Traditional recipes for the treatment of dry dandruff
Dandruff ... It seems to be completely harmless phenomenon, but few people agree to accept just this phenomenon. For dandruff - a phenomenon not very aesthetically pleasing: white flakes in your hair, "powdered" shoulders. The spectacle, I must say, is not pleasant. Yes and continuous itching of the scalp, which in most cases is accompanied by dandruff, just very difficult to tolerate. So let the people in the course of all possible means of dandruff.
However, they are often faced with a disappointment - bought in a drugstore and mass shirokorazreklamirovannyh note, expensive tools, use them heavily, and things are there. At best, there will come a temporary relief, but in a very short period of time, unfortunately. In the worst case you did not notice the slightest changes.
The causes of dandruff
Very often dandruff - the handiwork of man. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is useful to understand why in general there was dandruff. You may need special treatment and do not need, and would simply eliminate the root cause of the problem occurs. But do not forget that you can only guess the reason - just as it determine only by a doctor. Yes, and then not always.
Hair products
About a third of all cases of dandruff provoked means for hair care - shampoos, conditioners, masks, paints. So the first thing you must do is find a nasty guests like dandruff - is to remember you did not use the last time something new. Perhaps because the scalp reacts to the new means of hair care products. Try for some time, stop using it - if the dandruff disappears, the problem is solved.
In some cases, dandruff can occur in the case in humans lacking vitamins or particular micronutrients. Review your diet, diversify the menu, ask your doctor you choose the right multivitamin complex. If a couple of weeks away dandruff, you do not make a mistake with the cause of its occurrence.
Much less, but still there are cases where dandruff occurs as the body's response to the weakening of the immune system. So if you notice apart from dandruff, which are much more likely to get sick, go to a medical immunologist. Will come in the normal state of the immune system - and dandruff disappears.
The depletion of the nervous system
Chronic fatigue syndrome, lack of sleep, constant stress - all this can not affect the human body. And dander in this case - it is a predictable phenomenon. And to treat dandruff alone does not make sense - treatment should be complex.
Types of dandruff
Before starting the treatment of dandruff, you need to understand which of the two types you encounter - treatment in both cases will be radically different. Make it easy, if you carefully observe your hair. Thus, dandruff is of two kinds:
Dry dandruff
Note - How long after shampooing you start itching and dandruff. In the event that this happens after two or three days, you have dry dandruff. Another distinguishing feature of this type of dandruff - it does not remain in the hair and immediately showered on clothing.
Oily dandruff
In the same case, if after about two days, the hair is very shiny and dandruff appears after two or three days - it is oily. This dandruff from the hair is almost shed and looking at the hair gives the impression that hair curled egg white. It looks very, very messy.
Traditional recipes treatment of oily dandruff
There are a number of effective traditional medicine recipes that can help you get rid of dandruff quickly and, more importantly, for a long time. All recipes are perfectly safe, unless, of course, you would not an allergic reaction to a particular component.
Garlic and sour cream mask
The tool helps even in the most severe cases, if you use it regularly. To prepare the mask, you will need one tablespoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of castor oil and half a teaspoon of finely ground chalk. All the components and let stir for about one hour. Clean the two small cloves garlic, chop and mix thoroughly with this mask so that you obtain a homogeneous mass.
How should rub it into the scalp, put on a plastic cap and Insulate towel. Then rinse your hair with plenty of water.
Ideally, the mask should be done every night for a month, and even if the dandruff is gone much earlier. But remember that the everyday use of shampoo can also trigger the development of dandruff. So the next day just wash off the mask with water. And in order to get rid of the smell of garlic, rinse the hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar, cooked in a ratio of one to one.
Tincture of hot pepper
If the smell of garlic is not for you - you can try to get rid of dandruff by means of unsolicited tincture of red peppers. You will need one pod of red hot pepper, a glass bottle with lid, 250 g of vodka and a glass of boiled water. Pod put into the bottle and fill it with water and vodka. Place the bottle in a dark place and leave to infuse for about 10 days.
After the infusion is prepared, and a cotton disc carefully rub it into the scalp and leave for about 15 minutes. Be prepared for the fact that you may feel a slight burning sensation - you should not be afraid of this. However, if it becomes too strong, immediately wash your hair, so as not to burn the skin - a tool does not suit you.
If everything is in order, the procedure should be done no more than twice a week, and the full course of treatment should last no longer than one month. As a rule, this time missing for a long time to say goodbye to dandruff. In addition, this tool is a very pleasant side effect - it stimulates increased growth of fine hair.
