bandage during pregnancy


  • What is the use of the band?
  • Which one to choose?
  • When the start and why?

Pregnancy - is a difficult and important stage for the young mother. At these moments, it is particularly sympathetic to all surrounding influences, and often feels uncomfortable. To a woman could feel easier and faster to recover after a difficult birth, regularly thought out many techniques, drugs and devices. Bondage - it is the most effective and simple solution for such situations. But how to wear a bandage for pregnant women, there are a few of their tricks are worth remembering.

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What is the use of the band?

And here is the first question, in fact, before starting to wear a bandage, a pregnant mother thinks about the meaning of this action. I do not think that this is another quirk of doctors who do not have to perform. Let's start with the fact that the band reduces the strain on the back muscles, which are very tense because of the growing belly. And this is one of the most vexing problems of pregnancy, which is gaining momentum with each passing month. Fatigue is growing, too, the pain intensified, and on the abdominal muscles should not be forgotten. If the woman had not paid the time the sport, then later they sag and return them to the original position will not be easy.

Here's a great help is able to provide a simple device. Engage your body you will not be soon, since after pregnancy can not be long enough to play sports, but to minimize the load and the resulting damage can now.

 how to wear a bandage during pregnancy
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Which one to choose?

Gathered in the store and already deciding to purchase, you may encounter the problem of choice. There are several kinds of bandages, and in fact you probably do not know about which one is best suited. There is a band that looks like a conventional high and tight shorts, but differs from them supple and thick insert which supports the stomach. Back, too, is not without support, as this back wall is thick. This option is ideal in the event that you do not suffer from intolerance to synthetics.

On the other hand, maybe you want something else, not just this option. In this case, try to pay attention to the waist band. Its main feature - is relevant in almost all stages of pregnancy, since, thanks to the device, it can be both narrow and expand. Outwardly, it looks like a wide ribbon, which narrows at the front and rear expanding. Ie in the first months of pregnancy you will be wearing a narrow part of the front, and when held a certain time, will begin to be broad. Do not worry about the inconvenience - bandage is worn over the underwear that guarantees the absence of discomfort.

In addition to these models, there is a more interesting, which can attract fashionistas, namely the corset. Just do not forget that this option will be available only after a pregnancy because squeezing the abdominal muscles during a special position is not recommended.

 right brace during pregnancy
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When the start and why?

When to start wearing a bandage? Ideally, when the stomach is only beginning to act. The period depends on the characteristics of the body: someone he appears at 20 weeks, but someone much later. The size of the stomach no matter what no effect, because Your goal - is to reduce the load on the muscles, but here no matter how increased your tummy.

In addition to the load on the muscles, do not forget about the unpleasant consequences for the skin. Someone advised to use special creams, but if there is a possibility to solve several problems in one fell swoop, you should not abandon it.

In addition to saving your skin and muscles, bandage - a way to keep the old way of life. It is clear that hiking, skiing or engage in other active games you can only after birth. But if a doctor gives "good", it is necessary to take this chance and avoid many of the problems that have plagued pregnant women, including regain self-confidence.

A common myth is that the tire can damage the fruit, has no basis in reality, and it will tell you any doctor. All that is needed - is to choose the right size, you will not feel any discomfort and even get instant relief. Tips here will be superfluous, because all that's left to do - is to buy and start enjoying your purchase.

 Bondage for pregnant women - what are its benefits?

 konratseptivy lactation


  • Lactation is not always protected
  • Choosing a contraceptive

Beautiful, delicious, sexy, desirable! Caring, loving, kind, with a smile on a pretty face! First epithets woman meets in the eyes of her husband, the second - in the eyes of your child. Young mothers day and night, devoting himself to his baby, because breastfeeding him. Though night still would not hurt to give a part of himself blagovernomu spouse.

But what about when the baby for breastfeeding women are now in the first place, and birth control pills for nursing mothers did not want to ignore?

Healthy mother - healthy child! This motto is important for the whole period of lactation. The question of the health of the baby takes the first place, when my mother thinks about contraception during lactation. Are all contraceptives for nursing mothers today are safe and effective?

 birth control pills
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Lactation is not always protected

Dispel the myth that the period of breastfeeding (which may be up to 2 years) absolutely can not get pregnant. It is possible, even the woman herself may not know this, and feel when the baby will begin to move inside. Nobody would like to have such sayings scare, so now come in our narrative facts. In 1988, Italy was studied the effect of lactation on ovulation and medical scientists have found that breast-feeding will contraceptive by 98% (!) In the event that:

  • baby exclusively breastfed without receiving complementary foods;
  • baby is not older than 6 months;
  • intervals between feedings is not more than 4 hours;
  • Mom not started menstruating.

If any of these items in the life of my mother, well, the baby of course, change, a woman can get pregnant. However, this does not mean that the mother will have to stop feeding. Recent research concludes that ovulation 3 months after birth occurs in 18% of nursing mothers, 6 months - already at 43%. This suggests that women in lactation period may still become pregnant again and still in need of contraception.

 choice of contraception
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Choosing a contraceptive

The first step is such pill that will not affect the secretion of milk and allow not to interrupt breastfeeding. In this case, the combined oral contraceptive pill (COC) is categorically do not fit. After all, their effect on the nursing infant and nursing mother are not yet fully understood. Young mothers needed a drug that will not affect any milk production or the volume of lactation or the health of your baby and will give effective protection.

According to recent studies, milk secretion is not suppressed those contraceptives that contain progesterone hormone analogues, famous as the "mini-pill". The hormone progesterone in these tablets does not affect the volume of production of breast milk, but it may be quite small amounts go into it.

An important nuance! To avoid the impact of such contraceptives on the liver of the child, mini-pill is recommended to take only after 6-8 weeks after birth, regularly at the same time. Being late with taking more than 3 hours contraceptive barrier will reduce or lead to its extinction.

If, nevertheless, the regular reception was missing for more than 3 hours mentioned, need additional contraception for the next 48 hours! When skipping a day should be taken for two tablets: the missed pill and following the schedule, etc. And, of course, in this case, do not forget the extra protection - a condom.

Secret action mini-pill that endometrium under their influence several thickens and does not literally sperm passage. But even if fertilization with a single "shustrenko element" was, all the same thickened endometrium simply did not give themselves a foothold in the fertilized egg, which also mutate the shell under the influence of mini-pill.

Today in pharmacies to choose breast-feeding mothers have some contraceptive "mini-pill":

  • "Eksklyuton"
  • "Ovret"
  • "Mikrolyut"
  • "Mikronor"
  • "Femulen"
  • "Cherozetta"
  • "Laktinet"
  • "Norkolut"
  • "Kontinuin."

The use of modern methods of contraception, such as birth control pills for breast-feeding mothers is a qualitative additional tool to the contraceptive effect of breastfeeding and reduces the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies to zero. But consult a doctor before use has not been canceled! Be healthy!

 Contraceptive pills lactation
