Who is he - a man who regularly face barriers in communication?
Difficulties in communication and life situation
How to understand that there was a barrier in communication?
How to overcome difficulties in communication?
Community long since become an integral part of our lives. At work, at school, in public transport, at home, on the internet - so who knows where else! It takes the lion's share of our time. And all would be nothing if not for communication barriers. It is they, these annoying noise prevent us enjoy it and benefit. These barriers arise in various situations and in virtually every man. Therefore, in order to achieve success in life, you need a good understanding of what are the barriers of communication and ways of overcoming them.
What are the difficulties in communication?
Probably, each of you is a feeling that the other person supposedly protected by erecting an invisible wall between you. This wall is that notorious barrier. Where did they come from? Barriers of communication appear in our lives for different reasons - usually a close interweaving of the features of our characters and situations. And, sometimes, you will not understand who or what this fault.
As mentioned above, the problems of communication in different situations faced by virtually everyone, regardless of their gender, age, social status, values and attitudes. This can only mean one thing - the reasons for which there are communication barriers, different, and they are present in every human life.
These reasons can not be realized or realized by communicating people. From this depends largely on how quickly these people notice that they have a problem, they understand what they were kind and finally be able to solve them. Incidentally, the communication barriers may even be contrived by one or several people - and even enough to failure in cooperation with each other.
It must be said that some barriers may be more likely to occur in certain people in certain situations. They can be characterized by a particular gender, age, profession, nationality, culture, situation. Each of these laws is worthy of separate consideration, but we will not do this as part of our articles.
So, what are the main types of barriers in communication?
The barriers of communication. This communication barriers associated with the exchange of information between the interlocutors in the dialogue. What are they?
Semantic barrier. He gets in your way when you and your partner at the same concepts mean different things. Such a barrier there are almost always and everywhere, because we have a very different understanding of many things. For example, one girl a good husband - is the one who loves her and cares about her, earns enough money, wants a child, likes to spend time with her; but for the other - the one who rarely drinks and seldom beats her. Therefore, speaking on the same topic - "what are all men equal! '- They really are talking about different things, and could face a lack of understanding of each other. In order to break this barrier is necessary to have a good understanding of the partner and his view of the world - those meanings, which he invests in a variety of concepts. In the case of possible inaccuracies always explains in detail what you have in mind, and try to use clear interlocutor for words and phrases.
A logical barrier. In fact, this inability to express their thoughts. In a speech of a man confused cause and effect relationship, there is a substitution of concepts. Or it can be difficult to find words for the complex thoughts that run through his mind. If you encounter such a companion, the patient: listen to it very carefully and ask questions - it will help you get the necessary information. If such a feature of the sin yourself, it is best to try to get rid of it. Listen to express their thoughts good speakers or writers, read a textbook on logic, sign up for courses oratorical skill or simply ask friends to give you feedback on the recommendations - any of these options will help you become more attractive interlocutor.
Phonetic barrier. This is a bad technique of speech - it is not clear what the source says, and it makes it difficult to perceive the information. If you are interested in dealing with this person, you have several options. In formal or business communication, you have to adapt to his way of speaking, sometimes in peresprashivaya unclear point. When informal or companionship you can in a gentle manner to convey to the recipient that you find it difficult to understand him because of some peculiarities of his speech. Ask it possible to adjust to you, and adjust them.
Modalnostny barrier. All information we receive from the world through the five senses, but one of them is a priority. This is your modality. For example, people with visual modality learn best seen through the information, but heard - much worse. Knowing this, try to go to determine the modality of your companion and use this: a visual show graphs and charts with audialom play voice, and to kinestetiku often touch and show all "on the fingers". Use the relevant verbs in the speech - for example, "see", "hear" or "feel".
Personal barrier. We each have a character and some of its features could someone not happy. But someone has these features are so sharp, that his character could be a barrier to communication. This may be due to the ignorance of their features or lack of self-control. For example, excessive tardiness or, conversely, annoying fussiness may be partners in communication. If you are faced with such a person, try to communicate their discomfort and ask for it to be slower or faster. Well, try to perceive their own disadvantages, as for someone, and they can also be a barrier.
