causes of depression during menopause


  • Depression in menopause
  • Features of antidepressant treatment during menopause
  • Antidepressants used during menopause

Menopause - a completely natural physiological phenomenon, but at the same time it is also a very critical period in the life of a woman.

He is able to give her a lot of trouble, especially because of the hormonal changes taking place at this time in the body. Changes in a woman affect her physical and mental health: stress adaptation capabilities of the organism, vulnerability, vulnerability, mood swings and hot flashes, until the development of depression.

Along with this, many women choose to endure the discomfort that accompanies menopause and refuse medical treatment, arguing that hormonal drugs that doctors prescribe, in this case, can lead to cancer. But medicine does not stand still, and now doctors increasingly prescribe antidepressants during menopause. They are able to alleviate the condition of women, to return to her full life and it does not adversely affect her health. Modern woman is no longer required to endure menopause.

 Consultation with a doctor
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Depression in menopause

When menopause may develop climacteric, endogenous, psychogenic or involutional depression. It is for the correction of depression during menopause and prescribed antidepressants.

Menopausal depression is characterized by depressed mood, tearfulness, decreased interest in what is happening around and the self, decreased activity, anxiety, at night haunted hot flashes, may interfere with sleep, appetite and sex drive (in the direction of reducing or increasing).

Psychogenic depression is associated with an increased sense of remorse and guilt, sleep disorders and appetite, sudden weight loss, pessimistic view of the future, with heavy thoughts. Condition becomes more acute, then it fades.

Endogenous depression is accompanied by a melancholy mood, lack of joy and pleasure, apathy, decreased activity, pessimistic regarding the past life, present and future, self-blame, there may be a violation of sleep, appetite, weight loss, decreased libido. At the same time the tides come in, but they are not the main reason for the complaints.

Involutional depression is characterized by pain or discomfort, anxiety, anxiety, restlessness, hypochondria, excessive concern about their own health. In extreme forms, patients report that they do not work the whole system of the body, or the fear of death (usually violent), poverty, global catastrophe.

 antidepressants during menopause
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Features of antidepressant treatment during menopause

If earlier to help women in menopause prescribed hormone replacement therapy, but now it is not a panacea, because not only has a number of side effects and contraindications, and can significantly worsen the condition of women suffering from depression. It antidepressants methods gently, safely and effectively to help in this case. They have minimum side effects, do not cause drowsiness and even well tolerated, unlike hormones.

Antidepressants - a psychotropic drugs, which are used primarily to treat depression. In such patients, they improve mood, reduce the feeling of melancholy, depression, anxiety, apathy, increase the activity and the general emotional background, restore the function of sleep and appetite.

In treatment with antidepressants, it is important to know and comply with certain rules, as of antidepressants - these are serious medicines that should not be taken at random.

First, the drug should only appoint a doctor! Self-medication is simply unacceptable.

Second, almost all antidepressants are appointed and shall be progressively reduced, that is, gradually increase the dose, and also gradually eroding. This is done in order to avoid side effects and to adapt the body to the facility. Phase-out is necessary for the body to gradually weaned from the drug. This rule can not be neglected, as any antidepressant (more precisely, its abolition) - always a certain amount of stress to the body.

Third, do not expect that the effect will manifest itself after the first taking the pill. No, this will not happen, because the active substances accumulate in the body gradually. The first effect you will feel no earlier than 5-7 days. Some antidepressants begin to work only in 2-3 weeks.

Fourth, even if you feel that the medication does not work, continue to use it (unless the doctor has not canceled it himself). Be patient and make sure that you get out of depression: the specifics of the disease is that it is treated at all. Just someone before, and someone later.

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Antidepressants used during menopause

Among the drugs that are most well in the treatment of women during menopause, especially note the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: paroxetine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine. They can be used together with drugs that are intended to relieve an attack of high tide: Sonapaks, Etaperazin (this antipsychotics, so they should be used in small doses), Depakine, finlepsin (this means, anticonvulsants).

Very good antidepressant - Coaxil (Tianeptine). It belongs to the class of tricyclic antidepressants and combines the antidepressant, energizing, and anxiolytic effects Wegetotropona. The advantage of it is well tolerated and patients.

