errors in business communication

The man - a social creature. We live among their own kind, and every day we have to communicate with many people. The success of dialogue depends on the ability to establish contact with one person or with the whole audience. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the rules of successful communication and allow the typical mistakes. These errors can lead to unpleasant consequences, especially mistakes in business communication - they can significantly damage your career. Conversely, good speakers with skills of communication - as a rule, successful people.

To help you learn how to talk and avoid awkward situations, we will introduce you to the typical communication mistakes to avoid.

Communication Errors

  1. Mistake number 1 - inattention. During the meeting, many people often listen attentively interlocutor. In my mind they already spinning the idea that they will talk in a minute back. If you will listen carefully to everything you say, you will catch a lot more information, often very curious. This will give you even more topics of conversation. Speak with someone in the first place that interests him. As William King: "Gossip - is the one who talks to you about others. The bore - is the one who talks to you about yourself. Virtuoso communication - is the one who speaks to you about you. "
  2. Mistake number 2 - too many questions. If you start to fill the narrator questions, the conversation becomes like an interrogation. The more intrusive questions that can bring down the interlocutor with thoughts and divert the conversation away.
  3. Mistake number 3 - protracted pause. Everyone knows how it is uncomfortable in a situation where you need to continue to communicate and to talk about what is not - all the usual topics have been exhausted. Before you start fidget in his mind all the events mentioned recently in the newspapers or on television, think about what could serve as a more interesting topic for further discussion. For example, tell us about the interesting book you read recently or discuss the latest episodes of your favorite series series (of course, you first need to make sure that this show and enjoy your companion). You can talk about what is of interest to both of you - music, architecture, figure skating ... The main thing - not to hang a long, awkward pause. Because then make contact will be even harder.
  4. Error number 4 - the monotony of speech. Sometimes it's not so important what you say, how important it is, as you say. If you're talking about changing the tone, gestures accompanying speech, then that is what can make your story memorable. And if you chant something on a note? Imagine that someone draws from the piano the same note five, ten, fifteen minutes at a time ... you just want to kill him! Another important factor in the success of the narrator - clearly and not too fast (but not too slow!) It.
  5. Error number 5 - sullen or angry facial expression. Rights saying that "with a smile, everything becomes more beautiful"; and as for the conversation, it is doubly true. A smile not only makes it easier to establish contact, it also has another surprising effect: it helps attract and retain the attention of others. Another smile helps to quickly resolve disputes and conflicts. "An angry fist has not smiling face," says Confucius.
  6. Error number 6 - the habit of interrupting others. Each participant must be able to talk peacefully to express their thoughts. You can not interrupt the speaker to drag attention to his person. The ability to find a balance between what to say and what to listen to, is not only one of the principles of effective communication, but also the question of the worthiness of your manners.
  7. Error number 7 - "I'm never wrong! "The aim of our dialogue should not be a desire at all costs to defend their point of view. Such intransigence and failure to respect the other person's point of view will lead to the fact that the conversation loses its ease, and the case may go even before the conflict.
  8. Error number 8 - the negative conversation threads. Poor health, family problems, trouble at work - it's not something that would be interesting to hear your interlocutor, if he is not your personal physician or therapist. To make conversation ease better not tell about their sexual problems, but the funny stories from your life. You can tell something interesting about what you like doing in your spare time. If you show your sense of humor and lightness of your character, then surround certainly will continue to strive to communicate with you.
  9. Error number 9 - boredom. Sometimes people do not even notice what they say about that is not interesting to others. Is it possible to listen with interest, for example, the story of a man enthusiastic about the benefits of his new car, which lasted for half an hour, and even in the predominantly female audience? You must be prepared in such a situation safely steer the conversation to another topic of interest to all. And they themselves never speak to others that might be interesting to you. Do not make these mistakes in communication and do not make others believe you are boring conversationalist!
  10. Error number 10 - indifference. If someone shares with you their experiences, feel free to say what you feel about it. If you just stand there and listen to the silence, the impression that you care about yourself and the source, and what he says. Do not be passive during a call, otherwise people will avoid communicating with you.

 errors in communication

The most common mistakes business communication

The errors of communication in business communication have their own characteristics, although in common with everyday errors in communication. And in fact, and in another case, a genuine communication is a mutual, two-way process, not a one-way delivery of information. And if in the absence of bilateral business communication, it can seriously damage the case. You should take this into account if you want to make a successful career. Unfortunately, many managers and executives perceive communication with employees or customers, as an opportunity to take on the role of the teacher, who knows everything, and expects others to passively absorb the knowledge emanating from it. And do not know about the major mistakes in communication, allowing them time after time. What is this error? Let's look at some of the most common ones:

