Probably almost every one of us fell into an awkward situation when his mouth came an unpleasant odor. What to do in such cases? This question readers responsible physician.
Bad breath may occur after each eaten some food - garlic, onions, cabbage, and in the morning after sleep. Scientifically a condition called physiological halitosis. In this case, your best assistant - a toothbrush.
But 25% of the world population suffer from pathological halitosis. Here in the course are any tricks, people harass tons of mints and chewing gum, teeth and tongue will be overwritten to the holes, but the smell will appear again and again.
Breath! Do not breath
To find out how much fresher your breath, hold his hand to his face and cover her nose and mouth at the same time. Deep breathe: the smell?
If it is difficult to understand the normal use of gauze mask and a minute arrange a quarantine. That scent that you will feel in the guise feel around.
Causes of bad breath
Common causes of halitosis:
- Dental disease
- Gum disease and periodontal
- Poor oral hygiene
- Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa
- Xerostomia - dryness of the oral mucosa
In these cases, the mouth accumulates leftover food and bacteria that exude an unpleasant odor, and remove them at home is not always possible. Therefore, we recommend that you contact your dentist and treat halitosis. However, this problem is not always associated with problems in the oral cavity.
10% of the causes of bad breath:
- Gastrointestinal disease
- Rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the tonsils
- Lung disease
- Smoking, some medications, different diets
- The disease of the endocrine system
Determine the disease on the breath
The smell of hydrogen sulfide - the smell of rotten eggs. This smell can appear with the disease with low acidity gastritis, diverticulitis of the esophagus or stomach, pyloric stenosis, diaphragmatic hernia, and others.
Sometimes the smell may occur during normal overeating after the holidays.
The sour smell and taste in the mouth. Often it occurs in gastritis with high acidity, diseases of the esophagus, duodenal ulcer and stomach.
The bitter smell and taste in the mouth. It may appear for liver or gallbladder.
Fecal breath. This smell indicates dysbacteriosis, intestinal dyskinesia, intestinal obstruction.
Urinary smell occurs in renal disease.
The smell of acetone, sweet taste in the mouth, the smell of rotten apples. These odors indicate diseases of diabetes, the pancreas.
Where to begin?
If you are limited only brushing in the morning and evening, start as clean language. This procedure is unpleasant, but effective. By removing plaque from the language, you get rid of the huge amount of bacteria, and it will not smell "dead cat" in his mouth.
Begin flossing. Her you can remove plaque from between the teeth.
Rinse your mouth after every meal.
Quick Help
To quickly get rid of halitosis invented quite a few effective ways: candy, gum, air fresheners - spray for the mouth. And although their effect is not durable, all these tools at the right moment may well freshen your breath.
If your purse was not anything suitable, you can drink strong tea and throat rinse with clean water.
Of the products of bad breath are well rid fennel, carrots and apples. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic, onions or alcohol pozhuy celery or parsley. As well mask the unpleasant smell the coffee seed, just pozhuy it.
Bad breath often occurs in people whose profession is connected with the need to talk a lot and often. In these cases, oral mucosa dry, reduces the amount of saliva, and she - purpose cleaner mouth. If you are faced with such a problem - often drink water. One - two swallows not only freshen your breath, but also bring thoughts in order.
Bad breath - this is primarily a social problem. About any sociability, charm and self-confidence here and speech can not go, and even French kiss when repulsive breath you just do not threaten!
However, do not despair and rub the teeth with the tongue to the holes, testing cures and others. Simple oral hygiene is familiar to us from childhood, and do not need to invent anything new.
If the breath is bothering you and your surrounding despite hygiene, see your dentist. This doctor is always able to help you and suggest a solution. If odor remains after a visit to the dentist, the reason you need to look inside. Go to the reception otolaryngologist, surveyed at the therapist.