causes of cervical erosion


  • Erosion: forms, characteristics and causes of
  • Cauterize or wait
  • Gentle treatment

Today, the diagnosis of "cervical erosion" occurs quite often, almost every third woman. Erosion called defects on the surface layer of cells covering the cervix. There are two forms of it: true and false (pseudo).
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Erosion: forms, characteristics and causes of

The first form is the sores, occurring on the walls of the cervix due to damaged epithelial cells as a result of mechanical action, such as surgical abortion, traumatic introduction of a tampon, rough sex. In the absence of infections and hormonal disorders such erosion can heal yourself. But the second form, a false erosion, much more dangerous.

It is a response to the formation of defects in the uterine cervix. In their place, the mucous begins to grow and as it's a big inflamed area. Such erosion should be treated to prevent its proliferation. After all, the place of damage - this is a very favorable environment for all kinds of infections.

Guile in this disease is that it is almost never seen, especially in the early stages. Sometimes there may be bleeding after intercourse or just for no reason in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, women do not pay attention to it, and learn about the existence of erosion only planned reception at the gynecologist. However, the absence of symptoms does not mean that it is worth to leave this fact without attention and delay treatment. So do many nulliparous women because there is a perception that moxibustion can lead to complications during childbirth. Let's understand how this is true.

 examination by a gynecologist
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Cauterize or wait

It is believed that cauterize erosion nulliparous the fair sex is prohibited. The reason for this prohibition is that after cauterization procedure is a scar that prevents the disclosure of the cervix during labor, so that it starts bad stretch and tear. Therefore, you should exclude all treatments erosion in nulliparous, the consequences of which could be:

  • scarring;
  • severe soft tissue damage;
  • spontaneous disclosure of the cervix, which during pregnancy threatened miscarriage.

Until recently, the most common treatment for erosion was burning electricity, which leads to all of the above consequences. It is therefore in relation nulliparous women it is not applied. But it does not mean that they treat the erosion is not necessary, because the postponement of treatment may lead to dangerous complications. It is a malignant degeneration of cells damaged area.

Moxibustion in the traditional sense, of course, desirable for cervical nulliparous women. However, today there are various ways of dealing with erosion, which are suitable for all, including those who had not yet become a mother.

 drug treatment of cervical cancer
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Gentle treatment

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women and girls is only sparing methods, after which do not form scars and adhesions. To date, several such methods. Which one to use, solves only a doctor individually for each patient.

  1. Medication. This method is appropriate when not running erosion, accompanied by inflammatory processes. Such treatment is carried out immediately in both sexual partners. At the same time the period of treatment should be to refuse sex or necessarily to use a condom.
  2. Cryosurgery or freezing. The treatment consists of exposing the liquid nitrogen to the affected area. As a result, the damaged cells are frozen and die. When healthy cells unaffected. The procedure is painless, does not cause bleeding after the conference. Cervix remains scarring, it is not deformed.
  3. Laser therapy. The method in direct a laser beam to the affected tissue. The laser beam penetrates to the desired depth and destroy infected cells, while not affecting surrounding healthy tissue. Vessels once brewed, so there is a rapid healing, and the place of the wound leaves no traces. The method is characterized by high efficiency and safety.
  4. Moxibustion radio waves. By using apparatus Surgitron. Painless procedure, but after the amount of bleeding may occur within a few days. Should refrain from sex for 2-3 weeks. And after 4-5 weeks to see a gynecologist for a control examination.
  5. Moxibustion drugs. The impact on the affected areas and destruction of diseased cells is possible using such drugs as Solkovagina and Vagothyl. The first allows for the preparation of a procedure to deal with erosion. In the second case it may require multiple procedures.

Each method is aimed at the destruction of damaged cells, but, unlike electrocoagulation, the above methods do not result in unintended consequences for women, who have yet to pregnancy and childbirth. Often, small erosion on the initial stage of a watching a gynecologist before the prescribed treatment.

Keep in mind that universal treatment of erosion, especially in nulliparous women, does not exist. Only a doctor can assess its character and assign the most appropriate treatment with minimal consequences for the patient.

In any case, you can not leave the state of the cervix without attention, ride the disease. As time progresses, it can lead to undesirable consequences dangerous. Therefore, you should regularly visit a gynecologist for routine inspection, even if you do not care.

