He's really handsome, this exotic flower, also known as alpine violets or dryakvoy. Its delicate flowers are like moths fluttering over the green bush. Few remain indifferent to its exquisite beauty and charm. But even fewer of those who dare to have a cyclamen at home, as the plant has a reputation for capricious houseplant.
It is believed that cyclamen difficult to grow in the room. However, many gardeners grow it, it is constantly in bloom and feels very good. Let's see what kind of a cyclamen flower - care at home for them difficult or not?
Such different Cyclamen
Cyclamen - a perennial klubnelukovichnoe or klubnekornevoe plant. He lives about twenty years, and blooms profusely and continuously: from autumn to spring. Flowers cyclamen has a variety of color. They can be both white and all shades of pink, burgundy and purple. Cyclamen come into our homes from the gardens of ancient Rome. There's the flowers planted along with violets and daffodils. And their homeland - the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The most common varieties of plants are called: Cyclamen Persian (Eastern origin), as well as its Western European counterpart cyclamen. Both of these are very decorative, but have their own distinctive features.
Cyclamen Europe - Tuberous evergreen plant with small rounded leaves sertsevidnymi (2-4 cm in diameter). They have a dark red color from the bottom and dark green with silver pattern - on top. Flowers cyclamen Europe is not very large - up to 2 cm long, pink, with a pleasant smell. Tubers of species of cyclamen spherical or flattened, with roots and tubercles subsidiaries. After flowering cyclamen European foliage does not reset and stores decorative appearance.
Persian cyclamen - the plant is 15 to 30 cm in height. This type of cyclamen is large heart-shaped leaves (up to 14 cm in diameter). Bottom leaf green, and on top of it a silvery-gray figure. The flowers of this species reach a diameter of about five centimeters. They are very fragrant, with oblong curled back petals. It features a variety of this kind of painting petals. It has colors from pink to pale purple and white with purple spots at the base. In the Persian cyclamen tuber spherical large tuberous roots. Persian cyclamen after flowering goes dormant and shed their leaves.
Contrary to popular belief, home Cyclamen not so capricious. Of course, there are requirements for the cultivation of plants. Caring for cyclamen is not limited to the correct and timely watering. But handsome cyclamen, which blooms in the winter cold, and worth your attention and your time.
Selecting and planting
First of all, you need to choose the right flower. If you decide to buy cyclamen in a flower shop, choosing plants pay attention to the leaves and tubers. The tuber should be dense and without the kidneys, located at the top, and the leaves of the flower should not sag. Flowering winter cyclamen best buy in October (in the beginning of flowering). Choose only healthy and strong plant with green leaves and lots of tight buds.
Also pay attention to the way in which the cyclamen is planted. Most often they are sold in peat substrate. Such soil is completely unsuitable for the normal existence of the plant. In this case, cyclamen should be immediately transplanted into normal soil. When transplanting should be careful to remove all lumps of peat and rotten roots, and on the bottom of the pot to put drainage.
Check how recessed tuber (from the Persian cyclamen he should rise by about a third over the ground). Choose the right size pot (cyclamens do not like too large tanks). Between the bulb and the wall of the pot must be a space no more than two or three centimeters. Therefore year-old plants with a small corms suitable pot about eight centimeters in diameter. For two or three years of a flower - fourteen or fifteen centimeters.
Put the pot with a flower on a cool windowsill near the glass itself and try to protect cyclamen Dry air heating battery. If you are planting seeds of Cyclamen room, sow them in February. For germination of seeds required darkness and humidity, therefore, cover the pot with seeds saucer. When you receive the first leaf and nodule, remove the saucer. Water the seedlings gently (preferably from a pipette), wetting the soil near the nodules. In the summer the plants grown seedlings, and then look after them as well as for adults cyclamen. To houseplant not hurt and blossomed on time, you must comply with the requirements to care for him.
General rules of care
It is not necessary to water the cyclamen strictly on the recommendations of flower encyclopedias. For each plant you need to make an individual mode of irrigation and water depending on the conditions in which it grows. The main thing - do not overdry and fill the indoor cyclamen. Keep in kind that overdrying not as scary as waterlogging. Waterlogging is fraught with the appearance of fungus gnats sublevels. But the saddest thing is that even one excessive watering can cause root rot and death of plants such as the cyclamen. Therefore, the correct watering - one of the main conditions for the cultivation of the flower room.
Cyclamen love of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Best of all indoor cyclamen feels on the northern windowsills windows. For plants living on other windows, pritenenie need from the sun.
Cyclamen loves cool. Poor responds to a temperature above fourteen degrees. Exit - winter cyclamen put as close as possible to the window pane, and in the summer to clean the pot with the plant away.
Transplanting and reproduction
Every year (in the summer) Cyclamen need to repot in fresh soil, at the same time carrying out a routine inspection of the plant. Cyclamen Persian reproduces only by seeds (sometimes dividing the bulbs). Cyclamen can be propagated by the European branch of the lateral tuber.
Special requirements
After completion of flowering cyclamen Persian entering a phase (the period) of rest. The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and by the beginning of summer the tubers remain bare. At this time, a plant requires special care.
With the advent of the first yellow leaves should be reduced watering (but not stop it altogether). After the reset all cyclamen leaves, you must place it in a dark and cool place (pantry, cellar, but not the fridge!). At this time, the roots of the flower remain alive, so you need occasional watering cyclamen (best with the tray). In the late summer of cyclamen are transplanted to a new land, and return with a flower pot in its place. And with the emergence of the first leaves are returned to the former regime of watering.
The rest period can be propagated by dividing the Persian cyclamen tuber. Do it this way. Tuber is removed from the pot, dried and cut into delenki (parts of the tuber with a bud and roots). The sections were slightly dried and treated with an antiseptic (wood or activated charcoal). Thereafter delenki planted in separate pots.
Compliance with these rules will provide capricious handsome comfortable. But if the plant is not all right, cyclamen sure to give you know about it. The main thing - do not miss this signal and provide timely assistance to the flower.
Distress and ambulance
Transience of flowering. The reason - the hot conditions, a lack of nutrients. In this case, you must move the cyclamen in a cool place and feed.
The decay of stems and leaves. Possible cause - an excess of moisture in the soil, water ingress to sprout area. First Aid - dry soil and watering cyclamen less.
Fading and yellowing leaves. The reason - the dry and hot air, bright sunshine, lack of watering. In this case, you need to pritenyat cyclamen, often watered and humidify the air around the flower.
The formation of small deformed leaves. Possible cause - the emergence of pests (cyclamic mites, thrips, aphids). Help - remove affected leaves, lower the temperature and humidity in the room, spray the insecticide cyclamen.
Finally we draw the following conclusions about the features of this house plant.
Cyclamen like the cool, moderate watering, bright rooms.
Cyclamen do not like stagnant water in the soil, dry air, heat, waterlogging.
Period flowering cyclamen have alternated with periods of rest. Cyclamen Persian clears leaves and loses decorative.
As you can see, is not so much capricious and cyclamen. Yes, it is demanding (but the requirements are acceptable), but, gentle (but is that a disadvantage?), But you as well! How good handsome cyclamen with exotic flowers, butterflies! It is, for sure, will adorn your home, especially proud of and reason for the enthusiasm and compliments to his mistress. Good luck!