Mysterious East with its ancient traditions, interesting traditions, beautiful princesses and odalisques, known due east fairy tale, has always attracted the attention of European citizens. Now feel the mysterious oriental princess from the Arabian Nights can be every woman. To do this, it is enough to make a special make-up technique which oriental women have developed many centuries ago.
Classic oriental make-up - one of the most effective means of seduction, which is available for Arab beauties. Black clothes, hiding them from head to toe, left open only the eyes, a look that captivates with its beauty, causing the heart to flutter men who fall in love with them at first sight.
Make-up in the Arab style
Arabic style makeup suggests under a focus on the eyes, which use antimony oriental beauties liner of the lower eyelid. At the same time it is painted on the outermost line, creating a distinct contrast to the whites of the eyes. Eye color oriental women, there may be completely different: black, brown, gray, blue or green.
In addition, Oriental makeup requires a perfectly smooth complexion and seductive, but natural lips.
How to choose cosmetics for makeup Arab?
To the east, you can use makeup pearl and matt colors. In addition, Arab women use decorative sequins and rhinestones, which are applied to the eyelashes, temples, forehead or on the eyelids.
In order to emphasize the natural eye color, eye shadow should be chosen carefully. For the brown and black eyes is recommended to use a bright blue, dark blue, brown, green, yellow and blue for light to be perfect purple, pink, purple, gold and gray eyeshadow colors.
These shades can be used either separately or in combination, but it should be remembered that in the Arab makeup must be present black color that is dominant.
Arabic makeup does not include a special emphasis on the lips, so you should choose a moisturizing lipstick or gloss without pearlescent in natural warm colors. Ideal lipstick shades of beige, pale pink or caramel color. You can also use brown lipstick, but not too dark.
Since Arabic makeup is designed to highlight the eyes, the complexion should be perfectly flat. If you have facial skin is light, you must choose a concealer shade of matte ivory silky effect.
Correction of eyebrows
Beautiful makeup in the Arab style, is unthinkable without the spectacular eyebrows. Eyebrows may be of any thickness, but more importantly, to their line was plastic and very clear, because of their condition and beauty depends on the effect of the Arab makeup. By creating a line of eyebrows, do not allow any excess protruding hair that can ruin their appearance orderly makeup.
The tone of the face in the Arab makeup
Arabic makeup, as well as make any other style begins with the application of foundation. To create the eastern makeup perfectly smooth skin tone is important, and so any redness or pimples, as well as an unhealthy complexion can reduce all efforts to nothing, and the bright Arabic makeup for brown eyes looks vulgar.
Women with a light skin type is not recommended for use in the style of tonal resources of the southern beach. For them, the ideal would be bright colors - ivory. As a result, the skin will look as natural and is the perfect backdrop for the bright eye makeup.
Blush in the Arab makeup should not be used, so that nothing distracts attention from the beautifully made-up eyes.
Eye makeup in the Arab style
In the next step, which requires very hard work, stand eye using certain techniques. To do this, use two shades of color. You can add a third, but it should be applied subtle point highlights.
Creating make-up in an oriental style, it is necessary to forget about the traditional twin shadows similar shades. It is necessary to use a shade or two bright colors to choose a bright color, and the other a cleaner, for example, the shade of white, brown or gray color.
Personal eye make-up - stick technology application of cosmetics: one color together with the liner surrounds the eye, and the second, as a subsidiary, is superimposed on the upper eyelid under the eyebrow. Subsidiary color shades is still possible, if desired, cover the lower eyelid slightly below the base color.
Remember, if the Arab makeup you use several colors, superimposing them, you need to create a smooth transition from one color to another.
Initially, the eye shadow is applied to the background color, which is shaded to the eyebrows. Then his eyes in the east stand black pencil or liquid eyeliner that simulates the use of antimony.
Obligatory attribute of Arab makeup are arrows. They can both fully follow the contour of the eye and form a bold rays that go far beyond the outer corner. In order to draw their eyeliner or pencil, you need the most carefully cut around the eye on the lash line on the upper and lower eyelid. This allows you to give your eyes an almond shape characteristic of Arab makeup.
Thereafter, the movable lid applied primary color shade. They can go down to the lower eyelid, to act behind the outer corner of the eye, thereby changing the shape of the eye. It all depends on your taste and skill in creating makeup. Shadow should be applied with a broad brush that allows you to get easy Arabic makeup without feeling artificial.
At the final stage the classic eye makeup in the Arab style, color eyelashes completed. Ink is applied in several layers. Before each layer is applied, it is necessary to wait until dries already done. For the lower eyelashes enough to one carcass layer in black.
Learning Arabic makeup lesson laborious, however, mastered the basic skills, study all its secrets, you can shine on a romantic date, or celebration event, drawing his gaze all the male half of the invited guests.