Almost every modern woman know full hair removal bikini to get the second name - Brazilian hair removal. This name is pulled from the sisters from Brazil, opened in the late 80s in Manhattan salon. They were the first to practice this method of hair removal.
In the old days, when women painted their eyes with charcoal, removing unwanted body hair was like torture. Hair removal at home bikini and today brings a little joy to women. Although it is still new technology designed to minimize discomfort.
It should be noted that the hair removal bikini zone does not tolerate any method of hair removal. Although every woman all especially individually, depending on the personal pain threshold. However, hair removal bikini epilator or tweezers, and especially deep bikini waxing - the case for the real heroines. Are the so painful results - every woman decides herself.
Bikini Hair Removal usual razor
The easiest and most proven way to hair removal - a shaving of the hair with a razor. In this hair is not destroyed in the bulb, and simply cut off at the base of the root. Availability methodology explains one hundred is the most popular hair removal bikini zone in the home. The use of specialized cosmetics helps slow hair growth and helps to extend the effect of the procedure. Razor hair removal can be carried out before sending it to leave and repeat as needed during the bathing season.
However, the use of a razor there are downsides. The very next day can begin to grow hair as rather difficult to remove the hairs carefully in this area. Frequent waxing bikini cause irritation and redness of the skin, so you should stock up on soothing and softening lotion and apply them after the procedure.
Lotions and creams for hair removal bikini
How do hair removal cream bikini? Very simple: creams for hair removal using a special trowel applied to the skin, and then after a certain period of time simply wash off with water. However, the new hairs grow quickly enough after the cream - 1-3 days.
If you are using the cream for hair removal bikini before going on holiday, remember that it will have to be repeated, so do not forget to take a set of cream and a sedative. You should not sunbathe immediately after the procedure. Remember - the bikini line hair removal is performed exclusively tailored specifically for this zone means depilatory cream for the feet can not in any case use!
This method is as simple as shaving. It is inexpensive and fast. However, this type of hair removal bikini zone has negative ratings: using the cream, you will not be able to get to hard to reach areas and remove hair thoroughly. You will be pleased that the hairs grow back gradually become softer with time.
Applying creams may be subject to irritation or allergic reactions on the skin. So before you start hair removal in the bikini area - the classic test the cream on the skin for 48 hours before the procedure does not hurt.
Bikini Waxing
Now let's look in more detail what is waxing bikini. Bioepilation made caramel or wax, which is applied to the treated area and the harbor cloth. After solidification of the material breaks down abruptly, and with it pulled out and unwanted hair.
It is believed that the waxing bikini was invented by the queen Nefertiti. If you are confident in their abilities, we'll show you how to do hair removal bikini at home. Wax treatments are divided into hot and cold. Last optimal for bikini. The very design of the future "hairstyle" is divided into shallow and deep bikini. Waxing involves deep bikini hair removal, including the area between the buttocks and around the labia. In a typical shallow depilation removes only the hair that is visible from under the panties.
Using wax depilation, you can get high-quality hair removal for quite a long time - 2-3 weeks. With regular use, thinning hair, grow more slowly, become softer and less noticeable.
After the procedure, hair removal bikini wax you may see the problem of ingrown hairs, these costs have already waxing bikini - reviews suggest that this can be avoided by using exfoliating skin treatment in a few days after the procedure.
Laser hair removal bikini zone
As for the laser hair removal bikini, it is carried out by exposure to heat and light, while coagulate vessels and destroyed the pigment of hair in the treated area. The hair bulb as a result no longer powered and dies. To fully get rid of hair epilation should pursue a course at least 10 sessions. Between sessions do an interval of 2-3 months. During one session of hair removal is not possible to fix a bikini. Therefore, if you are fast on the beach - this option is not for you.
Sensible money and patience will help you to gradually get rid of unwanted hair permanently. Most recently it appeared on the market technology that combines the effect of light and vacuum. It allows you to carry out the procedure properly and with minimal discomfort.
One of the painful procedures - hair removal bikini: photos clearly show that after the redness will inevitably remain. It calms the fact that after a few days they pass. In this procedure, a large list of contraindications, which should be read carefully before deciding on such a method.
Laser hair removal bikini zone
The best effect is produced by a laser hair removal bikini in the dark hair on pale skin. During the procedure, the hair enters into the laser energy, resulting in under heat destroys the hair follicle. That view epilation possible to remove only the visible hair. Subcutaneous hair out after laser hair removal on the surface and within 1, 5-2 weeks gradually fall.
Laser hair removal bikini gathered positive reviews, because the laser does not leave any marks on the skin, which after the procedure becomes incredibly smooth. The same effect is produced and a cream for hair removal bikini area, but it lasts an incredibly short time.
