Cabin treatments for hands


  • Nail
  • Nail art
  • Spa-manicure
  • Paraffin Hand

A woman always wants to look beautiful and perfect down to the tips of nails. Even in the first century BC. e. Egyptian queen Cleopatra covers nails with henna, she was the first guide to the care of body and nail painting, and introduced the fashion nail care, which adhered to all Egyptian women and even in China, this new right came into vogue. Later they began to use paint polish on the basis of egg whites, gelatin, wax with natural dyes in accordance with the fashion trends of the time.

Well-groomed handles with a good manicure at all times gives confidence and express their individuality. An experienced professional can pick up nail design in accordance with the appropriate case, mood, and even the nature of the hostess. Manicure - this is the easiest, but not least, a way to change things for the better in their appearance. It is necessary to change the color of nail polish - and you feel completely different.

As for our time, trends in nail care are changing every year, whether it's color, length or shape.


At the beginning of the 21st century, not only in Russia but throughout the world gained immense popularity is such a service as "nail". About 65% of girls went to gently Accrued long nails, which require careful maintenance. And so you think, and the service also has its roots in ancient Egypt.

During excavations in Egypt, scientists have found the beginnings of today's technology capacity. So the wives of pharaohs nails were covered with gold and silver wife vassals, slaves did not have the right to cover the nails with anything. In the modern world, this service came only in the 50-ies of XX century. But, of course, ordinary resident could not afford this kind of fun, so at first to increase the nails could only film star, and not just artificial nails, and trimming long healthy nails other women that they were sold for a decent amount. But, of course, this service is not caught because of all sorts of drawbacks - they were not durable and expensive. Later, trying to use film, tea bags, dental materials (acrylic), and more, but it was all in vain.

Currently, there is a great variety of materials and preparations for the creation of artificial surfaces. This acrylics, and gels, and the system glue powder, and fabric coating. The shape and length while building could be totally different from the round nails of medium length to long nails clawed form. But today this trend is receding into history, this service is not as popular as it was even 5 years ago.

Nail art

Another service that is rooted in the distant past - this nail art. There are several versions of the pioneers of this art. According to one of them, a pioneer in this area is considered to be Japan. It turns out that from the time of the pharaohs nail art was a feature of every woman. And points to their class. In another version of the phenomenon of nail art originated among the lower strata of African-Americans and for a long time did not cause interest among the white population of the United States and Europe. Suddenly, like the design of the entire female population and quickly conquered the world. Whichever version was not true, one thing remains constant, that the drawings on the nails still remain in vogue. Today's manicure perfectly mastered the art of nail decoration. They can translate any design on your nails, whether landscape or portrait pinup. It all depends on the client's desires and fantasies.

But hand care involves not only the decoration of the nails, and procedures such as hand massage, spa-manicure, paraffin and many others. Without such a pleasure can not do no self-respecting beauty salon. And of course, each of these procedures has its own history.

 Cabin treatments for nails


What is a spa-manicure? Maybe someone does not know what is the procedure, and if you go into this number, advise you not to just read about it, but the experience for yourself. It is a comprehensive nail care and hand skin, which combines high efficiency with a strong relaxing effect on the entire body.

Until now, into a real nowhere it came to us such a wonderful procedure as spa-manicure, but one of the most probable version it originated in Belgium, in a small town rich in mineral springs. The truth of the story to confirm it was not possible, but it does not interfere with the ladies to enjoy this wonderful procedure.

Paraffin Hand

With paraffin, quite the opposite, absolutely certain, that this procedure was born in ancient times. Ancient men discovered this technology and started using it to warm up muscles before the massage. And only three centuries ago, Polish women, based on this method using paraffin began to whiten the skin. Later in the USSR this method was used for healing wounds and sports injuries.

But years later, all this has meant that we can now enjoy this procedure, which gives extraordinary pleasure, relaxes not only your hands, but also leads to the relaxation of the whole body, because it is in the hands collected a lot of nerve endings connected with various human organs. What is it exactly that? Paraffin - a very nice rejuvenating and toning treatment for the face, hands and feet. This procedure is performed using the melted and heated to 55 degrees cosmetic wax.

You can speak at length about the various types of procedures, capacity, jewelry and many other hands, but still mostly intact and the leader among the girls a priority at all times is a traditional manicure using different color palettes. Well-groomed nails with a properly chosen color has always been and will be considered as one of the main attributes of this woman.

Thank Expert Training Center "Head-up" in the preparation of this article.

 Cabin treatments for hands

We strongly recommend to read: history manicure

 both the manicure


  • Trays for whitening polish
  • Tonic polish
  • Five Steps to Success

Hands can tell a lot about a woman. About how much she cares about herself, doing what, and most importantly, its present age. As you know, the fair sex do not like that kind of talk. After all, all of us in the shower 18 ... well, a maximum of 21! There is another reason to carefully monitor the state of the nails and the time to do manicures. Despite the fact that the days of gallant cavaliers, lips cling to the female handle for any reason, we have already been here and there some instances still occur.

