Computer methods and information on the phenomenon of diagnostics Voll
Great diagnostician last century academician Bekhterev wrote that good, if one-third of diagnoses he put right. Symptoms, results of research and analysis - is the primary information on the basis of which the doctor makes several options of possible diagnoses.
Selection of the most loved by the totality of the disease symptoms - this is the verdict of the doctor who is not always correct.
As a trivial example: the usual rhinitis (runny nose in the home) without allergic causes can be treated indefinitely. Special studies to identify the allergen may indicate a successful and quick way of treatment. New methods and techniques of research for the correct diagnosis - a constant concern of physicians of all countries.
Diagnosis by Voll method, named after the author, appeared in Germany and reached a maximum peak in the late 20th century. The peculiarity of this method lies in the original symbiosis of ancient, millennial conservative practices oriental medicine and the modern, rapidly developing science in the field of electrical measurements.
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Secrets of the Ancient East in modern devices
Acupuncture, known in Europe under the name of acupuncture has millennial roots of oriental medicine. The ancient healers believed that the human skin there are hundreds of points, which are arranged in a certain order and invisibly connected to the internal organs. Thin needles are inserted into these points for pain relief and therapeutic effects on the affected organ.
In China in addition to apply acupuncture moxibustion, i.e. application of heat at specific points on the skin, achieving a therapeutic effect in the treatment of many diseases.
Guess Reynold Voll was that he began to measure the electrical currents of very small quantities in the fields of acupuncture points. The readings for the healthy and diseased internal organs in the acupuncture points differed considerably. The device recorded the healthy state of the body and the presence of inflammatory processes. Voll introduced the concept of electro-diagnostic method, which became known as the most diagnostic method Voll.
The wide popularity of the method was provided by the low cost of equipment and rapid results of studies of patients. Continuing his scientific work, Voll replaced massage and moxibustion acupuncture points the influence of a weak high-frequency field for the treatment of inflammation.
The discoveries in the study of ancient acupuncture with modern devices is not over. Popular in Germany found an unusual use of homeopathy in the method of Voll. The device is "fixed" or useless positive effect of the drug if the patient was holding in his hands during diagnosis. That is, the device can select "suitable" whether the medicine prescribed by the doctor to treat the disease. The possibility of individual selection of medicines - a very attractive part of the diagnosis.
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Computer methods and information on the phenomenon of diagnostics Voll
The development of computer technology has contributed to the diagnosis by Voll method. Special programs have been developed, which analyzes information from sensors placed on the patient's acupuncture points. As a result of the measurement computer offers medical options homeopathic remedies aimed at correcting signals from the painful points.
Theoretical Foundations of Chinese acupuncture is based on the thousand-year experience of healers, but have no current research studies. Secrets of acupuncture in conjunction with the instrument Dr. Voll only opened the door to the unknown.
I still do not explain the phenomenon of information transfer properties of homeopathic medicines. The essence of this phenomenon is that the properties of homeopathic "balls", placed on one electrode, transmitted "empty" beads or liquids placed on the second electrode. The process begins with weak currents. Moreover, the effectiveness of "transmitted" properties is higher than that of the original.
The theory of information fields today only beginning to develop. Dr. Voll ahead of his time, found a "transfer" of medicinal properties, but the scientific explanation of this fact in front. Computer technology has a supporting role in the diagnosis of folic, promised in the near future to make a breakthrough in the field of the unknown.
Modern doctors for proper diagnosis using CT scanners, ultrasound machines, electronic microscopes, sophisticated analytical instruments for all kinds of research, but the error, alas, inevitable.
Therefore, additional information on the method of Voll - this is a real help in the correct diagnosis and effective treatment appointment.
Primary pulmonary tuberculosis: the main symptoms
Secondary forms of pulmonary tuberculosis
Focal tuberculosis in the lungs
Diagnosis of the disease
How to treat a lung disease?
One of the main forms of tuberculosis is considered to be tuberculosis.
Previously, the disease called tuberculosis. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is very dangerous for the people around them, because it is the main source of infection.
Tuberculosis can be formed in different ways. It often happens that tuberculosis difficult to distinguish from the common cold, bronchitis or pneumonia. He transmitted disease through airborne droplets, and the formation of his determined place of infiltration of the infection in the human body. What are the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in humans?
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Primary pulmonary tuberculosis: the main symptoms
Primary form begins to take shape immediately after entering into the human tuberculosis bacteria. After Koch's bacillus put in the human body, namely the lungs, they start their active multiplication. Thus formed the focus of inflammation. Around him are concentrated cells and human immune system. Since the body is not yet familiar with such bacteria, it does not know how to deal with them. This may result in the spread of infection is much broader. For primary pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by the development of so-called primary effect or primary tumor. What are the symptoms of primary tuberculosis are there?
The primary effect (center) consists of a small portion of inflamed lung tissue as well as inflammation of lymph vessels, on which the withdrawal of the infected lymph. In addition, the primary focus consists of inflamed and enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes, which completes the route of infection.
Symptoms of primary tuberculosis are nonspecific and occur usually very weak and imperceptible. Usually patients have loss of appetite, malaise, fatigue and severe sweating, especially at night. Sometimes there is a decrease in body weight, a slight increase in body temperature (but long enough). In most cases the symptoms manifest themselves very poorly, that the patient simply does not pay them much attention.
