Chlamydia and pregnancy

While waiting for baby pregnant woman can trap a variety of dangers. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, the female body becomes more vulnerable. Therefore, the expectant mother may face even those diseases that were previously never bothered her. The topic of our today's conversation will be a problem such as chlamydia and pregnancy.

Chlamydia - a very insidious disease. Numerous clinical studies have reliably shown that the presence of chlamydia in women is very negative effect on the reproductive system. Firstly, chlamydia with high probability may lead to infertility. Well, if suffering from chlamydia expectant mother, it can cause infection of the child and even abortion.

What is chlamydia and where does it come from?

Chlamydia - a very interesting creatures that have features once and bacteria, and viruses. In size Chlamydia several times larger than bacteria, but smaller than viruses. With chlamydia virus binds one more thing in common - they can exist only inside the cells. Outside of the host they just die. This occurs because the Chlamydia alone can not produce energy - are obtained from the cells of its host organism.

Chlamydia most comfortable feel in the cells of the genital organs. And so most chlamydial infection affects the genitourinary system is a woman. In more rare cases, chlamydia can be localized in the epithelial tissue of the lower small intestine. By the way, most often it occurs when a person holds goiter. A pregnant woman as chlamydia often affects not only sexual and urinary tract, and the membranes, and very kid.

The source of infection is a person with chlamydia. It is important to remember that chlamydia can proceed very long time without any symptoms were. And even the "carrier" of the disease may not be aware that it represents a potential hazard to your sexual partner.

Chlamydia is a typical representative of the classical infections, sexually transmitted. And accordingly, as you might guess, and the way of transmission is sexual, with unprotected sex. The use of condoms to some extent reduces the risk of transmission.

There is the possibility of infection with chlamydia through everyday, through contaminated hygiene items - towels, washcloths and other. Although the share of these means of transmission is not more than 5% of all cases, forget it, that all things of personal hygiene should be just personal, it is impossible.

During pregnancy, there is another way of transmission of chlamydia - a "vertical", from the genital tract mother to fetus. As mentioned above, during pregnancy Chlamydia penetrate into the amniotic fluid, and then striking the fruit itself. Infection of the fetus is due to the fact that the baby constantly swallows a small amount of amniotic fluid. Moreover, infection can settle on the mucous membranes of the fetus.

Chlamydia infection during pregnancy - not such a rare phenomenon. It occurs in about one in ten of the future mother. And often it happens chlamydia in women with uncomplicated pregnancy, a good general state of health and social status. Therefore, this risk can not be overlooked any woman - the problem of chlamydia can affect absolutely any future mother.

Oh and in case if a woman has previously been infertility, inflammation of the appendages, and the more abortions, the risk that she will chlamydia, more than 65%. As a rule, doctors always pay for this factor attention. The woman is sent for examination, allowing to confirm or deny the presence of chlamydia in her body. If you need to assign the appropriate treatment.

And it makes more sense to be examined in advance, even before pregnancy. This will avoid many unnecessary worries and unpleasant moments associated with the treatment of the disease. But even if the pregnancy is not planned, do not despair - modern medicine makes it possible to cure the mother-without any negative consequences for the health of the baby.

 chlamydia during pregnancy

The mechanism of infection

We can not say a few words about how the infection occurs. In close contact with the mucous membranes carrier chlamydia infection penetrate mucous membranes healthy women. After a short time, chlamydia being introduced into epithelial cells and cells of the immune system. In these cells, chlamydia can exist quite a while - up to 3 - 6 years.

After about two days a coming immune system. And he starts to respond adequately - to produce white blood cells. As a result, developing an inflammatory reaction, the intensity of which can vary from mild to pronounced. In the event that the problem will be seen at once, possibly pathological structural changes in tissues affected by chlamydia.

These are the pathological changes of tissues and are a major complication of chlamydia. In that case, if the disease is caught up with the woman before pregnancy, the defeat of ovaries and fallopian tubes with a high degree of probability can lead to infertility. And during pregnancy, a favorite habitat of chlamydia is the cervix. And, of course, a chronic inflammatory process can not take place without complications - it can lead to premature abortion or premature birth.

