The long months of waiting the birth, and not the most pleasant moments of a generic process left behind. Mother and baby finally saw each other. But not always, unfortunately, very many young mom to relax is not necessary - Obstetric complications are very common.
This is not surprising - because during pregnancy a woman's body there are many wide variety of changes - hormones, the position of the internal organs, change as a result of intrauterine growth of the baby. To ensure that all these changes have disappeared and the work of all organs and systems rebounded in the former regime, requires at least a half - two months.
At this stage a woman often lie in wait for complications after childbirth. Where did they come from? To understand this, you must know exactly what the processes take place in this period in the body of a young mother. For starters, let's see what kind of obstetric complications are considered.
Involution changed during pregnancy and delivery of organs and systems takes about six - eight weeks - this is the period of doctors - gynecologists and called postpartum. And accordingly, complications after delivery - are precisely those which arise in a given time interval. Normally, all the organs and systems, except for breast and hormonal levels that are responsible for breastfeeding during this time should fully recover.
Status of the uterus after childbirth
Immediately after the baby is born and the last separates, the uterus begins to decline very intense and takes the shape of a ball. The uterus contracts actually very fast - in the first day after birth it weighs about a kilogram, on the seventh day - for 500 grams and only four to six weeks of its original size, and all (50 grams) is completely restored.
This whole process takes place for the recovery of the uterus women sometimes quite impressive: pain in the lower abdomen. Especially intense pain waiting for a young mother in the first few days, is magnified during feeding. This fact is explained by the fact that at the time of a child suckling a woman begins to actively produce the hormone oxytocin. It is this hormone stimulates uterine contractions, so it is at the time of feeding the child the most intense pain.
But the cervix gets its original shape in a much longer period of time - about a 13 - 15 weeks after the child's birth. However, no matter how light were not labor, and no matter how small baby is not born, it is completely and will not be restored, unless, of course, women do not do a caesarean section. These changes will not affect the well-being of women.
In some cases, a lack of the hormone oxytocin and excessive distension of the uterus (in the case if the child has a major weight), contractions of the uterus does not occur properly. A, respectively, and the uterus is cleaned inadequately. This means that a woman has at times increased risk of acute postpartum endometritis. When the disease becomes inflamed lining of the uterus. The woman has a fever, sometimes to very high numbers, there are very strong pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, weakness may appear abundant vaginal discharge with a very bad smell.
Injuries external genitalia
Very often women shortly after childbirth go to the doctor - a gynecologist complaining of a sharp pain in the vagina. During the conversation with the patient, usually a doctor - a gynecologist finds out that the pain came shortly after sexual intercourse. This is not surprising - after all the vagina during childbirth is also highly deformed - stretched. And recovering only 6 - 8 weeks after birth.
And about this time, vaginal mucosa is completely restored. After all, even if the birth is mild, without breaks, vaginal mucosa is still injured. And to hairline cracks in the mucosa is completely healed, you need some time. Not to mention the situations where there have been tears or cuts of the perineum - the time for regeneration need more time.
And if the couple will not stand recommended by doctors as possible in the process of sexual intercourse is very high risk of re-injury of the mucous penis. And sometimes these injuries are so severe that doctors have to re-sew microtrauma.
In addition, during sexual intercourse when draining microtraumas mucous membranes of the vagina during intercourse is very high risk of entering into these pathogenic organisms. And as a consequence, will inevitably inflammatory process, and which also causes a sharp pain and a significant increase in body temperature, and deterioration in general condition. If a woman recently gave birth to a child, in his notice these symptoms, it should be as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor - a gynecologist. Tighten in such a situation is by no means impossible, since complications can be serious enough.
Complications of the cardio - vascular system
Furthermore, after 40 generations often produce complications from cardiopulmonary - vascular system. In fact, during pregnancy, and it undergoes significant changes - blood volume increases significantly. And after a pipsqueak is born, this volume begins to decline gradually, reaching the previous volume in about a week. Naturally, these changes can not pass without leaving a trace of blood vessels and heart.
In that case, if a woman has any - any problems with the cardio - vascular system, postpartum complications can begin. A woman can start to complain of pain in the heart, heart rate begin to thicken.
Furthermore, in the first 14 - 16 days after birth in women blood contains a very large number of platelets. They rise because the coagulation system starts to work actively for about a day before delivery, as the body begins to prepare to bleed, which is always present during any delivery.
