clarification of hair folk remedies

Every woman is inherent desire to change its image. One of the easiest ways is considered to hair coloring. Our paper focuses on how to properly hold a lightening hair at home, and what tools you can adopt.

The biggest problem of the bleached and bleached hair is their brittleness and dryness, and deteriorated appearance. That is why it is important to correctly select the means to lighten hair. Caring for such hair must include their nutrition and hydration. We offer you the means to prepare yourself to lighten hair, natural products, using folk methods of lightening the hair, time-tested. Their undoubted advantages - availability and the ability to use at home.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Not to say that this way of lightening the best, because the peroxide hair spoils. However, hydrogen peroxide bleaching of hair makes it possible to cope with the task in the dark hair, the color of which changed to a lighter shade of the hardest. Besides - he is the fastest. For dry fine hair absorbs moisture needed lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide, for coarse hair concentration of the solution is greatly increased.

Lightening dark hair - not an easy task, because such hair hardest to oxidize natural pigment. Through clarifying the procedure, you must be very vigilant to avoid the risk of severe skin burns. The addition of ammonia (5-6 drops of 50-60 g solution) also accelerates the reaction, but an excess of it gives the hair a reddish hue.

The composition for lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide is prepared immediately before painting, since oxygen from the composition starts to separate immediately, while still in the pan.

Lighten Hair glycerol

Despite the emergence of a large number of professional cosmetics to lighten hair, even such as shampoo to lighten hair lightening hair folk remedies does not lose its popularity. Another important female assistant is glycerol.

With glycerin prepared mask to lighten hair. For their preparation take 50 g of chamomile and pour boiling water, then insist 2 hours. The resulting infusion filter, add 60 grams of glycerol. The mask is applied to the hair wrapped film head and hold 30-40 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water. Lighten Hair glycerin will make the hair lighter one tone.

Lightening hair chamomile

The most well-known and simple method of giving the hair a gentle light golden hue - a lightening hair chamomile. Dried flowers are preparing a strong broth 2 tablespoons dried flowers floating in boiling water for 10 minutes under the lid. The resulting infusion studio and filter. The hair is washed thoroughly with shampoo, and then use the infusion of chamomile flowers as air conditioning. Clarification of hair folk remedies giving camomile palm of naturalness and safety.

 bleaching hair with hydrogen peroxide

Lightening hair with lemon

How many people, so many methods of hair lightening. Fashion for lightening hair with lemon came to the edge of our Slavic beauties of the East, for whom this issue has never lost its relevance because of a very dark shade of hair. That is why the lightening of dark hair folk remedies is often based on the method of application of lemon, but rather contained in the fruit of citric acid.

Lighten Hair citric acid must be done carefully so as not to burn the hair.
The gradual lightening of hair is as follows: freshly squeezed lemon juice diluted with water and rinse hair after washing with the solution. In addition to clarifying the action lemon juice gives the hair amazing shine. This tool is suitable for lightening of dark hair, and to maintain hair color bright colors. Clarification colored hair can also produce a lemon. But do not forget about it dries properties, in order not to cause harm to his hair overuse.

Lightening hair honey

Suffice it to a few people know that honey has an effect on hair, similar to the action of hydrogen peroxide. This process of clarification has a long history and is one of the honorable Count methods lighten hair folk remedies and gentle care.

At the beginning of the procedure the head washed with shampoo, add ¼ teaspoon of it soda. On damp hair apply honey mask to lighten hair - is warmed honey. Apply it evenly on all hair length and Kuta head under the film and a towel. The maximum effect you can get, if you leave the honey on the hair for a whole night. Lightening hair honey not only refreshes their color, but greatly improves the overall condition of the hair, making them healthy and incredibly beautiful.

From this natural product is an undoubted advantage. Lightening hair honey brings only positive reviews, because the hair is incredibly soft and radiate health.

Brightening mask of lemon and honey

This option mask contains the following components: 4 lemons, 0, 5 liters of vinegar, 20 g of dried calendula and chamomile, 50 g of honey (acacia), 30 grams of rhubarb root and 50 g of alcohol.

Lightening black hair you can conduct including with the use of this recipe. To prepare take rhubarb and fill it with vinegar and boil on for 10 minutes. Add the broth chamomile, calendula, juice of 2 lemons and boil the mixture for 5 minutes. To a cold broth add honey, alcohol, and the remaining 2 lemons juice.

In order to carry out gentle lightening hair, enough to dissolve 1 tablespoon the resulting mixture into 1 l of water and rinse the hair after washing solution. For a more dramatic effect is applied to the broth for half an hour. Most importantly - do not overdo it, because lemon and alcohol, dried hair and make them brittle.

Lightening hair yogurt

Not all natural masks to lighten hair with nourishing properties. Kefir can work miracles with hair and make absolutely harmless bleaching hair. Natural ingredients kefir mask help restore hair structure and significantly accelerate their growth. You can do the usual kefir mask, causing the entire length of the hair kefir and wrapping his head with polyethylene, and can use a more complex formulation. Clarification of hair folk remedies involves first safety for the health of your hair.

