causes bending of the uterus


  • Types of bending of the uterus
  • Bend the uterus: Causes
  • Possible symptoms
  • How to treat retroflection?

Nearly 1/4 of women are faced with such a problem, as the bending of the uterus. Most often, they know about it at the planning stage of pregnancy, since due to this disease can not conceive. This problem is detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist, he decides how to treat the bend. There may be various options for the location of abnormal uterus in the pelvis.

Bend the cervix, or retroversion - deviation of the body of the uterus from its normal position. Normally it and its neck should be positioned at an obtuse angle to each other. If this angle is acute, then it comes to Bend. The correct anatomical position of the uterus nature intended, on the way to the sperm did not meet the extra obstacles. That is why the bending of the uterus prevents many women from getting pregnant.
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Types of bending of the uterus

  • Retroflection. In this case, the body of the uterus to move back to the rectum.
  • Antefleksiya. This refers to a small bending of the uterus forward to the bladder. If a woman has not given birth, such a situation is normal for her, and after birth in most cases, authorities are taking the correct position.
  • Leterofleksiya. With such a pathology of the uterus body is bent to the left or to the right to one of the ovaries.
  • Anteverziya. Similar to antefleksiey difference lies in the fact that the cervix is ​​in this case deflected together with the body of the uterus.

 Diagnosis of the disease

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Bend the uterus: Causes

Retroflection - it is often congenital abnormality, which is caused by sexual infantilism.

If you have this pathology at birth, then, as a rule, reproductive functions will not be affected. If this anomaly is acquired, then you need to seriously engage in their own health.

A common cause of acquired bend of the uterus - inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system (inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, and others). This may also include various tumors of the uterus and ovaries. There are cases where the cause of the pathology becomes stronger physical exertion.

Bending of the uterus can be fixed or mobile. Moving occurs most often after birth or is a consequence of disease, may also occur due to rapid weight loss. Fixed the bend becomes the result of inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Very important is what the constitution of the body is a woman. Most often bend the cervix occurs in young women, is lightweight, poorly developed muscles and skeletons, having an elongated thorax, in other words, asthenic build. Women of this type are often excessively emotional and irritable, they have observed the development of infantile sexual organs. The complex causes of provoking a decrease in muscle tone and ligament of the uterus.
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Possible symptoms

In this pathology manifested standard symptoms of disease of the reproductive system of women. The key can be considered abundant and painful menstruation accompanied by constipation and belyami, and discomfort during intercourse. If you antefleksiya and anteverziya, one of the symptoms can be frequent urination, because Improper positioning of the uterus puts pressure on the bladder.

If the bending of the uterus is acquired as a result of inflammatory disease and adhesions formed, will have problems in conceiving a child, t. To. The sperm will not be able to reach the egg. If you would still be able to get pregnant, there is a greater chance of miscarriage.

 Gymnastics for the treatment of uterine Bend
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How to treat retroflection?

After the necessary research gynecologist prescribes treatment, if appropriate. The most common treatment is not necessary if a woman bending of the uterus does not cause trouble. She just needs to visit the doctor periodically and watch your health.

If you have defined the diagnosis of bending of the uterus, in any case it is necessary to revise the diet, and even desirable to adopt a course of vitamins. It is extremely important, and physical activity. You can recommend exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and Kegel exercises. Therapeutic exercises should be done in an intensive pace, but at the same time not to overload the muscles.

A good action has a healing gynecological massage, it is optimal to combine with jet irrigation water (30-32 ° C), perineum and vagina. Treatment with massage increases blood circulation, increases the overall tone of the uterus, strengthens ligaments.

In certain cases, the doctor may remove this anomaly by a fairly simple operation. But the cause of inflection will not be eliminated, and the positive effect of such treatment would be short-lived.

 Bend the cervix

 causes of adneksita


  • Adnexitis: Symptoms and Treatment
  • Adnexitis: causes
  • Adnexitis and its symptoms
  • Adnexitis and its treatment
  • Medication at adnexitis

  • Treatment during pregnancy adneksita

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Adnexitis: Symptoms and Treatment

In gynecological practice leading position among all diseases takes adnexitis. Its danger lies not only in the deterioration of the quality of life of women, but that adnexitis may contribute to serious problems relating to the reproductive function.