This is a natural process in order to protect a woman from an abundant hemorrhage. However, this medal has two sides - because of the increased platelet count in women is very high risk of developing blood clots that threaten to clog blood vessels. That is why doctors recommend to be extremely attentive to their health - because thromboembolism is a very dangerous disease.
Complications of the urinary bladder
Very often, after the birth a woman is experiencing some problems on the part of the bladder. Typically, after the delivery is greatly reduced smooth muscle tone of the bladder, whereby she loses the feeling of urgency. And the long and complicated deliveries were, the more the problem is compounded.
That is why in the first few days after birth the young mother is simply obliged to approximately every two hours to visit the toilet, does not matter, she feels the urge to urinate or not. If the bladder is not emptied on time, it naturally overflows. A full bladder is very hinders the uterus to contract and withdraw fully from her postpartum discharge.
As a consequence of this phenomenon is very high risk of developing inflammatory processes, including postpartum endometritis. If a woman feels the sharp pain in the abdomen and lower back, fever, weakness, it must as soon as possible to see a doctor - a gynecologist.
Problems of the gastro - intestinal tract
Apart from the fact that reduced muscle tone of the bladder, and it decreases in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result - a woman begins constipation, sometimes quite strong. This problem affects two-thirds of all newly appeared mothers.
And with that constipation is not only possible, but also need to actively fight. Doctors recommend for this two ways of influence:
- Physical effects. The most simple, but at the same time an effective way to make the intestines work - a warm shower stream directed at the lower abdomen. Head shower stimulates receptors and increases peristalsis. Furthermore, it is possible to use massage of the abdomen - stomach stroking in a circular motion clockwise, for 10 minutes at least three times a day.
- Proper diet. Equally important is the correct diet - eat more onions, prunes, pumpkin and green apples. You should not be afraid of the digestive system - these foods will not do him absolutely no harm, and the appearance of diarrhea also can not be afraid. Sometimes young mother prefers to follow the path of least resistance and uses laxatives candles. However, doctors do not recommend to abuse pharmacological longer than the first five days after giving birth.
There is another problem, directly related to pregnancy and constipation - varicose veins of the rectum, or, to put it simply - hemorrhoids. Approximately 75% of all women who gave birth, to some extent, but still marked hemorrhoids. However, the severity of this phenomenon can be very different.
In the most severe cases hemorrhoids are very small and they disappear on their own by the end of the first week, a woman without causing any discomfort, and does not require medical intervention. However, unfortunately, this is not always the case - sometimes the pain from hemorrhoids is much stronger than the pain of tears and cuts of the perineum.
In this case, a woman in any case should not tolerate a lot of pain, or try to get rid of her own. It is much wiser to seek help from a doctor who will help select the optimal treatment regimen that does not harm either mother or baby, but at the same time very quickly alleviate the condition.
When to see a doctor?
So, to sum up all of the above - when the young mother has to see a doctor? After all, the problem of "I'm afraid of complications after giving birth" is almost certain to every woman recently gave birth to a child. To avoid these complications, you need to be as attentive to their health - just timely access to a doctor - a gynecologist may reduce complications to a minimum.
- Pain in the abdomen. Despite the fact that the pain in the postpartum period, in principle, are normal and typical. However, the pain is quite tolerable. But in that case, if the pain becomes too intense, the young mother should begin to worry, especially if the pain is given in the lower back. The doctor will appoint a woman an ultrasound study, which will identify inflammatory processes, as well as appoint an optimal treatment regimen.
- Condition seams. In that case, if a woman has the seams - and no matter whether by caesarean section or sections and breaks joints of their need to be treated with special attention. In the event that the seams will start to blush, blood, or a bandage tread sukrovichnye spots, you need as quickly as possible to see a doctor who will assess the actual situation and, if necessary, will take the necessary measures.
- Discharge from the genitals. In that case, if a young mother suddenly changed the character of vaginal discharge - they can become more abundant, change the texture, color and smell, it should be as soon as possible to seek help from a doctor - a gynecologist. In no case do not expect that everything will pass by itself - sometimes really change the selections are not cause for concern.
And sometimes these changes may indicate the development of certain obstetric complications, such as inflammation of the vagina or dysbiosis. And clearly and accurately determine what is entailed, these changes can only be a doctor - a gynecologist.
And do not forget that even if the young mother did not bother absolutely nothing, a month after the birth, she must visit a doctor - a gynecologist, who will conduct a routine inspection. In this examination, the doctor determines whether the normal recovery of the body takes a young mother, if she could not get any complications after the birth.