children's milk teeth to change their permanent

Baby teeth are always the object of attention of all parents. Her parents are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the first tooth. But time flies - and now mom and dad with the same look in her mouth drop crumbs, waiting for the first milk tooth loss. And this question often causes a lot of anxiety and unrest, because someone has baby teeth begin to fall before, and someone - later. But in any case, the standard scheme - the first milk teeth in children, changing them to constant starts at about 6 - 7 years.

To better understand the principle of change of milk teeth, let's make a brief digression into the anatomy. Formation of rudiments of dairy Zubikov begins during fetal development crumbs, and from the very first weeks of pregnancy. And the beginnings of permanent teeth begin to develop immediately after the crumbs into the light. This process is very complex and lengthy, adjusted to the individual characteristics of the body of the baby.

Sets of milk and permanent teeth are also different. As is well known, human teeth 32 - 16, upper and lower same. However, the milk tooth - only 20. As a rule, most of the baby teeth fall out at a time when they begin to erupt permanent. Very often, parents worry that the child with the change of teeth begins to feel pain. However, the nature is extremely intelligent and has excluded this possibility.

At the beginning of the change of the roots of deciduous teeth begin to gradually "dissolve". Without the roots, teeth start to become loose and fall out without causing any child much discomfort. And this is what the vacant place is cut and permanent tooth grows. The most common change of teeth begins with the lower jaw of the child.

Of course, the baby teeth are changing gradually - within 6 - 8 years. As already mentioned, the process begins at about 7 years, and the end to 14 years. Fluctuations of these terms depend on a variety of factors - genetic predisposition, diet, baby, the quality of its drinking water.

Doctors - Dentists even trace the dependence of the timing of teething on region of residence of the child. And so it is not necessary to panic when milk teeth at the crumbs to fall in no hurry. And, moreover, remember that the change of teeth depends on the overall development and growth of the organism. And all the diseases that the child suffered, can also delay the start of the change of teeth.

How it all happen?

So, we found that the timing of the change of teeth in all children are unique. But the sequence in all cases, except for rare exceptions, the same. His first permanent "post" will molars - Six teeth in a row. And note - there are no primary molars. As the child's jaw appears room for these teeth.

Terms teething very individual, but the sequence of the process is always the same. The first permanent teeth, which you will find in the mouth of the kid - it's molars - the sixth in a row teeth, if you count from the middle of the jaw. Place these teeth appear when the jaw grows up, with the appearance of the six molars is not associated with loss of milk teeth. Fitting for them is a result of increasing the size of the jaw of the child.

Then she starts immediately change of milk teeth, which occurs in the same way as they erupt. First of all loose and fall incisors after them - premolars. The first pair of premolars replaced about 10 years, and the second - to 12 years. And to the 13 canines are replaced. By the age of fourteen, a second molars, and in the last - third molars - the teeth "wisdom." Although they are, in fairness it should be noted, appear in adulthood.

And then - they appear not all young people. Some still remains "unreasonable." This can happen due to lack of tooth germs. And in some other cases, the tooth is simply not erupt - or because of lack of space in the jaw, or due to misuse its position. This occurs very frequently. Doctors suggest that this wise nature a hand. Because by and large the modern man, these teeth are no longer needed - we do not eat raw meat.

 change of primary teeth in children

Dental care

Parents should carefully monitor the process of oral care. There is nothing particularly complex. In the early days after the permanent tooth cut through, it is not enough mineralized enamel, and thus the likelihood of tooth decay is also very high. Therefore, care during this period must be especially careful. First, get your child a fluoride toothpaste.

In addition, it is desirable that the child after each meal at least rinse your mouth with water. This measure will significantly reduce the likelihood that you will have to ask for help to the dentist. And note - it is desirable to eliminate a meal, as they also greatly increase the risk of tooth decay.

In that case, if the change of teeth is accompanied by severe itching, or pain of the gums, or the kid complains of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, always show the child the dentist. The doctor will examine the mouth of the child and, if necessary, appoint a special treatment aimed at strengthening the enamel. And parents need to remember to adjust the child's diet - it should be as many foods high in calcium.

Moreover, doctors recommend at this time to systematically give the child vitamin-mineral complexes. Choose them will help your pediatrician. And in some cases, the doctor, assess the condition of the child, may decide on the need to take certain medications containing calcium.

If climbing crooked tooth?

Sometimes parents lament that, unlike deciduous teeth, root erupt at random. Why is this happening? The most common reason for this becomes slow the overall development of the child. The jaw of the baby is growing rather slowly. Therefore, permanent teeth, larger than had his predecessors, is simply not enough space. And as a result, they begin to grow at random.

In addition, in some cases, it causes abnormal growth of the teeth becomes the presence of certain bad habits. Such a habit could be sucking tongue, fingers or foreign objects. Therefore, we must try to wean the child from this as quickly as possible. And if the parents notice that the child has a 4 - 5 years do not appear interdental spaces, they should as soon as possible to show the child the dentist - orthodontist.

Some parents ask the doctor - dentist tooth removed as soon as he has just started to wander. However, doing so unnecessarily is not necessary - most of the change of teeth takes place entirely painless and unnoticed by the child. But in some cases, a doctor's help may still be needed. Examples of these situations include:

  • The position of the tooth

In some cases, a baby tooth can strongly interfere with the eruption of permanent teeth. And if a baby tooth is not removed, there is a risk that it will grow consistently wrong. From such a tooth is to get rid of in a timely manner.

  • Inflammatory processes

Also with milk tooth should leave a doctor's office in the event that it was responsible for the development of the mouth of certain inflammatory processes. In some cases, without the removal of the tooth to eliminate inflammation fails.

  • Soreness milk tooth

Also, get rid of the tooth is in the event that he too cranky and sore, and he does not want to fall. Such a tooth can bring a lot of discomforts child.

In any case, if the change of milk teeth in children is accompanied by various problems, not worth the risk and wait until the problem will resolve itself. However, it makes more sense as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor. After all, at this stage, doctors can do a lot more than when the child's permanent teeth erupt all. But worry beforehand, "just in case", it is not necessary. Change of deciduous teeth permanent molars for children usually proceeds without any complications.

 change of milk teeth to permanent molars in children

Tooth dropped. What to do?

So, the baby tooth fell out. What do you do in this situation? Typically, the wound is bleeding badly enough. And many parents are afraid to see the like. However, this is not cause for panic - in the mouth a lot of small blood vessels. But there was no threat to the health of the child is bleeding not. Therefore, calm yourself - your fear can be transmitted to the child.

Just stop the bleeding. Make it very simple - form of a sterile bandage or gauze cloth and allow the child to bite her. Usually, 3 - 5 minutes, the bleeding will stop. If the bleeding does not stop within 10 minutes - it is cause for concern. Tell your doctor - a pediatrician. You may need to pass the CBC.

Make sure that the child two hours after tooth extraction did not eat or drink. From diet to this day it is necessary to eliminate all the bitter, salty and spicy food. It can cause irritation of the sores and discomfort in the baby.

Very often, parents prefer to give the child to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. But doctors do not recommend doing this. Better than the first day after the loss of teeth every two hours to rinse the tooth with saline. Preparing it simply - heating a glass of water, dissolve it in two tablespoons of salt and a few drops of iodine. Carefully move and cool to a temperature of 37 degrees.

And do not forget the most important thing! Put tooth under the pillow at night, to the tooth fairy brought a gift. Or leave it with the mouse - that's the way you like. Of course, today's children are not as naive as we were. But the child is still a child. And any child believes in a miracle !.

 Changing the primary teeth in children

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