After the primary site heals the damaged lung tissue saturated with calcium salts and the resulting harden. Since a so-called center Gon. These pockets are fixed in light of the set of older people who once suffered latent form of the disease. Wound inflammatory focus in the mediastinal lymph nodes occurs by the same mechanism. It should be noted that both in the lung and lymph nodes for a long time are stored tuberculosis bacteria. If there are favorable conditions for them, there may be a recurrence of the disease. Such a scheme of formation of the primary disease should be regarded as the easiest. Takes place to be and more severe development of the disease. In the form of the disease affects primarily the ability of the body and the immune system to resist various infections and fight them.
People whose immune system is very weak, the most susceptible to severe forms of tuberculosis and its complicated course. TB infection can generate more and more complications, safely and freely spread in the human body. Development of primary forms of tuberculosis can significantly complicated by the emergence of a large inflammatory focus, tuberculous pneumonia. Infection from this center can easily go to other lung. Under the most severe cases, the disease can cause contamination of the blood or the emergence of the greatest number of zones of infection of internal organs.
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Secondary forms of pulmonary tuberculosis
In the case of re-infection of man or by the reactivation of the primary site of infection may develop so-called secondary tuberculosis. It is said that upon the occurrence of secondary forms of the disease the human immune system is already familiar causative agent of the disease. It is through this infectious process and its formation is significantly different from the primary form.
Otherwise, the secondary form of the disease is called metastatic lung tuberculosis (or scattered). For this form of the disease tend to develop in the lungs greater number of inflammatory foci, and their sizes can be different. The secondary form of the disease can be both chronic and acute and subacute. TB can be disseminated as a result of low immunity, lack of vitamins needed by the body or the presence of chronic diseases.
The most common sizes of scattered areas of tuberculosis is not large in size. It is appropriate to use the name meliarnogo tuberculosis. In all other cases, diffuse pulmonary tuberculosis may manifest itself in the form of fairly large pockets of infection. Disseminated tuberculosis often is only part of the spread of infection the entire human body.
Along with the defeat of the lung tissue can occur and damage the spleen, kidneys, liver, brain, membranes of the brain, heart, joints and bones.
Symptoms of secondary tuberculosis, as well as primary, are non-specific and may even be mistaken for symptoms of the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia or acute respiratory disease. It is worth to note that the symptoms of this disease, in contrast to all other diseases perichislenyh stored for a long time, and eventually only amplified. In severe forms of tuberculosis can be observed scattered disruption of the normal functioning of the lungs.
This can manifest itself in the form of shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. There may be some of the symptoms of irritation of the brain membranes. They show themselves in the form of muscle tension in the back of the nausea and vomiting. And possible severe intoxication whole organism, which can be expressed in the form of high temperature and impaired consciousness.
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Focal tuberculosis in the lungs
For focal tuberculosis in the lungs characterized by the presence of only one source of inflammation in different sizes. Typically, focal tuberculosis occurs as a result of the awakening of infection in the outbreak of the disease has previously transferred. Otherwise known as infiltrative focal tuberculosis. As a result of this infection is formed hotbed of lung pneumonia. Symptoms of focal tuberculosis is very difficult to distinguish from the symptoms of pneumonia and bronchitis. However, be aware that for focal tuberculosis is characterized by hemoptysis, the most long-lasting symptoms, the null response to conventional therapy.
Lung tuberculoma is considered one of the most common forms of focal tuberculosis. Otherwise it is an abscess, which is surrounded by a hard shell of the connective tissue. During the formation of tuberculoma can observe the process of worsening or, conversely, remission. Dimensions tuberculoma grow over time, and its area may be a cavity. For cavernous tuberculosis peculiar appearance of large areas of destruction of lung tissue, in place of which remains hollow. The shell of the cavity consists of dense connective tissue.
The cavity may reach several centimeters in height. The formation of cavities in tuberculosis takes a long time and may be accompanied by pulmonary hemorrhage and pneumothorax.
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Diagnosis of the disease
The most common test for TB - is vaccination, which is called the mantle. This method of checking for the presence of the disease is considered to be ineffective. To determine the disease using the method of smears and examination under a microscope. However, this method is not too far from the benchmark. Sputum culture is able to detect the presence of tuberculosis. But the best and most modern method of determining the disease is considered PCR. This is a special DNA diagnostics. For the analysis of sputum taken ill, and the result can be found in 2-3 days. The validity of this method, the highest.
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How to treat a lung disease?
The disease requires immediate treatment. Symptoms of TB in the lungs can be very different. As soon as the first symptoms begin to appear, you must immediately seek medical help. Timely treatment at the hospital will help prevent complications and the chance to prevent re-infestation.
To detect the disease early on is necessary to conduct a medical examination. Even if the symptoms are general in nature or not pronounced, is necessary to address to experts. And if before tuberculosis was considered a fatal disease that modern medicine and drugs are able to win this infectious disease.
In no event should not engage in self-treatment of tuberculosis. This can lead to bacteria infection become resistant to the drugs, which would make it practically impossible to cure.
Treatment of the disease usually lasts for at least 6 months. In severe cases, the disease may increase the duration of treatment and up to 2 years. Treatment should be systematic, there should be no interruptions.
Following the discovery of pulmonary tuberculosis patient is placed in a hospital, a finding which may last up to 2 months. This time is quite enough to significantly reduce the release of bacterial diseases.
Only once it is known that the patient no longer represents a threat to others, it may be allowed to go home, where he will continue to further treatment, which is carried out under the supervision of a physician.