Chinese cabbage salad with chicken


  • Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and pineapple
  • Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and corn
  • Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken and cheese
  • Dietary salad from Chinese cabbage with chicken
  • Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken
  • Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and beans

China (Beijing) sprouts appeared on our desks not so long ago and I must say, much relished. Kochanchiki her less dense than those we are used to cabbage leaves more tender and taste - something between lettuce and cabbage. By the way, in another it is also called "salad sprouts" or "Pestana". And now this vegetable has become for us not only familiar, but sometimes simply irreplaceable product. Chinese cabbage - a great base for light salads, but make it more nutritious snacks. For example, Chinese cabbage salad with chicken. Given that the chickens we are popular not less cabbage this salad surely find its fans.

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and pineapple

This salad will appeal to those who love salads with fruit. The sweet taste of pineapple pleasant shades taste of chicken meat and cabbage as a base makes this easy salad.


  • Chinese cabbage - 400 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • Canned pineapple - 1 bank;
  • Onions - 1 pc .;
  • Salt;
  • Mayonnaise.


Average chicken boil, cool and cut into cubes. Chinese cabbage take twice as much, shinkuem it and mix it with the chicken. There also put finely chopped medium onion and a jar of canned pineapple (pineapple syrup pre-merge). Mix all the ingredients and taste the salad dressed with mayonnaise and salt.

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and corn


  • Chinese cabbage - 800 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • Canned corn - 1 bank;
  • Onions - 1 pc .;
  • Salt;
  • Mayonnaise.


First cook in salted water chicken. Kochan Chinese cabbage, my, were dried and finely shinkuem. The cooled boiled chicken cut into cubes, and onion - half rings. We spread the onion in a salad bowl, add a little salt and a little "squeeze" the bow hand, that he gave the juice. Then add the chicken to the onion, cabbage and corn. Refill the salad with mayonnaise.


If you prepare this salad with boiled chicken breasts, then let it brew. Then breast soaked with mayonnaise and onion juice and will not dry.

 chicken salad and Chinese cabbage

Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken and cheese

Quick to prepare, delicious and very nice salad. In addition, a combination of products in this salad is considered to be a win-win.


  • Chicken breasts - 2 pcs .;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 small head;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 1 pc .;
  • Cheese - 100 g;
  • Green olives without pits - 10-15 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste.


All my vegetables, and cut obsushivayut: shinkuem cabbage, tomatoes cut into cubes. Chicken breast boil in salted water, cool and cut into cubes, too. Grate cheese. Olives cut into three or four parts. We spread layers of lettuce on a large round platter. But layers lay in a special way: not at each other, and strips, tracks, starting from the center serves.

So, the two central tracks - cabbage and tomatoes (red and green stripes). On either side of them - a track from the chicken, and the two extreme paths of the olive spread. On top of a salad sprinkle with grated cheese and pour sauce. For the filling, mix the oil with the lemon juice, add it to the black pepper and salt and everything thoroughly shaken.


This salad can be submitted in batches, beautifully laid on individual saucers. A festive variant salad can add pine nuts or walnuts.

Dietary salad from Chinese cabbage with chicken

You agree that the chicken can be safely attributed to the dietary product, let alone the cabbage and say nothing: for losing weight - the most suitable food. Yes and no fat mayonnaise in the salad filling makes it exceptionally dietary meals.


  • Chicken meat - 300 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 kochanchiki;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc .;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 1 pc .;
  • Onions - 1 pc .;
  • Feta cheese - to taste.


In salted water boil the chicken, cool it and split into fibers. My cabbage, obsushivayut shinkuem and finely chop the onion. Fresh red tomato and sweet pepper and my cut into thin slices and divide the cheese into pieces. Mix all ingredients and put in a salad bowl. Optionally add salad greens (preferably - cilantro).

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken

This salad can be used as a magic wand. Anyway, he prepares very quickly.


  • Kochanchiki Chinese cabbage;
  • Smoked chicken leg;
  • Mayonnaise.


