delicious fried cabbage gratin


  • Pros and only advantages
  • Preparation of inflorescences
  • Technology of preparation

Cauliflower - an incredibly useful product and truly universal. On its basis, it can be prepared as a light meal and a full hearty meal. She will be a place on the holiday table, it would be appropriate and as a low-calorie snacks on the run.
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Pros and only advantages

This vegetable that looks like a gorgeous flower, contains an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. It is due to the unique composition it is the ideal complement of the diet of any person.

Infants and the elderly, professional athletes and recovering from surgery or long illness - it is difficult to find the person to whom this product will not benefit. Cauliflower will do without synthetic drugs during the spring vitamin deficiency.

Doctors discovered and proved the unique property of this seemingly banal vegetable. Its juice and fiber can protect against cancer. Total half a cup of juice or a pair of inflorescences take care of health and longevity dear people.

As with almost any other vegetable, cauliflower contains gross dietary fiber. They work as a natural cleaner intestine, give a long a feeling of satiety. Because of this inflorescence are firmly entrenched in the diet will give Weight Watchers. And all this fun with a minimum of calories.

We must not forget that this vegetable is a group of hypoallergenic products. He is able to become a real salvation for those suffering from this disease. Cauliflower can be prepared a variety of dishes that will help brighten up not too varied and tasty diet allergy.

 cabbage recipe in breadcrumbs
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Preparation of inflorescences

Before embarking on experiments tempting, need to learn how to train inflorescences. The fact that the cabbage is often attacked by slugs and various bugs, and when it rains sprinkles dirt. For tasty and healthy dishes it is necessary to rid the head of all these shortcomings.

The first thing you need to thoroughly wash forks, of course, without detergent. You can use a soft brush. Then cut off the lower part of the legs, gently remove any remaining dirt with a knife and dark spots. If there is a suspicion that the inflorescences are bugs, you need to lower the cauliflower in salted cold water for 30 minutes, then catch all the "fugitives." After this head can be removed.

Depending on what you plan to continue to prepare and as indicated in the recipe, cabbage need to parse it into florets and leave intact and boil. Easy short welding makes the vegetable soft, removes it from foreign odors and ready for further cooking, such as frying in breadcrumbs.

Boil the cabbage as follows. The capacity of the appropriate size is necessary to pour the water, fill half the volume and bring it to a boil, add salt. In boiling water gently lowered inflorescence, allow to boil again and cook for 5-7 minutes. For longer cooking cabbage is tender and will only fit to grind into a puree.

After that you can remove half finished vegetable or recline in a colander and let drain. Now you are ready to cook a delicious dish called cauliflower au gratin.

 Different recipes
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Technology of preparation

By itself, cauliflower does not have a bright flavor, which means that lovers need to take care that the kitchen was attended by a variety of aromatic herbs and spices that "decorate" the proposed recipes.

Cook fragrant and tasty cauliflower gratin in three ways. They are quite simple, do not require special skills and always will gain fans.

  • Cooked vegetables for this recipe turns nutritious and wholesome. Need cooked florets, flour, eggs, spices, bread crumbs and frying oil. Cabbage need to prepare the proposed method, sprinkle with flour. Beat egg and breadcrumbs mixed with spices and pour into a deep bowl. Alternately, the inflorescence should be dipped in egg and breaded, spread in a pan with hot oil. Fry until a delicious crust. Serve should be served hot, but cooled down it is no less tasty.
  • The second recipe eliminates the need for frying, and thus, reduces caloric meals. We need trained inflorescence, egg, milk, flour, salt and spices, breadcrumbs. Milk, eggs, flour and herbs to cook the batter should be the consistency of thick cream. Alternately dip into it cabbage and roll it in breadcrumbs, spread on a baking sheet, the laid paper baking. Bake in oven at 200 ° C for about 20 minutes. Cooked cabbage for this recipe breaded turns juicy, flavorful and tender. And surprisingly non-nutritive.
  • You can make most tender cabbage casserole with a crispy crust of crumbs. Cooking will not take much time. It is necessary to boil the inflorescence and run them through a meat grinder. Mix the vegetable stuffing with egg, mix well, sprinkle with salt and spices. Put the resulting mass in a fireproof dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake 20 minutes in preheated oven well. Cooked cabbage for this recipe will not resemble the usual fried, which means that it will satisfy even the capricious gourmets that brooked no monotony.

Which recipe whatever was chosen, you can always be assured of a great result. Just a little effort - and the table will be delicious, fragrant, beautiful and very healthy dish.

 Appetizing Cauliflower Gratin

 Banana cake with apples


  • The fastest cake
  • When no hurry

Homemade cakes - is there anything more delicious fresh, fragrant pie or cake, freshly baked and still warm? And when is the creation of the fruit contains a thin crust of sweet dough, flavors interwoven, combining bizarre way, as thin letters in elegant arabesques.

When the cake hits the oven, there is some kind of magic: the smell is born, grows and blooms at the end of cooking, like a flower.

And then everything becomes clear that the cake is ready! It is time to drink tea. What surprised us the miracle oven this time? Aromas speak of cake with bananas and apples - wonderful union! Slightly sour apple, banana and exotic taste of the dough. Every time - more. And every time it will be a new taste.

 quick banana cake recipe with apples
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The fastest cake

This is the case if the dear guests did not bother to warn in advance of their arrival. Or did not know that they want to go. But they still are already on the threshold, which means that it is necessary to very quickly collect on the table.

