Chocolate frosting recipe


  • Simple chocolate glaze
  • Chocolate icing on the cream
  • Chocolate glaze starch
  • Shiny chocolate glaze
  • Professional chocolate glaze
  • Chocolate frosting in the microwave
  • The glaze of dark chocolate
  • Chocolate - nut glaze
  • Tricks of the Trade

About who exactly came up with a chocolate glaze, history is silent. But it is known that chocolate itself (in the form of cocoa) came to us from Mexico, where there was three thousand years ago that the confectionery cocoa began to be added only in the seventeenth century and in the early nineteenth chocolate took the well-known form of tiled. So, about icing. Chocolate icing - one of the youngest confectionery inventions. And given the high (at the time) the cost of cocoa, it can be called a work of high culinary fashion. Such icing covered only the finest and most expensive confectionery products.

Over time, the cocoa and chocolate ceased to be a "food of the gods", safely down to the ground and moved into the menu of mere mortals. And, nevertheless, they do not become an everyday meal, remain available, but the exquisite delicacy. Numerous recipes for chocolate continues to be a culinary "haute couture".

Simple chocolate glaze

The simplest glaze is based on sugar and cocoa with water.


  • Cocoa powder (2 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half cup)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


Mix the sugar with the cocoa powder and add water. Stir well and set on fire. On a slow (very slow) fire glaze cook, stirring constantly. First, dissolve the sugar, then the syrup starts to bubble. After the appearance of the glaze bubbles cook another minute and remove from heat. We give a lot of glaze to cool and thicken: hot is too liquid, sugar completely cooled down and hardened.


For the children of cake or custard cakes in the still warm chocolate icing, you can add a little butter and beat it with a mixer. So taste glaze becomes softer.

Chocolate icing on the cream

The most common recipe for homemade chocolate. It turns like a real dark chocolate, has a specific acidity, dilution cloying sugar. Great for cake frosting.


  • Sour cream (100 g)
  • Sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons)


Sour cream, sugar and cocoa in a saucepan and stir brew to simmer, stirring constantly. Once the glaze boil, add the butter and continue to cook until the butter dissolves. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and go into action: glaziruem cakes or muffins.


Glaze quickly cools and thickens when cooled strongly, but not harden.

 recipe for chocolate glaze

Chocolate glaze starch

The original way of cooking chocolate without brewing. It does not require oil or cream, it does not harden very fast and can be applied both in hot and chilled on baking.


  • Potato starch (tablespoon)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Powdered sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


In a bowl pour the sifted powdered sugar, starch and cocoa. Adding much chilled water and mix thoroughly. That's all! The finished coating can be coated pastries. By the way, a specified number of products is quite enough for the icing, which can be covered by eight cupcakes (mini cakes).

Shiny chocolate glaze

Another recipe of "cold" preparation of the glaze. It turns out almost real chocolate, but also brilliant.


  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • Milk (half cup)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Butter (one and a half tablespoons)
  • Vanilla


Mix cocoa with sugar powder and diluted with warm milk. There also put the softened butter and a pinch of vanilla. Ground to obtain a shiny glaze.


The icing hardens quickly, so it must be done after the preparation of pastries.

Professional chocolate glaze

With professionals, of course, difficult to compete. But everything is in our hands. And if we know this recipe is a professional chocolate, why not try to cook this delicious, brilliant and beautiful "shaving brush".


  • Butter (tablespoon)
  • Condensed milk (tablespoon)
  • Cocoa powder (tablespoon)


As you can see, remember the composition of the glaze is easy: all one by one. And cook it, and that is easier. It is necessary to melt the butter (the fatter the better), add the condensed milk and cocoa. All the mix, and rub the cover of the finished confectionery glaze their creations.

Chocolate frosting in the microwave

Do you like to cook in the microwave? Then this recipe glaze just for you.


  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Milk (3 tablespoons)
  • Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half cup)
  • One-third of the tile of dark chocolate


Heated milk and dissolve the sugar in it. Cocoa mix with butter and add milk. Then to put the chocolate and put everything in the microwave. After three or four minutes, we take out, stir and use frosting ready for its intended purpose (to cover the cake, muffins or cakes).

 Chocolate frosting recipe

The glaze of dark chocolate

Perfect for such as the famous cake "Sacher". Yes, and any other cakes too with this success can be covered with glaze. And it goes well with coconut.


  • Bitter Chocolate (2 tiles)
  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • Milk (2 tablespoons)


Chocolate break into small pieces and dissolve in a water bath. Milk mix with powdered sugar and add to the melted chocolate. We put on fire and cook, stirring occasionally, until the frosting turns into a thick paste.

Chocolate-hazelnut glaze

How about chocolate, but only white? From it, too, can prepare an unusual chocolate coating, such as walnut.


  • Butter (one-third of the pack)
  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • Tiles white chocolate
  • Milk (teaspoon)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Vanilla


The oil is taken out from the refrigerator and leave it for a while to make it soft. In a saucepan put a broken-chocolate bar, melt the butter and all this in a water bath. Then add milk, powdered sugar, nuts and vanilla. Stir and remove from heat. The glaze is ready.

