causes of allergy to water


  • Symptoms of urticaria symptoms akvagennoy
  • Treatment and prevention of urticaria akvagennoy
  • Recommendations made

In the middle of the last century, physicians described a rare and unpleasant disease, dubbed "akvagennaya hives." In our time, this disease is better known as an allergy to water, and the opinions of doctors about the disease differ, and effective treatment can only dream of allergies.

Some experts believe that allergy to water as such does not exist, since the allergic reaction is not the water itself, as it contains impurities. For example, arms may appear rashes from contact with tap water, and in this case the reaction is dissolved in water chloro.

There are also allergic to seawater, and in this case, the body reacts to the mineral and organic matter, which is saturated with sea water and not to the actual compound of hydrogen and oxygen. And what is popularly known as an allergy to the cold water, is a reaction to the cold, but not on the water itself.

Usually, if a child or adult are allergic to water, chlorinated tap or sea, the survey reveals high levels in the blood not only of histamine, and immunoglobulin E, which indicates a malfunction in the immune system.

 consult a doctor for the treatment of allergy to water
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Symptoms of urticaria symptoms akvagennoy

Allergic reactions can occur redness, rash, urticaria. Pockets are placed on different parts of the body: arms, abdomen or on the hips. The child may be covered with red spots cheeks and neck, rash found on the buttocks, and behind the knees. Urticaria is accompanied by a strong, literally unbearable itching. If contact with water does not stop, symptoms are worse: the zone is expanding rash, itching intensified.

Allergies to chlorine contained in tap water can cause coughing and eventually chlorinated water can cause the development of asthma. If water increased content of another halogen, fluorine, the fluorine reaction symptoms complemented, besides urticaria, also brown spots on the tooth enamel. Allergy to hot water, usually occurs on the background of other problems of the skin nature. Hot water just exacerbates the symptoms of dermatitis caused by the body's reaction to other allergens.

Fortunately, an allergic reaction to the water is not accompanied by swelling and never causes anaphylactic shock.

But other symptoms are serious enough and unpleasant, especially in children.

 allergy treatment water
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Treatment and prevention of urticaria akvagennoy

The first and necessary means, without which treatment is almost impossible - the cessation of contact with the allergen. Often the symptoms go away within an hour and a half after the child's skin or adult is wiped and dried. Stains gradually fade away, hives, itching stops, even if you do not take any drugs. But in more severe cases, without antihistamines can not do.

In order for treatment to be successful, it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the body, as any allergic reaction - is only a symptom of other disorders. As a rule, a history of a child suffering from an allergy, there is evidence of kidney or liver disease, disorders of the adrenal glands. Often allergic to water appears after taking certain medications. The child became ill with angina or acute respiratory disease, he was given antibiotics, the disease has passed, and after a while it turns out that cold or sea water causes rashes and itching.

It is known, for example, the case where a severe allergic reaction to the water, there was a child, Australian Ashley Morris, after the treatment of acute tonsillitis girl was assigned a large dose of penicillin. Tonsillitis treatment was successful, but a large dose of the antibiotic was responsible for the adverse reaction - hives akvagennoy. Common shower caused the appearance of a child severely itchy red spots all over his body. Allergic symptoms disappear after a couple of hours, but during this time the girl could comb the skin to the blood.

Such reactions are caused by contact with any water: the water and the sea, and cold and hot. Currently, she has grown up, but to cope with the disease is not possible. Each day, Ashley can hold no more than one minute in the shower, and even after brief contact with water symptoms such as rash and itch, not allowed to rest for a few hours. Not to wash their hands or wash, or even afford to be without an umbrella in the rain girl can not. Doctors hope that over time the body itself to cope with the disease, but it is an effective therapy can not offer.

Allergy to the water can also be caused by the presence of helminthic invasion, so you need to regularly screened for infection with worms and, if necessary, to treat with deworming drugs. The big risk to get any kind of allergy exists in the child, which parents treat their own, without consulting a doctor giving him certain medications.   Treatment of any disease should be treated by a doctor, and after a detailed examination.

