

  • Cystitis and forms of the disease
  • Causes of cystitis in children
  • Symptoms of cystitis in children
  • Diagnosis of cystitis in children
  • Treatment of cystitis in the child
  • Prevention of cystitis in children

What disease does not only lie in wait fragile body of a child! And one of these very unpleasant disease - a cystitis. While, however, hardly any whatsoever disease can be called a pleasant ... Acute cystitis in children is not uncommon. And predict its occurrence is virtually impossible. Therefore all the parents, without exception, should be especially careful and vigilant. What is needed? That's right, you need to have the most complete information.

And this is what we will discuss in this article. Knowing the principal causes of cystitis and its main symptoms, parents may notice the appearance of the problem in a timely manner. A knowledge of the basic principles of the child's treatment will allow to have a clear idea of ​​what to expect from doctors, and how the child will be treated. So, are you ready? Let's begin.

Cystitis and forms of the disease

Let's first understand what is cystitis. All organs of the urogenital system is lined by mucosa. In case developing inflammation of mucous membrane of the urethra, doctors say about the urethra. Well, cystitis - it is nothing like the inflammatory process which affects the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder.

Doctors distinguish between two forms of the disease - acute and chronic. But in children is most common form of the disease is acute. But chronic and sometimes also the place to be. Develop a chronic form of cystitis in the event that the acute stage of the disease has been diagnosed in a timely manner. And that means that the necessary treatment is not started in time, because of what, in fact, and develop chronic cystitis.

Most often it occurs in the following cases:

  • Small children

The greatest difficulty is the diagnosis of acute cystitis in newborn babies and infants. The reason is very simple - in young children the clinical picture of the disease is extremely blurred. And to understand the cause of anxiety baby is not so easy - you never know why a pipsqueak can cry? And the frequency of urination at it - whether it is healthy. And so it remains unnoticed cystitis. And the disease lasts for years, giving an effect incontinence later in life. As long as cystitis again worsen the disease and it will not be revealed.

  • The lack of timely and proper treatment

In that case, if parents do not pay attention to the treatment of acute cystitis and the child did not get cystitis is very likely to take a chronic form of the flow. Yes, and if the parents prefer to do on their own and try to treat acute cystitis improvised means, it is possible all the same sad outcome. Symptoms of the disease, perhaps even disappear, but the disease itself is highly likely to take a chronic form of the flow.

As a rule, most of cystitis are diagnosed in children of school and adolescence. And the girls face cystitis more often than their peers, boys. This phenomenon is explained very simply - anatomical structure of the urogenital system. In girls, the urethra is much shorter than that of boys. Yes, and it is located almost right outside the anus, so pathogenic microflora penetrates the bladder quickly and easily.

And there is one radical difference between the boys from the girls - girls more often there is a combination of urethritis cystitis, and urethritis in boys here are very often separate from cystitis - an independent disease.

 treatment of cystitis in children

Causes of cystitis in children

In order for a child to develop such diseases as cystitis, there must be a serious provocation. Of course, that in each case they were their own, but still sure to carefully read the most frequent - it can help to avoid the development of cystitis.

  • Chronic kidney disease

In that case, if the child has a history of any kidney disease, especially infectious, the chance of developing cystitis desperately seeks to around 100%. Moreover - in this case, even if a timely and competent treatment initiated, developed a predisposition to chronic cystitis.

  • Hypothermia

Children's bodies are very fragile, and the immune system is not perfect - the slightest negative impact could trigger the development of disease. And one of these factors may be the most banal hypothermia, especially the legs. Kid fun splashed through the puddles and wet my feet? Cystitis will not take long!

Although, of course, is developing cystitis is not in all cases of hypothermia, otherwise clinics would be overwhelmed babies suffering from cystitis. Cystitis after supercooling occurs only in the case if the body of the child is already hearth varying chronic infection. For example, downlink cystitis - it develops if the child in the kidney occurs any chronic infectious process.

  • Violation of personal hygiene

This aspect is especially important for girls - for their failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene is especially dangerous. You remember that they have the urethra is much shorter, and hence infection in the bladder gets much faster. Therefore it is very important to follow the intimate hygiene of girls. To wash the baby properly and teach it in the future to do it yourself - from front to back, so that E. coli was not hit on the genitals. And do not forget the change of underwear - it must be done at least once a day.

