The rhythm of modern life is very, very high. Our life is such that a person on vacation is almost no time. This problem affects absolutely all ages, from toddlers Sadowski age, and ending with retirees. Kindergarten, school, tutoring, clubs, exams, college, work, build a career, and the like - all of this requires a modern man of enormous energy.
As a result of this rhythm of life is very widespread phenomenon of chronic fatigue syndrome. Surely, everyone at least once in his life heard of this phenomenon, but not all taken seriously by this disease, not counting it as such at all. However, despite the denial, this phenomenon is very common, especially among residents of large cities, ecologically unfavorable regions. And if a person has chronic fatigue syndrome treatments for it simply must be, otherwise it is possible to develop quite serious negative health consequences, up to the development of serious diseases.
Symptoms of chronic fatigue
Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are often very high and quite vague, moreover, usually they appear in the complex. Doctors have identified a number of core symptoms that appear when a person has chronic fatigue syndrome:
- The constant feeling of fatigue that occurs during the three weeks or more, which does not pass even after long and complete rest and after load reduction.
- The feeling of muscular discomfort. The sick person complains of a feeling of weakness, pain in the muscles, similar to those that occur on the day after increased physical activity.
- Also, a person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome often complain of significant memory loss and even depression
- In severe cases of chronic fatigue in a human patient may experience fever and swollen lymph nodes large enough tenderness.
- Violation of normal sleep - appearance as insomnia, and on the other hand, excessive sleepiness.
- Pain in the joints, appearing for no apparent reason.
- Constant headaches of unknown etiology.
All of the above symptoms in the absence of adequate treatment progressed, but their progression is not due to the presence of comorbid medical illnesses that can cause similar symptoms. Even with careful clinical examination of the body doctors are unable to identify any deviations from the normal state, laboratory tests also do not reveal any deviation from the physiological norm.
There are no pathological changes in the composition or blood or in the urine. On the X-ray images and the doctor did not note any abnormalities, do not have them, and by ultrasound. Biochemical parameters of blood at its clinical research remains within the normal range, there is no change on the part of the endocrine system.
As a rule, people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, put a diagnosis of neurotic reaction or banal vegetative - vascular dystonia. Treatment is usually given in such cases does not bring absolutely no positive result, the state of the sick person is deteriorating rapidly, there may be significant changes in memory and psyche, and even changes in the electrocardiogram.
If we talk about chronic fatigue syndrome, the causes need to be sure to call. Although accurate, the single cause of the symptoms of chronic fatigue has not yet been identified, doctors are also called several precipitating factors that may cause the disease.
Chronic fatigue syndrome can cause the following reasons:
- Viral diseases that cause nonspecific activation of the immune system.
- Psycho-physical factors, such as constant fatigue and stressful situations.
- Accommodation sick person in a metropolis and ecologically unfavorable regions.
- Defective or irregular eating sick person, leading to the emergence of acute or chronic vitamin deficiency.
Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Thus, the diagnosis is clear - chronic fatigue syndrome, how to treat it? Currently, the official medicine, there are several ways to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. The most favored by doctors is intravenous immunoglobulin G. However, in recent years this treatment gives more and more complications.
To treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome to be effective it must be complex. If you do not treat the disease itself and its individual symptoms, improvement of the sick person is simply impossible to achieve. In the complex treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome must necessarily include the following measures:
- Normalization and strict control of the regime of rest, as well as the level of physical activity of the patient man.
- Normalization of nutrition and dietary therapy.
- Vitamin - mineral therapy. A person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome should receive a full course of B vitamins and vitamin C.
- If possible, to the complex treatment is necessary to add massage and hydrotherapy.
- Any sick person available methods normalization of psycho - emotional state.
- Therapeutic exercise is also able to significantly improve the human condition in the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Applications imunnokorrektorov common action that have adaptogenic action.
- Application of the sick person enteresorbentiruyuschih drugs, such as "enterosgel."
During treatment, it is important to systematically systematic medical monitoring of the patient's rights, and in the case of severe illness, it makes sense to think about patient treatment to prevent complications.
Inpatient treatment is necessary for the normalization of rest and exercise the patient's rights. To conduct such treatment would be best in neurological departments of hospitals or the specialized health centers, dispensaries or in which it is possible to create the necessary conditions of the sick person.
A person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, must necessarily make obligatory walk in the fresh air, and their duration should not be less than two hours a day. A sick person should try to choose to walk as much as possible clean place, preferably in green areas where the air is much cleaner than in the industrial zones of the city. However, if for some - for reasons it is impossible, even a simple walk in the way home from work can bring huge benefits.
Therapeutic physical culture is also an indispensable tool in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. A set of exercises for therapeutic physical culture should choose a specially trained health worker. These exercises allow you to keep fit, but sparing the body without overloading it.
Homeopathic medicines
Very good for chronic fatigue syndrome helps homeopathic medicines. The main positive feature of homeopathic remedies is a complete absence of any side effects and was contraindicated, making possible the use of this drug in patients of any age group of people, from children and the elderly ending.
Listed below are the main ones used in chronic fatigue syndrome homeopathic remedies:
This drug is prescribed to people who complain of fatigue, headaches, watery eyes and photophobia. These pathological states are accompanied by anxiety, chronic insomnia, tachycardia, weakness in the legs, and in addition can be low-grade fever.
This homeopathic remedy is specially designed for teenagers. In the development of the drug pharmacologists have taken into account all the features of adolescence, such as intensive growth, hormonal, physiological and psychological changes the body, improve mental stress associated with the educational process. The use of this drug eliminates problems with concentration, perception of new information increases stressoustoychivst.
