Perhaps no vegetables that are not useful to the human body. Cauliflower with its unique properties, which are known for a long time, it is recommended for use for both adults and kids. Cauliflower palatable, its dietary characteristics are more pronounced when compared with other varieties of cabbage and nutritional properties to order more. Due to the unique content of ascorbic acid and protein, only 60 grams of cauliflower provide human vitamin C for the day. Also in cabbage contains vitamins A, B, D, H and PP, E, K.
Therefore, home-cooked soup of cauliflower is the best dish for the whole family.
The main difference between a cream-soup from the soup puree is that it includes a set of ingredients cream or milk, which gives it a delicate milk (cream) flavor. Also in its structure could include other vegetables, such as potatoes, peas, spinach, mushrooms or chicken. It depends on the recipe.
Since the main ingredient of this soup is cauliflower, should know how to select.
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Correctly choose cauliflower
The first thing to look for when buying cabbage - is strong and heavy head, the leaves should be green and fresh looking. Color does not necessarily have to be white, and can be yellow, ivory, green, gray, and sometimes even purple, it all depends on the conditions in which it is grown. The main requirement is the absence of dark spots on the heads of cabbage. If they are, they need to be cut. Temperature range for storage is at 0 degrees to 10 days.
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Recipe soup, cauliflower puree - with cream
Cauliflower - 700g
Potatoes - 250 g
Cream (10-20%) - 200 g
Onion - 120g
Oil - 1, 5, Art. spoons
Garlic - 1 clove
Pepper, salt to taste
Cooking method:
All the ingredients to clean and thoroughly cleaned. Chop onion finely and potatoes - small cubes. Cauliflower divided into several inflorescences. In a pan, it is recommended to use it with a thick bottom, should melt the butter and fry the onion for 4-6 minutes to make it soft. Then there is added potatoes and cabbage. We must pour this mixture with water to a level that will cover the vegetables. Add pepper and salt. Cook for 25-30 minutes. During this time the cabbage and potatoes should be soft. Thereafter the broth is drained, and the need to leave it in an amount of one nozzle. The remaining contents of the pot if possible beat with a blender. At the same time add a cup of broth and passed through a garlic press.
Whipping is necessary until a creamy mass without lumps. Add the cream and heat to the desired temperature. If the cream of cauliflower is not as liquid as you want, you can add the remaining broth. Divide on plates and add, if desired, boiled chicken, bacon, boiled egg and croutons. Cauliflower should not boil long, especially in water, it is recommended to prepare it soup steamed. Cabbage, which are welded, it is better to get it from the broth quickly that she has not lost the taste. To improve the taste, it can be soaked before cooking it in the milk. Gentle cauliflower soup is ready.
Recipe made based on four portions.
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The recipe from the cookbook Le Cordon bleu Soups
An interesting fact is that the first recipe for this dish came from the mistress at the court of King Louis XV. This recipe is included in the diet of French women in our time. For years, confirmed that such good soup satisfies hunger and has a beneficial effect on maintaining a slim body shape.
Cauliflower - 350-400 g
Butter - 30-40 g
Flour - 20 g
Bulb - 1 pc.
The milk - 3 cups
Salt and pepper
The inflorescences of cabbage - 2/3 cup
Bread - a piece of 3/4
Cook should be as follows:
First cauliflower must be dismantled so as to obtain individual florets. As a result, it should have about 300 grams of large inflorescence and 50 g small. Little is remove the side. Then, large inflorescences are laid in a pan, preferably with a wide bottom, pouring half a cup of water and half a cup of milk. You must then put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil the contents. Cover with a lid and mutes the heat to low. Cook for 7 minutes to purchase cabbage softness. Then, when the cabbage is ready to whip it with the broth using a blender and set aside until the side.
In a small frying pan in melted butter fried with chopped onions. It is important that the fire was moderate. Fry onions for 5 minutes to as long as it is soft and transparent, but in any case not overcooked. By grilled onions added flour. To avoid the formation of lumps, it is necessary to stir it well. The obtained mass is added to the milk, mix well and bring to a boil again. After the mixture boiled, it is necessary to add a previously prepared mashed cabbage and bring to the boil again. The resulting composition is added to the salt and pepper. Peppers is better to use fresh ground. Then cooked dish is removed from the heat.
The next step - the preparation of side dishes. In a small saucepan poured a little water, add some salt and brought to a boil. In the water rush small florets previously selected cauliflower, cook 2 minutes until they are tender. The water is then drained and removed until all the way. The bread is cut into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil in a frying pan to give them a golden hue. Salt and pepper resulting crackers.
Serve cooked meal, usually sprinkled with fried croutons and small buds boiled cabbage.
