depilatory cream velvet


  • A series of creams: What is better to choose
  • Advantages and why is it worth to use such creams
  • How to use the cream for removal of vegetation on the body
  • Precautions or what not to do

Cream for depilation Velvet - a relatively inexpensive line of quality products, the company issued the infamous "Trimeks", which had previously worked cosmetics. Now, thanks to the development of leading technologies, the fair sex without any problems be able to pick up a suitable option for hair removal in delicate bikini area and underarms, legs, back, arms. Today, quite a large number of women give preference to Velvet and do not doubt in his effectiveness.

A series of creams: What is better to choose

Series 2-in-1 - what could be better?

Would you like to your skin for a long time remained a smooth, healthy and without any hairs? Series 2-in-1 - a great chance to get rid of interfering vegetation on the body, which has generously endowed by nature.

  • Extract wildflowers

This cream for hair removal can be used on any part of the epidermis, except for the most tender and delicate, located on the face. Extract wildflowers will provide you with excellent care, saturate the treated area useful elements, which needs so much skin. A big plus is also quite a pleasant smell.

Velvet - a great option for those who wish to spend as little as possible hair removal treatments, not wasting the very depilation much effort. Specific components of slow growth, so instead of one week, you will walk with smooth legs at least two. To wash away the remnants of the cream, you need only to rinse the treated area gently with cool water.

  • The extract of tropical fruit

Exotic Velvet Cream for hair removal can easily remove all the hair on the arms, legs and other areas, but, unfortunately, it can not only be used on the face. Tropical fruit extract nourishes and moisturizes the skin, wherein the means for removal of vegetation almost never cause irritation or allergy. Many girls in this product like a nice sweet smell, not a specific chemical "cream".

Means for removing body hair with aromas and extracts

In addition to its main task - to get rid of the vegetation, the cream should nourish, moisturize and protect the skin from some aggressive elements, which are in any case part of it. In addition, it should smell pleasant and not cause dizziness or disgust.

  • Aloe

Depilatory cream contains an extract by which delicate and sensitive skin girl will not become inflamed after the procedure, removal of vegetation. In addition to moisturizing and soothing effect, it also slows down the growth of hair, which is important for those who, for example, is sent to a two-week vacation in warmer climes, and will not be able to repeat the depilation.

For many, a huge plus is the presence of a special convenient blades with which is much easier to get rid of unwanted vegetation. Due to its special form, you will avoid that pesky problems like ingrown hairs under the skin. Thus, depilation will make much easier and faster.

  • The aroma of melon

Many women prefer to choose a cream for hair removal, not only for its intended purpose, but also by smell. A nice sweet aroma of melon you just have to taste, in addition, after application of the product, your skin will be soft, smooth and pleasant to the touch. Due to the special composition, the fair sex could easily several times a month to use this tool, since it did not harm the upper layers of the epidermis.

  • Jasmine extract

If you are constantly on your feet, and in the evening you feel heaviness and fatigue, pay attention to this cream. Not only does it save you from vegetation for quite a long time, but will remove all unpleasant syndromes. After it you will feel cheerful, relaxed and full of energy so that you can dance with her boyfriend in a club all night.

  • Hood mint

This cream for hair removal can be called a miracle, as it slows down hair growth, improves skin legs, tones, relaxes and smells very nice. Also, you can choose it if, unfortunately, you know about the problem of ingrown hairs is not hearsay. Excellent blade that comes bundled, will eliminate this trouble once and for all.

  • Pearl baby

Do you want to pamper yourself and your body? Pay attention to the unique depilatory cream, which includes pearl powder. After hair removal treatments, your skin will shine. This feature can be used even in the shower or bath, since it is resistant to moisture.

  • Peach extract

There is no better means than that soothes and softens the skin, as this can be avoided thanks to strong irritation. Such properties are inherent in the brand Velvet. In a set with a depilatory cream is a spatula, with which you quickly and easily straightened undesirable vegetation.

  • The scent of lilacs

The smell of lilacs recalls the spring, when nature comes alive, and the trees are starting to appear the first flowers. Plunge into pleasant memories you help depilatory cream Velvet with the scent of lilacs. Besides, he gently and delicately remove the vegetation, while not harming the skin.

  • Lavender oil

Perfect for women who have serious problems with the epidermis. It has soothing properties, slows down hair growth, improves the condition. With it, you'll forget what pain, irritation, itching and other unpleasant consequences faced before.

 corduroy cream for depilation

Sensitive means for removal of vegetation

Sometimes, the girls have to look for alternative methods of dealing with vegetation, because at the slightest mechanical or chemical influence on the skin they have an irritation. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford trips to the beauty salon. Someone not have enough time, someone in finance is limited, and someone is not very pleasant to use a technique that previously handled by other visitors. For those of the fair sex the manufacturer has released a special line, which copes with the tasks.

  • Intimate Zone

Bikini area - the most delicate and sensitive area, so pick up for hair removal in this case to be specifically directed to this cream. It is more delicately removes all the hair, does not cause irritation, burning, itching, dryness, redness. If necessary, you can use posledepilyatsionnoe means the same brand.