 Cauterization of erosion in nulliparous

 causes of bleeding during menopause


  • Causes and types of abnormal blood loss
  • Normal and abnormal menstruation in premenopausal
  • Causes of abnormal bleeding during premenopausal
  • On the cause of bleeding in postmenopausal
  • Methods of diagnosing diseases with uterine bleeding
  • How to treat bleeding in women during menopause?

In the life of every woman of a certain age (40 to 58 years depending on the characteristics of its organism), a period during which there is hormonal changes of the reproductive system. As a result of this restructuring, the women first reproductive function stops working, and then disappear menstruation. This difficult period is called the menopause. Many of the fair sex feel during menopause does not matter: they jump the pressure constant torment flushes, mood deteriorates. Another annoyance that happens at this time, are uterine bleeding.

A large number of women are convinced that the bleeding during menopause - the usual thing and it is natural, it does not require sharpening her attention. However, in reality it is not.

Bleeding may occur during menopause, for various reasons, and often report their appearance of any problems and the dangers of the female body.

Why am I having uterine bleeding during this period, what they indicate, and the spacecraft should deal with them?

 blood samples for analysis
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Causes and types of abnormal blood loss

These phenomena which are of pathological character, arise in the first period of menopause - premenopausal women (before menopause) - and may appear after the cessation of menses (in postmenopausal women). It appears uterine bleeding due to various reasons, depending on which are the four kinds of them.

  1. Bleeding, indicative of diseases of the vagina, cervix, ovary, endometrium and sprawl on the myometrium.
  2. Bleeding resulting from hormonal imbalance in premenopausal (dysfunctional allocation of blood), and small bleeding resulting from atrophy of the endometrium in postmenopausal.
  3. Bloody discharge iatrogenic, caused by drug intake.
  4. Extragenital (bleeding resulting from diseases of other body systems, such as liver cirrhosis, hypothyroidism, or in violation of blood clotting).

In addition to the various reasons for the uterine bleeding, loss of blood themselves, depending on the intensity and duration, also come in several forms, which are used to designate the specific names.

So, menorrhagia called the longest (more than 7 days) and the most abundant (80 mL) bleeding occurring in women during menopause regularly. But menometrorrhagia called heavy or prolonged irregular bleeding. Polimenoreya consider regular blood separation, the interval between them is less than 21 days.

Metrorragii called frequent and irregular bleeding neobilnye. All of these blood loss occur more frequently, depending on the climate in which a woman is shown. For example, among premenopausal bleeding menometrorrhagia prevail, and when menopause has occurred - metrorrhagia.
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Normal and abnormal menstruation in premenopausal

Already in the first menopause - premenopausal women - women should pay attention to the nature and duration of the menstrual cycle. At this time allocation can be of different intensity: from the scarce to plentiful. The duration of cycles varies, too.

Menstruation may be absent for 2-3 months, then again become a regular. The reasons for these changes are a reduction in the frequency of ovulation and the fluctuation in hormone levels. These factors contribute to the widening of the layer of the endometrium and affect the character of the menstrual cycle. These changes doctors is normal premenopausal.

There is, however, a number of signs, noting that the woman should immediately contact your gynecologist, since we are talking about pathologies. What should be a cause for concern?

  1. Too heavy menstrual bleeding in which you want to change the sanitary pad every hour or even more often.
  2. Discharges from blood clots.
  3. Bleeding appearing immediately after intercourse.
  4. The absence of menstruation for more than 3 months.
  5. Bleeding or spotting emerging between menstrual periods.
  6. 2-3 short menstrual cycle (less than 3 weeks).
  7. 2-3 of menstruation, extent of which 3 days longer than normal.

The presence of these symptoms may be due to different reasons, are worth considering in more detail.

 acceptance of contraceptive can cause bleeding
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Causes of abnormal bleeding during premenopausal