In most cases, adnexitis occurs in young women.

According to medical statistics, every fifth patient gynecologist, which was put the diagnosis continues to be treated, but infertility.

What adneksit

Under adnexitis mean inflammation of the uterus (ovaries, ligaments, fallopian tubes themselves). Adnexitis occurs in two ways: upward or downward. When the uplink path to the fallopian tube of the womb penetrate microorganisms in the inflammatory process are involved all layers (salpingitis) and then, in most cases together with the ligaments involved and ovaries (oophoritis) so adnexitis has another name - oophoritis.

Occurrence adneksita carried downward by the second from the abdominal organs such as appendicitis. Most often, inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries occurs simultaneously, so these processes in the pelvis, are treated as one.

How dangerous adneksit

The complexity of the disease is nearly asymptomatic that delays rapid detection and treatment. Adnexitis dangerous complications. The most common complication during acute adnexitis form adhesions between the uterus, ovaries, tube gland, bladder, pelvic wall and bowel loops in the pelvis. If you get an infection in the tissue of the ovary are formed in the purulent cavity (if a merger can occur meltdown ovarian tissue). Further there is ovarian abscess. There are chronic and acute adnexitis.

In acute adnexitis because of inflammatory fluid that accumulates in the fallopian tube, there are saccular formation with the accumulation of pus in them. Acute adnexitis has another complication - the so-called tubo-ovarian abscess, in which the infection can penetrate into the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation of the peritoneum, as a result of peritonitis and abscesses different.

If chronic adnexitis often aggravated, sexual dysfunction can arise: pain during sexual intercourse, decreased sex drive. Improper treatment of acute adnexitis may become chronic, which mainly leads to ectopic pregnancy, infertility.

 Symptoms adneksita
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Adnexitis: causes

The infection spreads from the uterus into the fallopian tubes, ovaries, is the main reason adneksita. Adnexitis depending on the pathogen has become the cause of the disease is divided into:

  • specific (for diphtheria, tuberculosis, gonococcal infections);
  • nonspecific adnexitis (for sexual infections such as trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, with opportunistic flora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli).

Depending on the way in which the infection is transmitted:

  • through the lymph system;
  • via the blood generally occurs in patients with genital tuberculosis;
  • a downward path (infection penetrates the ovaries out of the vagina, is more often observed in patients with sexually transmitted diseases);
  • upward path (the infection spreads from the top departments, for example, lungs, kidneys). Even angina can cause this disease. Against this background, there is a bilateral adnexitis often accompanied by inflammation of the uterus.

Of course, the presence of infection is not always promotes that develops adnexitis, because the appearance and progression of the disease need predisposing factors.

These are:

  • various diseases asexual nature (frequent angina, pyelonephritis, chronic tonsillitis);
  • unhealthy lifestyles, frequent stress (factors that weaken the immune system, allowing the infection to spread freely);
  • fatigue and hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene;
  • conduct intrauterine manipulations: inspection of the uterine cavity hysteroscopy, curettage abortion, installation and removal of intrauterine device;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

 correct treatment adneksita

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Adnexitis and its symptoms

The course of acute adnexitis accompany pain in the lower abdomen, extending to the sacral or lumbar spine. Sometimes there are the following symptoms and signs adneksita: an increase in temperature within 38-40 ° C, shivering muscles with a sense of cold, vomiting, nausea, impaired urination, bloating, purulent discharge from the genital tract.

When probing revealed a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, can manifest symptoms of muscular protection. In some cases, acute adnexitis asymptomatic. The average time of acute adnexitis - 7-10 days.

The outcome of acute adnexitis is basically a chronic adnexitis. Picture of symptoms (compared with acute adnexitis) is not so clear. Women who adneksit with the chronic form, note that the pain centered in the lower abdomen and groin, gave to the rump, thigh or anus, are not constant and periodic. The pain may increase after exposure to cold, stress, or before the beginning of menstruation.

