Lecho - tasty, juicy and bright dish loved by people all over Europe. His fast and easy to prepare and store up for the winter, it has a long shelf life, and, most importantly, it is very tasty and healthy.
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Lecho as a dish
Usually lecho ready to fight in large quantities from a few kilograms, and make him a blank for the winter.
It can be eaten as a side dish to meat or chicken, use as an additive to a side dish or as a separate, independent dish, seasoned, such as sour cream and eating bread.
Few refuse a cold winter night to sit in front of TV, and enjoy a delicious dinner with jars lecho, hidden away in the summer. This not only reminds you of a warm and sunny season, but also endow the body with vitamins and energy, so much needed in the winter.
People around the world are gathered lecho the winter and each adds to it their favorite foods and spices - it all depends on taste preferences, opportunities and culinary imagination. Almost every European country has its own recipe lecho.
Bulgarian lecho
Traditional Bulgarian lecho recipe is quite simple and is based on only three components are:
Bulgarian pepper.
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How to choose products for lecho?
For a tasty lecho pepper should always be fresh, it should be no black spots and sagging. The fruit should be ripe and fleshy, and its size - close to the wall of pepper were sufficiently dense and thick.
Usually take red pepper, rarely yellow. Many people believe that green peppers is not suitable for this dish, but there are also those who believe that the color does not matter. It depends on personal preferences and culinary principles. But when it comes to the traditional recipe, the Bulgarian lecho, then it is better to choose a red pepper.
Tomatoes for the Bulgarian lecho should be fleshy, juicy and springy. Laxity of the fetus may indicate the beginning of the decay of the fruit or its improper transport and bruising. In any case, these tomatoes can spoil the taste of the whole winter harvesting.
Instead, you can take the tomatoes tomato paste. It is much easier than doing pureed, but this method can not be attributed to the traditional recipe. If the choice is still fell on mashed potatoes, you should keep in mind that it must be of good quality, will depend on the taste and appearance of the finished lecho. Dilute the tomato paste must warm water in about two or three times, depending on its initial consistency.
The optimum proportion of tomatoes and peppers in this recipe - 3 to 2. However, this parameter can easily be changed on the basis of personal preference.
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Preparation lecho in Bulgarian
Pepper should be thoroughly washed, remove the stem and seeds of all. Cut the peppers can be cubes, rings, half rings or strips, to taste it is not particularly affected.
Wash tomatoes, cut the "ass" and remove the peel. To make it easily peeled tomatoes need to pour boiling water, then peel itself almost come down and the cleaning process will not take more tomatoes for 3-5 minutes.
Tomatoes need to prepare mashed potatoes: it is suitable processor, grinder or juicer, at worst (if the kitchen is not really no suitable equipment), you can use the usual float.
The resulting mess of tomatoes should be similar to a liquid tomato paste and have approximately uniform appearance.
For further cooking lecho better to take a large pot with a thick bottom. It pour a little vegetable oil and put on medium heat, pour the pulp after tomato.
Puree tomatoes need to bring to a boil, then cook over low heat about 15 minutes, during which time the excess water evaporates, the amount will be less than mashed, and its consistency - thick.
Pre-washed and chopped bell pepper should be placed directly into the pot with hot tomato sauce. First, pepper lie slide and will look out seething masses, but just a few minutes he will fall and immerse themselves in the tomatoes.
The mass must be brought to a boil, then need to add salt, sugar and crushed spices. Mix well. For this recipe, the optimum ratio of spices for 1 kg of fresh vegetables like:
1 tbsp. l. sugar without slides,
0, 5, Art. l. salt
pepper 1 dushistyy- pea
black pepper - 1 pea
clove - 1 pc.
For the final stage of cooking the recipe lecho should be left to stew over low heat until until peppers are tender. It takes about 10-15 minutes. Approximately 5 minutes before end of cooking have to add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and stir.
Currently, the traditional Bulgarian recipe for lecho is ready!
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Preservation and storage
For blanks reserves for the winter need to pour more hot sterilized jars lecho on.
The easiest way to prepare the banks - is to pour into them a little bit of water (at the very bottom of a) and place in the microwave at full power for 2-3 minutes. The water heats up and goes couples who sterilize glass.
The iron cover can be boiled and plastic - just scalded with boiling water.
Rolled jars lecho should be put under a warm blanket cover down and leave to cool for a day. If after a while lecho not leak and cap will be slightly drawn in, then everything is done correctly.
The shelf life of such winter harvesting about two years. Bon Appetit!
Options for harvesting cabbage in winter
The recipe for cauliflower in winter with vegetables
Cauliflower is famous not only for its taste, but also a unique composition.
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Options for harvesting cabbage in winter
Vitamins, minerals and acids that it contains, useful for the smooth operation of all systems of the human body. How to make so that in the winter we could enjoy the benefit of this unique vegetable? We offer you recipes blanks.
Cabbage can be dried, freeze, ferment, marinate, prepare from it salads or mixed vegetables.
Rinse well under running water cabbage.
Each vegetable is divided into small head.
Boil 3 liters of water, adding 10 g of citric acid.
Lower florets in a pan, to hold in boiling water for 5 minutes.
Remove from the water with a slotted spoon.
Cool and dry on a clean towel.
Arrange in a plastic bag or other container for freezing.
Put in the freezer until the winter.
Disassemble the vegetable on the head.
Cut off the stem and rinse thoroughly.
Lower into boiling water for 3-4 minutes.
Remove and allow to dry.
Put on a baking sheet.
Dry in oven at 60 ° C.
Dried cabbage to put in bags or containers with tight lids.
Store in a dark, dry place.
Cauliflower - 2 kg.
Small beets.
One carrot.
3 cloves of garlic.
Black and sweet pepper (to taste).
Recipe: To prepare the brine in the boiling water and add five tablespoons of salt and sugar.
Wash vegetables, cabbage parse it into florets. Beets and carrots finely chop or grate grater. The clean enamel ware put the vegetables, garlic, add spices, pour hot brine preparation. Cover. Keep in a warm place for 3-4 days.
Expanded in glass jars, cover, I remove to a cool place (cellar, refrigerator) for storage.
One small beets.
One carrot.
4 cloves of garlic.
Half a cup of apple cider vinegar.
7 peas black pepper.
4-5 bay leaves.
3-5 cloves.
Cabbage washed and disassembled into florets, peel and cut into thin plates of beets, carrots and garlic. Place the vegetables in an enamel or glass container.
Prepare the marinade:
For every liter of water with two tablespoons of salt and sugar. Throw pepper, bay leaf and cloves, bring to a boil and remove from heat. The brine is ready to pour apple cider vinegar and mix. Pour vegetable growing cold brine, cover and let stand day. Close tight lid and store in prokladnom place.
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The recipe for cauliflower in winter with vegetables
A kilo of tomatoes.
100 grams of peppers.
6 cloves of garlic.
A bunch of parsley.
2 tablespoons salt.
150 g of vegetable oil.
100-120 g of sugar.
1 teaspoon vinegar.
Disassemble the cabbage into florets and wash well, put it in boiling water for 4 minutes, discard in a colander to cool. Blender grind the tomatoes, cut into slices of peppers, carrots grate. Finely chop the garlic and parsley, cover with vegetables in tomato resulting mass. Add oil, salt and sugar to boil. Lower the cabbage, boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Add the garlic, parsley and vinegar. Arrange hot in cans and roll. In the winter of a workpiece can prepare vegetable soups, stews and casseroles.