Many of the fair sex are paying a lot of time a strenuous workout in the gym and fitness - clubs. Their goal - the perfect feminine curves. But, thanks to such training is often possible to achieve very different results in the form naraschёnnoy muscle lacking flexibility and femininity. To avoid such a finish, it should be remembered that the proper training of muscles of the female body suggests the combination of work with its own weight and correct breathing. Such tactics will make the muscles of the body are not only strong but also flexible and elastic.
Many fitness instructors believe that it was realistic to achieve amazing results in the area of the press in just a month, if we use the most effective exercises. Regular exercise in the short term make a flat stomach, will reduce total body weight, and tighten the whole silhouette. Proper breathing is responsible for the metabolic rate. The sooner all functions in the body, the better the color of skin and its general condition.
With regular exercise, you can achieve results that will make your friends and acquaintances to gasp in admiration. After all, much depends on the commitment and perseverance. You can not go on about their desires and moods - Regular exercise is the most important part of losing weight. It is worth noting that many women who are paying due attention to the correction of the figure, there is a slight increase in weight, which is due to fat burning and muscle growth. Remember that muscle mass is greater than the weight of loose fat.
If you combine regular exercise for the press to further any kind of physical activity (dancing, walking, roller skating, swimming) and good humor, the desired result will not be long in coming, and the ideal figure is no longer a dream but a reality. The main thing is not to stop there.
You have to be prepared for the fact that working with the abdominal muscles will not be easy, as this area is considered the most difficult. It is in the abdomen debugged largest number of fat mass, which is very difficult to split and burn. But working with the abdominal muscles with caution and without excessive fanaticism, since complete combustion of fat threatened disruption of hormones that are responsible for the preservation of femininity.
When the decision to work on his press made final, should consider what kind of exercise to choose for themselves, to quickly and efficiently explore and strengthen this problem area. For example, many women try to go the easiest way - accept "help" advertised "miracle - trainers", but ultimately disappointed and completely abandon its recent endeavors.
To avoid this, remember that a reasonable, sound diet and effective exercises for the press, aimed at developing and strengthening the muscles will become the most effective solution to your problem. Of course, it is useful to know that the most effective exercises for the press - are those aimed at training the upper part of the abdominal muscles (twisting) and those in which the lower part is earned. Therefore, during exercise you should work all groups of abdominal muscles. It is also important not to give a preference to only one exercise that can lead to addiction, and there is no effect of the organism.
There is a set of exercises that help to bring the abdominal muscles in order in a short period of time. It is suitable not only women but also men. It should be performed regularly and intensively. But every workout should not take more than 15 minutes a day. In addition, it is not necessary to run to the nearest gym or fitness - club. Such exercises can be performed at home.
We are working on pressure
Take the starting position, sitting on the edge of the couch, and tilt the housing body back slightly. Resting your hands on the sofa, with arms should be bent at the elbows, and feet in front of him, align horizontally and then slightly bend their knees. Followed by bending down and pulling your knees to your chest, helping himself with a slight inclination of the body forward, with arms should be straightened. The culmination of this exercise will be a return to the original position. It should be performed in 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
Take the starting position. Lie down on the floor, back and down so that the head is close to the sofa. Try to squeeze the lower back to the floor. Next, grab hold of the border, located on the edge of the sofa bed, and lift your legs up in the vertical position. Keep your legs straight and lower them down, but so that your heels are not touching the floor. Complete the exercise return to the starting position. Do it in 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
Take the starting position. Lie down on the floor, back and down so that the head is close to the sofa. Try to squeeze the lower back to the floor. Next, grab hold of the border, located on the edge of the sofa bed, and lift your legs up in the vertical position. Remember as a child riding a bicycle and did not puncture his feet similar movements. Overall turnover of both feet - this one completed the exercise. Do it in 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
After screwing two approaches above exercise, rest about 30 seconds, without changing the original position. Change only the position of the feet - feet Abut the floor, bend your knees and just breathe evenly. This exercise is mainly aimed at the restoration of breathing.
Take the starting position, continuing to lie on his back. At the same time hold hands on the curb edge of the sofa. The legs bend at the knees and lift off the floor so that your thighs are vertical floor. Next, pull the knees bent as close to the chest, so that the buttocks are lifted off the floor. After returning to its original position, the feet should not touch the floor. This exercise is performed 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
Take the starting position, lying on his back on the floor, and the person should be directed to the couch, and the tibia should be put on the sofa itself. The buttocks should be as close to the edge of the sofa, and thighs should be perpendicular to the floor. Hands to pull in front of him on his knees, and his head lifted above the floor. Straining abdominal muscles, try to reach through direct hands on his knees and closer to the feet, so that the shoulders were moved up to the knees. This waist must remain pressed to the floor. Homing prohibits give up and head down. This exercise is performed 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
Take a starting position in a state of lying on his back on the floor. Head position closer to the couch, and his hands grab the border of his province. Legs slightly bend your knees and lift the floor to the vertical position so that the buttocks off the floor, too. Straining abdominal muscles and back muscles, lift both legs up in the vertical plane, with the legs and buttocks should straighten up in one straight line with the achievement of the maximum height. Homing prohibits lower the buttocks on the floor and lets just bend a little back with legs slightly bent at the knees. This exercise is performed 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each.
After screwing two approaches Seventh exercise, rest about 30 seconds, without changing the original position. Change only the position of the hands, lay them over the head and press your lower back to the floor smoothly and simply breathe. This exercise is aimed at restoring respiration.
Take the starting position, similar to that described in the seventh exercise, just lift your head above the floor. Bend your left arm at the elbow and try them by twisting Dotyanutsya right knee. After the reset, follow a similar motion with the right elbow and left knee. Complete the exercise return to the starting position. With the help of these movements will be pumped oblique abdominal muscles, which promotes harmony waist. This exercise should be performed with alternating hands in 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each, that is 5-10 times with each hand.
Take the starting position, lying on his back on the floor, and the person should be directed to the couch, and the tibia should be put on the sofa itself. Hands must be pulled forward in front of him and put a hand on one another. Try to make the maximum slope forward with arms outstretched to the side of the sofa on the left side of the left thigh. After returning to the starting position, the same movement should be done with the right side of the right thigh. This exercise should be performed with alternating inclinations in different directions in the 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each, that is 5-10 times in each direction.
Take the starting position, lying on his back on the floor, but so that the face was turned back on the couch. Right leg, place the ankle on the back of the sofa, and left bend at the knee and move it aside. The foot of the left leg should lie on his right knee. Hands outstretched leave the length of the body, but the brushes need to find a good support for the body, for example, grab the edge of the couch between his back and the seat. Head and shoulders should remain suspended above the floor, so the stable position of the body in this exercise is extremely important.
Summing up his right knee as close to the chest, pushing with the left foot and slightly lifting the buttocks. Then come back to its original position, but do not touch the lower leg back of the sofa. The same movement should be done for the other side. This exercise should be performed with alternating feet 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions each, that is 5-10 times for each leg.
Clear and regular execution of these exercises for the press will allow you, dear women, to get rid of the hated folds of fat on my stomach. When the victory over the body fat will be in the hands of you with great pleasure can go to a grand shopping trip in search of trendy things that will help to fully stress the chiseled figure and cause admiration from friends and acquaintances. So stop give up, do not grieve and do not overwhelm the lost harmony, and its will to take the iron fist and start a war with the hated and deposits.