This homeopathic remedy is designed for use in elderly people who complain of ailments such as the common pronounced weakness, hand tremors and dizziness, as well as the rehabilitation of post-infarction.
Treatment folk methods
However, all of these funds is not the only way to cure chronic fatigue syndrome. If you have chronic fatigue, treatment of folk remedies can quickly improve your health. The following are the main means of traditional medicine is most effective.
Therapeutic diet has always been loyal assistant folk medicine and is a prerequisite for success in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Diet is absolutely simple and does not require much effort from the sick person:
- The diet of the sick person should be present as many foods containing large amounts of animal protein, such as seafood, chicken and other lean meats.
- Also, a person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, must be excluded from any diet carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.
- It is also desirable to include in food as much as possible of products containing iodine - Feijoa, sea kale, walnuts.
In addition to diet, there are many popular recipes medicine:
- If you feel the emergence of permanent fatigue, you should immediately begin to take grape juice. However, for the treatment of chronic fatigue usually prepared reconstituted juice will not do. You need to squeeze the juice each receiving it from fresh grapes. You must take the juice twice a day, after meals, three tablespoons. Treatment should continue as long as you do not feel the disappearance of the symptoms of fatigue.
- Ordinary potatoes are also able to help with chronic fatigue syndrome. For the treatment of potatoes you need to do the following: rinse thoroughly under running water, two potato tuber is medium in size, fill them with water and boil a liter to full readiness. It should be taken orally on an empty stomach, once a day over a glass of potato broth. Take this decoction you need in a day, for 14 days, after which you need to do a week break and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.
- To prepare the following for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, you will need two hundred grams of shelled walnuts and two hundred grams of any of honey. Carefully grind the walnuts and mix them with honey. Divide mixture into equal parts and take three days before breakfast. As a rule, on the second day of sick people report significant improvement in health.
- If the chronic fatigue syndrome is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as tearfulness, irritability, depressed mood, a sick person can help a decoction of valerian root. To make it grind one hundred grams of dried valerian root, fill it with boiling water and boil a liter for one hour. Then filter the using gauze cloth and pour into a glass bowl. Take a decoction of the night, half glass. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. In the event that chronic fatigue syndrome is accompanied by insomnia, a warm bath with a decoction of valerian root to help solve this problem. Just add a cup of broth to the bathroom valerian. Remember that the water in the bathroom should be warm but not hot. Hot tub may lead to the opposite effect.
- No less effective in chronic fatigue syndrome and acts broth motherwort five lobes. For its preparation 100 g of dry grass motherwort pour into a thermos and pour one liter of boiling water. Steep it for at least three hours. You need to use the infusion of the morning, on an empty stomach, half cup for a month.
- The following recipe has a tonic effect and strengthens the immune system. To make it, you will need: 10 lemons, half a glass of cranberry juice, 3 tablespoons sugar.
Because you need to squeeze the juice of lemons, mix it with cranberry juice and add sugar. The resulting mixture was put juice in a glass bowl and refrigerate for at least three days. Take the mixture is necessary before each meal, one tablespoon. The treatment should continue as long as no recovery was complete.
- With chronic fatigue syndrome for at least an effective action has a mixture of the following juices: half cup fresh lemon juice, half a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice, 1 cup of fresh carrot juice, sugar.
All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, add sugar to taste, pour the mixture into a glass bowl and place in refrigerator. Take half a glass before dinner, until the complete recovery.
- If you suffer from headaches and sleep disorders, you will help bath with mixtures of oil 2 teaspoons of almond oil, 3 drops of geranium oil.
Mix the oil and add to water. Water should be roughly about 37 degrees, and the reception bath should be about 15 minutes, no more. The treatment should continue for 15 days.
- Pine needles are able to eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue in a few weeks. For the preparation of this tool, you will need two tablespoons of pine needles. Needles rinse thoroughly under running water, spread on a baking sheet and place for 15 minutes in a preheated oven to two hundred degrees. Once the needles are dry, chop it, put in an enamel container and fill a glass of water. Bring needles to a boil, simmer for an hour, then tightly wrap a towel, add three tablespoons of any of honey and leave to infuse for about an hour. Take the resulting broth tablespoon before bedtime. The course of treatment should last for ten days.
- Common daisy pharmacy is able to provide valuable assistance in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. To this end, the sick person should take half a cup of broth for 10 days. To prepare the broth you will need to chop three tablespoons of dry inflorescences pharmacy daisy, pour two cups of boiling water and infuse for at least three hours. Then strain through a gauze cloth. Keep the solution should be refrigerated.
- Aloe is able to greatly strengthen the immune system of a person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. For the preparation you will need the following tools: 10 leaves of aloe tree, cut and seasoned in the refrigerator for ten days, 500 grams of shelled walnuts, 3 large lemons.
Squeeze the juice of three lemons, carefully rub the nuts, mince the leaves of aloe. Mix all the ingredients of a homogeneous mass, and place in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Store mixture in a refrigerator. Take it should be after dinner, two tablespoons. The treatment must be continued for 21 days.
- Broth clover eliminate the feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles. To prepare the broth you will need 300 grams of heads of clover, one hundred grams of sugar and one cup of water. Water should be brought to a boil, pour into it head clover and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat, strain using a gauze cloth, add sugar and stir until it dissolves. Take three teaspoons once a day, at any time, a sick person. The duration of treatment should be at least two weeks.
- Leaves and berries are able to greatly toning the body and strengthen the immune system of a person suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.