The physiological reasons for the lack of ovulation
Pathological reasons for the lack of ovulation
What if ovulation does not occur?
Ovulation - the output is a mature egg that is capable of fertilization, the follicle of the ovary in the abdominal cavity. This process is the stage of the menstrual cycle during which a woman can become pregnant. Therefore it is very important to a woman who is planning a pregnancy, to know how to set the timing of ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization.
Normally ovulating women occurs every 21-35 days, depending on the cycle. However, it so happens that women of childbearing age there is anovulation (lack of ovulation that is). If ovulation does not, then a woman can not get pregnant. This situation should be very disturbed woman who wants to conceive a child because ovulation - a signal the body's readiness to be fertilized.
Why is there no ovulation, in this case to do - you learn from this article.
Ovulation may be missing for a variety of reasons.
They can be divided into 2 groups: physiological and pathological causes. Next we will look at them in more detail.
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Lack of ovulation - the norm
We must understand that in certain situations anovulation - this is normal, and therefore, no cause for concern. Let's look in more detail the situation when it is not necessary to worry about the lack of ovulation and do not hit nothing alarming:
Pregnancy: during pregnancy and in the first months after birth in women the absence of ovulation;
BREAST-FEEDING: It is important to consider is that if you are breast-feeding by the clock, including at night, ovulation can not walk for a while;
in very young girls, whose menstrual cycle is in flux (usually, this is the age from 12 to 14 years, although this process every girl is different);
Ovulation may be absent in young girls for 1-2 cycles, in women over 30, the number of cycles without ovulation increases to 3-4, and will only get worse with age;
Menopause: During menopause, that is cessation of menstruation ovulation also be terminated (usually it's between the ages of 45 years);
oral contraceptives: normal in this case, too, should not be ovulation, although all are cases when a woman is taking pills, pregnant.
In all these situations, lack of ovulation - is the norm. It usually takes place, either with time (as in the case of pregnancy and breast), or cancellation of the factors causing anovulation (oral contraceptives). The only exception - anovulation during menopause. With this you can not do anything, because this age change in the body. However, there are physiological and pathological reasons for the lack of ovulation. Then it is a cause for serious worry about the absence of pregnancy.
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The physiological reasons for the lack of ovulation
Various physiological problems can cause anovulation. Generally, if the cause of such has caused a lack of ovulation, and to remove it, and the problem can be solved by itself. But count on it is still not worth it. Correct to see a doctor, so he sent you to the tests and well-chosen treatment. Some possible reasons you can define yourself. But in any case it is the task of the doctor. So what are the physiological causes of anovulation are found in women more often:
Weight problems: both excess and lack of weight can cause disorders of the menstrual cycle, and therefore ovulation. Particularly fraught with weight loss, because in order to ensure the normal menstrual cycle, body fat must be 18% of total body weight. If this rate is lower, the reproductive system will be much more difficult to work correctly;
Serious illness, not even related to the sexual sphere: if you are sick before ovulation, it could affect the way that it does not come in this series or just delayed and will come later;
Stress, feelings: these factors greatly delaying ovulation, as do longer menstrual cycles as a whole. The more stress, the longer cycle. Thus, stress can and does cause a cessation of menstruation and consequently also of ovulation;
The change of climate or environment (at work, school);
Physical exercise;
Stopping hormonal drugs: this violates the regularity of the menstrual cycle, and with it - ovulation. Typically, over time it runs itself. How fast depends on the dosage of the drug, which has taken a woman and from her general physical condition. If a woman is underweight or she was previously an irregular cycle, it will be restored after a longer period of time (but will still irregular) than a woman who has the opposite picture of health;
Sports: many athletes or lovers have to pace yourself workouts, can significantly disrupt the menstrual cycle, until the complete disappearance of menstruation. In such a case, of course, there will be no ovulation. This applies mainly only professional athletes: swimmers, runners and dancers. Usually, fans are not so deplete your body, but still be careful to pace yourself workouts.
Typically, physiological causes anovulation simply resolve and thereby restore the function of the body. After analyzing your lifestyle, you can make a guess about what may be causing your lack of ovulation. However, this does not mean that you can do without consulting a gynecologist.
In any case, if you suspect or are sure that there is a certain disorder, do not pull on a visit to the doctor. As with any other disease, the sooner detect abnormalities and begin to treat it, the easier it is to achieve positive dynamics and solve the problem. Much more problems creating pathological changes in the body that affect the menstrual cycle and consequently ovulation. This will be discussed below.
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Pathological reasons for the lack of ovulation
When, in fact, a woman begins to suspect that she had no ovulation? When, after 1-2 years active sexual life without contraception no pregnancy. It also is the reason that a woman begins to sound the alarm. First of all in this situation must be addressed to the endocrinologist and gynecologist who prescribed special analyzes that result revealed the true cause of anovulation.
Then assign the appropriate treatment. Remember, the sooner you see a doctor, the sooner he will be able to identify the cause of anovulation and the greater the chance that you will solve the problem. Accordingly, the sooner you will be able to get pregnant. The most common causes are usually the following:
dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system - is the most common cause of anovulation. But this is not the actual cause, since any dysfunction is a consequence of something, so if the doctor finds dysfunction will need to look for the cause even deeper;
pathological changes of the thyroid gland;
polycystic ovary syndrome;
Pathological changes in the uterus;
dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
Low estrogen levels: pathology can be caused by the presence in the body of prolactin (breastfeeding), and weight problems (because fat plays a role in the production of this hormone), and to have other reasons that reveal a result of analysis of the doctor;
inflammation, hypothermia: it is this is a very common cause of dysfunction, we talked about at the beginning. Therefore it is always easier to prevent problems than to solve them afterwards - take care of your health.
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What if ovulation does not occur?
As you can see, all of these issues in the article can find a doctor. And this requires not only examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist consultation: the doctor will prescribe various analyzes (standard - blood and urine, as well as the US and others), on the basis of which can make a diagnosis, preventing the desired pregnancy and prescribe adequate treatment.
A very important point concerns the self. The Internet and other sources, a lot of material on how to use a variety of methods (from drugs and finishing folk remedies) to adjust the menstrual cycle, and induce ovulation. Indeed, there are lots of ways to "return" ovulation, but to choose appropriate treatment tailored to the individual characteristics of your body and the reasons that resulted in the issue, which will be effective in your case - the task of a physician.
Otherwise, you can either try to solve the problem unsuccessfully, losing precious time or make it worse. Therefore, if there are any abnormalities better not to joke with his health, and to consult a specialist.