  • Thrush

You may be surprised, but even little girls very common problem such as thrush. A thrush, in turn, is very often the cause of cystitis. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease is necessary as soon as possible to begin treatment of thrush. Please note - the most common yeast infection provokes cystitis in adolescent girls, and it happens in a few

  • Disrupt the normal flow of urination

There are a number of reasons that can lead to disruption of the normal process of urination - that curbing desires in a toilet, and a violation of the anatomical structure of the urinary system, and the serious illness of the child. But the result is the same - a delay of the normal outflow with a high degree of probability can lead to the development of cystitis - both acute and chronic.

  • The presence of parasites

In some cases, the development of cystitis can be triggered by the presence of a child in the body of parasites such as worms and pinworms. So be sure needs a stool. By the way, do not forget about the need for preventive examination of the child - the analysis on helminth eggs need to take every six months. And the whole family, including pets.

The most common cystitis faced with such young children, especially girls. Parasites penetrate into the urethra, and sometimes the bladder, thus provoking the development of a strong inflammatory process. In this case, possible as chronic and acute cystitis. And it will have to be treated for a long time, if the parasites are not promptly identified and eliminated.

  • Taking certain drugs

Sometimes the child is forced to take such a course of treatment with drugs that may also provoke the development of acute cystitis. These medications include methenamine, sulfonamides, as well as drugs that are designed to inhibit the activity of the immune system. Your doctor probably will warn you about this. But do be careful - Take all necessary preventive measures. What exactly - we will tell you a little bit lower.

  • Surgical intervention

In that case, if a child for any reason, suffered a surgery on the bladder or genitals, the risk of acute cystitis is increased significantly. Doctors are aware of this particular child's body, and prescribe preventive therapy.

  • The presence of a source of chronic infection in the body of the child

Parents are hard to imagine, but it is often the cause of acute cystitis are diseases such as tonsillitis, sore throat, adenoids, and even tooth decay. Especially if they are chronic flow. Incidentally, cystitis, and in this case it will be repeated until not eliminate the source of chronic infection. And to treat it simply useless.

  • Weakened immune system

In that case, if the child is weakened, often sick, he cystitis can occur much more often than all the other children. Therefore, parents of a child with weakened immune systems should be particularly careful and aware of the preventive measures.

Symptoms of cystitis in children

As mentioned above, the symptoms of cystitis may occur only in very young children who can not complain about the deterioration of his health. And that - attentive parents often notice certain signs: change in the state of health and behavior of crumbs.

And the older kids are typical symptoms of cystitis:

  • Pain

In most cases, kids complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen and sometimes in the lumbar region. In addition to the pain, you may receive a feeling of heaviness. But remember - these symptoms may be observed in a number of other cases.

  • Problems with urination

First cystitis negative effect on the process of urination - it becomes much more often, there are also false urge to urinate. And every trip to the toilet becomes a real test for the baby - in fact the process of urination is accompanied by pain and severe burning. These symptoms generally appear before anyone else.

  • Changes in urine

Urine baby changes its color - as a rule, it becomes very dark, almost brown, despite frequent urination. In addition, the urine becomes very sharp and very unpleasant smell. The precipitate appears, and in severe cases may appear in the urine of an admixture of pus or even blood - very serious symptoms, indicating the threat.

  • Fervescence

In almost all cases, acute cystitis, and an exacerbation of chronic, the body temperature rises very significantly - up to 39 - 40 degrees. And knock it - a real problem, habitual antipyretic agents are virtually powerless. And in the event that a chronic cystitis, avoid raising the temperature fail. However, in this case it does not increase more than 37, 5 degrees. Yes, and all the other symptoms are less pronounced.

 cystitis in children treated

Diagnosis of cystitis in children

To begin treatment, you need as quickly as possible to diagnose the disease and identify the cause of cystitis. To do this, the doctor will prescribe your child a number of studies and analyzes. And only on the basis of these data the doctor can make the big picture, to understand what was the cause of cystitis. So, and to select the optimal treatment regimen.