My, obsushivayut shinkuem and cabbage, then lightly Mnemonic her hands. With legs remove the meat and cut it into cubes. Mix the chicken with cabbage salad and dressed with mayonnaise. Before serving, add to the salad croutons.

 a salad of Chinese cabbage and chicken

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and beans

This gives a very hearty salad. So this recipe easily can be used in salads as a separate dish, such as a dinner.


  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs .;
  • Beans - 250 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise.


Boil in salted water, cool and diced chicken. Shinkuem washed cabbage. Carrot mine, clean and rub on a coarse grater. Finely chopped hard-boiled egg cooked and canned beans wash of sauce. Fold in salad bowl all the ingredients, mix and dressed with mayonnaise and salt. Salad ready.


Instead of canned beans can be used boiled. And put in the salad white beans, red beans because the stain chicken and mayonnaise in an unsightly brown-brown color.

Select the recipe to your taste: sweet salad with pineapple tart with olives, rich diet with beans or with feta cheese. In any case, you get an easy and at the same time a hearty salad. Cook on weekdays or holidays, for themselves or for guests. And cook with pleasure!

 Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

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 Cauliflower Salad


  • How to cook cauliflower?
  • Cauliflower salad with mayonnaise
  • Salad with mushrooms
  • Salad with broccoli
  • Salad in Korean
  • Chicken salad
  • Salad with meat
  • At present everywhere - in the markets, in stores, can be found in the sale of cauliflower, but few people know how the product is wholesome and tasty. It is useful not only for the body but also for the figure, which is an important aspect for any self-respecting woman. It is appreciated for the simplicity in preparation and delicate flavor. The greatest popularity was a salad of cauliflower. It is not surprising, as cauliflower salad out very, very tasty, and many other dishes too - recipes are very diverse.

    Homeland cauliflower, is the Eastern Mediterranean. In Russia, this vegetable was imported from Western Europe in the early seventeenth century, and the cost at the time, was not available for a simple local resident. Cauliflower could afford only wealthy merchants and noblemen in the royal palace.

    This vegetable is cultivated plants. As previously mentioned, the birthplace of the cauliflower is Syria. This is evident also that the early cauliflower called Syrian. Initially, cabbage Arabs imported into Spain, and then it appeared on the coast of Cyprus, where for many centuries later waged supply of seeds of this vegetable. It was from there and came to us very first recipes cauliflower.

    Cauliflower contains in its structure a large amount of vitamin B, C, A and PP, mineral salts, and various trace elements - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and others. If you compare it with the cabbage, it is worth noting that it contains a half times more proteins and carbohydrates, and is rich in acids such as pantothenic, citric, malic and folic.

    I'm sure many interested in the question of how the cauliflower effect on the figure? Everything is very simple. Cauliflower is a dietary product, because of its composition, as well as the presence of a large number of proteins. The variety of recipes for cooking cabbage, allows to use it for food every single day, so that the figure will be always perfect.

    If we talk about infant nutrition, the cauliflower is one of the first vegetables that are recommended to be eaten by small children. Moreover, all the beneficial properties of cabbage perfectly preserved not only fresh, but frozen. There are special recipes for toddlers.

    How to cook cauliflower?

    There are ways of cooking in boiling a small amount of broth before steaming. In this and in another case, the cabbage will turn soft and delicious, but it is recommended to cook the cabbage for a couple, because thanks to this method, it is possible to keep more of its beneficial properties. Many housewives stewed cabbage, but still recommended before preparation of various dishes lightly boil it.

    During the preparation of dishes, cauliflower dismantled, blanch and then lightly fried in breadcrumbs, cooked or baked in a casserole pot. To prepare the vegetable stews and soups use mainly young shoots. If we talk about preservation, the pickled cabbage and salt, with all the beneficial properties are preserved. There are a variety of recipes harvesting cauliflower.

    In addition, many housewives are asked about how much time to cook cauliflower? It depends on what dishes to use it. Salad of cabbage boiling time is about 15-20 minutes. For soups it takes 30 minutes. For cooking eggs, in which the recipes include adding cabbage, in particular for omelet, it is necessary to boil for 10 minutes. As for the remaining dishes, cabbage, usually not boiled, and applied in the form of cheese - but nevertheless always read recipes.