What if you hit on the way it is? How would you feel, handing him a wrinkled "foot" with bitten nails and peeling paint? That's just it! In order to get your hands have not given you at the most inopportune moment, for them to be carefully looked after. And believe me, this does not necessarily go to expensive salons. Manicure is possible to make yourself at home. How? Let's deal!

Trays for whitening polish

If you think a manicure - it's just applying varnish on the nails, then you are very much mistaken. This is - a set of procedures by which your pen will always be soft, gentle and well-groomed. And we should start with special masks and baths. With these simple recipes you can whiten and strengthen nails. Let's start with bleaching.

Agree, yellow nails can hardly someone decorate. And this trouble happens for a variety of reasons - smoking, exposure to household chemicals, reluctance to use rubber gloves during food preparation, etc. Factors can be very much. And the result is the same - nail plates become an unhealthy yellowish hue. But upset because this is not necessary. You just have to act! And to help you in the most simple products, which is in every house.

  • Lemon - the undisputed leader among home remedies for whitening of nails. In order to restore the natural healthy nail plate color, simply rub them freshly squeezed lemon juice. This procedure should be done daily, for 7-10 minutes. However, some women complain that lemon juice irritates the skin.

If you too are faced with this problem, you should not apply the juice in its purest form - just make it one of the ingredients of the bleaching composition. For example, such. Take a large spoonful of olive oil, add to it half a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang, bergamot and cedar. Stir. Ingredients ready! Gently rub it on each nail plate.

  • Tray with soda. On cleaning properties of the ash known, perhaps every woman. So why not use it to whiten nails? To do this, simply make a bath. Mix one teaspoon baking soda with the same quantity of salt. Pour two cups of warm water. Add 3-4 drops of lemon juice and dip your nails in this solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • Get rid of the yellowing nails can and using hydrogen peroxide. In order to avoid irritation of the soft cuticle, it is necessary to take a 3% solution. Mix glycerin with peroxide in a ratio of 1: 5. Apply the product to the nail plate and let sit for 2-3 minutes. Not more! To conduct such a procedure is possible through the day.

 how to make the most beautiful manicure

  Tonic polish

  • Tray with iodine. Make it very simple. Take half a tablespoon of white salt, dissolve it in a glass of warm water and add six drops of iodine. Dip your fingers in the tub and hold for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the nails and hands nourishing cream.
  • Mask with red pepper. This mask not only well strengthen your nails, but also accelerate their growth. Take one teaspoon of nourishing, moisturizing skin cream. Add to it half a small teaspoon ground red pepper. Pour in a little boiling water. Stir the mixture. I should get a homogeneous mass. Put it for 10 minutes in a water bath. Thereafter, the composition must be cooled to room temperature. Now it can be applied to the nails. Keep this mask should be about 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Despite the fact that this procedure is very useful, it should not be abused. Use this recipe for no more than once a month.

  Five Steps to Success

Well, now your hands and nails are fully prepared for further procedures. Make a beautiful manicure itself is not difficult. And a lot of times it does not take - hours will be more than enough. But first you need to prepare a "means of production".

You will need:

  • nail clippers or "clippers";
  • cuticle clippers;
  • nail file;
  • nail brushes;
  • polishing nail file;
  • wooden stick.
  1. Give your nails the desired shape and length. If you have soft nails, you can use nail scissors. If strong - come to the aid of pliers. After that, the nail plate must be carefully sawed. To do this, always in one direction - from the edge to the middle of the nail. Nail file should be placed perpendicular to the nail. Not rasp corners too deep! If you have too long nails, do not give them a rectangular shape - it does not look very nice. Triangular nails need to file an oval.
  2. Take a wooden stick and gently push the cuticles softened skin. If you are not lazy and made the tub, then carry out this manipulation is not difficult. If this stage of preparation to manicure you still miss something, you come to the aid special composition or cuticle oil. Carefully apply it to the skin and hold for 2-3 minutes. Excess skin can be carefully removed with special scissors with a curved cutting edge or sharp tweezers.
  3. Be sure to buff the nail plate with a special soft nail file. Thoroughly rinse your hands under running water. It is necessary to paint lies flat. Make sure that the nail plate remained dirt and oily film. Now your nails are ready to spray lacquer.
  4. Choose a beautiful polish. It is clear that the choice of colors in the first place, all guided by their personal preferences. But no less important is the color of the skin of your hands. For example, dark-skinned girl perfect all warm shades - copper, orange, burgundy. Coral - red manicure will look great in combination with delicate pink skin of hands. A matte shades of red and white is very good harmony with the pale, "olive" skin.
  5. Now, perhaps the most important and crucial moment - lacquer. Make it quite easy. Most will stay firmly nail, put in three layers. The first layer - the basis. It reliably protects the nail plate from yellowing and help another, brighter, varnish evenly distributed. Give-based dry completely, and then proceed to the color coating. Nakraste nails in 1-2 layers and dry thoroughly. The final touch - a transparent protective lacquer. It prevents burning and flaking color. You're once again doing well dry.

Your manicure is ready. As you can see, to make the most beautiful manicure is not difficult - it would wish! Such a beautiful and well-groomed handles are not ashamed to apply for a kiss. Where are they - gallant knights?

 As a manicure itself - little tricks

We strongly recommend to read: How to get a manicure with foil
