Perhaps no other thing in the world do not care about the parents more than the health of their children. For the children to buy the best products contain only the most useful substances. Unfortunately, in today's environment and the food industry the latest technology to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from foods is almost impossible. That's where parents come to the aid and vitamins. Children's vitamins for immunity, to improve appetite and vision - a very wide range of vitamins. However, how to determine which vitamins are best for children?
In order to make the right choice, the parents, of course, necessary to consult with your doctor pediatrician. However, parents themselves must be aware of when and what vitamins needed their kids. To this end, the following describes the essential vitamins, and something for which they are needed. Buying a ready-made drugs that you will be able to deal adequately with the information given in the summary to him. In addition, briefly describes some of the popular children's vitamins.
So, what are vitamins? The name came to us from the Latin, the word "life." Vitamins are organic compounds that are not involved in the energy and construction processes of a living organism. However, they are essential for its full operation. Vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes, are natural biological catalysts of many processes in the body, providing a complete immune system.
All known science vitamins are divided into two groups. To one of these water-soluble vitamins include C, P and B, as second include vitamins A, K, E and D - fat-soluble vitamins.
Water-soluble vitamins:
- Vitamin B1, or thiamine. When the body it is converted into kokarboksilazu. This vitamin is necessary for the body to fully digestible carbohydrates and fats are responsible for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. In periods of increased load on the body of a child in need for this vitamin increases five - six times. Thiamine is necessarily a part of all children's vitamins for immunity.
- Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is also very necessary for the child's body. It is very necessary for the normal operation of the visual and recovery of cells and tissues. Any vitamins for children's eyes contain this vitamin. In the event that the child's body will begin to feel its lack, the baby can decrease the quality of vision, begin the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, there will be painful cracks at the corners of the mouth.
- Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. This vitamin directly affects the exchange protein, as well as actively participates not only in the synthesis, but also in the breakdown of amino acids. Without this vitamin it is simply not possible full work of the circulatory and nervous system.
- Vitamin Sun or folic acid. This vitamin performs two important functions - it stimulates the process of hematopoiesis and in combination with vitamin B12 is responsible for the division of cells.
- Vitamin Sun, or folic acid is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, and together with vitamin B12 are involved in the process of cell division.
- Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid are involved in tissue respiration, is a catalyst for biological processes such as carbohydrate metabolism, secretory function of the stomach and pancreas, allows full functionality of the liver. With a lack in the child's body this vitamin, parents can observe symptoms such as loss of skin on the type of atopic dermatitis, diarrhea and unreasonable irritability. In addition, under reduced content of nicotinic acid significantly reduced the protective functions of the organism, and thus any vitamins for children include increasing the immunity of the nicotinic acid.
- Vitamin B3 and pantothenic acid has been actively involved in the process of regeneration, as well as protein and water exchange.
- Vitami H or biotin the body needs to digest the fatty acids, the evacuation of the cells of the body of carbon dioxide. If the child's body lacks this vitamin, it will be a very strong fatigue and loss of appetite. All children's vitamins contain biotin appetite.
- Vitamin B12 is very important - it has a direct effect on the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Cyanocobalamin comes to children's vitamins for growth, as well it promotes. Most often, the lack of this vitamin is due to worm infestation.
- Vitamin C is a regulator of the oxidation - reduction processes involved in metabolism. Normal levels of vitamin C provides a complete immune system, normal functioning of the circulatory system - strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases blood clotting.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
- Vitamin A contributes to the harmonious development of the child's body - skeletal growth, vision, growth of hair and nails. Choosing children's vitamins for hair loss, parents should take this into account.
- Vitamin D is necessary to complete enteric occurred absorption of phosphorus and calcium, helps strengthen bones and teeth. As a rule, all children's vitamins contain vitamin with calcium D.
- Vitamin E, or tocopherol, has a toxic effect on the lipid (intracellular) fats. In addition, it is vitamin E tends to increase the property of the organism to accumulate all the other fat-soluble vitamins.