Barriers interaction. It barriers associated with the interaction with the person during the communication and emerging because of dissatisfaction with the behavior of the communication partner. Typically, the positions of the interlocutors, there are significant differences.
Motivational barrier. It arises when the partners in dialogue various motives coming into contact. For example, you want support from a friend, and she wants you to discuss her new dress. In this case, you may encounter a lack of understanding and even quarrel. To avoid this, be a useful time to designate their own motives: "You know, now I really need you to support me, and then discuss the dress."
Barrier incompetence. Often found in working together. You can annoy incompetent partner, when he begins to speak to you the obvious stupidity. It causes feelings of anger, frustration and lost time. Options have two - or gradually push him to a deeper understanding of the issue (for example, gently explain something) or collapse chat. Choice - for you, and it depends on your goals.
Ethical barrier. It arises in a situation incompatible moral positions of partners in communication. The main thing - do not try to re-educate or the ridicule of your interlocutor. It is much more correct to minimize communication or try to find a compromise, especially if you have some important common goal.
Barrier communication styles. Each of us has his own unique style. It depends on the temperament, character, education, occupation and other factors. As a rule, it formed a long time, and then it becomes difficult to change. The style of communication includes the main motive (why you are communicating - affirmation, support, etc ...), the attitude towards others (kindness, tolerance, violence ...), the attitude towards themselves and the nature of human exposure (pressure, manipulation, persuasion and etc ...). The most common style of communication of another person, we have to just accept, because it is difficult to change, and it is often necessary to communicate.
The barriers of understanding and perception. It barriers of perception and knowledge of each other, and with the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.
The aesthetic barrier. It arises when we do not like the look of the source. For its origin has different causes, for example, if it is untidy or slovenly dressed or annoys us something about his appearance. Do not think about it is difficult, but necessary, as this contact may be very important for us.
Social barriers. The reason for the difficulties in communication can be a different social status of partners. However, it is important to remember that the appearance of such a barrier is primarily due to the settings in the minds of the interlocutors. If they attach importance to the social status of each other and for them it can be a hindrance, it is able to complicate communication. But for many situations the status is unimportant - for example, for a discussion of some of your favorite activities or support each other.
The barrier of negative emotions. Agree, pretty hard to deal with upset or angry person. Many of us tend to take these emotions into your account (at least partly). It is important to remember that often the cause of a bad mood interlocutor lies in some other things - environment in the family, problems at work or personal crisis. However, if negative emotions interlocutor significantly impede conversation, it is better to postpone for another time.
A barrier installation. Very often, communication is complicated, if your partner is initially not very good opinion of you. In most cases, the right thing would be to discuss this question and honestly ask the interlocutor, to try to explain to him that he is mistaken. In situations where this is not possible, just try to take this into account and build to build their communication partner accurately enough. As it will take some time and he will realize that his installation is not supported by anything, it may disappear by itself.
Barrier "double". It lies in the fact that we could not help thinking of our interlocutor as herself: ascribe to him our views and opinions, and expect from him the same acts, which themselves have committed. But it is different! It is important not to forget about it and try to perceive and remember all that distinguishes it from us.
Rudeness and ignorance. All we are confronted with people who are simply bad education. Sometimes this treatment is necessary simply to endure, especially when the person does not respond to comments. It is very important in this situation to be polite - sometimes this in itself can stop being rude. Remember that in dealing with such a person you have a purpose, and this is clearly not the desire to put it into place.
The inability to listen. It manifests itself in a lack of interest in what you say, an effort to talk about himself or constant heckling. If you are in this situation, blood from the nose is necessary to listen to you, try to talk better. Use a variety of ways to attract attention: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, the basics of NLP.
Who is he - a man who regularly face barriers in communication?