For the next recipe you will need 30-50 grams of yogurt as a base, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons vodka or brandy, 1 teaspoon shampoo and juice of ½ lemon. This amount is enough for medium length hair. You must beat the components and cause a lot of hair on the entire length. Then Insulate head polyethylene and towel. Lightening hair yogurt suggests that the mask will be on your head for at least 8 hours. After the procedure, apply to the hair nourishing balm.

If you are still in doubt, that give hair a lighter shade is possible without the use of artificial colors, try to lighten hair folk remedies. They may not be as effective, but your hair will stay alive and beautiful.

Lightening hair with herbs

It goes without saying that this method is very gentle means, which also serves as its main task and additionally cares for your hair. Natural lightening hair - is the best thing you can give your tresses.

The first recipe - a decoction of rhubarb. Take 1-2 sprout rhubarb (can be dry), 1 cup of rhubarb and 0, 5 liters of white wine. Instead of wine, you can use hot water. Mix all ingredients and cook until the capacity of the liquid to evaporate half. The cooled broth filter and it is applied to the hair. His head wrapped in polyethylene and leave the mask on for half an hour. Rhubarb attaches strands brown or ashy hue.

Nettle and chamomile - this is the safest lightening hair. Take 1 tbsp dried chamomile and nettle and prepare a decoction of them in 1 liter of water. Then washed hair rinse decoction and tied her head with a towel for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, dry the hair and moisten their camomile essence, diluted in water at a ratio of 1: 1. An hour later again rinse the hair infusion of chamomile (this time 1-2 tablespoons of chamomile cup of boiling water to insist 15-20 min. And filter). Lightening hair with herbs in this recipe ends.

Based Lapsany tea prepared in the following composition: 10 g of starting component, 50 g of pharmacy chamomile, 40 g of henna, 400 ml of vodka and 200 ml of water. The water is brought to a boil, add the henna, tea and chamomile and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, a mixture of vodka and insist 2-3 days. The liquid was then decanted and drained residues. In this method, the technology is clarification of hair: Apply to wet hair composition, without rubbing and wrapping his head, and after 30-40 minutes the tea washes away a lot shampoo.

Clarification of red hair can be carried out the following composition: 150 g insist chamomile pharmacy at 0, 5 liters of 40% vodka for 2 weeks, then filter the infusion and add to it 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

Traditional recipes lightening hair chamomile infusion pharmacies are used for coloring blond hair, causing them to take on the fascinating golden color and to give gray hair a living color. If you prefer to lighten hair without damage, it is very important for these two types of hair, then you should give preference to this method. Boil 100 grams of inflorescences gerberas and 500 ml of boiling water for 5-10 minutes and put the broth to infuse for 1 hour, and then strain. This broth moisten the hair and rinse after 30-40 minutes. Lighten dark colored hair, you can also carry out the infusion of chamomile, but you will need to have about 150-200 grams of chamomile. To enhance the effect, you can add 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide (after the procedure, the hair should be washed with shampoo). The use of this recipe will help your hair to buy a lighter shade and stunning brilliance.

Lightening hair with henna

 lightening hair at home

Especially good lighting to produce white blond hair with henna. Henna is not more than a chemical preparation with a high content of hydrogen peroxide. However, it contains, and natural supplements. Lightening hair with henna is best done on an unpainted hair, otherwise you may get a reddish tint.
If you do zaimeli using this simple means red shade lightening hair after henna is best done the old-fashioned chamomile extract.

Oils for clarification of hair

Clarifying the oil from FarmaVita (Italy) gently lightens the hair on 1-4 pitch. At the same oil to lighten hair causes minimal damage. Result after its application remains unchanged for several months, so you have to paint the only roots.

Oil can brighten only natural hair, giving it a soft warm shades. Proper lighting will give the hair dark hair Light Brown golden-red shade, and Light Brown - the color of amber honey.
Oils for clarification of hair is very comfortable in a domestic environment, besides they are very economical. Clarification of hair at home begins with the cultivation of an oxidizing agent in the composition ratio of 1: 2.

About lightening oil «FarmaVita» I can safely say that this lightening hair by natural means, because it is composed of: rosemary, thyme, nettle, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, thyme, fennel, conditioning and antistatic additives.

Supernatural hair oil "Solaris» EUGENE PERMA (France) is on level one step above «FarmaVita» and has a similar effect. With oil you can simulate a natural lightening of hair in the sun. To create the effect of burned hair must be mixed in equal parts butter, oxidant and shampoo, and then applied to the hair and hold for 5-10 minutes. As the oil washes its own pigment dyed their hair over time do not change color and does not fade.

If the purchase-ways to lighten hair oils expensive brands you do not like, you can use lemon oil, which will resemble the lightening hair with lemon juice or vinegar lightening hair.

Every woman has the right to pick and choose which tools to use it to restore order on its head. The main thing that the means chosen did not carry negative consequences. Clarification of hair folk methods help to solve the problem of giving the hair a lighter shade of the most gentle way.

 Clarification of hair folk remedies

We recommend that read: chamomile