Most often, adnexitis accompany menstrual irregularities. Secretions become scant, increasing the gap between them (oligomenorrhea). Adnexitis chronic form manifests periodic exacerbations due to weakened immunity, repeated infections, infections resistant to antibiotic therapy.

Adnexitis chronic form in the acute stage deteriorates the overall health, there is fever, increased pain, appear purulent vaginal discharge.
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Adnexitis and its treatment

The use of antimicrobial drugs, analgesics, broad-spectrum antibiotics, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory drugs due to the severity of pain, which provokes adnexitis. After the elimination of acute inflammatory processes are assigned different biostimulants, physiotherapy (ultrasound on the lower abdomen, vibratory massage, electrophoresis). Acute adnexitis treated strictly in the hospital with bed rest.

In chronic adnexitis there are several kinds of therapy (antimicrobial, resolve, anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating). Chronic adnexitis treatment is based on the reason that it has caused. In addition to drug treatment is carried out and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, the ISF, the ultrasound on the lower abdomen, vibratory). Adnexitis treated with mineral water and mud, with applications of mineral wax (a product of the oil passage). In various spas adneksit treated after the main course of therapy.

Woman to the disease should be taken seriously, we must not forget about the consequences. Adnexitis insidious in that it can become chronic. Even if all of the most vivid and disturbing symptoms (pain, temperature) have passed, adnexitis extremely important to cure completely.

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Medication at adnexitis

In currently treated adnexitis following medications:

  • oral - antibiotics common action - ofloxacin, ofloksin, sifloks, Bactrim syrup, Bactrim forte abaktal, metronidazole, Zomax (azithromycin), tsedeks (ceftibuten), erythromycin, cefaclor, doxycycline, cefuroxime;
  • topical - selective action of antibiotics - clindamycin, fluamizin, dalatsin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, Voltaren;
  • painkillers - analgin, paracetamol;
  • solutions for douching - miramistin, tsiteal, romazulan, Vagothyl;
  • for the prevention of dysbiosis - fluconazole, bifidumbakterin, laktobakterin;
  • immunomodulatory drugs, means to restore the body's defenses and vitamins (usually of the "B");
  • anti-intoxication - calcium chloride, and allergy medications.

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Treatment during pregnancy adneksita

The disease can contribute to the formation of so-called adhesions - thin ties inside the fallopian tubes and between the authorities, because of which the ovaries worsens. All these factors can lead to infertility. It is often necessary for the treatment adneksita few years, but to bring it to the end of a must, especially if you are planning a pregnancy.

If pregnancy occurs in the background adneksita the immune system is reduced, as a result of acute infection. Signs of which adneksit exacerbated during pregnancy, due to a view of the infectious agent. Basically the patient concerned allocation of modified cables (pus, blood), pain in the lower abdomen.

Pay particular attention to the need to treat a situation in which the infection infection and its development occurs during pregnancy, not just acute inflammation already present in the uterine appendages. In most cases it provokes the intrauterine infection of the fetus. In this situation, the decision on measures to be taken individually, depending on the case.

Untreated infection process involves the birth canal (vagina, vulva, cervix), which threatens to infection of the fetus during labor. Even if the child is to avoid contact with the infection in the womb, at this stage it is absolutely defenseless. With this state of affairs, doctors often insist on cesarean delivery.

If the infection is caused by microorganisms that are causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis), experts recommend termination of pregnancy. When opportunistic infections (candida, gardnerella) take the place of the natural inhabitants of the genitals and if there is bacteria overgrowth, the doctor prescribes treatment, based on the sensitivity of detection of pathogens to antibiotics and pregnancy.

Adnexitis can be prevented by taking the following preventive measures:

  • protect the body from exhaustion and hypothermia;
  • conduct timely treatment of inflammation of female genital mutilation;
  • prevention of abortion;
  • choose the best type of contraception modern generation, safe sex;
  • timely detect and treat sexually transmitted infections through (especially in the post-partum period);
  • personal hygiene;
  • undergo a planned inspection at the gynecologist every six months.

By following simple rules, you can be completely confident in maintaining its women's health. Be healthy!

 Symptoms and treatment adneksita
