stewed eggplant with vegetables

  • Ratatouille
  • Eggplant in Chinese
  • Eggplants in sour cream

Eggplant appeared in our country recently. And cooking with recipes came from Europe. Some of these recipes are adapted to our tastes, but something remains unchanged. A few things remain unchanged, just get a new name. For example, you know that the eggplant caviar - it is nothing like the French ratatouille - eggplant stewed with vegetables.

This is perhaps the most famous of all options for cooking eggplant in this way. But there are other, no less interesting recipes. However, we will start it with ratatouille with eggplant caviar or - whichever you prefer.


Very tasty dish - light and satisfying at the same time. Ratatouille is known in several interpretations, including both our domestic eggplant caviar.


  • Eggplant;
  • Onion;
  • Squash;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • Garlic;
  • Basil;
  • Vegetable oil.


Products for this dish are taken in equal proportions, and garlic and basil to taste. At first, all my vegetables and cut them into large cubes, or cubes, onion shinkuem. In a pan pour oil, heats it and fry the onion in the oil until it is golden. Add the chopped garlic and fry a few more minutes. Then lay out the eggplant in a roasting pan, peppers, zucchini, season with salt and pepper and leave to stew under the lid closed ten or fifteen minutes. Next, add to the vegetables tomato and basil and continue to simmer vegetables in the open pan for ten minutes. We serve hot or cold. But cold ratatouille much tastier!


If you replace the zucchini carrot and put into the dish garlic and basil, you get to our traditional cuisine eggplant caviar.

 eggplant stewed with vegetables

Eggplant in Chinese

In China, it appears, too, like eggplant. A stew them with onions and garlic. Try it - it's very tasty!


  • Eggplants - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 2 onions medium size;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • Ground red pepper - half a teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil.


My eggplant and wipe dry. Cut them into thin slices first (along), and then cut into strips of the plate. The strips should get narrow (no wider than two and a half centimeters) and thin (about three to four millimeters). The Dutch oven is heated vegetable oil and fry small portions of eggplant on it. Keep in mind that eggplant absorbs oil well, so pour it into the pan just a little.

Roasted vegetables we shift into a separate bowl and add to the pan two or three tablespoons of water and put the finely chopped onion. There also put the garlic cloves and half of that too, at first finely ground in a nashinkuem or chesnokodavke. Refill onion soy sauce and pepper, salt to taste and give the mixture to boil. Then lay out the eggplant in a roasting pan and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Serve sprinkled with grated garlic.

 delicious stewed eggplant with vegetables

Eggplants in sour cream

Very, very tasty dish! Typically, stewed eggplant with tomatoes. But in this recipe are invited to cook eggplants in sour cream sauce.


  • 3 large eggplant;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5 pieces of medium-sized tomatoes;
  • Cup sour cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Black pepper and salt - to taste.


My obsushivayut and eggplant. Then cut off their ends, cut each fruit in half, salt and leave as such for half an hour. This procedure will give all the bitterness of the eggplant. Then gently squeeze the eggplant (but you can not do this) and cut them into cubes. Cut onion half rings and fry it in a roasting pan with vegetable oil. When the onion begins to fry, getting golden brown, add the eggplant in a roasting pan and continue frying everything together.

Meanwhile, thinly sliced ​​tomatoes and also put in a frying pan. Fry eggplant with onions and tomatoes on high heat for two to three minutes. For the sauce, sour cream breed half a glass of warm boiled water and poured into a roasting pan. Bates fire and continue to simmer the vegetables for fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the process to add the eggplant and black pepper salt.

These are the eggplant stewed with vegetables can be cooked in the French style, in Chinese or in a cream sauce. In general, they can be extinguished with any vegetables. They combine perfectly with the potatoes and pumpkin, cabbage and sweet peppers, and carrots, and tomatoes. Some pre-soaks eggplant, someone misses this procedure. One like stewed eggplant, diced, the other - cut slices or strips. Someone will have to taste the eggplant with garlic, and someone with fresh herbs. Try! Cook with pleasure and enjoy your meal!

 Braised eggplant with vegetables - food without harm

We recommend that read: Homemade Recipes: Braised eggplant

 potato casserole with vegetables

  • Baked with cheese and vegetables
  • Casserole with mushrooms

All are used to eating boiled potatoes with butter and knead it into a puree. This is no surprise. We offer a variety of your everyday menu and make the eating habits a little bit, "raisins". We will help you master the simple but very satisfying dish. This is ideal for busy women. You do not have a long "magic" in the kitchen, the main thing - to cut, mix and place in the oven.

Baked with cheese and vegetables

This potato casserole with vegetables cooked with salted cheese and hard cheese. These products, after time spent in the oven, turn into a fragrant light golden brown. Dish out incredibly delicious and juicy.


  • one kilogram of white potatoes
  • 500 grams of ripe tomatoes
  • pepper - optional
  • cheese - 250 grams
  • tablespoon butter
  • egg - one piece
  • Salt - to your taste
  • five large spoons of milk
  • a pair of sprigs of fresh dill and parsley
  • 50 grams of cheese

Cooking method:

Remove the peel potatoes and cut them into thin circles, tomatoes - diced, and chop fresh herbs. Rub on both types of medium-sized cheese grater.

We used to lubrication butter, but it can be replaced with vegetable. So, treat the inside edges and bottom of the form, and then lay out such layers: potatoes, tomatoes and cheese. Pour all the mixture of milk and eggs, but do not forget to add salt and, if you wish, pepper. Send your dish in the oven for 45 minutes. The appropriate cooking temperature - 220 degrees.

Now, remove the form from the oven, mix grated cheese and herbs and sprinkle them hot casserole.

 delicious potato casserole with vegetables

Casserole with mushrooms

You can prepare a dish with both fresh and dry mushrooms. In the latter case, just fill it with boiling water, then they will not be hard.


  • green onions - one beam
  • 200 grams of mushrooms
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 750 grams of potatoes
  • salt - to taste
  • Three small apple
  • package cream
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • two yolks

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into thin rings, mushrooms - cubes and potato - slices. From apples, remove the middle and slice them thin pieces.

In a heated skillet, melt a little butter and fry with salt and pepper mushrooms and green onions. The remaining cream product lubricate the form and place it in the first potatoes, then vegetables, then again, apples and potatoes. Now whisk, whisk the egg yolks and cream, if desired can add nutmeg. Salt the mixture and pour it all of the above ingredients, then sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 180 degrees no more than 40 minutes.

There are a lot of unusual recipes from potatoes, from the most simple to entire culinary demanding of chefs special knowledge and honed skills. We shared a little bit of that prepare outstanding culinary. He studied literature, try, and you become one of them!

 Potato gratin with vegetables

We recommend that read: Potato gratin with meat: recipe