  • Urine

The first step is to pass a urine test - both general and for bacteriological examination. Bacteriological research is needed to determine which pathogen has provoked the development of cystitis. Of course, if a bacterial cystitis nature background.

To do this, a small portion of urine is placed in a special nutrient medium, and a few days watching her. In that case, if the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, it will begin a rapid growth. Moreover, such an analysis to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular antibiotic, which will accurately pick up drugs for the treatment of cystitis.

As a rule, acute cystitis in the urinalysis indicated an increased content of epithelial cells. There are also white blood cells, and - they are evidence of a strong inflammatory process. But the protein and changes in the density of urine is observed. By the way, changes in the blood was observed. And the general medical condition of the child does not change much. Except for the changes that are the result of fever.

  • Ultrasound examination of the urinary system

In order to get a complete picture of the child is unlikely to do without ultrasound across the urogenital system of the child. The doctor will evaluate the structure and condition of the kidneys, ureters and bladder itself. And ultrasound will reveal the presence of sand and stones. Do not be surprised - the last time the stones are increasingly found in the kidneys and bladder, even the youngest children.

Treatment of cystitis in the child

Treatment of cystitis in children - a difficult task and handle it only by doctors. In no case do not self, even if all symptoms indicate it is on acute cystitis. We have already repeatedly stated that in order to cure the disease, it is necessary to know exactly the cause, trigger the development of cystitis.

For example, if cystitis was caused by bacteria, antifungal therapy would not absolutely no cure. But in the case of cystitis provoked thrush, antibiotic therapy does not cure the disease - it is only at times aggravate the child's condition as cystitis take a more severe form of the flow.

And the complications of improper treatment of cystitis can be very serious. You do not want your child faced with diseases such as pyelonephritis or glomerunefrit? And in the case of self-such an outcome is even possible. Therefore, all the same, and not engage in independent action as quickly as possible, show the child's doctor.

However, parents and the correct treatment of cystitis in children depends on many things. Firstly, to ensure the correct mode of the day for the period of treatment. Typically, the hospital treated only very young children or the most severe forms of cystitis. In all other cases, the treatment is carried out at home. And parents should strictly enforce all of the recommendations and the treating physician.

A child in a period of illness must comply with strict bed rest. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the sick child and he does not seek the active games, as his health is poor. No less important is personal hygiene - need to bathe the child at least once a day, and underwear should be changed after every visit to the toilet.

Secondly, it is important to ensure that a child at the time of treatment the correct diet. There are a number of products is strictly forbidden - all fatty, spicy, smoked and the more savory. No artificial preservatives and dyes - only natural products. No fizzy drinks and fresh juices - they exert on the bladder very strong irritant effect. What a sick child to eat? All kinds of milk porridge, lean fish, poultry and meat, heat-treated vegetables and sour fruit.

Thirdly, it is important to observe the correct drinking regime. During the disease the child should drink plenty of fluids - at least 1.5-2 liters per day. It is best suited for this purpose clean drinking water. However, not every child make it drink this amount of water - so the parents have to make some tweaks. In particular, offer a child a tasty drink.

For example, you can prepare your child cranberry or cranberry broth. Preparing it simply - as a normal compote. And can be used as fresh berries and frozen, ate it happens in the winter time. Fortunately, today you can buy these berries in any supermarket.

Take 200 grams of berries, wash and place them in an enamel pot. Pour the berries in two liters of water, bring to a boil. Add half a cup of sugar, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Then the broth cool, strain it with gauze cloth - usually children do not like cooked berries. The broth is ready - you can offer it to the child.

In the event that the child, for whatever reason refuses to drink the broth, try to invite him to tea with milk. The best way to brew green tea - it has less stress on the kidneys and bladder. Dilute tea with milk in the ratio of 1 to 1. Do not forget to put sugar - otherwise the child would not like tea. But do not overdo it - excess sugar in cystitis is extremely undesirable.

Try to give your child to drink little and often. And so the child will be more likely to drink, and good for the body is greater. After that, in fact, it occurs in plentiful drink? That's right, copious urination.

 What to do?