Tricks of the Trade

In order for your experiments with glaze were fruitful, listen to the advice of experienced confectioners:

  1. The icing on the cakes must first apply a thin layer, and the top place for more than a thick layer.
  2. Very hot glaze better not to water pastry - let it cool slightly.
  3. To determine the readiness of the brewed glaze, use the "thumb method": if a finger dipped in glaze suffers, it is ready for use.
  4. The icing on the basis of powdered sugar, prepared "cold" method, it is desirable to use immediately, as it quickly hardens.
  5. The hot glaze can not be applied to the butter cream. If, however, there is a need, then make between cream and glaze layer of jam or a cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder or icing sugar.
  6. Chocolate glaze well with coconut, vanilla, rum and brandy.

Such are the little tricks and so different recipes for chocolate - confectionery "haute couture". Join the high culinary fashion?

 Chocolate Glaze: recipe for "haute couture"

We recommend that read: Simple cake with sour cream

 candy recipe


  • Belevsky candy
  • Apple marshmallow
  • Candy Pear
  • A paste of corn flour
  • Candy Raspberry

Marmalade - no candy, gum - no gum, candy - no sweets. A! This is familiar from childhood treat - candy. More useful sweetness, probably just impossible to come up with. Especially if pasta is cooked without added sugar. So, what it tastes, knows almost everyone, but how to prepare such a treat - we know not all. Meanwhile, cook marshmallows at home is very easy. The process is fairly simple, and the composition is dictated only by prescription pastes season or own tastes. Try to cook marshmallows - and you will certainly make sure this.

Arsenyevsky candy

Historical recipe that gave rise to all known recipes fruit pastes. The author of this recipe was a merchant Prokhorov, who on the basis of popular recipes invented a method for processing and storing apples. It happened this significant fact already in 1888. Since Arsenyevsky paste (the name of the city Belev) became known in many, many countries around the world.


  • Antonovsky apples (bucket)
  • Sugar (12 cups)
  • Egg whites (8 pcs.)
  • Powdered sugar


Apples are my, clean and finely cut. Fold in the aluminum pan in the oven, and concentrated to a state of mashed potatoes. Let cool puree ready, wipe it through a sieve or colander. Beat whites, add to them the sugar and mix with the mashed potatoes. Once again, beat until, until the mixture brighten. Lay off a couple of glasses of mashed potatoes (for lubrication reservoirs). The rest mass spread on two baking, the laid parchment paper and dry them in the oven on very low heat for several hours. Removing the dried layers, turn over the paper and moisten it with water. Layers of oil the rest mass and turn into rolls. They were again laid on a baking sheet (bottom seam) and then dried in the oven. Finished rolls marshmallows with powdered sugar rub, wrap in parchment and store in a cool, dry place.

 pasta recipes

Apple marshmallow

The most-most common recipe. Whether the fact that apples have always been a lot, whether from the fact that almost everyone likes apples. However, for the preparation of marshmallow at home is such a method can be considered as the base.


  • Fresh apples
  • Water


We choose the good apples. Mine, cut in half and remove the core of them. Take a pan and pour tolstodonnuyu water to a height of one centimeter. We pour into pan apples and put the pan on the fire. Give a boil and cook (without stirring!) To simmer half an hour to two hours - the time depends on the type and size of apples. Ready apples in the pan leave until cool. Then filter, overflow and clean the apples through a sieve. The resulting puree spread on a baking tray covered with cling film (baking paper), flatten the apples with a thin layer (four to five millimeters) and leave to dry. The finished candy to shoot the film and turns giving to dry the other side. Then cut into desired size pieces and store in a bank or wrapped in baking paper.

Paste from pears (in Slovak)

Another recipe fruit pastes. This time their pears, and even Slovak! Let's try to cook?


  • A kilo of pears
  • Cup sugar
  • Water


Pears thoroughly wash and cut into slices. Pour into the pan and pour a little water to pears. Tenderize them until tender, rub through a sieve and then boiled to evaporate the excess liquid. Then add the sugar and cook again, even before the full thick. Hot sauce spread on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Smeared on paper still hot mass and dried in an oven. Finished candy roll is turned off and stored in closed glass jars.

A paste of corn flour

Unusual and original recipe marshmallow.


  • Half a kilo of corn flour
  • Cup sugar
  • 3 cups milk
  • A pinch of salt


Pour milk into a saucepan, add the sugar and salt, boil. In a boiling milk Pour gently (stirring) cornmeal. Cook over low heat until the mixture thickens. Another hot mass spread on a tray, flatten with a thin layer and allowed to cool and harden. The finished candy cut into pieces of desired size.

Candy Raspberry

To offer you more variety and recipe berry pastes. Try to make a raspberry flavored candy.


  • Raspberries
  • Raspberry juice


Is extracted from raspberries glass of juice. The rest of my berries in cold water and put in a saucepan. The pot cover with a lid and put the oven for steaming berries. Steaming hot raspberries through a sieve. The resulting puree raspberry dilute juice and put on the stove. Boiled until the volume is reduced puree twice. Then decompose puree in a pan, ready made with baking paper. Dry them in the sun or candy in the oven. The finished candy sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in a cool, dry place.

As you can see, all recipes cooking is almost the same: take the fruit or berries, cook mashed potatoes, dry them. Try! Do it useful delicacy of apples and pears, raspberries and currants, sea buckthorn and honeysuckle, viburnum and of plums and even corn flour.

 Pasto recipe from childhood

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