In the ranking of the most asked questions for women to be "in the family way", in the first place, perhaps, is the question "Who would expect? "Planning the sex of the child can be compared to a lottery with only one difference: in most cases, the lottery is a win-win with any result.
Most often, parents important fact of the appearance of the child. And it would, at least, unfair to the child gender preferences in advance to form like: "It is necessary to conceive a boy, a girl we do not need," or vice versa. However, sometimes there are situations when planning sex of the child is essential. For example, the presence of diseases transmitted through the female line, the birth of a girl is highly undesirable.
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The ancient methods of conceiving a boy
The question of how to conceive a boy, asked since ancient times, when there was a tradition alive transfer legacy, such as the throne, only through the male line. Extension of its kind in those days was paid a lot of attention. There are many methods and beliefs on how to conceive a baby of a particular sex. For example, to conceive a boy in China in ancient times, the woman went to head to the north, the Egyptians waited for the full moon, and the Germans - the warm sunny weather. Some people need to attribute accompanying conceiving a boy, an ax under his pillow or a cocktail from the lion's blood with wine before intercourse.
Some techniques have survived to our time. So often now used to conceive a boy table came from ancient China. It takes into account a combination of the month of conception and the age of the mother. Interestingly, the original source of the table is preserved to this day and is located in Beijing.
The Japanese invented for the occasion a more complex version of the table on which is determined by the first "magic" numbers based on a combination of the month of birth of parents, and then, using the chart, the probability of conceiving a child of either sex. There are many methods: diet, conceiving a boy by birth, different poses, rituals. How effective they are - a moot point. Lack of scientific evidence is questionable. All this may have the effect of not more than a psychological calming and other exotic sensations.
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The modern science of the regulation of the sexes
Times are changing, and the regulation of fertility and conception boy remains as relevant.
And the matter is that Mother Nature, which is incorporated in our indestructible instinct kind of extension. Only now replace the ephemeral, sometimes mystical, come new methods, scientifically substantiated.
The big breakthrough in this issue occurred with the development of the science of genetics, which laid out our sperm and eggs on the type of chromosome X and Y. For example, the female body contains only XX chromosomes, while men - chromosomes X and Y. This knowledge formed the basis of the theory of conception at ovulation. According to this theory the child's sex depends on what kind of chromosome has a sperm to fertilize the egg. Conception Boy held in the presence of the Y-chromosome.
The sperm with the chromosomes are more mobile, but less hardy, so prospective parents planning a boy should have intercourse on the day of ovulation or the day after.
If intercourse took place in the period up to 7 days before ovulation, in Y-chromosomes have little chance of survival, in contrast to the less mobile but more enduring X-chromosome. This is a sure way to conceive a girl.
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Conception boy ovulation
Is it possible to conceive a boy of ovulation? Consider this question. Ovulation (lat. Ovum - the egg) - a period of the menstrual cycle, in which the egg is released from the follicle and ready for insemination. Hormones regulate this process. In healthy women of childbearing age are rhythmic periods, ie markedly occur in the same day of the cycle. However, the rhythm of ovulation influenced by factors such as childbirth, abortion, menopause.
The regularity of ovulation may fail due to viral diseases, inflammation of the genital organs, diseases of the adrenal and thyroid glands, and even stress. During pregnancy and after menopause ovulation stops. Ovulation lasts about a day, but during the probability of conception is much more - 6-9 days (up to 7 days prior to ovulation and up to 2 days thereafter). This is due to the fact that much higher sperm viability. Therefore, those who have fallen into the vagina for 5-6 days before ovulation, have every chance of success. Conceive a boy, however, observed on the day of ovulation.
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Signs of Ovulation
If you listen carefully to your body, you can almost accurately determine ovulation day without the use of any means. Every woman is a phenomenon manifests itself differently. The most common are:
severity, and sometimes pain in the abdomen or to the ovary where the egg is matured;
an increase in mucous discharge from the vagina (cervical mucus a whitish translucent colors with no signs of infection);
increase in sexual desire (explained by natural instinct of procreation).
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Methods for determining ovulation
Measurement of basal temperature
This method is very popular among women because of its simplicity and accessibility. Its principle consists in the daily measurement of basal (or rectal) temperature immediately after waking up, when the influence of external environmental factors are minimal. You can measure the temperature in the mouth, rectum or vagina. Measure the temperature should be every day, including during menstruation, from the first day of the cycle, ie, from the first day of menstruation.