Laser hair removal procedure is expensive. This type of hair removal is bordered with plastic surgery and cosmetology hardware, so it should be approached very seriously, having studied all the possible contraindications. Types of bikini hair removal and laser photon pulses have practically no impact on red and blonde hair. Although, as a rule, this kind of fair-haired girl hair removal and do not.
For many women, hair removal bikini line - it's too intimate affair, which they can not, for various reasons will produce specialist salon. Therefore, they can be applied exclusively and bikini hair removal at home. But remember that your own does not always manage to do it right!
Bikini hair removal at home
The home is quite acceptable hair removal epilator and tweezers. However, in this case, you will have to suffer the pain considerably. To procedure is less painful, is a pre-take a bath and steam treated area. Then, the skin should be degreased and disinfected. Then the hair removal at home will be much easier. And it is very important to do the right thing. So start with a mini hair removal.
Plucking hairs should occur against the hair growth. To reduce the pain a little bit, try to stretch the skin. In postepilyatsionnom period, your skin will need special care, do not take it for special tools. After the procedure, the skin should "breathe" for about an hour. Effect of electrodepilator average lasts two weeks. Although many people, so many results. All very individually.
Waxing - quite popular today in home hair removal bikini is made using sugar, wax, tar and other popular recipes. The most painless procedure is considered waxing hot wax. Although it is much better suited for a mini hair removal.
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Care Lip house: gymnastics, exfoliating, moisturizing
Masks and peeling lips with his own hands
An attractive image made up of little things, and the beauty of the lips depends on how exactly lie lipstick. In addition, without proper care, lip gloss and lipstick persistent with frequent application can sear the tender skin, which contributes to its infection. Therefore, for this part of a woman's face to be watched as carefully as the others. You do not forget to wash off makeup before going to bed, use scrubs, peels do periodically and regularly apply the cream under the eyes? Despite such a reverent attitude to their appearance, many women do not pay enough attention to their lips.
It is not necessary to resort to the help of experts and leave huge sums in the salons. Lip care at home is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Just observe a few simple rules: to periodically massage the lips to moisturize them and use only high-quality (in any case not overdue!) Cosmetics.
First, let's define what a detrimental effect on the beauty of female lips and prolonging its life:
Each of us has a bad habit: some smoking, others bite their nails, and others in the event of stress biting his lips. If you are among these people, this very minute, start to deal with this aspect of his. The fact that such biting leads to the formation of microscopic cracks in the skin through which the bacteria can easily penetrate human body. As a consequence, often develop inflammation.
If you feel dry lips, in any case, do not lick them. Apply a moisturizing cream or a special chapstick. Otherwise, they will only further cracked and start to peel off.
One of the most useful procedures for the delicate skin of the lips - a massage that should be done several times a week. Use the ordinary toothbrush with soft bristles. This will not only improve blood circulation, but also helps get rid of old, dead skin flakes. After the massage, apply a nourishing cream, and from folk remedies suitable olive, sunflower or other vegetable oil.
Especially important is the care of the skin of the lips in the autumn-winter period. A cold wind and the cold lead to the fact that the tender female lips cracked and weather-beaten. Therefore, experts recommend them to lubricate natural honey, which is great moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes the mouth. Apply it on the skin, and hold a minimum of five to seven minutes, then rinse.
Respect for their appearance, correct and systematic care of lip skin, help keep their shape and freshness for many years.
Care Lip house: gymnastics, exfoliating, moisturizing
As mentioned above, to preserve the beauty and freshness of the lips should be regularly massage. This procedure takes very little time, but believe me, it is worth it. Soon you will notice that the skin becomes soft, there will be less to peel off. Perform light patting motion with fingertips on his lips for a minute or two. Then lubricate bold nutritious cream, a quarter of an hour wash away the remnants of warm water. Massage can be performed with a toothbrush. Just pick a soft bristle brush to prevent damage to sensitive skin.
It's no secret that with age decreases the elasticity of the lips, gradually lost their shape. To slow down this process, beauticians recommend one or two times a week to do special exercises:
Pull the lip, releasing them through the air, and then relax - a movement similar to blowing out candles. Repeat it seven to ten times.
Type in the mouth air, deep breath and inflate the cheeks, then gradually pushes it out yourself. Eight or nine of approaches would be sufficient.
Another effective method to preserve the elasticity of the lips - energetic articulation. Loudly pronounces the vowels, namely, "A", "N", "O", "I", and so on.
Ten to twenty times lower jaw move the first left, then right.
Now your job is to stick his tongue as far as possible and stay in this position for two or three seconds. Of course, in this pleasant little, and looks like an exercise by at least funny, but remember - you take care of its beauty and its durability!
And finally, one more task: not too wide mouth slightly open - as do fish during respiration - then somknite and release the lips.
Exercises can be done at any time: at home, at work half-time, before going to bed. In the exercises take only five to eight minutes, but the result will surely please. In addition to such simple lessons, observe another rule: Regularly exfoliate, nourish and moisturize the skin of the lips.