- B vitamins K - K1 and K2. These vitamins are essential for blood clotting, maintaining the functional and structural properties of all body cells.
In addition to vitamins, it is vital to children's body minerals, micro and macro. They often also impossible to fully receive foodstuffs. Buying vitamin - mineral complexes for children, be sure to pay attention to what kind of minerals are included in the drug.
- Potassium. Needed as control water balance in the body. Potassium has an extremely high osmotic potential and penetrating through the cell membrane, it delivers water into the cell. So potassium prevents dehydration.
- Calcium. It is of paramount importance to all minerals in the body of the child. Calcium has the ability to absorb energy and to keep it inside the bone structures before the time, until there is a need for it. Thereafter, the free atoms of calcium release energy and, as required, or left in the body or the urine output it.
- Magnesium. This element is responsible for all adequate energy metabolism in all vital organs - brain, spinal cord, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Typically, the best children's vitamins in their composition and contain calcium and magnesium. In a joint penetration through the cell membrane produced by electrical impulses.
- Zinc is essential for the correct expression of genomic DNA during assembly. A sufficient amount of zinc at times reduces the chances of a child malignancies.
- Selenium. It is also required for the full cell division and normal operation of almost all systems of the body of the baby.
Thus, as is clear from the above, in order that the child grew up healthy, without vitamin - mineral complexes virtually indispensable. How not to make a mistake in choosing the best children's vitamins? You need to know a few simple rules absolutely, which will be discussed below.
The best children's vitamins
The most important rule to remember all the moms and dads - for children only permissible use of children's vitamins! They differ significantly in composition from the adult vitamins - children's daily requirement of vitamins is satisfied by 70 - 100%. Furthermore, the content of vitamins in a vitamin tablet in children is balanced in the proportions needed for a child's body. Moreover, all children's vitamins are also divided into separate groups, are intended for a specific age group of children. And this is understandable - the body's need-year-old child and a teenager are completely different. And children's vitamins to 3 years old will not be able to provide all necessary teenager.
Equally important is the issue of the form of children's vitamins. If older children to eat a pill is not difficult, the three kids - four years to persuasion and explanation of the benefits does not react strongly. But the youngest children is best to give children vitamins in syrup.
It is for children aged up to about two years developed a very practical application in the form of vitamins - a variety of syrups, powders that can be diluted in milk or even be added to food. However, such a brood mothers should not forget the most important, but at the same time very simple truth - the greatest benefit small children it brings the mother's milk. That is why the nursing mother in any case should not forget about the need for good nutrition and methods of multivitamins for women who are breastfeeding. Such a measure will allow your child to get everything he needs for the normal development of the vitamins that are already adapted to the parent body in strict accordance with his needs.
For children older than two years, the choice of form release vitamin - mineral complexes are extremely rich. This may be gummies in a variety of figures. A may be a lozenge, dragee or ordinary chewable tablets. Usually, children have great pleasure in taking such vitamins, so parents need to be extremely careful, and promptly remove the package with vitamins in a place inaccessible to the baby.
Since the age of four all vitamin - mineral complexes are appointed not only preventive but also for therapeutic purposes. If the body of the child is present insufficient amount of iron and a doctor makes a diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia are generally assigned vitamins with an increased number of glands. In that case, if a child, for whatever reason, suffer from intolerance to milk products, it is useful vitamins reception with an increased amount of calcium. If a pipsqueak is the category of sickly children, in children's vitamins for immunity to be an increased amount of vitamin C.
In addition to all forms of release of vitamin preparations differ significantly also in composition. Vitamins so-called first generation include only one - a single component. For example, from childhood to all known vitamins A, D, ascorbic acid. These vitamins are generally assigned to the treatment - preventive or therapeutic purposes. For example, if the vitamins for children's eyes, the doctor will prescribe vitamin A, and if the child has a symptom of rickets - the vitamin D.
Vitamins second generation in its composition have more than one component, and some - like vitamins and micro and macro elements and minerals. Such multivitamin complexes very favorably with their "brothers" of the previous generation. They contain several vitamins and minerals that are very effectively interact and bring maximum benefits to the body. For example, vitamin D is most useful in combination with magnesium.