Unusual cake of puff pastry

The refrigerator must be found:

  • ready-made puff pastry - 0, 5 kg;
  • medium apples, sweet-sour - 3 pcs .;
  • couple of bananas, it is not overripe;
  • egg - 1 pc .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp

If there is something for sprinkling (poppy, sesame, coconut) will be just fine.

  1. Turn on the oven. While form the pie, it just heats up to 180 ° C. Put the dough defrost in the microwave, and prepare your stuffing. Banana peel and cut into small cubes - about the size of a centimeter. From apples remove peel and quartered, remove the seed chambers. Cut apple pieces, such as large as and banana. Combine everything in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and gently mix.
  2. Roll out the dough layer about half a centimeter, so that you can cut into long strips the width of about 8 cm.
  3. Put the fruit along the strip in the middle. Long edges of the strip together, tightly zaschipyvaya them for dumplings. The ends of the "tubes" pinch carefully, so as not to lose the juice, which is released during baking.
  4. Baking tray lay a baking paper and place it in the center of a "tube", folded in the form of a snail or a spiral. Starting from the free end thereof, continue to wind the next coil tube, then another and another, until all are completed. Get more spiral cake.
  5. Beat the egg yolk a little fork. Greased cake, sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, coconut.
  6. Put the pan with the cake in the preheated oven for half an hour. Already half an hour something our guests will survive somehow. During this time, you can talk to them a little bit, trying to forget the cake in the oven.

Well, here he is ready. It should get a little cool it before being cut to the top softened golden brown and expensive to treat guests.

And what to do if there is no puff pastry?

In this case, we can offer guests an apple pie with bananas, prepared as Charlotte.
Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 and 3 banana apple;
  • 250 g of sugar;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • a cup of yogurt;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • flour - 1 cup or slightly more.

The oven should be included, she warmed up to 180-200 ° C.

  1. Prepare apples and bananas. Apple cut into large slices and banana - sliced ​​thick 0, 5 cm. Prepare and grease form.
  2. We create the dough: Mix the eggs with the sugar, baking soda dissolved in the yogurt and pour in the beaten eggs. Pour the flour and quickly bring to homogeneity. The dough should have, as a very thick cream, so the flour can be added if it turned liquid. It is important to knead the dough so as soon as possible: soda starts to react with the acid in the yogurt at once, and we risk losing all the carbon dioxide that would raise the dough and make it airy.
  3. The shape of the dough pour about half. Add to cut fruits and pour on top of the remains of the test. Put the cake in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

 a simple cake recipe with apples and bananas

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When no hurry

On Sunday afternoon, you can slowly make a cake with bananas and apples from yeast dough. Time it takes a little more preparation than Charlotte, but the cake will turn out quite different, for tea with the family.

In the dough for a good cake, which is enough for all, you need:

  • A tablespoon of dry yeast;
  • 1 cup of milk, not necessarily high-fat approach any;
  • 2 tbsp sugar and a large pinch of salt;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 200 g margarine or soft oil;
  • A little vegetable oil.
  • The yolk and a little milk to wash the cake.

Pastes prepared from 4 apples, bananas and 4 small amounts of sugar.

  1. First, prepare the yeast: a little milk needed to cast and heat until just warm to the touch, add to the dry yeast and a spoon of sugar. Leave the dishes in a warm place until the yeast does not rise until foamy "cap."
  2. Margarine mix the flour, salt and sugar to a state of crumbs. Flour is better not to pour all at once - sometimes quite less, always have time to add it later. Flour and margarine can be chopped with a knife to grind or chop hands all food processor: it does not affect the taste.
  3. Raise the yeast need to pour into flour crumbs. Then add to the warmed milk and knead the dough. Consistency was not to be very flexible, and that it is not stuck to the hands, arms need to pour a spoonful of vegetable oil. And it is a cross between a little dough, adding the remaining flour if it seems that it is not enough thick. Then put the bowl with the dough in a warm place to rise.
  4. While the dough is suitable, you can have time to prepare fruit for the filling: Peel the apples and seeds, cut into slices about the thickness of 0, 5 cm, banana peel and cut into slices the same thickness.
  5. Divide dough into 2 parts, so that one has turned out a little larger than the other. Most of the roll out slightly on floured board and place on a greased baking sheet. Stretch the dough so that it took the whole tray and formed bumpers. Put the dough on the fruit. The second part of the roll out dough and stretch on the board so that the dough has taken an area slightly smaller than the surface of the cake. Transfer the batter to the pan, covering stuffing. Just pulling the edge of the upper and lower parts to join them on the perimeter, zaschipyvaya weld toes. Make one or two holes in the lid of the cake, brush with egg yolk, whipped with milk.
  6. Turn the oven and heat it to 180 ° C. The cake will rise a bit in the meantime. Carefully put it in the oven for 30 minutes and bake until golden brown. If the cake starts to burn on top, and the time it was still not enough, cover it with foil and dopekat.

Ready pie better left ajar off the stove minutes on May 20. "rest". And only then it can be put on the table and call all the tea. With homemade fruit pies.

 Apples and bananas - delicious filling for a pie
