decorative Kalanchoe


  • Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
  • Kalanchoe Calandiva

Kalanchoe or "green doctor" (the so-called Flower of the people) is known to all, without exception. However, not many people know, there are fine views of the plant. And they got their popularity due to the extraordinary colors, pleasing the owner of almost all year round. There are several species of flowering kalanchoe. And today we will talk about some of them and tell you about what care is needed this superb colors.

It is worth noting that the family has about 200 Kalanchoe species. They all have one distinguishing feature - a tight stem and fleshy leaves. Group leaves as well as their texture may be different. There are species with dark green and velvety to the touch leaves, and there is paler with a smooth surface. In nature, kalanchoe can be found on the territory of South-East Asia, South Africa and South America. Under natural conditions, the plant grows up to 3-4 meters in height.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

The most popular among amateur gardeners decorative Kalanchoe. Growing a small lush bush (30-35 cm in height), it has smooth fleshy leaves of dark green color. Inflorescences soft pink shades are striking in their beauty and grace. In some cases they even overshadow the rose - to recognize the queen of flowers. Due to its compactness this plant is suitable for growing not only in the winter gardens and greenhouses, but also in small urban apartments and offices.

Features of cultivation and care

In principle, care decorative Kalanchoe is quite simple. Keep it should be in a bright room, in the warmer months can be taken on the outdoor veranda or balcony. With all my love to the light of Kalanchoe can not tolerate direct sunlight, so choose an appropriate place for it. If the plant is found on a windowsill facing south, be sure to cover it from ultraviolet radiation at lunchtime.

Having bought a flowering kalanchoe, wait until the flower buds falling off and move it in a new pot. For transplantation perfect ready-mix designed for succulents. You can also use self-prepared soil. To do this, mix equal parts of turf and ground sheet, as well as sand. When selecting a pot pay attention to some details: it should be large enough (a circle should match the size of the crown plants) and have holes in the bottom.

Do not forget to put on the bottom of the pot drainage layer (1.5-2 cm). It is necessary to adjust the percentage of moisture in the soil and prevent root rot. After completing the transplant, water the plant and put in a room where the temperature is less than 25 degrees. Subsequently, this type of Kalanchoe needs resettlement every 2-3 years. During this time, the soil loses all the right qualities and can no longer provide them a flower.

Requires moderate watering - as drying of the soil. Fertilizers are applied once every 2-3 weeks, using a special fertilizer for succulents. With the onset of cold weather (October to February) Kalanchoe enters a period of rest: cease to bloom, and shed its leaves. At this time, it must be placed in a cool place where the temperature will not exceed 12 degrees, and protect from drafts. Watering as a fertilizer, completely overturned.

Possible disease

Successful care of flowering kalanchoe is to maintain the desired humidity and scattered bright light. Violating these terms, you are contributing to the appearance on the leaves and roots of the plant mildew and rot. Treat the flower must be special preparations that you can buy in a flower shop.

During the warmer months in the Kalanchoe can attack aphids - the most destructive insect that affects virtually all indoor plants. To deal with aphids are two ways to wash the leaves and stem soapy water or spray formulation containing an insecticide. The first method will be effective only if the aphid has just appeared on the plant. If the lesion is too visible, it is necessary to resort to a "chemical attack".

 decorative Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe Calandiva

This species is artificially derived hybridomas. As the progenitor of the plant acted as described above. Both flowers are similar, the only difference is that Calandiva bit slimmer (15-20 cm tall), flowering buds longer and throws not only pink, but also orange, red and yellow. Caring for Kalanchoe data practically does not differ from the content of its ancestor. However, some details are still present.

  • Lighting

He loves that the room had a lot of light, brings even direct sunlight. However, in the afternoon, when the action of ultraviolet light is too strong, the plant is better to cover;

  • Air temperature

Transfers temperature fluctuations without appreciable loss (10 to 30 degrees). Still, it is best to grow a flower at standard room temperature - 20-25 degrees. High humidity the plant does not like, and therefore does not need to spray;

  • Watering and fertilizing

By watering Calandiva not demanding because the moisture keeps the "reserve" in the fleshy leaves and stems. Water procedures necessary to arrange as a complete drying of the soil. It is advisable to make sure that water does not get to the leaves and buds. The fertilizer must be made only in the flowering period;

  • Transplant

Transplanting is carried out immediately after purchase. Subsequently - as plant growth (once every 2-3 years). Use a soil mix for succulents or independently prepared the ground - the same as for kalanchoe blossfeldiana;

  • Care in the cold season

Winter Care Kalanchoe Calandiva differs significantly from the content of the summer. As soon as the last throw flower bud, the leaves begin to fall off it, and the stem - stretch. This means - the plant is preparing for a period of rest. Many growers do not know what to do with the flower on, and just throw it. However, with the right content Kalanchoe great perezimuet and will once again be ready for development.

When the plant is fully exposed, it is recommended to cut off almost at the root and put it in a cool shady place where the temperature does not exceed 10 degrees. Every other week, you can water the flowers, but not abundant, but only slightly moisten the soil. Winter care does not mean fertilization. With the onset of spring kalanchoe gradually gain strength for a new flowering.

Here we have considered that a decorative succulent - Kalanchoe. As you can see, caring for flowering species is not complicated. We hope that our article will help you grow a healthy plant, pleasing everyone around fragrant buds.

 Decorative Kalanchoe. How to grow a flowering plant?

 how to water orchids


  • Water and photosynthesis - is there a connection?
  • Factors affecting the consumption of water
  • How and what to water orchids?
  • Some practical advice

Key to successful cultivation of orchids - water treatment timely. If you want to make your flower grow healthy and beautiful, you need to know exactly what is the correct watering orchids. It is known that the most common cause of death of the plant is excess humidity, which is much more dangerous than the untimely watering. And many novice growers sure to water the orchid in the home should be no more than once a week. This view is wrong and can cause negative consequences. Let's understand all the nuances.

