Atrophic gastritis - is one form of the disease occurs in about 20% of all cases of gastritis. Moreover, this form - one of the most serious concern to the doctors gastroenterologists. In atrophic gastritis is a strong gastric mucosal thinning, atrophy gland responsible for the production of gastric juice.
Another very unpleasant phenomenon accompanying atrophic gastritis - a disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system of the sick person. This happens for several reasons. Firstly, disrupted production of immunoglobulin A. Secondly, specific antibodies are produced that are starting to destroy the cells of the gastric glands. Indeed, that is why happens thinning of the gastric mucosa - this is an atrophic process.
Home pathological process of atrophy occurs at the bottom of the stomach, as this is where the parietal cells are located. After damaging them is a violation of the production of such components of gastric juice as pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid, which are directly involved in the process of digestion.
Moreover, once the process begins, there is even greater gastric mucosal injury food. Accordingly, the greater the injured area - an area greater atrophy. It turns out a kind of vicious circle, which break without treatment you are unlikely to succeed.
Furthermore, in atrophic gastritis in greatly reduced number gastromukoproteina - gastric enzyme responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12. A sharp decrease in the content in the body of this vitamin leads to the development of B12-deficiency anemia defetsitnoy. While still only a superficial gastritis, the problem is almost no notice, but then it can result in serious complications. This is especially true in those cases when gastritis occurs with high acidity.
Reasons for the development of atrophic gastritis
No smoke without fire, there is no reason of disease, provoking its development. This is true for atrophic gastritis. Even though doctors can not unequivocally say it may provoke the development of this disease - it reliably establish the science has not yet succeeded. Nevertheless, a number of causes that increase the risk of atrophic gastritis, nevertheless sounded:
The use of aggressive food
In order to initiate the development of the pathological process, it is necessary negative impact on the gastric mucosa. And very often such an irritating factor is food. Hot, spicy, too hot and too cold, poorly chewed - it can greatly harm the state of the stomach.
Poisoning by chemicals
Sometimes it happens that falls into the cavity of the stomach is a chemical. Whether it is an alkali or acid - a violent chemical reaction can not be avoided. Do not believe? It can be seen in practice. Add a drop of water in a glass of vinegar and a pinch of baking soda - will begin active chemical process. And in the stomach takes place all the same.
And that it can cause the development of atrophic gastritis. By the way, very careful we should be the people who are engaged in the business have to constantly contact with toxic substances. Of course, no one says that you will drink these substances. But remember that the inhalation air to the particles of these materials are deposited in the oral cavity. So, swallows, and into the stomach. By the way, just as you can earn and erosive gastritis.
Bad habits
Perhaps no one needs to explain that nicotine and alcohol have a strong irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. By the way, this also applies to coffee and fizzy drinks - they also injure the mucosa and can trigger the development of atrophic gastritis. Many smokers often say at the symptoms of gastritis, at least periodically.
Reflux - a throw back to the intestinal contents into the stomach. What happens in this case is not difficult to imagine. Reflux with a very high degree of probability can cause the development of atrophic gastritis with high acidity.
In some cases, cause irritation of the subsequent injury to the gastric mucosa becomes a long-term use of certain medications. If you are forced to undergo medical treatment, take all measures to prevent the development of gastritis. And if the pain is still there, as soon as possible inform your doctor. You may need to consult a doctor-gastroenterologist.
Symptoms of chronic atrophic gastritis
Chronic atrophic gastritis can be a very long time to flow virtually asymptomatic, up to a certain stage of progression until it superficial. After that, the sick person begin to appear the following symptoms:
Heaviness in the stomach
Sick people have noted that the severity of the stomach becomes their habitual companion. It is enough to just eat a piece of bread or a few spoonfuls of soup as strong a feeling of fullness, as if after a heavy meal. Discomfort pronounced.
Incidentally, this is why people often suffering from chronic atrophic gastritis, sooner or later begin to lose weight. Lovely woman, it is not a guide to action and not an occasion for joy. It is lost in this way will have extra weight is too high a price. Then have long treated.
Belching and heartburn
As the disease in a human patient are increasingly appears burping, most often with a sour taste. This happens shortly after each meal. In addition to belch sick person can annoy severe heartburn, not passing a long time even after taking medicines. By the way, and belching, and heartburn - signs that the proceeds atrophic gastritis with high acidity.
Bowel problems
Because of the overall process of digestion disorders occur outages intestine. Sick people often complain of symptoms such as constant gurgling and rumbling. Often broken chair - constipation is replaced by diarrhea, and vice versa. Moreover, such violations may result in even a superficial gastritis with low acidity.