To get rid of keratinized scales can use a gentle and mild peeling. Tool sold in drugstores and supermarkets. The main difference scrubs designed specifically for the lips, is that they are based on fairly oily. Therefore, wash makeup is not necessary - just remove the excess with a tissue or cotton pad.
The lips and the area around them in their properties (increased dryness, sensitivity and fineness) similar to the skin around the eyes. Therefore, for them, too, should take care of regularly and correctly. Be sure to buy a special cream for the lips, pay attention to it consisted of water-retaining components. This may be shea butter or e.g. aloe juice. And if for whatever reason you would not buy a makeup, then use to moisten the area around the lips the same cream that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyes.
Remember that caring for the lips at home will help keep them beautiful and healthy. Massage lips with natural honey or olive oil is especially useful for dry or chapped. You can buy a special cream for the skin of the lips or use gel for the skin around the eyes - it will save on the purchase of two vehicles with the same effect. By the way, the gel to the skin around the eyes is the perfect tool for lip makeup base, because it contains UV filters, besides, with him lipstick lie flatter and does not dry up the skin. But wiping the skin of the lips from the fruit juice from the berries, you have a few days notice that the color freshened.
As for lipstick or gloss, they should be selected not only on the basis of the color gamut. If you see that cosmetic products consist of components such as almond or cocoa butter, vitamin E and A, to pay for purchases without even thinking. After all, such cosmetics is not only beneficial to accentuate your beauty, but also will have the effect of care throughout the day.
Today, many salons offer the service to improve the contour of the lips - tattoo. Most modern women are happy to go to this procedure and suffer some discomfort, because "getting" a new line of the lips is not the most pleasant. But before you decide on a tattoo, remember that the skin of the lips then you will have to watch more carefully.
Care of the lips after a tattoo requires special attention. A few weeks after the procedure is not recommended to use lipstick, all the time you need to wash only boiled water to prevent infection. Until full recovery can not go to saunas and swimming pools, should be excluded from their diet of hot and alcoholic drinks, coarse and spicy food. This is required to prevent damage to the place of healing. Apply sunscreen several times during the day, and as a result your lips will be those about which you always dreamed. Firming Cream should be used, and after two weeks - it will help to hold out as long as possible tattooing.
Masks and peeling lips with his own hands
Not only the facial skin needs extra care, you should not forget about the lips. Despite the fact that modern cosmetic industry offers a lot of variety of means to care for all parts of the body, folk remedies still do not lose their relevance. Often, they are even more effective than store bought masks, scrubs and more.
There are many different recipes, so if you have a free moment will stand out, devote her care about the beauty and tenderness of his lips:
Smooth skin, giving it shine and freshness help this mask: connect two tablespoons of sour cream with the same amount of fresh carrot juice. The resulting mixture was put on the lips and hold for about seven minutes, then rinse with hot water too.
Women are prone to flaking, suffering from dry skin of the lips, it is recommended to take note of the following composition: Mix fresh carrot and cucumber juice and sour cream, honey and cheese. After the procedure, apply to the lips a little olive oil.
Lip Mask of grated apple and butter, taken in equal proportions, heals cracks and softens the skin of the lips. For its preparation chop using fresh fruit grater and connect it with a teaspoon of melted butter. Lubricate lip cream home after half an hour, remove the excess with a cotton pad or rinse off with lukewarm water.
The most effective hydrating mask is considered to be a mixture of honey and lard. Five grams of fragrant golden product mix with half a tablespoon of fat, which must be pre-melted on a steam bath. Regular use of cosmetics will make your home more tender lips, give them a bright color and elasticity.
Mask lip cream and cottage cheese for ten minutes will make the lips more elastic. Rinse with cool water it needs, and then apply a layer of hygienic lipstick.
Before moisturizing and nourishing treatments to get rid of the top layer of horny skin. An indispensable tool in this case is a scrub:
Peeling lips and make at home is quite simple. Taking a teaspoon of crushed oatmeal and a little olive oil, you can make a moisturizing lip scrub at home. After applying the mixture need lip massage several minutes, then rinse it with water and cause fat cream.
Peeling of aspirin and cane sugar with the addition of glycerol and jojoba oil is no different from the salon with salicylic acid and alpha-acid hydra. Scrub that helps protect lips, prepared as follows: aspirin and cane sugar taken in equal amounts (take about two teaspoons of ready-made dry mix), then this mass is added a few drops of jojoba oil and glycerin. It should be noted that the better the milled sugar, the sweeter will scrub lips. The sweet taste will make the process even pleasant. The same mixture can be used for the face. Homemade recipes are often more effective than salon treatments.
Care Lip winter should be more careful: it is necessary to protect them from frost and chapping, use more moisturizing and protective lipstick. Also it is necessary to postpone the spring lip glosses, which dehydrate the skin. And, of course, use lip balms as additional protection.
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