Cacti are undemanding plants. Grow them - a pleasure. And how unusual they bloom! Anyone who has ever seen a miracle, never refuse to have it in my house. Caring for cacti is not difficult, even for the novice grower. But some features still need to know. For example, the plant has many varieties, but not all of them are suitable for growing in the home. In this article we look at the most popular types and explain how to properly care for them.
Varieties of cactus home
Prickly pears
These cacti - the inhabitants of America, Canada and Mexico. However, they thrive on the windowsill growers. Not very naughty but gorgeous flowering plants give their owners a lot of positive and pleasant emotions;
Heliaporus Mallison
With proper care bloom in the second year of life. It produces large buds, like daisies. The spines from this cactus are large and very sharp.
Very unpretentious. Inexperienced growers give preference to him. Blooms large red flowers, from the third year of life;
Quite an unusual species of cacti. As they grow, flower becomes "disheveled" and an awesome view of protruding in different directions stems. But it is wonderful blooms - bud size can reach the value of a saucer;
Effective Rebyutsiya
Miniature plants spherical form, producing many children. Blossoms small flowers that are strewn all stem;
The most popular form among gardeners. Already in the first year of life, the plant begins to bloom. Hue buds may be different. After flowering image of a beautiful red fruits;
Very delicate, prone to many diseases of plants. In nature lemerotsereus can grow up to seven meters in height, in the home is almost impossible. Caring for them it is not given to every florist;
Planting cacti
These plants do not like large pots. In order to care for cacti become more simple and convenient, choose a square container made of polystyrene, which have retractable trays. The depth depends on the size of the pot plant's root system. Width must exceed the diameter of the flower grown by 1.5-2 times.
Cacti is very finicky to the ground. The slightest discrepancy between their tastes and preferences can push back the release of the flower for several years. Under ideal conditions, the cacti bloom once a year, after 1-2 years after planting. Soil for cactuses calculated in the ratio of 1: 1 and includes the following components: earth, leaf mold, sandstone or coarse river sand.
To achieve a weakly acidic composition was added peat, is 1/2 of the portion of sand. The drainage layer - expanded clay or gravel - is required. Before planting, the ground steamed in order to eliminate the infected plants. Planting cuttings are disinfected with a special solution, purchased in the store. After disinfection stalk must be dried, so as not to cause decay.
The best place for cacti - the window sill on the sunny side of the room. Away from the window is not recommended to plant. They will be attracted to the sun, resulting in deformation of the stem. In such a situation for a long time are not cacti bloom. With the onset of winter, the plants must be removed in a cool place, for example, on a balcony or in a hallway. During these months the cacti are dormant and no special care they do not need.
Watering and fertilizing
To cactus felt good, you need to create a simulation of the desert conditions. That is, water is rare, but very abundant. Time is always individual watering - as the drying of the earth in a pot. Typically watering is done every three months, as a rule - in March, July and October. In winter, cacti do not watered at all. Water should be at room temperature, defend, and even better - the cleaned filter.
Fertilizing plants produced from October to March. Buy means you only need to fertilize in professional shops. They divorced in irrigation water. The proportions indicated on the package, as well as the frequency of use.
Breeding cactus
Cacti propagate from cuttings, shoots and seeds. Let us consider each method in more detail.
Cuttings or kids
The simplest and most common variant, which involves the separation of bud new rhizomes. For this the plant is removed from the pot, the roots are soaked in water and separated gemmated portion. Then transplanted it into a small pot. Caring for the children normal.
The hard way. It requires much experience. Escape is cut in a certain spot, after it is placed in a disinfecting solution for three days and then transplanted into the soil;
Seeds better to buy in the shops since grown indoors the plants are able to cross-pollinated. Grains required to put in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for two hours. Then the seeds are arranged on a thin layer of soil on top and covered with the same soil. The nutrient mixture is not recommended. After germination, the kids put in a pot, care is carried out in a standard way. Cacti grown from seed at home may never bloom.
Diseases cacti
The main enemy of cacti - aphids. To get rid of it, it is necessary to moisten an old toothbrush with soapy water and carefully clean all the affected areas.
Quite a serious illness, so it requires special care. Exterminating only mealybug insecticide, which can be bought in specialized flower shops. The drug is toxic, so cactus process should be wearing gloves;
Spider mite
It is not like the infusion of chamomile. The solution is prepared in a conventional manner: 25 grams of chamomile flowers pour a cup of boiling water, let stand for 4 hours and spray the plant twice a day with an atomizer;
Root rot
This is the reason for frequent watering. Actions are simple: take out a cactus from the pot, rinse the rhizome, dried and placed in another pot with new compost. Reduce watering to twice a year.
As you can see, caring for cacti is not particularly difficult. Keeping all of these tips, you are sure to make friends with this wonderful plant. And it certainly will give you a fabulous flowers.