  • Failure to understand body language. Body language conveys a wealth of information, often much greater than in speech communication. Employees who are unable to learn at least the basics of nonverbal communication, can not grasp the true meaning of the message that they hear. Besides, not knowing the language of the body, can be very unconsciously sending mixed signals that undermine your credibility on the part of the interlocutor. For example, if you cross your legs or arms during a call, it can be perceived as a sign that your mind is closed from the perception of what you say, but in fact this may not be the case. Or another example: you're talking to a potential client and do not pay attention to the fact that he raised his eyebrows slightly and look wanders somewhere away from you. And pay attention to it would be worth, because it is a signal that in front of you is not too reliable and decent man.
  • The inability to listen. This is what we have already said - communication is a two-way street, and listening skills in business communication is often much more important than the ability to speak. Ability to listen - it's not hereditary characteristics; this skill is necessary to study and train to be able to communicate effectively. If you do not learn to listen, you can then misunderstood and distort information, or one day miss important information or advice given to you by the leader. Poor listening skills can also reduce the possibility of managers sensibly explain the problem and resolve the conflict in the team.
  • Failure to observe confidentiality. Some issues should not be made public until they are under discussion. If you are entrusted with the secret, you have to store it all. But the lie, not wanting to reveal what with all the talk is impossible, in any case not worth it. If you flee to lie, there is a risk that you will no longer be trusted. Rather than lie, so learn how to answer: "I do not have the right to comment on it," or "I can not answer that question now."
  • Inaction. If you do not do or do not say it can still give people some information. Only the false information. If you do not praise, people get the "message" that they do not appreciate. If you can not explain the validity of the decision, you made it clear that they do not trust. And if you are a manager and not reported, what are its goals of his company, the people do not know how to help you get there.
  • Failure to understand the interests of the audience. In business communication is always a target audience. A clear understanding of the interests of the audience will make communication more effective. Before you begin to communicate with the audience (regardless of its size: it is your performance in a conference room or chat with two clients or partners), it is necessary to determine what is the purpose of this communication. It will provide information to convince, influence the choice to sell? What you say and what you want to hear from? What questions or objections may follow? The answers to these questions will help to establish full communion in a businesslike manner.
  • Using inappropriate forms of communication. It may seem that a private (ie, face-to-face) communication in our time is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Almost all of us are now communicating via telephones and computers. Still alive, human communication we need more than a communication with the help of technology. Of course, e-mail is very convenient for any instant of information; but the use of this type of communication is totally inappropriate to deal with any emotional problems. In this situation, e-mail messages can be misinterpreted too. Here it is better to resort even to the phone. At the same time calls on the effectiveness Sway never surpass the effectiveness of individual meetings. At the meeting the sides will not only hear the intonation of your voice, but also to see your eyes, facial expression, you will receive from the other non-verbal cues.

You must also take into account the fact that different people have different perceptions of these or other forms of communication. "Students" will not focus on the notes, but it is easy to perceive even the longest conversation. "Readers" are receptive to information in writing, and during the conversation, they may miss many important details. If you talk to the "reader" or write "listener", you can not convey to them the necessary information. So do not hesitate to ask our colleagues and partners, as they prefer to receive information.

 Communication error

How to avoid mistakes in the age of communication technology

Today, communication skills are of great importance - and when working in the office, and small business, especially for managers and executives. Some people are born gifted with the ability to get along and communicate effectively with others; But now you must learn the proper communication and with the help of communication technology. Such technology in the twenty-first century have created opportunities for dialogue with both colleagues from the same office, and with international partners. But every means of communication could trigger a new "range" of possible errors of communication. We have already mentioned them now consider in more detail.

  • Email. E-mail provides limited funds to send messages because they do not include the two most important elements of communication - tone of voice and body language. Without them, your information may be misinterpreted - sarcastic joke can be perceived as angry attacks, irritation will be ignored, and the hint, for example, on the urgency of the order - not just to be seen. To avoid errors in communication with the means of communication for Email, you must use simple, concise language and literal wording. Another possible errors:
  • Not tracked receive his letter. Sometimes we too rely on e-mail. But sometimes, your email may fall into the spam or junk mail folder, then it is automatically deleted. Therefore, if you have sent an important letter and have received no response, call and check whether it has been received.
  • Incomplete reading his mail. If you send a letter with detailed information, training or answers to specific questions, at the same time rely on the fact that the letter will be read completely. But often we do not read the letters to the end, and after a while begin to ask questions, the answers to which we have already been given. Therefore, you must get in the habit to read e-mail message from the beginning to the end.
  • Telephone communications. As electronic communication is a significant disadvantage becomes impossible to reinforce the message body language (although even here there are tone of voice and rate of speech, and it is also important non-verbal cues). The lack of a phone call in the fact that it takes place in real time, eliminating the ability to edit and fine "tuning" of messages, this can be done electronically or in written correspondence. One thoughtless word can negate all your efforts. Therefore we can not begin to chat on the phone, it has not thoroughly prepared. Other errors:
  • Callback before listening to a voice message. Most often, your interlocutor of the failed leaves us with a voice message, which briefly describes the essence of the question that he wanted us to discuss. We, when we see a missed call, just dial the number of the caller. And he has to spend his time and patience for repeated explanation. This unprofessional behavior. Make it a habit to check first if there is a voice message, listen to it, take note of the information and then call back for a constructive conversation.
  • Adoption of the call at the wrong time. If you are in a meeting or at a meeting, make it a rule to transfer the phone to vibrate mode. It will be totally inappropriate, if you answer a call directly during business conversation, and your buddy will have to sit and wait until you're done. It is a mistake and if you pick up the phone only to report that you can not talk right now. Interlocutor you are still thought to cause it to lose, and the one who called, probably think: "Why then do you answer? "Well, and if you are in a meeting or a conference, and you did a very important call - first exit the premises, and then take a call.

All errors and omissions in business communication open and quite difficult to describe. The main thing you have to remember that we must do - is to think about the main purpose of your business communication and the actions necessary to support these goals. Ask yourself: how can I most effectively convey the message? And be prepared to ask the other: "How do you prefer to receive messages from me? "

American writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said: "Good communication invigorates like coffee." If you want to make a good career, but still not quite sure of their communication skills, start using our advice and heed warnings given. We have every reason to believe that they can easily teach you how to effectively and correctly communicate with all colleagues.

 Business communications: warning error in communication