Another dangerous and infecting the baby. The body crumbs chlamydia cause much more damage - likely malformations of the internal organs of the child. And sometimes possible even intrauterine fetal death.

Symptoms of chlamydia in pregnant women

Symptoms of the disease may be different. And in many respects it depends on what stage of development is an infection, and where is localized inflammation. In case Chlamydia localized in the urethra, it is a chlamydial urethritis. Under him the following symptoms:

  • Discharge from the urethra

In some cases, you may receive a small amount of discharge from the urethra. These secretions are generally slightly cloudy and have a white color tone. In case of severe inflammation may contain an admixture of pus.

  • Discomfort during urination

As the disease often occurs during urination stinging or burning sensation, as in cystitis. These sensations often sick woman deliver many unpleasant minutes - every trip to the toilet becomes a challenge. A pregnant woman is known to go to the toilet very often because of their physiological characteristics.

  • Pain in the abdomen

The inflammatory process can not help but reflect on the state of the bladder. As a consequence, a woman may experience a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the bladder.

Although this kind of disease is quite rare. More often there is cervicitis - chlamydia cervix. The development of the inflammatory process in this case takes place in the canal of the cervix. As a result, the cervix is ​​sufficiently swells greatly increases in size. If the process takes a long time, there is a disruption of the normal structure of the cervical epithelium. As a consequence, it is possible the development of cervical erosion.

And for pregnant women, a typical place of localization is vaginal mucosa. This phenomenon is called Chlamydia colpitis. Also, sometimes chlamydia can stay in glands located near the vagina. Such localization of vaginitis is due to hormonal changes in women.

However, we must not forget that the urogenital chlamydia can often occur completely asymptomatic. That is why prenatal care and checkup is mandatory includes tests for chlamydia. In no event it is impossible to ignore the doctor's visit and their assigned surveys. After all, the problem of early detection greatly increases the chances of successful recovery and normal pregnancy.

Read more about the dangers of

I would like once again to tell you more about what exactly is the danger of chlamydia for the baby. And we start the story of chlamydia infection in early pregnancy. The most important complication - a spontaneous abortion or intrauterine fetal development stops. There is by and large due to the fact that chlamydia causes very severe placental insufficiency.

As you can guess, placental insufficiency necessitates the violation of the child's full supply of oxygen. A lack of oxygen - this is nothing, as hypoxia. And do not possess special medical knowledge to guess what she was facing the child.

It depends on the degree of hypoxia. If it is moderate, it may result in different systems and organs, from mild to pronounced. At best, the crumb will be born with a slight muscle tone, and at worst - with severe lesions of the nervous system. Well, if hypoxia is too strong, the development of pregnancy can and does stop - just a child dies in the womb.

And the results of a violation supply crumbs nutrients also very grim. In the case of lung disorders child is born with iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency, very low birth weight. All these complications of chlamydia most often develop in the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

On a same late pregnancy is the most common complication is infection of the crumbs. This process often affects the child's internal organs - most often it concerns the kidneys, liver and pancreas. The threat to the health and life of the baby depends on the extent of damage. But in any case, treatment should begin as soon as possible. This measure will help reduce the harm to the health of the child.

  Diagnosis of chlamydia during pregnancy

Many women often ask - and how our mothers give birth to children who do not even hear about chlamydia? Was it not there before? Of course, it was. But, unfortunately, the level of medicine is not allowed to identify and diagnose the disease chlamydia. And cases of spontaneous abortion, stop the development of the fetus and congenital disease of the fetus and remained with the wording "of unknown etiology (origin)."

Fortunately, today there are quite a number of species of immunological and microbiological studies. Investigation quite simple and will not bring any woman uncomfortable sensations. First we need to make the fence of biological material, which subsequently will be carefully studied.