We told you about the main barriers to the fruitful dialogue of people. But have you noticed that some people are constantly having some difficulties associated with communication, and to the other all goes like clockwork? Indeed, there are character types, which greatly complicate the interaction with other people. As a rule, such a person behaves in a similar way in completely different situations. And then he also complains about the fact that nobody wants to communicate with him. In this case, as the barrier serves to communicate the identity of the person.
What are the main features of this nature? First of all, it must be said about such features as global distrust. Such a person does not trust neither myself nor the people nor the world in general. He was suspicious and opposed others. As a rule, it achieves its goals through other people. At the same time it is often torn apart by internal contradictions, he is not very conscious. A man unlucky in communication, characterized by self-centeredness, a tendency to authoritarianism and manipulation.
He loves when his praise when he gets what he wanted for a long time. It has proprietary features. If his desires are not met, he was angry, but almost never help other people achieve their goals and do not sympathize with them. Such a person is emotionally unstable, and he often changes the mood. Surrounding describe him as irritable and short-tempered, but inwardly cold. He often experienced negative emotions and has a low level of self-control.
This man is a poor understanding of others and their feelings. It is insensitive to what is happening to them, has a low insight and observation. He can not understand what the other party may be important to something else or that he's different understanding of the meaning of this or that phrase. Often it is not able to predict and estimate the future. He is characterized by shyness, isolation, insecurity, alienation, passivity, lack of initiative. Normally, such a person is intolerant of poorly educated and ignorant. He thinks very rigid categories and framework surrounding reality and should not go beyond them. He has plenty of stereotypes. He was envious at the same time, conceited. A lot of what to expect from other people prone to outbreaks of jealousy.
He was not able to substantiate their statements for them to choose an adequate form, to establish and to terminate the contact with others. Unlucky in communication, a person can not give a good feedback. He talks a lot and little listening, occasionally makes unacceptably long pauses in speech, likes to interrupt interlocutors and then "retard" (due to the fact that his vocabulary is not consistent with what he wants to say). For him, often incomprehensible social norms - it can not keep your distance, prone to blackmail, lies, pressure and aggression. The most common communication uses the following strategies: protection and avoidance of communication, the depreciation of the opinions of others and aggression, control, or other excessive formalism. Such a person can be described as immature, infantile, and sometimes immoral.
Typically, this person is not very happy with his life and success. Any failure caused him anger and aggression, so that he often tries to achieve its goals by some immoral ways. He does not value himself or others. He lacks the ability to truly love and start a relationship, so it is not usually friends and relatives.
Indeed, we have drawn a psychological portrait of the horrors and recalls the image of a criminal or outcast. But in a certain sense, this is true. Persistent difficulties in communication - it is a symptom that a person is something wrong inside him. But not sure he will be all of the above features and characteristics. The psychological portrait, painted above, gatherers, and it includes a great variety of different people with a common problem. So in life you can only observe some individual features and characteristics.
Difficulties in communication and life situation
However, everything depends not only on the personality and character of the person. There are situations in which almost every one of us becomes uncomfortable. This is reflected in all our behavior, including on dealing with other people. In this case the barrier is a situation cause discomfort, and its features.
Once in such circumstances, all the participants feel uncomfortable communicating. Someone realizes it more, and someone - to a lesser extent. If it is, they just do not feel it - accidentally or specifically, they interfere with each other to satisfy their desire and achieve the purpose of communication. As a result of all this experience, they are angry, do not understand each other and generally tense. This happens most often in situations limit, failure, accusations and insults (which, in general, it is not surprising).
On the one hand, it affects the collective memory. Mankind in general and the people of Russia in particular have repeatedly experienced suppression, repression, war, famine. Therefore, insults, accusations, restrictions and disclaimers very clearly imprinted in the minds of people who subsequently increasingly use them to solve the conflict, overcome obstacles, gain power and even the search for happiness. It becomes a viable way of response of an entire people, speaking in global terms.
On the other hand, the presence of a negative memory becomes unnecessary when we have so richly represented the culture of aggression. Probably, each of you would agree that in today's society aggression is paid a lot of attention.