The deterioration of general condition
Suffice it suffers greatly, and overall health. As soon as the disease will develop, will be the increasing deterioration of the absorption of various nutrients, vitamins and minerals. As a result, developing a vitamin deficiency and anemia, not only B12, and iron - all symptoms are quite obviously.
Lack of vitamin C leads to weakened immunity, bleeding gums, lack of vitamin A can be blamed for the deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, as well as reduced vision. The man begins to experience symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, tired quickly. At first, all this is very moderate, but gradually the patient's condition deteriorating human.
As you can see, the pain is the latest in a list of symptoms of atrophic gastritis. It is not surprising because, despite all the other symptoms of pain for this type of gastritis are not typical. And if there is pain and then for a short time. She is drawing a blunt character localized in the epigastric region.
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases
In order to choose the right treatment, the physician must reliably diagnose the disease. Because these symptoms are observed in a number of other species gastritis. And each type of gastritis requires its own individual approach and treatment. For example, the surface and erosive gastritis treated equally fail.
To diagnose the doctor will prescribe a sick person a number of studies:
X-ray examination of the stomach
Fibrogastroduadenoskopicheskoe examination of the stomach
Determining the level of acidity of gastric juice
Immunological blood tests
On the basis of these data, the doctor will evaluate objectively sick person, will determine the stage of the disease and the condition of the gastric mucosa. And only then will choose an individual course of treatment.
And the first thing that is necessary for the successful treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis - a therapeutic diet. If the power is wrong, do not hope and efficient treatment. In the period of acute illness the sick person should receive gentle food - should not be happening any mechanical or thermal stimulation of the gastric mucosa.
Pay careful attention to the consistency of food - it should be thoroughly milled without any coarse particles. The finished product can be either steamed or boiled, or baked in the oven - of course, without the fat. Before use, all meals must be carefully grind, to puree the state.
In no case is inadmissible to use cold or hot dishes - and the high and low temperatures is very annoying and injure the gastric mucosa. Ideally, all the food intended for a person with acute exacerbation of chronic atrophic gastritis, it should be at room temperature. Yes, and without exacerbation, strictly speaking, the abuse of rough, cold or hot food is still not worth it - it needs to be lukewarm.
Notice the list is strictly forbidden products. Their use is unacceptable under any pretext, as will provoke even greater deterioration of the sick person. So:
Sharp, salted, smoked, and acidic foods
Products containing preservatives and artificial colorants
Carbohydrate - usually sweets: chocolate, sweets, cakes
Carbonated and alcoholic and caffeinated beverages
And all of these products people with chronic atrophic gastritis, and must be abandoned outside the period of exacerbation. Since these products can themselves trigger the development of an exacerbation. Therefore, better to give preference to the following products:
Boiled meat, fish and poultry - only low-fat varieties of
The thermally processed fruits and vegetables
Thick mucous soups, porridge good razvaristye
Jelly, jelly and mousse
Fruit juices - with low acidity
Still mineral water, unsweetened fruit drinks, cocoa
Traditional recipes
In that case, if you have chronic atrophic gastritis, you can try to cure his folk remedies. Of course, in any case, one can not ignore the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis, your doctor orders. But you can perfectly combine the one and the other treatment. Of course, if the doctor gave his permission.
Sea buckthorn oil
For the treatment of atrophic gastritis with acidity of gastric juice has been successfully used sea buckthorn oil. It is better to use a ready-made, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Dosing is very simple - dilute in half a glass of warm milk two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil. Drink this mixture should be in the morning, on an empty stomach. Treatment should continue for at least one month. Thus it is possible to cure even the most neglected gastritis.
By the way, this tool is very well helps with severe heartburn, which is very often the case with people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. Just a little increase the concentration of sea buckthorn oil - up to three teaspoons. But be prepared for the fact that the chair may slightly soften.
Pharmacy daisy
Chamomile has many useful properties - it is used to treat a very large number of diseases. And our gastritis - with both low and high acidity with - also you can try to cure with the help of a decoction of chamomile. A sick man with high acidity also can get rid of heartburn by using chamomile.
To prepare the broth, place in an enamel pan three tablespoons of dried chamomile blossoms, fill with one liter of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Then wrap the pot with a towel and leave to infuse for two hours. In the event that gastritis with low acidity, can add five tablespoons of any of honey - it perfectly removes inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
In the same case, if gastritis with high acidity, honey added in any case it is impossible, as it may provoke severe heartburn. Moreover - in gastritis with high acidity, you can prepare a decoction of milk. It is prepared in the same way, only need to store it in the refrigerator. Take a decoction three times a day, half an hour before meals. A low acidity at - immediately before meal.
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