Cellulite - the number one problem for many women of the 21st century. In recent years, a fine half of mankind pays special attention to their appearance. Women regularly visit beauty salons and gyms in the pursuit of beauty and youth. Once science and ordinary people were not familiar with such a thing as cellulite. In fashion were so-called women "blood and milk" pyshnotelye, with nice, as it seemed, dimples on the body. These young ladies are a symbol of femininity. After all, they were considered able to bear healthy children.
Who ideals have changed significantly. Women, if they do not aspire to the parameters 90-60 -90, then still dream of a slender and toned figure. However, I must say that cellulite is not always associated with being overweight. Often the problem facing quite slender, and often lean women. On the other hand, quite a few ladies pyshnotelye having supple and taut skin. Unfortunately, these representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is becoming less and less. The reasons for that there are so many. This is wrong and a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, and stress, and even bad ecology.
How can I prevent cellulite?
Eat right!
It is no secret that what kind of food we eat depends not only our health but also the appearance. Eating is necessary, first of all, right. Many of us throughout the day almost nothing to eat, and after work, indulge yourself a hearty dinner. This is absolutely wrong. Eat better to often, but in small portions. The body needs time to digest the food offered to him, are not formed to excess fat, which lead to cellulite.
It is important not only what we eat, but also what foods we eat. Modern food industry can boast its naturalness produced food. The majority of them are added all sorts of preservatives and flavorings, which are certainly capable of causing harm to the human body.
Try to eat only organic foods. Try to reduce consumption of fried and fatty foods. Completely excluded from the diet sodas, and alcohol products, which include a large number of preservatives. Fruits, vegetables, grains, natural meat and fish - these are the foods that should be the basis of your daily diet. Adhering to proper diet, you keep healthy and attractive for years to come.
Say "no" to stress!
Certainly, in our difficult time, it's hard to stay calm. Problems at work and in your personal life experience cause stress almost every day. However, few people know that the experiences and bad mood - it can be said, one of the major causes of health problems and, consequently, to the appearance. Not for nothing that there is a saying: "Nerve cells do not regenerate." In addition, stress is often the cause of overeating. It can not be denied. And, as mentioned above, poor diet leads to cellulite.
Learn to control your emotions and guide them in the right direction. If you do it yourself does not work, you can try to support the body with antidepressants, but be sure to plant-based. Well established products containing St. John's wort in its composition. They not only calm but also uplifting. Medicaments based on the chemical components may cause cellulite. Avoid their use.
Move more!
Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym and engage in shaping. However, to find the time for a short evening stroll everyone can. Move at every opportunity, especially if you have a sedentary job. After all, because of the permanent seats are formed of stagnation in the pelvic area, and poor circulation. Even in the workplace can be found in the five-minute warm-up time. And even if you stop using the elevator, living in apartment buildings, the already noticed positive results.
Take care of your body!
Regularly indulge your body a variety of beauty treatments to keep it in good shape. With age, the skin loses its elasticity. This is not surprising. Because collagen production gradually decreases, and that no one can escape. We need to use the scrub and body lotion, make nutritious and firming mask. This will help to avoid the appearance of cellulite.
What if there was cellulite?
How can that be, if the cellulite still appeared? What to take action? First you need to determine its stage. Maybe it's just a minor symptoms. But it also happens that without the help of a specialist beautician can not do. In the first stage the dimples and bumps visible only if you squeeze between your fingers small area of the skin. In the second stage of the disease varying degrees of unevenness is easy to see the skin without producing any manipulation. A more serious stage - this is not just a cosmetic flaw. The body does not just appear dimpled and seals. Due to exposure of the skin may occur even pain. This stage requires more than a serious approach. Therefore, we can not do without the help of a specialist. We will tell you about how to get rid of cellulite in the earlier stages.
How to fight cellulite
The problem of cellulite at home quite difficult to handle. You can try to deal with it, both independently and with the help of salon procedures.
Without the use of special equipment in the home can be used to treat a variety of cellulite body wraps and rubbing. We offer you a simple recipe that is available to everyone. As you know, the state of the subcutaneous fat cells beneficial effects of caffeine. It contributes to their degradation. No accident that many of the expensive anti-cellulite creams are made on the basis of coffee. We also offer a more affordable way to treat cellulite.
You can prepare yourself a very effective scrub. Surely, in your family someone is drinking coffee. What many do not represent life without this refreshing drink. Take a couple of tablespoons of coffee grounds sleeps. Throw in any shower gel, you use regularly. To enhance the effect, you can add a little sea salt and a few drops of essential oil has anti-cellulite effect. As a rule, for this purpose using the essential oils of citrus fruits: orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit.
The resulting mixture rub the problem areas directly in the shower, pre-steam the skin. You can do this simply by using your hands or a massage brush or a masseur. Duration of treatment - 7-10 minutes. After this massage, it is desirable to take douches and lubricate the skin anti-cellulite cream.