  • For sensitive skin

If you are afraid to use these creams to combat the vegetation, as you have sensitive and delicate skin, which often appears irritated after hair removal, try this option for hair removal. Chamomile relieve inflammation, redness and itching, olive oil moisturize the treated areas. Note that this option is also great girls, who are allergic to many cosmetic products.

  • For dry skin

To women with dry skin is not in pain and not feel discomfort during a depilation technique produced a special nourishing cream with rose oil has a soothing and antiseptic effect. Through this means after the procedure is not peeling, roughness, redness and rash.

  • To slow the growth of hair

Unfortunately, not every representative of the fairer sex can boast of a small, light and hardly noticeable fuzz on his feet, which practically does not cause much discomfort. Those who do not like messing with vegetation will like this option. Cream cope with rough, tough, black hairs, without causing irritation. Women who choose such a tool for a long time forget about the problem.

 depilatory cream velvet leg

Advantages and why is it worth to use such creams

Why do girls like Velvet Cream for hair removal? Firstly, it painlessly removes all even the toughest hairs, leaving burns without causing irritations, besides it is very easy to use at home. Secondly, during the regrowth of such vegetation is not terrible black dots after the razors blades, waxes, creams and certain machine tools. The tip of the rod will be more light, soft, barely noticeable.

For many of the fair sex is one of the leading roles played by the low cost, which does not affect the final result. True, some believe that the cheaper products, the worse the quality, but thousands of women choose exactly this brand, and it remains completely satisfied. The secret lies in the fact that the manufacturer does not make a huge mark-up for its name, as do some of the more popular brands.

Sam has a fatty cream base, but it remains thick enough to make it easier to apply to the skin. Typically such products have a rather unpleasant and pronounced flavor, but in this case the producers made sure that their means delicious smell. Thus, you do not have to open all the windows in the apartment, so as not to suffocate during the procedure.

Despite the fact that the cream Velvet is not very aggressive, if used improperly, it can still cause serious burns. The main reasons: the girls keep them too long on the skin, do not follow the expiry date, as well as allergies to certain ingredients. Therefore, before it is recommended to test the product, even if you use them before. Apply it on a small patch of skin, wait a few minutes, then rinse. If no symptoms is not, then you can safely begin the procedure.

Another definite plus - this is the availability of suitable spatula. With it much easier to cope with the vegetation, remove the remnants of hair and cream. It is recommended to use this accessory to make after two or three days does not face the problem of ingrown hairs.

How to use the cream for removal of vegetation on the body

Before proceeding to the procedure itself, you need to read the instructions, because it can be given a very useful and important information, the ignorance of which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Strictly adhere to all the rules set forth in it, do not try to act on the advice of friends, thinking that they are better aware of this.

So, the first step is to properly prepare the skin for depilation, to as little as possible to injure her. Take a summer shower, wash the treated area with a soft sponge and a gel that was left on the body of dirt, grease, etc., which may interfere with the removal of vegetation quality. Remove residual moisture clean towel, but in any case, do not rub your body.

Now you can start doing depilation. Once you experience the Velvet cream on a small area of ​​skin, you can put it on the surface of a thin and even layer. Depending on the type of equipment and the amount of hair, leave it for 5-10 minutes. If you do it the first time, it is better to hold the cream less than eight minutes, so as not to get burned. However, in this case, the active substance can not act on the rods, so you have to repeat the procedure again after a few days.

Felt a burning sensation, as the allotted time is not yet over? Urgent rinse everything off the copious amounts of water, as it is - a sign of irritation or allergy. You may have to do this peeling was applied to alcohol-based lotions, deodorants, perfumes, etc. cosmetic products, which became the cause of the trouble. If even a few hours symptoms persist or intensify, definitely go to a dermatologist for an examination. The same should be done, if you notice that a couple of months began to grow dark hair. In this case, the reason is hormonal changes in the body, not in the cream.

Always use a curved blade that comes in the kit. Despite its simplicity, it is made in such a way as to make it easier and safer to operate. Movement should only be smooth, not sharp, and the direction - against the hair growth, as in this case, almost all the vegetation is removed, reducing the risk of growing stem.

After the procedure, a good wash treated skin with warm or cold water (which particular - must be indicated on the package), it is possible with conventional gel or body lotion, but without alcohol, etc. corrosive substances, causing a burning sensation. Those who suffer from sensitive skin, use posledepilyatsionnye funds.

 Cream for hair removal for bikini velvet

Precautions or what not to do

Never start hair removal, if the skin there is little redness, scratches, bruises, rashes, irritation, and other similar defects, otherwise you will only aggravate the situation. After the procedure, within twenty-four hours, you can not use a razor, wax machine, even if you will notice the remains of vegetation. Do not go after this in the bath, sauna, solarium, beach, sea, in general, where there are ultraviolet light, heat and humidity.

Very often, inexperienced girl using cream several times a week, and then discover that they had a strong irritation. Low quality, fake, chemistry - they are ready to blame the manufacturers of all the negative effects, but do not think about the fact that they themselves have made some mistake. Remember that more than twice a week (and that is not desirable) can not use this product.

So, if you pick the right option will adhere to all the rules, read the instructions, do not break the skin processing technology, it is no problem you will not have. Now you can at any time of year to go in short skirts, bikinis sunbathe in the open, run to your favorite dating, without feeling any discomfort.

 Cream for depilation Velvet: perfectly smooth skin without a single hairs

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