Cystitis Chronic - it is a frequent disease. Incidentally, the attack of the disease in women happens more often. Doctors attribute this fact to several factors. Firstly, the anatomical features of the women - the urethra is much shorter and wider than the male, and is closer to the anus. This means that the risk of infection in the bladder is much higher. In addition, very often women are neglected for the sake of beauty warm clothes - pants at the hips, short skirts, tights on a frosty day become commonplace.
And cystitis affects mainly the very young women. Again, unlike males who suffer from cystitis and if, then, as a rule, in the elderly. Although, of course, there are exceptions to this rule - the risk of developing cystitis have any rights.
What is cystitis?
What is cystitis? The cavity of the bladder, as well as most other internal organs lined by mucosa. And in the case under the influence of any factor causing inflammation of the mucous membrane, doctors say cystitis. In the same case, if during the year in humans might be two - three recurrence of the disease is likely to be diagnosed chronic cystitis.
The reasons that can cause the development of chronic cystitis, quite different:
General hypothermia and hypothermia legs especially.
Violation of the normal process of urination - often in women.
Disruption of the normal functioning of the circulatory system.
Various kind of injury of the bladder and urethra.
Various types of infection and pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria and the like.
Dystrophy of the walls of the bladder, particularly in the advanced stage.
In addition, very often the impetus for the development of chronic cystitis in women may be sexually active - especially after a long abstinence. Doctors say such cases are quite often. So treat this risk factor should be very seriously. It is not recommended to change dramatically for the usual sexual intercourse - both artificial its extension and termination.
Speaking about the reasons for the development of acute cystitis, not to mention another very delicate moment. In that case, if you practice anal sex, you need to be very careful. With this type of intercourse the risk of infection of the bladder increases for both partners - both men and women. And women this risk is higher. Therefore, always use a condom and do not forget about the need to observe good personal hygiene. It is not necessary to give the slightest chance of illness.
Remember also that almost all pathogens, sexually transmitted diseases, are also able to trigger the development of cystitis - first acute and then chronic. Again, the risk is higher in women. So about your health with scrutiny - be careful, do not allow casual sex, use personal protective equipment. When the first symptoms of the disease is required to seek medical help from a doctor.
In addition, women have a very powerful impetus to the development of chronic cystitis may be suppressing the urge to urinate. The reason is very simple - if you regularly restrain the urge to urinate, will inevitably arise various bladder dysfunction. Bladder muscles begin to operate asynchronously, that a very negative effect on the functioning of the entire urinary system, and in particular provokes a chronic cystitis.
And in some cases, may develop chronic cystitis without any apparent cause. Why is this happening - the doctors find it difficult to answer, but the fact remains that the risk of ill cystitis are not insured by any one person. Therefore, information on how to deal with the disease, is highly relevant to all without exception.
Another question often asked by doctors - is the question of how the infection occurs in the case of cystitis caused by infection? There are several different ways to defeat the bladder:
Rising infection method
This method of infection occurs most often - when it gets an infection in the bladder from the urethra (the urethra). Most often this phenomenon occurs in a variety of infections, sexually transmitted infections - bottom-up way, they fall into the urethra. And in the event that the sexual act brings a woman must meet, perhaps even the development of cystitis without any pathogenic organisms. The impetus for the disease are exactly the stagnation in the pelvic organs, especially in the bladder.
Down method of infection
In this case, the infection goes down into the bladder from the kidneys. This usually occurs when a person is ill pyelonephritis, especially its purulent form. And in this type of infection cystitis occurs especially hard and pronounced, with a high temperature.
Furthermore, infection of the bladder may occur from the lymphatic system. This occurs if any pelvic organs - for example, ovarian or prostate - inflammatory processes occur. More rarely, but still there are cases when the infection gets into the bladder through infected blood. This occurs in diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, and other.