Biological material - a discharge from the vagina, cervix and urethra. To this end, the future mother will take a completely painless strokes. Remember that, going to the doctor, you can not douche. Otherwise, the test results may be incorrect.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to determine whether the baby is infected. For this purpose it is necessary to make sampling of the amniotic fluid. As a rule, future mothers are usually very scared. And really - some risk still exists. But he is very small, since the entire procedure is carefully controlled ultrasonic observation of the manipulation of doctors and the state of the crumbs. And the doctor will never prescribe it in the event that the potential risk is higher than the possible benefits. Therefore, to give up the study of amniotic fluid still not worth it. Often, this procedure allows you to quickly identify the problem and save the kid not only health, but sometimes life.

 Pregnancy and Chlamydia

Treatment of chlamydia in expectant mothers

As you can see for yourself, pregnancy and chlamydia are not the best allies. This means that chlamydia is necessary to get rid of as quickly as possible. Treatment of chlamydia in many ways much more complicated situation of women - it can be applied to pregnant women, not all drugs.

Chlamydia droop into the cells of the urogenital system of the future mother, and there are located. And destroy them only by antibiotics. As a rule, very successfully cope with chlamydia antibiotics of the tetracycline group. But this treatment, even in non-pregnant women is an extremely large number of various side effects and complications. What can we say about moms? The more that this group of antibiotics is very negative effect on the body and that is why the kid is banned for use in pregnant women.

So today for the treatment of chlamydia in pregnant women using the most modern antibiotics belonging to the macrolide. For obvious reasons, we will not in this article give the exact names of medicines, and especially the dosage. Especially since this is not possible. All medicines selects doctor, strictly individually, taking into account all the peculiarities of pregnancy and disease among women.

But to successfully treat chlamydia, it must be complex. In addition to receiving antimicrobials doctor necessarily prescribe medications that will eliminate the existing intestinal dysbiosis vagina and that is a constant companion of chlamydia. In addition, it is useful to carry out a course of treatment aimed at correcting and stimulation of the immune system.

But remember that a pregnant woman's immune system - the question is extremely complex. Therefore, all decisions relating to this matter should take doctor-immunologist, together with gynecologist overseeing pregnancy sick woman. As a rule, timely and comprehensive treatment of chlamydia brings very good results.

Treatment of chlamydia folk remedies

There are several very effective popular recipes for the treatment of chlamydia, which can be applied to pregnant women. They will have no negative impact either on the health of the future mother, let alone on the health of the baby. But, nevertheless, if the expectant mother decides to try some of them, it is better to consult beforehand with the attending gynecologist. And about the phenomenon of the idiosyncrasy of a component, should not be forgotten.

  • Infusion of garlic

A surprising antibacterial properties of garlic known to people for many centuries. No wonder garlic is used to treat colds and viral diseases. Yes, and in the treatment of chlamydia garlic can also provide invaluable help. First we need to prepare the infusion of garlic.

It is prepared as follows. Clear from the husk 6 cloves of garlic, a medium-sized, chop and pour a glass of hot water. Place in a warm, dark place for about 12 - 14 hours. Thereafter, the resulting infusion is necessary to filter using gauze cloth. Do not forget to press the pieces of garlic - it contains a number of useful biologically active substances.

The resulting solution was mixed with one tablespoon of honey, mix well and leave for another one hour. The resulting infusion is to be used for irrigation. Douche expectant mother should be at least twice a day - morning and before bedtime. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Some sources advise parallel with syringing during the entire course of treatment to eat two or three cloves of garlic. However, doctors warn that an expectant mother because garlic can begin heartburn.

  • Calendula

It is very effective in this situation, calendula. It not only has a devastating impact on chlamydia, but very effectively removes the inflammatory processes that will inevitably arise as a consequence of chlamydia. For the treatment of used oil infusion of marigold flowers and an ordinary infusion.

Take 50 g of dry inflorescences calendula, chop them and put them in an enamel bowl. Pour a glass of calendula and olive oil over low heat bring to a boil. Once the oil starts to boil, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for a day. Then strain it with the help of gauze cloth and pour into a glass container.