    When buying cauliflower can also be difficult - some housewives are not aware of how to properly choose it. The first thing to pay attention to the uniformity of color - all the florets should be the same. Each inflorescence should be firmly fixed in place. If you purchased the cauliflower not going to cook from it in a few days, then it is recommended to store in a cool place. Thanks to this sprouts will retain all its useful properties.

    Cauliflower salad with mayonnaise


    • 300 gr. cauliflower
    • 3 tomatoes
    • 2 cucumbers
    • salt pepper
    • mayonnaise
    • herbs if desired

    How to prepare a salad of cauliflower with mayonnaise:

    Cauliflower florets to disassemble, then boil in a small amount in lightly salted water, cool, cut into small pieces. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into small slices. Green chop. Then in a bowl layers laid cucumbers, tomatoes, finely chopped greens, cabbage. Each layer of salt and pepper. Salad with cauliflower before serving mayonnaise. The recipe requires time, but still quite simple.

    Salad with mushrooms

    Very unusual and delicious salad turns cauliflower with mushrooms. For him, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 250 gr. cauliflower
    • 250 gr. champignons
    • Bell pepper
    • 3 eggs
    • ½ lemon
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons canned beans
    • mayonnaise
    • salt pepper
    • herbs if desired

    How to prepare a salad of cauliflower with mushrooms:

    Boil eggs and cut. Cabbage parse it into florets and chop finely. Mushrooms boil or fry, chop. Sweet pepper Wash, peel, cut into small strips. Then, in a salad bowl mix eggs, cabbage, beans, mushrooms. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with lemon juice. To prepare this salad, mayonnaise can be used instead of natural yoghurt. Although, of course, it is quite another recipe.

      Salad with broccoli

    In that case, if you care about your health, please note the following salad of cauliflower. For him, you will need the following ingredients:

    • 250 gr. cauliflower
    • 250 gr. broccoli
    • carrot
    • 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil
    • ½ lemon
    • salt pepper
    • 1 tbsp. curry powder
    • pinch of sugar

    Preparing a salad of cauliflower and broccoli as follows:

    Broccoli and cauliflower, boil separately, then parse it into florets. Carrots cut into small pieces, then combine with broccoli and cauliflower. To prepare the sauce to be mixed curry, sugar, pepper and lemon juice. Before serving, pour salad prepared sauce.

    Salad in Korean


    • 400 gr. Cauliflower (inflorescence)
    • 1 bell pepper
    • 1 carrot
    • herbs if desired
    • salt pepper
    • 1 tsp. Icing sugar
    • a pinch of coriander
    • ½ tsp. Vinegar 70%
    • 1 tsp. Aji-no-Mota

    Prepared salad Korean follows:

    Cauliflower apart and rinse thoroughly. Then dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Pepper wash, remove seeds, cut into rings. Carrots cut into small strips. Greens finely chop. Mix everything. Add powdered sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, aji-no-spendthrift and give infusions within 12 hours. Of course, the recipe is not the easiest, but the result will please you.

     coleslaw color

      Chicken salad


    • 200 gr. chicken
    • 450 gr. Cauliflower
    • spoonful of green peas
    • carrot
    • mayonnaise
    • herbs if desired
    • salt pepper

    Preparing a salad of cauliflower with chicken as follows:

    Chicken, boiled cabbage and carrots, cut into small cubes. In a salad bowl, mix all thoroughly, add salt and pepper, garnish with greens.

    Salad with meat


    • 250 gr. meat (beef, pork)
    • 500 gr. cauliflower
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of canned corn
    • mayonnaise
    • salt pepper
    • herbs if desired

    How to prepare a salad of cauliflower with meat is also very simple. Beef and cabbage boil, cool, chop. In a salad bowl, mix all ingredients and season with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Garnish with herbs. As you can see, the recipe is very simple.

    Bon Appetit!

     Cauliflower salad

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