how to transplant ficus

Ficus is perhaps the most ideal plants to decorate the home. There are hundreds of species of figs and let the house can grow a little more than twenty varieties, some of them are actually plants for every taste - evergreen and shed their leaves, large and small, whose leaves come in all shapes and colors.

One of the most popular types - Ficus benjamina. This small-leaved tree with slender shoots, which can be shaped as you like, even a "braid" in a pigtail. Ficus Benjamin characterized by a variety of form and color of the leaves. This gentle, beautiful and capricious plant, which with proper care can be a long time to decorate your home. Among the popular species of figs have ampelnye (they are very difficult to grow, as they die at the slightest lack of moisture), bottle (trunks of these plants accumulate moisture, so similar to the bottle) and deciduous (they shed their leaves in winter or before the drought).

 ficus transplant

How to replant rubber plants

To begin with talk about the general principles of cultivation of figs. These plants do not like the cold, winter temperature in the room in which the ficus, should not fall below seventeen degrees Celsius in summer rise above thirty. Bottle rubber plants do not like direct sunlight, and the Ficus benjamina with light foliage makes sense to put in a sunny place, than the tree with dark leaves.

Rubber plants should be watered frequently, well supernatant water. But do not overdo this. When transferring plants from one place to put it the same side to the light, as in the previous location, or they can throw leaves or get sick. About care ficus can talk a lot, but I would like to stay on a very important issue - how to carry out a transplant ficus.

First of all, when these plants can be transplanted? It is recommended to do it very late winter (late February - early March). Young rubber plants should be transplanted every year, adult trees - every two or three years, all the old plants can be replaced every five to six years. It must be remembered that these plants prefer to close the pots, so every time the diameter of a new container of your pet should be increased only by a few centimeters.

Some issues causing large ficus transplant - are giants in pots with a diameter of more than fifty centimeters. They certainly did not get the correct method of handling transplant, so you can rotate each year the top three centimeters of the soil by adding organic fertilizer.

Perhaps your Ficus need urgent transfer in case, after watering if the soil dries out too quickly, the roots of the whole earth braided com or look out of the drainage holes. These signs indicate that your plant pot small. When something like this happens, take the bigger capacity the previous two to three centimeters and proceed to transplant. Better, of course, do so in the appropriate season. In winter, the ficus is in a state of rest, he is weakened, so it is better to keep.

The first step is new to the bottom of the pot, the diameter of which must be greater than the previous three or four, up to five or six centimeters necessary to lay drainage, so that the layer thickness of a half to two centimeters. You can use a concrete block, clay shards or pebbles, depending on your preference. After that, the drainage is necessary to lay a special soil mix with a thin layer (this can be a versatile mixture with the addition of perlite or river sand), set the earthen room ficus and fall asleep in the new pot substrate. At this moment we should stay a little more.

For starters, keep in mind that one day before handling the plant should be watered so earthen room will be less to fall apart. So, beds a newspaper on the table or on the floor, put her pot ficus carefully Tap the palm of his hand, or push through the drainage holes with a wooden stick. Extract with the roots of the plant container.

At this stage, it should carefully examine. Healthy roots are tight and firm, not limp in his hands, but, alas, can break. There is no single color, typical for healthy roots, they can be white, yellowish, brown or beige. If necessary, remove the sick rotten roots and dry and treat with a fungicide sections. Make sure that the plant is part of the height of the selected pot, set it back and carefully pour the substrate between the walls and the root system.

The method for handling figs preferred, but there are situations where it is not suitable. If, for example, bought a young plant, and it grows in peat or peat coke substrate, the transplant will need to remove part of the substrate, as it is intended for transportation of plants, but not for cultivation. In such cases, there are several problems associated with the distribution of roots in the new pot - in any case can not let them buckle.

First of all, remove the excess substrate, try not to damage the roots, remove diseased portions of the root system and process sections. Holding the plant so that the roots do not fit on the bottom, gently fill the pot pochvosmesi. Plant must be transplanted into a new container positioned at the same height as in the previous one.

Keep in mind that for the ficus transplant - is always stressful, so do not worry if the plant will begin to shed their leaves and slow growth. In this case, spray it twice a day, and watering only when the ground will dry up. To reduce the stress of any ficus transplant, be it rubber, deciduous or some still need to carry out the method of handling, but, as mentioned above, in case of emergency, you can resort to a simple "direct" transplant.

The method of handling at all relevant to young plants and plants that can not tolerate any operations with the root system. The advantage of handling consists in the fact that the plant does not have to expend energy to restore lost parts, it gets the nutrients without damage, besides handling can be carried out during the flowering plants. Alas, all good, the handling has some drawbacks. It is necessary to produce a more often than normal transplant, because in this way the volume of the pots grow slightly.

As you can see, you can replant ficus, having a minimal understanding of the process, a number of factors need to be considered and to be extremely careful. We are confident that you will succeed!

 As transplanted ficus easy and simple

 Why dry ficus

Ficus - a tree that belongs to the family of mulberry. The primary part of the plant species are considered to be evergreen, but there are also deciduous ficus. The fig tree, which is also called figs and figs - is the most popular form of such plants, but today we look Ficus benjamina - ideal for home cultivation.