With regard wraps at home, it is very simple and at the same time an effective recipe - a wrap with red pepper and cinnamon. Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon hot chili peppers. Add the resultant powder 30 milliliters olive oil. It can be used, and sunflower.
Spread the mixture problem areas - thighs, buttocks and stomach. Turn around food film. To enhance the effect, you can wear for insulating pants. Do not worry if you feel a slight burning sensation. This suggests that the procedure operates. You should wait for 10-20 minutes, then wash off the pepper-cinnamon mixture of warm water. The skin is slightly red. This is normal. These procedures will help you quickly get rid of cellulite, especially if you start using them already at the first sign of the disease.
Vacuum massage banks of cellulite
Since cellulite is necessary to fight the complex. If you add the use of coffee scrubs and wraps from pepper-cinnamon mixture of anti-cellulite massage banks, you can even get rid of cellulite at an advanced stage. Previously, cupping massage can be done only in the cabin. At the same time, many stores you can find the necessary equipment to carry out the procedure at home.
Many people, hearing about the Cup massage at home, remember the days of childhood and glass jars in which it was necessary to start a fire, so they stuck to the skin. And then the ugly dark brown spots that remain after such a procedure. Previously, banks treat bronchitis and osteochondrosis. Now and indications for this procedure have expanded, and the equipment itself was quite different. Yes, in our time there are glass jars. But they have a special rubber pump and nozzles, makes the procedure less painful.
A more popular and convenient massage silicone banks. They are very light, they are easy to clean. There are banks and rubber. Before use, they must be heated to very hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, banks are soft and easy to stick to the right parts of the body.
Banks usually for vacuum massage are sold in sets of 12 pieces. The kit includes a pair of cans of different diameters: 60 mm, 50mm, 42mm, 35mm, 25mm, 17mm. Sizes may vary slightly. What bank diameter choose depends on what area you are going to mass. The greater the area of problem areas, the greater the diameter of the equipment. You can also buy kits for vacuum massage, which includes 2 or 4 cans.
Some kits for anti-cellulite massage equipped with special magnetic nozzles that can be inserted inside the bank. With their help, there is an additional curative effect on the body. The magnetic field penetrates into the tissue to a depth of 6 to 10 mm. Thus, the effectiveness of the procedure is increased several times. Massages banks with magnetic attachments in its effects similar to acupuncture session. But this is no mechanical massage of skin penetration. There is only the impact of electromagnetic waves on the body tissues.
Technique of massage banks of cellulite
Before the procedure you need to take a shower. It is advisable to clean the skin with scrub. Increase the effectiveness of massage banks use the coffee scrub or wrap with pepper and cinnamon recipes are offered above.
After a shower with body scrub dry towel and prepare the body to massage banks. The skin should be warmed. Massage the skin surface without the use of special equipment for 5-7 minutes using a conventional cosmetic or olive oil. Be prepared jars for anti-cellulite massage. Carefully lubricate them with oil. Banks should slide freely on the body, so as not to hurt her. The move produces in the course of lymph flow. Legs - upwards and back - up and down. Avoid the chest and abdomen. Try not to touch the location of the lymph nodes. Mechanical impact they may cause inflammation.
First massages banks can be quite painful, especially in cases where cellulite on the second stage. Occasionally, if the skin is very sensitive, can stay bruising and swelling. However, after the second procedure, discomfort and pain to disappear. Otherwise, you'd better not to use the anti-cellulite massage banks, so as not to harm your body.
Due to the action of the vacuum massage sebaceous glands secrete various toxic substances: salts of urea, acetone, and bile acids. Thus, we achieve the effect similar to the effect of the bath. After the procedure, anti-cellulite massage banks need to take a shower and clean the skin from harmful substances.
Remember, if you do massage by banks in the home correctly, it may not only be a consequence of the bruises on the body, but also lead to the opposite effect. No accident that many complain that after several treatments of cellulite appear even stronger. Therefore it is better at least a couple of procedures to do with an experienced professional who will teach you the proper technique of massage.
Contraindications to massage banks
Do not forget that banks cellulite massage - a procedure that has a serious impact on the body. She has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to do massage banks in the following cases:
in the presence of tumors of different localization;
a tendency to hemorrhage and thrombosis;
during the second half of pregnancy;
in the presence of inflammatory elements in the skin and pustular formations;
varicose veins;
in diseases of the cardiovascular system of varying severity;
a tendency to neurosis.
It is not recommended to do massage banks of cellulite people intoxicated after heavy physical exertion, after a hot bath. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences you must pre-course anti-cellulite massage treatments banks consult with your doctor.
Properly executed massage banks of cellulite will save you from this problem in the short term. After a week of treatments your skin will look smooth and taut, of course, to achieve good results as quickly as possible, it is necessary to combine this massage with diet and a healthy lifestyle.