This houseplant surprisingly resembles Cinderella. More precisely, its fantastic transfiguration, when she goes to the ball to the king. Decembrist summer - flower inconspicuous, his drooping green twigs have decorative appeal and look pale compared to other houseplants.
But as soon as the time comes Christmas and New Year holidays, the plant is covered with loose buds, which, through time, become bright colors with unusual shapes.
When most houseplants are in a phase of sleep and rest, the flowers on the windowsill Decembrist blaze juicy shades of summer. It is for this plant loves the experience of growers and novices tend decembrist flower buy or grow their own, using cuttings.
Once either called Decembrist and its variants: crawfish, Varvarina Spit, Christmas cactus, Zigokaktus Schlumberger. The plant has long been known to flower growers and for this reason it is often ironically referred to as grandmother's flower.
The story of my grandmother's flower
Homeland Zigokaktus find tropical rainforests of South America. Surprising is the fact that even long-cultivated pot plants remember their true homeland and bloom when the summer comes there, despite the fact that the window can be hard frost.
The natural color of flowers Decembrists - white and bright red. Thanks to the work of breeders, every year there are new varieties and hybrids. They surprised even experienced gardeners a variety of shades. Often you can see the bright orange, coral, lilac flowers. Breeding selection is carried out in such a way that with proper care, hybrids can bloom 2-3 times a year.
Zigokaktus are forest cacti, they grow in the light, subdued treetops, the deficit of soil and high humidity. In tropical forests are no sudden changes in temperature, so the plant is also the home of their bad moves. To decembrist feel good at home, it is necessary to create conditions similar to those in which it is grown in the natural environment.
Secrets of care
A natural question arises, when the house appears flower Decembrist: how to care for this potted plant? Experts do not attribute it to whimsical and capricious, but in spite of this will have to comply with certain rules of care.
You must know that this plant is not going to benefit in direct sunlight. So do not put it on the southern or western window sills with an intense light. It will slow down its growth and cause shedding the last segment of the shoots.
Summer decembrist gladly move to fresh air: on the balcony, loggia or in the garden at the cottage. Only when moving plants should pay attention to the lighting and, if necessary, arrange pritenenie.
Dekabrist prefers partial shade and light will feel well near the window for a transparent curtain. But to the temperature conditions it is very tolerant and can grow at temperatures between 2 and 37 ° C, but still the optimum temperature for cultivation - 18-25 ° C.
Watering should be moderate, if the land in the pot does not dry out, there is a danger of rotting the roots. Especially harmful to flower excessive soil moisture at low temperatures. Water for irrigation must necessarily be upheld and it is not necessary to water the plants with cold water even in summer.
In the hot season it will be useful Decembrist spraying. In order to wash the dust from leaf plates, regularly use a warm shower. To do so, close the ground polyethylene, not to get water into the pot and wash the leaves.
The most welcome news for all those who have appeared Zigokaktus home - this is what the plant - survivor. With good care, he can live at home 15 to 20 years, but we must remember that a little bit with age begins to deteriorate its appearance.
Shoots grow coarse over time and no longer an active branch. If they pinch, you can save a thick crown for a long time. Pinching and the formation of the crown, it is desirable to produce spring. Still, you can rejuvenate the plant to keep its appeal.
How to make flower Decembrist?
The biggest disappointment is the deliver houseplant that refuses to bloom. This problem occurs quite often in the absence of knowledge can become irresistible. If decembrist do not miss the annual flowers or winter blooming, it may be a sign that he do not feel the time of flowering.
To fix this, a flower placed in a cool place from late September to late November and arrange a period of rest, while reducing watering. At this point the plant is not fertilized. Then, put a flower in a warm and bright place, abundantly watered, thus helping to wake up.
After a while the buds are formed, and since that time the plant would require attention. Firstly, at this time it is impossible to rearrange or rotate the pot. Decembrists in response to such actions can reset formed buds. Secondly, the land in the pot should not dry up. In addition, the need to maintain high humidity, daily sprinkling plant.
Sometimes flowering bush is one-sided, that is, the buds appear on one side. Not hard to guess that the party was better illuminated. To avoid this, you should turn the plant, but it can be done just before the buds.
Reproduce and rejuvenate Zigokaktus by grafting. To escape from this extreme 2-3 separate segments. It does not use a knife or scissors and holding a branch with one hand and with the other hand gently separate the future stalk. Such a procedure not only worsen the condition of the flower, but also will promote abundant flowering, as flowers appear on young shoots.
Cuttings necessarily dried for 2-3 days, then they are slightly deepened in moist soil and covered with polyethylene or conventional banks. Such a makeshift greenhouse placed in the shade, do not forget it regularly aired. The air temperature must be 15-20 ° C.
Transplant zigokakusov
All tips transplant Decembrist and his immediate family are reduced to two main points. It is important that the soil nutritious, for these purposes ideal peat soils. You can choose to make the soil mix, using peat, sand, leaf soil and small brick chips.
Always in the pot should be laid good drainage, then no problems with stagnant water and rotting roots. It is desirable that the amount of drainage was one-third of the pot.
Because the root system Zigokaktus superficial and rather weak, so better to take pots shallow, but wide. Transplanting is best done in late winter after flowering. Every year, the young plants are transplanted, adult - only 3-4 years.
Problems growing
Sometimes the plant dumps extreme segments of shoots or buds. Most often this occurs because of improper watering regime. The state of the Decembrists so may affect as insufficient hydration, as excessive watering. In addition, the transposition of the flower buds during formation may also have a negative impact on his condition. The defeat of the pest has the same effect.
Sluggish leaves, their pale coloring is most commonly associated with too bright lighting, irregular watering and defeat pests. If present on the leaves brown spots - a sign of the defeat of scale insects. Get rid of it, you can use special funds, which are sold in flower shops.
Fungal and bacterial diseases manifest themselves in the form of spots on the leaves, which will eventually wither and fall off. Address such issues as using specialized products, but keep in mind that if an improvement within a few days quietly, should be separated from healthy shoots of cuttings and root them to try not to lose the plant completely.
To Zigokaktus pleased generous flowering every year, he did not need much. Careful attention and love of plants - is the most important factors of well-being and the Decembrists indoor plants - is no exception.