The infusion of nettle
Nettle dandruff - means almost all irreplaceable. If dandruff is not a lot, it is enough after each shampooing rinse hair decoction of nettle. To prepare the broth cup dried nettle must be filled with one liter of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool and drain.
If so easy to get rid of dandruff is not possible, you can prepare the next tool. Grind 100 g of nettle leaves, place them in any non-metallic container and pour a glass of 6% vinegar. Leave nettles infuse for about an hour, then add a glass of clean water. The mixture was put on dry hair, cover with plastic wrap and a towel Insulate, and after 30 minutes rinse with cool water. This mask should be done every day for seven days.
Infusion of tansy
Purchase at the pharmacy tansy, chop it and put it in a thermos two tablespoons. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for about five hours. Then be sure to strain it, otherwise it will be a very long time to wash away the hair of tansy. This infusion is necessary to rub into the scalp three times a week for one month. Ideally, the solution is not necessary to wash off some day - the appearance of the hair, he is in no way affected.
Traditional recipes for the treatment of dry dandruff
Dry dandruff requires a different treatment, but also to cope with it quite a force, even at home. We offer you some of the most effective recipes.
Barberry broth
This tool very effectively removes inflammation, eliminates dryness of the scalp and, best of all, quickly eliminates itching. To make this broth can be used and berries, and leaves, and even the roots of barberry. Three tablespoons of barberry pour a liter of boiling water and boil 20 minutes on a very low heat. Give broth brew for three hours, then strain it. Rinse the hair after each wash head - at least three times a week. The course of treatment should last at least three to four weeks. Next to the dandruff has not returned, do not forget about preventive treatment - makes the procedure 4 times a month.
Root cloudberry
All in the same pharmacy you can buy root of cloudberries and thoroughly crush it. Five tablespoons minced root pour a glass of boiling water and leave for five hours. Then the root of the present strain using the strainer or gauze fabric, the resulting mass apply on the scalp. Then cover your head with a plastic bag, insulated with a towel and leave for about an hour. After the head will wash - rinse her infusion, which remained after straining root cloudberries. A similar procedure should be done at least twice a week for one month.
Quince Mask
To prepare this mask you need one ripe fruit quince and three tablespoons of sour cream. Quince grate on fine grater and mix with sour cream - you should get a mixture without lumps. Put it on the scalp, gently massage and leave for about 15 minutes. Note - in this case a polyethylene film is not necessary. The mask should be done at least five times a week. A full course of treatment - at least two weeks.
Apricot oil
One of the best remedies for the treatment of dry dandruff - a mask with apricot oil. To prepare mask grind of two teaspoons of apricot butter and two egg yolks. The resulting mass carefully spread over the entire surface of the scalp, be sure to cover your head with plastic wrap and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Then, rinse your hair very good shampoo to hair does not look greasy. Such a procedure should continue every day until complete disappearance of dandruff, but not longer than one month.
The oil mixture
Even if the apricot mask was powerless, it is necessary to resort to "heavy artillery" - a special oil mixture. To prepare, mix one teaspoon of castor oil, and two teaspoons of almond. The resulting mixture rub into the scalp for about 15 minutes before shampooing. And be prepared for the fact that the oil is washed off very, very difficult - head lather have not one or two times. The duration of treatment approximately one month.
Kefir Mask
A very good remedy for dandruff is the most common yogurt. In a water bath slightly warm yogurt and apply it liberally to the scalp, gently massage the hair and wrap with plastic wrap, be sure to wrap the top with a towel. Kefir mask should remain on the hair at least an hour and then wash it off with plenty of cool water.
This mask is only effective if you do it every day for 10 days. Then you need to make a three-day break and repeat the treatment. Besides the fact that you get rid of dandruff, your hair will look much healthier.
Typically, in most cases, to get rid of dandruff using the above means fails quickly. But if within one month of it you do not succeed, it is best to stop the initiative and seek medical advice - in some cases, dandruff can be caused by the presence of a fungal disease. And the treatment will have to spend by using pharmacological agents. Which, by the way, should be appointed by the dermatologist.
And about the other possible health problems, which have already been mentioned above, should not be forgotten. A self can result in very serious complications. Therefore, do not put experiments on his own body and go to the doctor. To begin at least to the usual physician. Your doctor will probably be able to understand the problem and, if necessary, refer you for consultation to specialists.
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