  1. Since abnormal bleeding characterized by mostly middle-aged women in menopause, in the first place is to put a hormonal imbalance. Imbalance in sex hormones leads to a lack of ovulation, which is why the endometrium starts to grow and provokes a discharge of blood.
  2. Polyps of the uterus can also cause bleeding irregular allocation. Polyps necessarily need to be removed by resectoscopy, as it was during the climax there is a risk of endometrial cancer or cervical cancer. Run the cloth is not necessary, but it is better to start treatment.
  3. Uterine fibroids. The symptoms of benign tumors are menorrhagia, which occur due to violations of the contractility of the uterine muscle. Fibroids grow in premenopausal and stops its growth after menopause.
  4. Another reason related to uterine endometrium is endometrial hyperplasia, which resulted in the inner membrane of muscle genitals grows and can reach a precancerous condition - atypical hyperplasia.
  5. Endocrine disorders arising due to polycystic ovary syndrome. As a result of menstruation may be very rare or completely absent, since there is no ovulation. Later, when menstruation is still there, they are abundant in nature and explains the growth of the endometrium.
  6. Violation of the process of blood clotting. This phenomenon leads to irregular bleeding.
  7. Pregnancy. Even during the pre-menopausal pregnancies, and bleeding associated with threatened miscarriage, placenta previa or location of the fetus in the fallopian tubes or ovaries (ectopic pregnancy).
  8. Various contraceptives. If hormonal oral contraceptives accompanied by intermittent, there may be irregular bleeding and spotting between periods. Non-hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) can increase the amount of menstrual fluid and Navy gormonosoderzhaschaya able to reduce blood loss.
  9. Hypothyroidism (lack of) or hyperthyroidism (an overabundance of thyroid hormones). These diseases are accompanied by the first case of severe bleeding, the second - long absence of menses.

 MRI for the diagnosis of disease

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On the cause of bleeding in postmenopausal

In postmenopausal women the menstrual cycle stops. Normally, bleeding, similar to menstruation (painless, lasting only 3-4 days) may occur while taking medicines that contain hormones progesterone and estrogen. The remaining cases spotting evidence of disease. It may be submucosal fibroids, endometrial polyps, cervicitis, ovarian tumors and atrophic vaginitis.

More serious diseases can be cancer problems, such as cervical cancer. From 5 to 10% of women according to statistics in this period suffer endometrial cancer. When bleeding not associated with taking hormone pills, postmenopausal women must seem like a gynecologist.
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Methods of diagnosing diseases with uterine bleeding

Since bleeding in women may be the symptoms of various diseases, it is not so easy to determine their causes. Diagnosis includes a range of activities and analyzes. It all starts at the doctor-gynecologist who during the examination can assess the intensity and nature of the discharge, to determine whether they are uterine or bleed very different organs. The gynecologist is able to identify one of the above 4 kinds of bleeding.

Next, to determine the nature of uterine bleeding in menopause women should undergo clinical and laboratory examinations. The complex survey includes actions such as:

  • medical history your doctor and character analysis menogramm (scheduling bleeding);
  • identifying the level of the hormone β-hCG;
  • biochemical and clinical blood tests;
  • krovosvertyvaniya research system;
  • transvaginal ultrasound;
  • MRI of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal investigation;
  • onkotsitologiyu to smear from the cervix;
  • hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy.

Held diagnostic curettage endometrial and morphological studies. As a result of these studies, doctors can establish an accurate diagnosis in a relatively short period of time and without delay seeking treatment for disease detection.

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How to treat bleeding in women during menopause?

After the diagnosis the doctor prescribes treatment. If the causes of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, that is disrupted hormonal balance, the main method of treatment is hormonal drugs, which contain the female hormone analogs sex. This method is called hormone replacement therapy. Keep in mind that to use drugs should be strictly according to the scheme prescribed by your doctor, or as a result of improper admission of hormones uterine bleeding may occur again. Sometimes, to avoid heavy discharge appoint hemostatic drugs. To compensate for blood loss, doctors prescribe as a treatment for infusion therapy.

If suddenly a woman in menopause copious blood loss has occurred, it can cause severe anemia or hemorrhagic shock. In this case, requiring urgent medical care that can be provided only in a hospital. If intrauterine pathology such as endometrial hyperplasia, hysteroscopy, and then spend ablation - scraping the uterine cavity.

In other serious cases also require surgical intervention. If bleeding polyp, endoscopic surgery is prescribed - Resectoscope. With its help through the cervix polyp removed. If you find multiple fibroids may remove the uterus, having a hysterectomy. If the disease is cancer, the woman continues to have treatment at the oncologist. In this case, in addition to surgery in the treatment regimen includes radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Each woman entered into menopause, should carefully monitor the health of their reproductive and urinary system. Every 6 months it is necessary to pass examination by a gynecologist, and if the above symptoms immediately contact a doctor. Only the timely help contribute to rapid treatment and final disposal of serious illnesses, because no preventive measures to prevent uterine bleeding does not exist.

 What do the bleeding in middle-aged women?