We advise to check: Room flower puansetiya
Reproduction sheet
Propagation by division
Zamioculcas or, as it is called, dollar tree - is unique in its kind houseplants. Not only did he grow so slowly that it is generally difficult to see, because we still know so little about him that immediately panic at the first sign of any sickness of the handsome and, if necessary, for example, his transplant. And if you multiply gather your personal copy of the Exotic, and all is lost. After Zamioculcas very unusual flower, and it seems that the usual methods of flower growers plant breeding room it does not fit. However, not so scary as it sounds. Reproduction Zamioculcas is no more difficult than other potted plants. We only need to know how it reproduces Zamioculcas, and then apply this knowledge in practice.
Reproduction sheet
The easiest, most accessible and, therefore, the most common method of reproduction Zamioculcas - reproduction sheet. Just note that the list Zamioculcas - a whole branch growing out of the ground, and its trunk is covered under the ground and is a tuber roots. So when talking about reproduction Zamioculcas sheet is meant small leaves which are actually a part of this sheet. Zamioculcas and multiply it by them.
For such a method of vegetative propagation can use any healthy leaves. Often they are after transplanting or handling plant in the new pot. But it is possible and gently break off the leaves, or even a couple of leaves on the stalks, sticking them in peat or soft substrate for seedlings and wait.
But have to wait long. Some leaves of root and germinate within a month and a half, and the other would require a whole year. But usually the rooting process takes very, very slowly, and often the emergence of new germs really have to wait six months to a year. But be patient - do not need to dig up the soil every week and check the condition of the underground part of the leaf, not whether there were small nodules with roots. This will only slow down the process, if not ruin seedlings.
So, cooking is not very deep container to the bottom poured drainage (expanded clay, pottery shards or foam). On top of the drainage layer is poured soil (peat is suitable, with a mixture of peat turf ground or a mixture of peat with perlite) and moisturizes it. Stuck in the ground single leaves or leaves from cuttings and leave them currently live happily, occasionally basting. You can build a mini-teplichku, and it is possible to grow new plants from the leaves, no covering container seedlings.
As soon as the first new shoots, similar to rolled rolls, each new bush should be transplanted into a separate container. In the process of growth and development of a new escape old leaf turn yellow and rot, and a new shoot will begin to stretch and give more and more new leaves, turning into an adult full flower. But once again we observe all this will be a very long time, since Zamioculcas refers to the slow-growing indoor plants.
Propagation by division
If you happen to be the proud owner of an adult and a large copy of a dollar a tree, you can divide it into two or even three or four new plants. This method, in contrast to the breeding leaves, guaranteed to give fast getting new plants: the divided bush to the desired number of pieces - and voila! And let Zamioculcas new instances will not be as magnificent as their forefather, they will already be fully formed adult plants.
How to divide the bush Zamioculcas? Do it best in spring. In general, spring - the best time not only for the beginning of the gardening work, but also for the transplant, handling, and dividing the seating of indoor plants. During the multiplication by dividing the bush Zamioculcas it is removed from the pot and free tubers from the ground. First try to divide the bush most gentle way, simply severing hands tangled roots. If you succeed, the flower is much easier to transfer division. If heavily matted roots, they are cut with a knife.
With a sharp knife cut the tuber itself into several parts, each of which must be kept at least one point of growth - "eye". The easiest way to gently cut the tuber in half, saving each of the tubers obtained the aboveground part of the flower. If you need to get a larger number of new plants, flower, divide into four parts.
Each part was transplanted into new pot, the diameter of which must be only a few centimeters larger than the diameter of the new tuber bush. Before transplanting dry the slices and place them sprinkle with powdered charcoal. Choosing a pot for the new plant, do not take too narrow or deep dish - the faster the roots of the new transplanted Zamioculcas grow up to the walls of the pot, the faster and more intensely it will begin to develop. Of course, to the speed characteristic of this type.
In general, after the breeding division Zamioculcas long adapts. Even if the flower is not sick and does not reset the leaves, it is still at a time just freezes in growth. This is normal as soon as the flower to cope with stress, it will give the new shoots.
Do not forget that the split bush Zamioculcas - it's not a young plant, and only a new instance of the old adult bush. Therefore, you need to take care of him properly and do not replant every year, as is the case with the young bushes. The first time split bush is better not to fertilize, but treat it carefully, avoiding abrupt change in the room temperature and protect from drafts.
In general, reproduction Zamioculcas the one hand, is quite simple, but it has its own problems. Reproduction of leaves or leaf cuttings - a very long process, and the division of the bush - the procedure painful for the plant. In the first case you injure your Zamioculcas minimum, but will have to wait a very long time, when he grows up a new instance. In the second case, you just get another plant is already an adult, but the risk to destroy both copies. Because when inept divided Zamioculcas transplant may die.
But as you know, who does not risk, that does not win. So choose the method of propagation of this gorgeous flower room and multiply such beauty in his house not only qualitatively, but quantitatively. Good luck!
We strongly recommend to read: How to sit Zamioculcas