do not even imagine all the insidiousness of this complication. Most importantly, what is necessary to remember the expectant mother - is that fetal hypoxia in any case is not independent, emerging in itself, disease. Hypoxia - it's always a consequence of various negative processes in the child's body, and in the breast. Lack of iron in the body of his mother, drinking - all this is a very serious prerequisites for the development of fetal hypoxia. Intrauterine hypoxia itself is nothing other than a series of pathological changes that occur in the body of the fetus, it is caused by lack of oxygen.
Hypoxia fetus is divided into two types - acute and chronic. Acute hypoxia occurs suddenly and quickly - most often occurs as a result of full or partial abruption of the placenta, and during childbirth. Chronic hypoxia also develops gradually during pregnancy under the influence of various unfavorable factors impact on the body of a pregnant woman.
Hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the body is. Its result is a variety of violations of the normal functioning of various vital systems of the body, there is a significant violation of the metabolic processes. So, what kind of damage would be caused to the fetus depends on what period of fetal development began hypoxia. In that case, if the oxygen starvation of the body of the fetus were in the earliest stages of pregnancy, it can lead to an abnormal developmental disorder spontaneous abortion. If hypoxia began in the second half of pregnancy, it may result in central nervous system, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, premature birth.
In addition, alcohol in early pregnancy often leads to an increase in free radicals. As a result, numerous studies have proven that it is alcohol in early pregnancy frequently results in the release of free radicals in the body of the pregnant woman. Immediately after the egg is fertilized in a woman's body begins to hormonal changes, with the result that the radicals are released, and the use of alcohol during pregnancy greatly increases the process.
Also, the use of alcohol during pregnancy often causes the development of placental insufficiency of blood circulation. As everyone knows, all the necessary to maintain their livelihoods substances including oxygen the fetus receives it through the blood. If placental blood flow deteriorates, the fetus, often develops intrauterine hypoxia.
Regular consumption of alcohol during pregnancy
Those children whose mothers during pregnancy regularly consumed alcoholic beverages, often celebrated so-called embriofetopatiya, the manifestation of which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- The children of mothers who drink the frequency of having malformations at birth is 50%. Most often there are complications such as various vices normal development of the anus (its offset or even complete absence) urogenital system. Very often there are different variations of malformations of cardio - vascular system. Also, there are deviations in the normal structure of the upper and lower extremities, most often - fingers: their absence, hypoplasia, pathological changes in the state of the nail plate, various dysplasia 9 most frequently - elbow and hip joints.
- Approximately 80% of the alcohol in late pregnancy leads to a significant delay in the intrauterine development, the birth of children with low and extremely low birth weight and hypoxia.
- Changes in cranio - facial character - a baby can be a low forehead, narrow eye sockets and a broad flat nose. Also very high palate, low-set ears, strabismus, microcephaly, and microphthalmia. Very often these children a very big mouth and a thick upper lip, with a groove underneath.
- In female fetuses are often celebrated alcoholic embriofetopatiya. Men die as embryos at earlier stages of pregnancy.
Alcohol in late pregnancy causes that children significantly disturbed the natural course of the normal process of adaptation to the world after the birth. This is because they have not developed completely compensation mechanisms. As a result, babies developed severe anxiety and hypoglycemia can be very difficult, and even acts of swallowing sucking. In the first few days, doctors say these children whose mothers ignored the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy, severe shortness of breath, the occurrence of seizures and unnatural, painful scream. Thus it behaves so-called "withdrawal syndrome". Subsequently, the children have a reduced immune system, often get sick.
However, the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy is not so limited. The effects of alcohol on pregnancy is very harmful, but it also applies to labor. As mentioned above, the harm of alcohol during pregnancy can cause great and various anomalies of natural childbirth process:
- The emergence of the weakness of labor. It is characterized by a significant slowdown in the opening of the cervix, rare and brief skirmish, the slow pace of the fetus through the birth canal. Besides, it can develop the so-called secondary weakness of labor activity - very weak attempts, unable to expel the baby from the uterus.
- Discoordination labor. In such cases, uterine contractions do not occur in an orderly fashion (away from the top corner of the uterus), and from two - three sections of the uterus, especially the lower segment. These fights are very, very painful, but absolutely unproductive - there is no any significant opening of the cervix, or the promotion of the birth canal. Without medical intervention delivery may be delayed for an indefinite time and lead to fetal death.
- Increased labor. Similar labors also called turbulent. Characterized by the rapid labors symptoms such as very frequent, almost incessant struggle, such as uncontrolled attempts. As a result of such labor significantly increases the risk of birth defects - ruptures of the cervix and perineum, placental abruption, delivery and postpartum bleeding hypotonic.
The dangers of alcohol during pregnancy also applies to the postpartum period. The woman, who did not was a question as to whether alcohol during pregnancy, postpartum flows much easier. Those women who have for themselves the question "can you drink during pregnancy," they responded positively to face complications such as:
- Very long restoration of normal tone of the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers.
- Excretion of the hormones of pregnancy also produced much more slowly than normal, respectively, the hormonal system also bounces back much later than the norm.
- Heart takes his usual position at once, the kidneys are much worse.
- Natural changes in the reproductive system is also much slower position. The uterus is reduced badly, often it stagnate fuckers.
The dangers of alcohol during pregnancy is difficult to overstate.