Typically, in the first half of the cycle the temperature ranges from 36 6 to 36 9 degrees. Immediately before ovulation, the basal temperature is reduced, and after the egg is raised to 37 0 - 37 3 remains in this range until the last day of the cycle. If pregnancy has not occurred, the temperature is again reduced. Such temperature fluctuations - the result of the influence of hormones at different stages of the menstrual cycle.
Temperature readings are recorded in the table - the schedule. For the analysis of the data is necessary to observe the dynamics of change in the temperature of not less than three cycles. In this case, with high probability to predict auspicious day to conceive a boy. If the body temperature does not change during one cycle, you should not immediately panic. The fact that each woman 2 - 3 year cycle are anovulatory (ie without ovulation). With age, anovulatory cycles are more and more, so the most favorable reproductive period is between the ages of 20 and 35 years old. If the temperature changes do not happen over a long period - it is a reason to see a doctor.
In order for this method of determining ovulation to be effective, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules:
the temperature should be measured in the same manner at one and the same time each day. Delaying measurements per hour distorts the data to one-tenth of a degree;
you should use the same thermometer to obtain a clearer picture of the dynamics;
period of continuous sleep before measurements should be not less than 3 hours;
the schedule should make notes for each deviation impacts on the body the day before: alcohol consumption, insomnia, active sexual intercourse, fever against various diseases, diarrhea, local inflammatory processes, etc.
It should be noted that this method is inefficient scheduling conception for young girls due to hormonal changes during puberty, and in oral contraceptives.
Ovulation Test
This method of determining the period of ovulation is less time-consuming. He acts on the basis of a pregnancy test, and it looks similar. The operating principle of this test is based on the determination of luteinizing hormone, which for 1 - 1 5 hours shows a sharp rise. In the test at the same time there are the usual two stripes. Use this test every day is not necessary, however, for several days still have.
To determine the first day of testing for women with regular menstrual cycle of 28 days should count on the expected date of commencement of the next cycle of 17 days. This day will be the start of testing. Women with a cycle length of the table should be used.
To test showed the correct result, you must follow a few rules:
not urinate for 4 hours before the test;
drink plenty of fluids before the test, in order not to reduce the concentration of the hormone;
not to do the test in the morning urine. The best time for testing - from 10 am to 8 pm at the same time.
If the monthly cycle is not regular, you must select for testing the shortest period. This testing period will be 5 - 7 days.
The advantage of this method is the possibility of planning ovulation prediction for 48 - 24 hours. However, there are drawbacks. The fact that this test does not determine the fact of ovulation, and the presence of a particular hormone. For example, in the case of kidney failure, menopause, hormonal imbalance, as well as reception of synthetic hormones, pregnancy, and even abrupt transition to vegetarianism, the result is not informative.
Medical methods for determining ovulation
Determine the day of ovulation will help medical examination. Experienced gynecologist can easily determine the period of oocyte maturation by the presence of cervical mucus, as well as the so-called "symptom of the pupil." The point is that, starting from the fifth day of the cycle and until the oocyte maturation, the external opening of the cervix gradually opens, and reaches its peak on the day of ovulation. This looked through the aforementioned cervical mucus.
Another method for determining ovulation - ultrasound examination. The indicators of oocyte maturation in this case will be the thickness of the endometrium and the development of the dominant follicle. On the day of ovulation, the follicle ruptures and the egg moves into the fallopian tube. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, the layer of the endometrium and comes rejected next period. Ultrasound will also help determine the anovulatory cycles, in which instead of a single dominant follicle, there are many small ones.
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The probability of fertilization
The probability of fertilization depends on the health status of the partners, their age, way of life. Thus, for women age criterion is the period from the time of puberty to menopause. Sperm cells retain their activity to an average of 50 years. Smokers have trouble conceiving occur more frequently than non-smokers partners. This factor largely for women. Women who smoke most miscarriages occur. If a woman takes oral contraceptives, the body will take time from one to six months to restore ovulation.
Sometimes it happens that no external factors do not prevent conception, but often this process can take 6-8 months. The reason to worry is the absence of pregnancy at a regular sexual life longer than one year. If the first pregnancy was given with difficulty, then the second pregnancy, most likely situation will be repeated.