Methods of diagnosis of the disease
In order to successfully cope with the scourge of cystitis, you should promptly and correctly diagnose the disease, identify how pronounced bladder dysfunction, determine how much struck by the mucous membrane. And, of course, very important to establish exactly what was the cause of chronic cystitis. As you can guess by yourself to do it is simply impossible. Therefore, the manifestation of the first symptoms of cystitis, you must immediately seek medical help. About the symptoms, we will talk about later.
Modern medicine has many different ways of diagnosing cystitis. However, the most effective have been and will be common laboratory tests of urine, including bacteriological, which allows to find the form of the causative agent. In addition, urine analysis gives an idea of the extent of damage of the bladder and the intensity of the inflammatory process.
Then, to clarify the diagnosis, a doctor may prescribe conduct such types of research as cystography and cystoscopy. These studies make it possible to clarify the type of disease, the degree of lesion of the bladder mucosa. In addition, these studies can accurately determine whether the bladder tumors, stones, fistulas and ulcers and other foreign bodies. Furthermore, it can reveal some tsitoskopiya comorbidities that often accompany chronic cystitis.
In severe cases, you may need a biopsy of the bladder. Rather, its mucosa. Such studies are often appointed by the people suffering from a chronic form of cystitis flow. In addition, doctors may prescribe a biopsy to rule out more serious diseases - such as cancer of the bladder, if the symptoms are vague.
The symptoms of cystitis
So, how can we understand that a person is faced with cystitis? As a rule, make it simple - the disease has a very pronounced symptoms and delivers a sick person a lot of discomfort. He feels much worse. So do not notice these symptoms it is simply impossible:
For a person with cystitis, toilet turns into a real torture chamber. During urination sick person is experiencing pain, stinging and burning. And all of these symptoms are typical for both the acute and the chronic form of the disease. In women, they expressed very strongly.
Frequent urination
Patients women at times increases urination - their number can reach up to 40 - 45. Very often, there are so-called false urge to urinate - they are also very patient person plague.
Change the color, odor and clarity of urine
In addition, one of the first signs of a change in the color of urine - usually, it becomes darker, often cloudy, with a variety of impurities. In most cases, cystitis urine has a very peculiar odor, sometimes very unpleasant. Especially if the anesthetic has taken advanced forms.
Blood in the urine
In that case, if a person is ill cystitis more than a year, his blood may appear even blotches of blood. In this case, the delay can no longer be a single day - as soon as possible, seek help from a doctor. Women should be excluded menses.
Cystitis - this is nothing like the inflammatory process, which is involved in the bladder. It is therefore natural that the sick person may experience persistent pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. During acute cystitis the pain becomes more intense, completely depriving the rest of the sick person.
General malaise
In chronic cystitis sick person constantly feels a sense of general malaise. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain in muscles and joints are for a person suffering from cystitis, constant companions. These symptoms are very similar to flu-like condition.
In acute cystitis, the strong increase of the body to avoid virtually impossible - it can reach up to 39 - 40 degrees. But the chronic course of the disease often has a fever, though not as significant - up to 37, 5 degrees. Such a body temperature, without treatment, may persist for many months.
Treatment of chronic cystitis
Of course, chronic cystitis in any case unacceptable disregard. It must be treated and treatment should begin as soon as possible. In that case, if the treatment is chosen correctly and launched on time, the chances of complete recovery are very high. Infection is destroyed special preparations, the inflammatory process is localized to the bladder mucosa, docked, the disease completely recedes.
But once again I want to draw your attention - a favorable outcome is possible only if the doctor properly diagnose the disease and took medication. It is very common to see the opposite picture - incorrectly chosen preparations just to eliminate some time symptoms, masking it. But the benefits of such treatment there is absolutely no - one big harm. By the way - which is why in any case be self-medicate.