Soup taste has a very delicate flavor with a touch of milk. Due to the small cooking time, 30-35 minutes, and the great taste of a dish he would welcome any housewife.
Recipe for 4 servings.
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Recipe soup with red caviar gourmet
Pepper and salt.
Parsley - 20g
Red caviar - 20 g
Butter - 120 g
Chicken broth - 0, 5 l
Milk - 0, 5 liters
Onion (leek) - 1 onion
Cauliflower - 1 head
Cream (35%) - 100 g
Cooking method:
Cabbage disassembled into florets. Large inflorescences need to finely chop. Small florets cook in water. After the small florets cooked, they must be cooled so that they remain firm and not gone soft. It is desirable at the same time cooking in a frying pan fry the cabbage white part of the leek, finely pre-cut into it. In the process of frying onions need to stir it constantly to keep it burn on, and remain transparent and soft.
Take a clean pan and pour into it all the milk, and add finely chopped cabbage inflorescences. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat so that the milk does not run away. Cook needed for 5-7 minutes. The next step - adding chicken broth, which continues to cook cabbage until softened. The welded cabbage add chopped parsley, spices to taste and cream. All this is crushed blender.
Serve in a plate should be garnished with small boiled cauliflower buds and a small amount of red caviar.
The recipe is designed for six servings.
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Recipe for friendly hosts
For this dish does not have to skimp on quality products and serve it should be beautiful and elegant.
Butter - 130 g
Onions - 1 pc.
Cauliflower - 1kg
Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
Cream - 200 g
Crackers - 100 g
Instructions for preparation:
In a small saucepan over low heat melted butter and add finely chopped onion. Onion is not necessary to bring to the toasting, and it is better to extinguish until the moment when it becomes soft. With this future will remain the aroma and taste of soup. From kilogram cauliflower, after it will be dismantled in the inflorescences must remain 800 Peel and chop the carrots. Cabbage and carrots put in a pot, pour a little water on top, season with salt and cook at the same time 20-25 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. Once the vegetables are cooked, carefully get out of the pan and beat with a blender until creamy mass. The resulting mixture was added to the cream and, if necessary, the remainder of the cooking vegetable broth, to give the desired consistency. The resulting soup boil in a saucepan and boil for two minutes.
It does not interfere with a spoon of sour cream, which can be added to the resulting soup. Served decorated with small croutons and a little dill.
This recipe will surely enjoy, and her husband and children. The potatoes in this recipe is not appropriate, it is not necessary to experiment.
The recipe is made up of 6 servings.
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Low-calorie recipe
Ideal for those who are trying to lose weight. It contains only 49 calories.
Water - 300 mL
Milk - 600 ml
Cauliflower - 500g
Leek - 1 pc.
Onions - 1 pc.
Butter - 30 g
Pepper, salt
Cooking process:
Milk and water and mix to boil in a saucepan. Disassemble into florets cabbage and pour in boiling diluted milk, while the ambassador. Cooked cabbage on a quiet fire until it becomes soft. The pan fried in butter with chopped onions. Once it becomes transparent, add the leek rings. The cooking times should be no more than 5 minutes. For welded cabbage fried onion is added, and the whole whipped blender until smooth, and then brought to a boil.
Recommended to be served with croutons and herbs.
Recipe for 4 servings.
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Recipe with cheese
The presence of Cheddar cheese in a soup gives it a thick rich flavor.
Cauliflower - 1 head
Garlic - 2 cloves
Chicken broth - 1 liter
Thyme - 1 tbsp. spoon
Cheddar Cheese - 200-250 g
Salt - 1, 5, Art. spoons
Cooking Instructions:
For the preparation you will need an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees. Coarsely chop all the vegetables, grate the cheese on a fine grater desirable. Then put the vegetables on a baking sheet, sprinkle with a little salt. Bake vegetables for half an hour until cooked. Cooked vegetables whisk until smooth in a blender and put the pan on top of the Gulf of chicken broth. Boil. The resulting dish is to add the grated cheese and season earlier thyme and pepper. Decorate the finished soup small slices of toasted bread.
Recipe for 4 servings.
To make a good soup of cauliflower, you must adhere to the following rules.
If the soup is quite liquid after cooking, will help to remedy the situation soaked bread crumbs. Crumb need a good rub on a grater and add to the soup.
Before preparing recommend Blanch cauliflower.
To effectively cool the cauliflower, it's best to use a bowl with cold water or ice.
To preserve the natural color of the cabbage in a boiling water should add a pinch of sugar. Cabbage will taste better if it boil mineral water.
We should not forget that the smaller the thermal treatment of cauliflower, the less nutrients lost.