chicken soup with noodles and vegetables


  • Chicken soup: easy recipe
  • Chicken soup - a classic of the genre
  • Chicken soup with dumplings
  • Georgian chicken soup (chikhirtma)
  • Chinese chicken noodle soup
  • Chicken Soup for Japanese
  • Chicken soup with mushrooms

Chicken soup - a great tool to consolidate power and to enjoy life!

Do not "heavy" and at the same time rich and healthy chicken soup can cure human diseases by weight. If you are drenched in the pouring rain, homemade chicken broth - a panacea for colds possible.

With homemade broth beats soup concentrate. If you and feel a bit like the aroma, the benefits of this soup will not be. So run to the market and buy fresh homemade chicken. It is, of course, is more expensive stores and is brewed longer. However, if we are talking about useful chicken broth, the best meat for him to be home-grown corn-bran and chicken.

How to choose a chicken? On the shelves, as a rule, is the set of plump carcasses. To select the best, look at the color of the skin: it must be light and thin. The smell of a chicken is nice and gentle. Fat white and transparent, but not yellow. At the same time the skin itself can have a yellowish tint, if the bird is fed corn or carrots. If the carcass is sold to the internal organs, the owner must look not spilled any bile and whether intact liver. Even in the domestic chicken in the stomach is sure to be sand and small pebbles. This is normal! Naturally, the meat must be very elastic, but not rigid. Then the cooking does not take much time!

Typically, home chicken is cooked for a long time, for about an hour, and sometimes longer, in contrast to the factory, which is ready in 20 minutes. What is the difference? The fact that domestic chicken live a happy full life and was walking in the yard, and the factory was kept in a cage and fed steroids. So what do think it is helpful.

There are many recipes for how to cook chicken soup. There is a very simple recipe, but there are more complicated.

 chicken noodle soup
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Chicken soup: easy recipe

To properly cook clear broth should be treated and put the carcass washed into the water and allow the water to boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer until cooked over a slow fire. Cover the pan does not close, salt at the end of cooking. If, however, there was a haze, it should be removed with a slotted spoon or enter a whipped egg white. Protein will bring together all the dregs. Preparation broth takes 30 minutes to an hour.

This soup can be drunk straight from the cup. This recipe - an excellent remedy for colds and flu. If you decorate the soup with greens and croutons, you get a wonderful dinner. Sometimes on the bottom of the dish put boiled egg and cut along the beauty. You can use chicken stock as a "refueling" for soups, soup and a variety of sauces.

Some housewives are added during cooking whole onion, parsley and celery roots in small doses. This gives "ostrinku" but takes a nice smell of chicken.

There are also recipes for chicken broth other countries. For example, in India in chicken broth certainly add ginger, pepper, turmeric and nutmeg. All these spices mixed in a mortar and heated with a small amount of broth, and then added to the main broth. The soup is spicy and sharp turns. However, this recipe is only suitable for very lean chicken, or "blow to the liver," is too powerful. But the cold will help immediately.

Students and other poor, but hungry people do come up with chicken giblet soup. Inexpensive but delicious first can be prepared, if you have chicken entrails, legs, neck and wings. All this will give the necessary fat, which is completely replaced by any other nutrient broth. Boil it should be 20-30 minutes.

 chicken soup with vegetables
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Chicken soup - a classic of the genre

How to cook a delicious chicken soup broth prepared in advance? There is nothing easier! The classic recipe involves the use of potatoes, onions and carrots. Optionally, you can add rice, buckwheat or pasta asterisk. Suitable tagliatelle, noodles, spider and even fast-dissolving ordinary Chinese noodles! The latter can only be added at the end of cooking or altogether omitted in a bowl before pouring the soup.

3-4 potatoes (2 liters of broth), cut into cubes and drop into boiling broth. When the chicken is ready, it is necessary to remove, cool and cut into portions. Should be cut into small cubes 1 carrot, sauté and drop into the soup, then just chop, sauté, and put in a saucepan 1 onion. Cook until tender (20 minutes).