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Recommendations made

If at least once detected the symptoms of an allergic reaction to the water, you should always carry antihistamine appointed specialist allergist. After contact with water should be applied to the skin antihistamine cream or ointment. Often manifestation of the disease is enhanced by the action of sunlight, in this case it is better to give up sunbathing and try to be in the shade. Symptoms may occur to a greater extent on the use of cosmetic products, so you should choose hypoallergenic cosmetics.

 An allergic reaction to the water: a myth or a sad reality?

 causes of acne language


  • Glossitis: signs of the emergence of
  • Why is there glossit?
  • Recommendations for treatment

No one is immune from the penetration of various harmful germs, viruses and bacteria in the mouth. Not only is the mouth is one of the "contaminated" places of our body. Therefore, red or white spot on the tongue, under the tongue or on the side there is often, if not enough attention is paid to hygiene.

We invite you to understand the reasons for the appearance of acne, get acquainted with the recommendations of how to treat this inflammation.
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Glossitis: signs of the emergence of

In the language of no sebaceous glands, so it will not be covered by acne. Just so we call white or red bumps that occur due to infectious and viral penetration into the oral cavity. The most common acne under your tongue or the language of the form as a result micro traumas (eg, when you bit their). This inflammation is called glosses.

The first sign of its development is a burning sensation when you take a hot or spicy food. Then there is swelling, redness, pain, abscess formed. Most likely it will take inflammation in 2-3 days, and it should not be treated.

But there are also advanced stage glossitis, when a large part of the language covered mushroom growths form (papillomas). This means that the infection has penetrated deeper tissues and require treatment or surgery.

 toothpaste, cleaning the tongue in order to avoid the appearance of acne
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Why is there glossit?

Reasons for under your tongue or the language arise acne may be as follows:

  1. The most common causes - injury (mechanical damage). Acne is like under the tongue and the language appear at long eating foods with sharp edges (chips, seeds); at long conversation, when there is friction of sharp teeth; and if the language you will bite.
  2. Allergic reaction to toothpaste, mouth or freshener lipstick, as well as food can also cause acne under the tongue. In this case, need expert help and treatment.
  3. Inflammation can provoke alcohol, smoking, hot, spicy, smoked and salted food.
  4. In diseases of the internal organs (thrush, tuberculosis) in the language of the white spots appear, is not lost for a long time. It should be examined to establish the diagnosis and to treat such a serious illness.
  5. If the tongue is covered with small ulcers, it is likely a sign of stomatitis. The cause of the disease - from entering the mouth infection. In this case also requires treatment.
  6. Acne is like a language, and the language can appear on the steps of the herpes virus.
  7. The cause of acne may be anemia (anemia). Lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid leads to the fact that the language becomes very smooth.
  8. As a result of diseases of the stomach, intestines, blood, metabolic disorders, tongue, covered with red spots, begins to resemble a map.

 vitamins to enhance immunity

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Recommendations for treatment

  1. The main treatment - increasing its immunity. A strong immune system will facilitate the fight against acne, will not allow them to develop.   To increase the protective function of the body can use vitamins (nicotinamide, multivitamins), a healthy diet and avoiding harmful habits.
  2. If you popped a pimple help mouthwash decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus, sage), a solution of soda. It is possible for some time kept in the mouth for 1 hour. Spoonful of oil rose, sea buckthorn, peach. Relieves attachment to the pimple for 2-3 minutes dipped in diluted alcohol paper napkin.
  3. Toothpaste helps reduce inflammation in the mouth with stomatitis, if spread sores and rinse 5-10 minutes. During the day, repeat the procedure several times. Instead of toothpaste you can use honey. The perfect tool - jam from rose petals. If stomatitis in a child, it can be treated with disinfecting gels, decoction of herbs, but not get carried away with self-treatment.
  4. When mechanical damage often there are spots on the tongue or on the side. Change your diet. Exclude from the menu hot, fried, spicy, that is all that can irritate the surface of the tongue. Enter in the diet of a light vegetable soup.
  5. If acne is not only the language, but also under the tongue - a consequence of an allergic reaction, then at some time cease to enjoy the mouth freshener and lipstick. Use tooth powder instead of paste.

If you treat acne in the language of their own, it is not always possible to achieve a positive result. Why is that? If a pimple popped by microtrauma, then most likely, it will be on their own in 2-3 days. But if the inflammation persists, then it causes another. Consult a specialist.

 Glossitis - inflammation of the language