But first a few words about the tree. Ficus hails from the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, which is why he prefers a tropical climate with a good humidity. Meet the rubber plants can be in southern Africa and the Mediterranean, where the climate is more moderate. But in the Crimea and the Caucasus, we can see ficus fig tree, which bears fruit in such perfectly comfortable warm conditions.

Ficus - tree useful, which today is very much where it is used. For example, a variety elliptica and elastica used to produce rubber in Ecuador and Brazil. But carica, rumphii and religiosa different high sugar content - namely, fructose and sucrose. That is why the fruits of figs have become an integral component of national cuisines from around the world. In central Africa and Mexico ficus used to create roofs and canopies, on the basis of raw materials from figs sew clothes. As you can see, this plant is truly unique!

Ficus has a soft and smooth glossy leaves are generally round shape, peel them very thin. The tips of the leaves a little pointed. In general, the foliage may be between five to thirteen centimeters of width - from two to six. The stalk is about half the width of the sheet.

Now you have an idea of ​​Ficus. And now let's talk about how to take care of it.

 dry leaves of the ficus

Ficus Benjamin: the right care

From the outset, it should be said that if you properly care for ficus in the home, it can reach as much as three meters in height! We can not say that Benjamin especially picky about temperature, after his usual habitat can not please the ideal climate. What is important is to try to maintain the same indoor temperature that suits the human body. Often, however, you will notice that dries and drops ficus leaves - why it happens and how to avoid the death of the plant? Everything in order.

  • Provide comfort Ficus

For example, in the summer for the Ficus benjamina is the ideal temperature of twenty-five to thirty degrees, which is quite possible to ensure that the plant in the hot season, when the window is not less than twenty-five degrees. But winter is the tree should be in an environment where the temperature of fifteen to twenty degrees, which, in general, is not a problem. Move the pot ficus in a cool place - and leaves and measles system will feel more comfortable.

  • Adequate lighting

If the temperature is not very picky about Benjamin, something about the lighting did not say - ficus here needs a special approach. Leaves of the plant are bright and colorful enough, but because of the shortage of light can lose its rich green color and glossy shine. Of course, avoid constant contact with Ficus direct sunlight, but provide a good ambient light wood or slightly pritenit it. Then the leaves will not wither, turn yellow and curl.

  • Soil and watering ficus

Competent watering and properly selected the ground are important in the care of Ficus benjamina. Make sure the soil does not supercool and do not dry out. The optimum soil temperature is considered to fourteen degrees. Then ficus get maximum energy and nutrients from the soil and the leaves do not lose color.

Some experts recommend watering Ficus benjamina water whose temperature reaches fifty degrees. It was under such watering the root system of the tree better accept all the nutrients, and growth will be rapid ficus. Importantly, do not heat the water to a higher temperature.

Best of all, if you think over the special schedule of watering your Ficus benjamina, especially if you notice that the tree is dry and the leaves began to twist - this is the first alarm. Because the amount of water that has been absorbed by the plant, which is closely related to other factors, for example, with temperature control and lighting, as well as humidity. In the case of plants, the same rule is valid, and that the man - eating and drinking should be literate and rational, otherwise problems will arise.

Determine when ficus needs watering, is not difficult - it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the soil. Pour the tree only when it is required, otherwise rot can provoke plant's root system and spoil the leaves. On average, Ficus watered once a week in winter, but in summer watering speeds up because of the heat. In some cases, it is recommended to omit a pot ficus in the water - it will help the soil absorb the right amount of liquid.

  • Suitable humidity

Of course, then, what will be the tree and the leaves depends on the parameters of humidity. Growing ficus, the level of humidity is necessary to pay special attention. Again, in the summer, when the Ficus needs more water and moisture, try to plant as much as possible to ensure high humidity, which must come from without, and from the soil.

Do not forget that you need to spray the leaves additionally arranging Ficus real shower. This will ensure rich green foliage color and brightness. Spraying is best done with a soft boiled water. Avoid drafts in the room, placing the ficus in a calm quiet place.

  • Hygiene and pest control

Like all plants, ficus occasionally suffers from pests such as aphids, mealybug and Jose scale. As soon as you notice any signs remaining after the defeat of a threat, rinse the leaves with soapy sponge and buy in a store designed for figs antibacterial complexes. Affected leaves of the tree required to remove - they can not be saved, and the infection may move to the next foliage.

Be sure to rub the leaves of dust, or Ficus benjamina darkened considerably and will not be able to obtain all the required external components and useful substances, and its leaves begin to wither. Take care about the environment ficus, not forgetting the fact that it depends on the state, whether the plant is healthy or is it more dry.

Perhaps it's all the basic rules that are important to know the people involved in the cultivation of Ficus Benjamin in a city apartment. By following all the requirements articulated above, you can grow a tree of incredible beauty that is not just refresh your apartment, but also significantly decorate the interior with its bright green leaves. It will be healthy and never dry up!

 Why dry ficus: Tips for growing plants
