- What is the essence of breathing exercises "tszyanfey"?
- The first exercise "Wave"
- The second exercise "Lotus"
- The third exercise, "frog"
- The principles and rules of breathing exercises "tszyanfey"
"Ndaaa ..." - we think, critically examining myself in the mirror and sighed heavily, standing on the scales. And we, in our sadness about the extra pounds are not alone. Throughout the world, the ladies of different ages, different classes and different income combined problem of struggle against excess weight. Times are now - in fashion, slender, smart, but (thank God!), Not skinny. So we strive to postroynet, lose weight, shape up, in a word, presented the benefits of civilization to lose fat.
And how only weapon in this struggle we do not use! All possible (and impossible) diet, fasting, gyms, excessive exercise, jogging and gymnastics. Speaking of gymnastics. You know the word "Tszyanfey"? That so-called special Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss. Translated into Russian, then it means "to lose fat." Gymnastics tszyanfey came to us from China where, incidentally, all the ladies as the selection thin and sonorous. And she is a set of simple, useful, efficient and even enjoyable exercise. We invite you to get to know this wonderful exercises in theory and in practice, be sure to exercise.
What is the essence of breathing exercises "tszyanfey"?
What is the essence of the gym? Usually, the cause of obesity and its persistent refusal to leave, it is a slow metabolism. One of the ways to normalize the experts consider proper breathing. A specially designed breathing exercises mobilize reserve possibilities of the body and help the attainment of a sense of vivacity and lightness.
This eastern breathing exercises for weight loss is really effective. After a week of training you will not only see the result of explicit external, but also feel a surge of strength, lightness and vigor. In addition to getting rid of excess fat, exercise helps boost immunity and strengthen the whole body.
Anyway, in the Chinese health practice breathing exercises for weight loss is used for these purposes. It is based on three main exercises: "lotus", "frog" and "Wave". The main task of breathing exercises for weight loss is to get rid of the feeling of hunger, which prevents weight loss (a weight loss when want to eat!). Breathing exercises tszyanfey also becomes a great help during the so-called unloading days buckwheat, rice or yogurt.
This magical Chinese gymnastics strong enough (and beneficial) impact on overall health. Passes weakness, faintness, dizziness - all that usually accompanies a woman during a diet and weight loss. In addition to the normalization of metabolism during exercise occurs massage internal organs (like during lessons belly dance), which also has a positive effect on their work.
The exercises included in the health complex, burdensome, do not require special clothing, special facilities and special accessories. They can be performed at home, in the country, in a train or on a plane, and even in the office. Let's get down to business and consider the basic exercises, as well as principles and rules of their implementation.
The first exercise "Wave"
This exercise is always recommended to do when acute hunger. Since it is also better to start a series of exercises. For the exercise "Wave" in the supine position:
- Lie on the floor face up, feet at the same time must lie flat on the floor.
- The legs bend at right angles. One hand on the lower center of the abdomen, and the second place on his chest.
- On the inhale pull your belly as much as possible and hold your breath for a few seconds.
- Do exhale with simultaneous retraction of the chest and bulging belly.
To perform this exercise in a sitting position, which is located on a chair, straighten your back and slide along the legs and relax. Then follow all the same way as the first embodiment. For one "session" improving gymnastics necessary to perform not less than forty approach this exercise.
The second exercise "Lotus"
This exercise helps relieve fatigue and normalizes metabolism. Exercise "Lotus" is performed in the "posture of Buddha":
- Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.
- Expand the left palm upward and place it on the right hand (for men - on the contrary). Dip your hands in front of his stomach on his feet.
- Straighten your back, chin and shoulders slumped slightly down, close your eyes. Tip of the tongue touch the sky.
- Take a deep breath and imagine something pleasant, the main thing - the harmony and peace.
- The first five minutes of breathing freely and deeply, almost silently, concentrate on your breathing.
- The next five minutes to relax and try to breathe freely and naturally as possible. Breath is no longer in control.
- The last ten minutes of all forget about breathing. Every breath and do, how it happened. Breathe just the way you are used to in everyday life. Try nothing to think about.
In fact, in the eastern practice the whole process is called meditation. During meditation, a person can completely relax physically and mentally, and to achieve a so-called inner harmony.
The third exercise, "frog"
For this exercise, take a small chair and sit on it:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart so that the drumstick and thigh were slightly acute or right angle. Squeeze the left hand in a fist and grabbed her right hand (for men - on the contrary).
- Elbows press the knees and place your forehead on his fist. Close your eyes and relax.
- Inhale, tensing the abdomen, exhale, relaxing. Perform each exercise for fifteen minutes three times a day.
This exercise is one of the few that is not just somehow magically accelerate the process of weight loss, but also calms the nervous system. Try to think at the moment that you are happy. Try to reach inner harmony, which should reassure you and lead to normal.
The principles and rules of breathing exercises "tszyanfey"
Getting the exercises, do not forget that the exercises for losing weight requires constant monitoring of respiration, as well as complete relaxation of the body. Pull the air nose and perepravte him in the stomach. Exhale slowly mouth. Completely relax your belly so that it was soft. Then inhale again. All breaths do only through the nose.
All movements and breathing should be very slow, relaxed and calm. When the abdominal cavity is completely filled with air, hold it for a couple seconds, and then again briefly and the hour inhale quietly exhale. Doing exercises, make sure that there are no unpleasant or painful sensations to the stomach does not fill the air too much. Begin training with exercises that are the easiest to perform. Do not hold your breath through force. If suddenly there discomfort or dizziness, immediately stop activity.
Special contraindications for this gym there. But we should not do the exercises during menstruation and after surgeries. With extreme caution should start a class for those who suffer from high blood pressure, diseases of the spine and cholelithiasis (as well as stones in the kidneys and bladder).
Feedback from those who have tried this method of weight loss, in practice, the Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss gives you amazing results! Just a few days lost per kilogram, and after two or three months - about ten kilograms of weight. The main condition to achieve visible and tangible results - regular employment. So breathe and lose weight, and at the same time heals and finds good spirits and ease of mind. Anyway, these are the results promise to fans of the eastern gymnastics "tszyanfey."