As part of the third generation of vitamins, in addition to the micro and macro and vitamins, contains extracts of plant components, such as rose, Spirulina and others. Thanks to this range of activities such vitamins is much broader. However, be careful when choosing these vitamins - vegetable components in some cases can cause an allergic reaction.
It is impossible to say for sure what the best children's vitamins. When selecting children's vitamins is very important to focus on the individual characteristics of the child's body in each case. Those vitamins that will bring maximum benefit to one kid can seriously harm another. Special attention should be paid to the possibility of an allergic reaction to some - any of the components contained in the drug. If you know the propensity of the child's body to allergic reactions to citrus fruits, give up the purchase of vitamins with their addition, whatever they were not good. In order that the child received vitamin C, use the vitamins that vitamin C obtained from currant or rose hips - they almost never cause allergic reactions.
If doctors do not prescribe vitamins for therapeutic purposes, they should give the child in the winter-spring period, when the issue is most acute beriberi. In addition, the vitamins will help in the case if the baby is undergoing a period of adaptation (eg, in the garden), during seasonal influenza epidemic, when psychological overload, increased physical and mental stress. During the period of rehabilitation after serious diseases, reception of antibiotics, surgical intervention, in the event that power is irregular or defective child, in the case if the child does not eat or gets tired quickly.
The most optimal time for the reception of vitamins - this morning, preferably after breakfast. This is explained by the fact that vitamins, after the adoption, which - while toning the body of the child, so to give them in the evening impractical. Despite the fact that vitamin preparations many believe anything - it is absolutely safe, and many adults do not see anything wrong with that, to give the child extra pill in any case can not exceed the specified in the summary dose if other was not directed by your doctor.
Children's vitamins. Reviews
Choosing children's vitamins, reviews from other parents do not have to be decisive. Much more important is to carefully study the annotation to the drug and consult a pediatrician. Below is a brief overview of the most popular children's vitamins.
Vitamins alphabet kindergarten intended for children, and is already preparing to attend kindergarten. Vitamins and trace elements included in their composition, optimally prepare the immune and nervous system of children, preventing possible complications associated with the change of their traditional way of life. Another big advantage of this complex is the fact that they contain only hypoallergenic ingredients that almost completely reduces the risk of allergic reactions. As they are free of any dye or artificial flavor compounds.
Form release vitamin alphabet kindergarten - chewable tablets with a pleasant fruity flavor. What does each tablet is nothing more than as a separate, wholly independent of vitamin - mineral complex, designed for a positive impact on the child's body:
- "Iron +". This tablet is iron, which is vital to ensure that the child did not develop iron deficiency anemia and vitamin B1, which is essential for energy processes in the child's body.
- "Antioxidants". This tablet blend of vitamins A, C and E and selenium. They significantly strengthen the immune system of children's body. In addition, this tablet contains iodine, which is essential for a full mental development of the baby.
- "Calcium-D3». As the name implies, this tablet contains calcium and vitamin D3, which are necessary for the growth of the child and strengthen teeth.
Children multitabs vitamins are also very common and favorite of many thousands of children and their parents. There are several types of children's vitamins multitabs:
- Multi - Tabs kid. This children's vitamins to three years, issued in the form of chewable tablets. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, ideally suited to the needs of the body the baby under the age of 3 years.
- Multitabs calcium. This children's vitamins from 1 year up to seven years, are optimally balanced set of vitamins and minerals, which provide the correct formation of bone - muscular and dental systems.
- Multitabs teenager. This vitamin complex designed for adolescent children and helps them develop harmoniously during puberty. In addition, it helps children to cope with the increased mental stress in school.
Children's vitamins Vitrum also offer parents a wide enough selection of vitamins for children from one year and up to 14 years. All vitamin - mineral complexes completely hypoallergenic and contain no artificial colors. The next most popular - children's vitamins jungle.