But let us look at this issue from the beginning. Incidentally, the treatment of acute cystitis is performed on the same principle:
Step one - the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms
Treatment of the inflammatory process does not make sense in the event that the pathogenic microflora, trigger the development of cystitis is not destroyed. Therefore, in the first human patient appointed by pharmacological agents that normalize microflora bladder. Antibiotics doctor selects a strictly individual basis, taking into account the course of the disease and individual characteristics of the organism. Step Two - Elimination of the inflammatory process.
Unfortunately, the elimination of one pathogenic microflora is impossible to get rid of cystitis. It is necessary to eliminate an existing inflammatory process. To do this, the physician also selects the necessary anti-inflammatory drugs. To date, there are very effective and efficient uroseptiki - drugs that not only destroy pathogens, but also eliminates the inflammatory process.
As you can see, the treatment of cystitis - is not such a difficult task. But the work will not only doctors, but also to the sick person:
Compliance with the doctor's recommendations
Firstly, strict adherence to all without exception, the advice of your doctor. Responsibly to receive drugs - missing only one injection or tablet is capable to cast doubt on the success of the treatment. In the event that your doctor has prescribed you physiotherapy, in any case, do not ignore them. Very often, people mistakenly believe that they are absolutely useless. But this is not so - physiotherapy able to greatly speed recovery.
Compliance with therapeutic diet
Ease all pathogenic microflora feels in an acidic environment - reproduction occurs very quickly. A human urine, which has high acidity, is the very ideal environment. A changes the acidity of the urine to a greater extent because of the diet.
To provoke such a change may be sour, spicy and fatty foods. At the time of treatment they must be completely removed from the menu of the sick person. In addition, the ban falls chocolate, biscuit baking. In that case, if you show the will power and refuse the above products, the treatment will take much longer.
Furthermore, such an imbalance may be caused by the most common vitamin deficiency. In the case in humans lacking certain vitamins and minerals, acidity of urine imbalance develops very often. So be sure to watch out for, so that the diet was balanced and complete. It is also recommended during treatment take extra vitamin E and multivitamin complex. Which - you tell your doctor.
Drinking regime
Correct drinking regime is probably the least important part, without which it is impossible to treatment of chronic cystitis. Sick people should take as much fluid. The day you should drink at least three - four liters of fluid. However, make sure that the patient drinks.
Very often from the "well-wishers" to hear advice to drink beer - they say that it is an effective diuretic. However, this is not so - alcoholic beverages in chronic cystitis is strictly contraindicated, since ethanol is largely worsen the disease. Treatment of chronic cystitis, and receive spirits incompatible.
Incidentally, the same holds true for coffee and other caffeinated beverages. One should not drink too sweet juices, fruit drinks, and especially carbonated drinks. Even carbonated mineral water is strictly prohibited. It is best to drink non-carbonated table water, unsweetened fruit drinks or stewed fruit. In that case, if you are well tolerated milk - and women are often the opposite - you are very lucky - the milk in this case, is very useful.
Treatment of cystitis folk ways
There are several very effective recipe of traditional medicine, which are also very effective in fighting chronic cystitis. However, remember that all of these recipes can serve as a supplement to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor. In no case can it replace traditional medicine alone. Otherwise, the consequences of such treatment will not be the most favorable.
Also be sure to check before use of a prescription from your doctor. And you can begin treatment only after approval and authorization. So let's take a look at these resources:
A decoction of chamomile pharmacy
Pharmacy daisy - an indispensable helper in the treatment of human large number of diseases. In particular, as you may have guessed, and chronic cystitis. For the treatment, you will need a decoction of chamomile, but not quite normal. Prepare five tablespoons of aloe juice and three tablespoons of dried chamomile blossoms. Daisy put in an enamel pan, pour 0, 5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer chamomile for ten minutes.
Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wrap a towel. At this time the press juice. After about 15 minutes, strain the broth using a gauze cloth and mix with the juice of aloe. This solution is a sick person to drink during the day, small sips. Treatment should last at least a month, even if symptoms disappear much earlier.