Doctors note among the group of antidepressants, and those preparations containing the active substance venlafaxine. In the pharmaceutical market offer the following products, as part of which it contains: Efevelon, Velaksin, Velafaks, fluoxetine (Profluzak, Prozac, Fluvanna) Poroksetin (Aktaparoksetin, Adepress, Paxil, Reksetin, pliz).

To interesting conclusions in the studies have Scottish scientists from Glasgow. They discovered that antidepressants are used to treat menopausal women have additional beneficial effects on the body. These drugs normalize the condition of blood vessels, thereby reducing or even preventing attacks tides. In 60% of women who take antidepressants during this period, significantly improving the overall physical and mental well-being.

In any case, remember that whatever you have promised articles on the Internet, advertising on television or the advice of a friend, but the drug should appoint you a doctor. Nobody forbids you to discuss with him means you are interested in, but the decision should remain with the specialist.

 Antidepressants: say "no" to depression during menopause

 reasons for discharge from the breast


  • Mammary gland
  • Possible reasons for discharge from the breast

Female breast - a body directly dependent on hormones, so that it responds to the changes occurring in the body.

 Breast self-examination
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Mammary gland

As in the disease and in good health, the breasts may leak fluids from the nipples - is its main function.

However, if you are not breast-feeding, the discharge from the breasts could be a troubling symptom of many diseases.

The fluid that is released from the mammary glands may be different consistencies (thick liquid) and in different colors (white, yellow, clear, green, brown, bloody, black). If any provision of necessary seek emergency mammologu to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Mammology need to conduct a detailed examination and breast examination. You may need a blood test, ultrasound, mammography, ductography. After researching the required number of tests a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Selections may be the norm, that is, to be purely physiological nature. They pass on their own over time without any treatment. However, be aware that the discharge from the breasts could be the main visible symptoms of serious diseases of the female breast, required immediate treatment.

 at mammalogy
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Possible reasons for discharge from the breast

Pathologic causes

  • Injury. Any strong impact breast cancer can lead to the selection as one, and from both breasts. By the color of the discharge may be clear, yellow or bloody.
  • Expansion of the milk ducts (ektaziya). This disease is the most common cause of nipple discharge. The ducts appear inflamed and they become clogged. At the same time there are thick, sticky discharge greenish or black. This disease usually occurs between the ages of 40-50 years. Treatment of this disease may include compresses, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic tablets, but severe forms may need surgery to remove the inflamed ducts.
  • Galactorrhea. It is a disease in which the nipple starts to separate from the milk or colostrum, usually white or transparent. This disease is linked to hormonal disruptions in the body, increased levels of prolactin (a hormone responsible for lactation in women after childbirth)
  • Abscess. This disease is characterized by an accumulation of pus in the chest. More common in nursing mothers with cracked nipples that allow bacteria to get inside the breast and develop an infection. Starts stand ichor (purulent bloody liquid). Mammary glands are sore, increase, blush. For treatment using antibiotics and surgery to open festering hotbed.

Causes - nodules in the breast

  • Fibrocystic breast disease. The main factor of this disease is a hormonal imbalance. Select with mastitis may be clear, yellow or green. Other symptoms include chest pain and the appearance of nodules in the breast. Mastopathy is usually treated with hormonal agents.
  • Intraductal papilloma. The tumor benign nature, which is produced in the milk ducts, close to the nipple. This disease usually occurs in women 30-50 years of age. Causes of papillomavirus are unknown. Discharge from the breast is usually bloody, with a thick consistency. They can be both independently and appear only when the nipple stimulation. In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct ultrasound Ductography and get analysis of fluid discharge from the nipple. Usually, surgical treatment with histological examination of material removed (to eliminate the malignancy of the tumor).
  • Mammary cancer. Malignant tumor. The disease is, of course, may be asymptomatic. But a sign of cancer is a sudden bloody discharge from one breast, breast enlargement in size and detection units. In this case it is necessary to address urgently to mammologu to establish an accurate diagnosis. In this disease required surgery.

  • Paget's disease. This is a special kind of cancer is extremely rare. This type of cancer affects directly to the nipple. His features are changing the appearance of the nipple, burning, itching, redness or darkening of the halo spotting. For the treatment of this disease is usually used mastectomy (removal of the breast) or a lumpectomy (partial mastectomy within the tumor itself).
 How to explain the discharge from the breast