To prepare the classic tagliatelle need 1 egg, 50 grams of butter, salt, and 1 cup of flour \ 4 cups of water. Knead the dough is stiff and rolled into a thin sheet. After that, cut into thin strips. Noodles can be dry in the sun. Some housewives specially prepared noodles in the morning, leave on the table and only in the evening cook soup.

Those who are busy, you can substitute homemade noodles in the store. Choose a thin and flat noodles or "cobweb". Thin noodles ready to be omitted for 2-3 minutes until tender.

How to cook chicken noodle soup? The recipe is simple. In the boiling broth add potatoes, carrots and onions. All the same cut. If anyone loves fatter, onions and carrots can be pre sauté. Cook it all for 10 minutes. Then add the noodles and cook until tender. Before serving, be sure to add the chopped herbs: dill and parsley.

 chicken soup with dumplings
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Chicken soup with dumplings

To prepare the dough, we take the flour (1 cup), salt, baking powder. Knead the dough (you can on the blender) until a viscous mass. From the preparation of the dough we make dumplings. Middle torn off pieces of the dough and throw them into the boiling broth, which is already cooked our potatoes, onions and carrots. When serving sprinkle with celery, or (who likes) cilantro.

Soup with dumplings - a classic dish of Russian cuisine. You can diversify by adding various herbs gnocchi (spices): thyme, lemon zest, pepper and other seasonings. You can make dumplings with spinach, parsley and dill.

There is the Ukrainian version of the soup with dumplings - 's soup dumplings. " Galushki - same gnocchi, but harder, since the dough is kneaded for their steeper as noodles.
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Georgian chicken soup (chikhirtma)

Georgian cuisine is characterized by an abundance of Russian condiments. Recipes focus on cumin, basil, cilantro, dried tomatoes and other spices.

To prepare the soup cook Georgian classic chicken soup with pepper-peas. Then passeruem pre-sifted flour (1-2 tablespoons) Add salt, pepper, sprigs of herbs (cilantro, celery), wine vinegar. Then pour the broth. Turn off the fire.

Saffron (1-2 stamens) diluted with water (1 tablespoon) and give to dissolve.

Beat 1 egg yolk and slowly introduce it in the cooling broth. We take out with a slotted spoon sprig. When the soup has cooled down to a temperature of 70 degrees, add the saffron.

 simple recipe for chicken soup
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Chinese chicken noodle soup

We have a recipe for a Chinese soup. Yes, in China too, like the delicious chicken soup! For this you need instant canned bamboo, ginger, carrot, onion, pepper, soy sauce.

The noodles can be cooked properly on the classic recipe: dough 1 cup of flour, water, 1 egg, then roll out and cut into strips. You can buy rice noodles in the store. It should be only slightly (3-5 minutes) boil with 1 ch. L. rice vinegar. Add it to the very end.

But for a little chicken broth; Chinese is added to a bit of pork (1 \ 4 of the volume of chicken). Cook can be separately and can be together; But first, put pork and a chicken 10-20 minutes. Be sure to strain the broth and dice the meat. Add to ginger root, carrots and onions into strips. Also lay out to the bamboo and cook until tender. The final action will be to add to the soup 50 grams of soy sauce.
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Chicken Soup for Japanese

The Japanese are very fond of chicken soup, miso. Miso - pasta, which is made from germinated beans. Buy it at us pretty hard, but if you look at the supermarket shelves, everything is possible!

If you can not find miso paste, grab canned beans and wipe it through a sieve. It will, though weak, yet replacement miso paste.

Classically stirred into water algae, then add the fish concentrate or dashi. You can use the usual recipe of chicken broth, which should be put through a sieve miso paste, after turning off the fire.

Before use in miso soup add tofu, chicken, sesame seeds, quail egg and greens.

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Chicken soup with mushrooms

200 g mushrooms finely chop and add to the boiling chicken broth. Then add 2-3 potatoes and 1 finely chopped and fried until golden brown onion. Boil until tender kartfelya. Serve with cream. You can enter a little milk or cream. This recipe is very respected Peter ...

As you can see, recipes, chicken soup is very diverse! In different countries, it is cooked in different ways, using the culinary traditions of the countries in which they live themselves chefs.

 Chicken noodle: delicious and quickly