Water and photosynthesis - is there a connection?

If the school you attend classes loved biology, you probably remember that all the chemical processes that occur in plants, called photosynthesis. And they require sunlight. We will not again go into details of the school curriculum, but simply say that orchids, for the assimilation of glucose and oxygen, needed light energy is combined with carbon dioxide and water.

The roots of the plant absorb water with dissolved mineral salts and lift it up. There (under the influence of certain chemical reactions), the water is converted into glucose, chlorophyll and proteins necessary for the growth of plants. There are several major factors, in which orchid agrees to "drink" the water. Let's look at them.

That water could go into the deeper layers of the plant, the leaves of the orchid should come on signal absorption. For this purpose, the sun was shining. For some orchids more for others - less. Each plant has its own light boundary that controls its growth and development.

In the tropical forests of orchids always sufficient light and moisture. But at home the situation is otherwise. When the light is too low, the plant "goes to sleep". This state is fraught with danger for the orchids and often cause rotting of the root system. More precisely, the cause of decay is the wrong watering at this time.

As long as the sun shines on the orchid in sufficient quantity, it is constantly signal to the absorption of moisture. At this time, the plant requires abundant watering. But as soon as the light intensity drops below the boundary of the light signal is being input. And from that moment watering should be reduced or stop completely (depending on the species of orchids), otherwise the water will begin to destroy the roots, and then by the plant.

 how to water the orchids

Factors affecting the consumption of water

No wonder orchids are planted in transparent pots. This is necessary in order to monitor the state of the roots. Do you want to see the orchid should be watered or not yet, just look at its roots. If the tips are red or green color - orchid is in a phase of strong growth. It is enough sunlight and can be abundantly watered, without fear of rotting. The roots are well equipped with the moisture and let it in the processing for the benefit of the whole plant.

If the root tips slightly closed, but still there is a growing point - the plant is not enough light. You can move the flower on a lighted section and keep plenty of water. Completely close the tips indicate a very poor lighting. In this case, the excess moisture can seriously harm the plant.

Another factor affecting the rate of consumption of water - transpiration (evaporation of water from the leaf surface). The stronger transpiration, the insistent signal is to root. This process depends on the sunlight and humidity. For the process of transpiration was as effective as possible, you need the following ratio of humidity and ambient temperature: 50-60% humidity at 28-33 degrees Celsius. With such a ratio of the water will be directed to the development of new cells in the growth of the green mass of roots and stems.

City apartments are far from the conditions that are necessary for proper growth of orchids. Therefore it is necessary to place the plant in a room that will meet his needs. It is not necessary to set a pot of orchid in direct sunlight - choose a place to diffuse and bright lighting.

In winter, it is desirable to remove the flower from heaters because they are too dry air. Also in the cold season, the plant requires additional lighting, which can be arranged with the help of fluorescent lamps. If your orchid is a "sleeping" type, give it a rest. Stop feed, watering only to slightly moisten the soil.

How and what to water orchids?

How often needs watering at home is hard to say. Here you need to focus on the state of soil. Plug in flower pot with a small wooden stick. Before you water the plant, check if there are any traces of moisture on a stick. If yes - time for irrigation has not yet come. If the stick is completely dry - safely arrange flower water treatments. You can navigate and weight of the pot with the plant. If you have the firm conviction that it is time to water the plant, grab a pot of orchids and try to remember its weight. And each time, before watering the plant weigh in hand.

What water to water the orchid? In nature, the plant is drinking only the rainwater, which is characterized by its softness. If you live in the private sector, and you have the ability to collect rainwater - use it. Orchid just say thank you for such care. In winter (if the plant does not have a state of rest, and year-round growing and developing) can be watered her melt water, pre-heated to room temperature.

To determine the right settings, use a special device. Remember, different kinds of orchids react differently to the rigidity and the acidity of the water. Exemplary parameters include: the rigidity - between 2 and 7 ° dH., Acidity - 5, 5 to 6 5 pH.

 How often to water the orchids

Some practical advice

Now you know what water is necessary to water the orchids and how to determine the period of water treatments. It's time to understand - how best to carry out these procedures at home. Consider a few ways.

  • By using a warm shower

Place the orchid in the bathroom and shower set up for the most minor splashing. After watering, drain excess water, do not forget to shake off droplets of the sinuses and the core of the plant. Water can be heated Flower if there is such a need. To do this, use more hot water after a few sets of 10-20 seconds at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

  • Dip

Take a basin of warm water (temperature should be between 20-35 degrees). Put the pot back to the plant for about half an hour. After the procedure, the orchid should be left for 20-30 minutes to allow to get rid of excess moisture. It is not necessary to water the orchids all the same water - every time you change it. Especially if you are not confident in the health of the root system of a flower. Fungal infections can easily breed in wet conditions and can hit all flowers.

  • Use the watering can

This method is suitable if there is no time for the previous two. But it does have a few drawbacks. Firstly thus difficult to uniformly moisten the substrate. Second, you must make sure that the pan is left in the excess water. And, thirdly, to water can not be used metal watering can, over time, they form harmful compounds that are harmful to the roots.

  • The method of spraying

This method is suitable for orchids, which are grown in the cortex (without substrate). In this case the roots dry out faster than in the substrate. Hold the spray procedure is recommended in the morning.

Well, now you know how to water orchids at home. We hope that our article will help you to grow up healthy and beautiful plant, which will be a real decoration of your home!

 How to water orchids at home?
