pilaf with pork


  • Pilaf recipe with pork
  • Spices and seasonings for pilaf
  • Preparation: in a casserole and multivarka

Traditionally pilaf - Eastern dish. The very name «polov» goes back to Indian roots. When India was a powerful and rich state (long before our era), there was already cooked pilaf. Recipes pilaf over a lot. Pilaf can be with vegetables, meat, seafood, mushrooms ... It happens pilaf with sweet fruits and berries. However, in our latitudes it is a traditional dish of risotto with meat. In modern conditions popular pilaf pork multivarka.

The Tartars, who brought to our national character his culinary line exclusively prepared pilaf with lamb. Meat of sheep is considered to be ideal for pilaf. However, the Ukrainian do not pilaf with lamb and pork. Why is that?

Pig farming in the Ukraine took root during the time of the Mongol yoke and even saved the nation from extinction. Tatar raids on Russian land literally "emptied" all grown, lying, and even sour in the courts, in barrels and in the gardens of simple peasants. The bandits took everything: livestock, poultry, vegetables and cereals - leaving survivors starve. Since the yoke lasted no less than 300 years, the villagers have learned to "survive" with the help of pigs, which are grown "to the slaughter." The Tartars did not eat pork, and do not touch "dirty", in their view, pigs. Our people have realized that instead of sheep and sheep should raise pigs. Thus formed and Ukrainian cuisine. By the way, all foreigners vying tout and soup and stuffed cabbage and bacon, and the same risotto with pork. Ukrainian cuisine - one of the best in the world! All this thanks to the pork.

By the way, rice is cooked is not necessarily only with rice. Rice is quite able to replace barley, buckwheat, or even beans. You can not call this dish "plov", but that it was his "blood" relatives - no doubt! Pilaf is so called not only because of the ingredients that are added to it, but because of the method of preparation: it is compulsory cauldron with thick walls and an open fire. However, the recipe pilaf pork in multivarka no different from the conventional method. Multivarka only helps save time and effort.

 delicious risotto with pork
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Pilaf recipe with pork

Pilaf - not only very tasty but also satisfying and nutritious meal. Therefore Weight Watchers should especially monitor the amount of pilaf on his plate. Especially when it comes to the pilaf with pork.

Based on the fact that the proposed recipe for pilaf with pork traditional products to take him, too, the traditional rice, pork, carrots, onions and garlic, and seasoning to taste.

  • Rice

Rice pilaf every good hostess chooses to your liking. Now there's a special parboiled rice, ideal for pilaf. He does not stick during the cooking process and quickly prepared. We do not advise to take the sushi rice: it is strongly glued together, and he will make only porridge.

To rice does not stick, it must go through (if it is not clean) and thoroughly rinse in plenty of cold running water. It is necessary. Then pour it on a towel and allow to dry slightly. You can cook and wet rice, but it is better to give it to dry. The amount of rice for a family of 4 - 1, 5 cups.

  • Flesh

Ideal for pilaf fit cut, it is not very oily. You can take the meat from the hind leg or spinal parts, spare ribs are also used. Fresh meat smell nice cut it - a pleasure. 200-300 grams of meat - is a normal portion for 4 people. Ribs can be taken at the rate of 2-3 per person.

Cut the meat into small cubes along the fibers. The smaller the cubes, the more quickly cook the meat. However, remember that the rice is cooked in an average of 20-30 minutes, so that the meat does not digest, should cut its average 2 cm pieces. Wash the meat and dried on a paper towel.

  • Carrots and onions

Carrots should be rubbed on a grater or cut into thin strips. 1 medium carrot - is a normal portion for a family of 4 persons. Onions (1 pc.) Cut into cubes.
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Spices and seasonings for pilaf

Be sure to add a little salt and pepper. Everything else - the question of creativity and personal taste. What other seasonings used for pilaf? Garlic - put unpeeled, 2-3 cloves. For fans of sharpness - 1 head. Barberry - a few grains. Cumin (cumin) also sprinkled a little during cooking. You can also use turmeric, dried tomatoes, chili peppers, raisins, dried herbs (basil, parsley, dill, marjoram) and other spices and condiments. Seasonings like chords, you need to skillfully combine. If you are not sure of the seasoning, buy a special mixture for pilaf. Just make sure that there were no harmful flavor enhancers.

 pilaf with pork in multivarka
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Preparation: in a casserole and multivarka

Heat the cauldron with a small amount of vegetable oil and pour back the onion. When he will get a golden color, spread the meat to it, and then carrots. Strongly solim. Once the meat is tender, add the rice and give a little time for frying. Mix dry rice with meat and add the spices and garlic. Fill all the boiling water and leave to steam for half an hour. Do not open! To the water does not evaporate, pour the right amount of rice should be about 2-3 "finger" of water. After the rice is tender, turn off the heat and let infuse for 10 minutes afloat.

Pilaf with pork in multivarka preparing the same. Over time, you will help to decide the timer. Roasting vegetables and meat is done with the lid open mode "Roasting" about 5-10 minutes. After bookmark multivarka rice and water placed on the mode "Quenching" for 40 minutes and a tight fitting lid.

Undoubtedly, pilaf recipes as much as the chefs themselves.   Do not be afraid to experiment, and you definitely get a tasty dish.

 Delicious pilaf with pork

 pilaf recipe in multivarka


  • Recipe cooking
  • The recipe zirvak
  • Add the main ingredient - rice
  • Recipe vegetable pilaf

Pilaf - a traditional dish of Uzbeks, which according to the rules should be prepared in a cauldron. But now, thanks to modern technology, such as Multivarki, you can cook it faster and tastier. Pilaf in multivarka-cooker cooked very simply.

Ingredients for pilaf

  • 500 g of mutton
  • 300-400 g of onion
  • 300-400 g carrots
  • 1, 5 cups of rice
  • 1 garlic
  • 1, 5 hours. L. seasonings
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Salt

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Recipe cooking

The main thing - to carry out the preparation of dishes in the correct sequence. Although not pilaf cooked in a cauldron, it should be prepared so that it could not be distinguished from that of a traditional cooked Uzbekistan a bowl.

Modern technology only helps us to simplify work in the kitchen, automate it, but the taste of a dish at the same time should not deteriorate. On the contrary, it is necessary to take only good if the risotto is done in half the time, it should not mean that the taste is also worsened by half.

The three main stages of cooking pilaf in any case:

  • Flesh
  • Zirvak
  • Rice with herbs and spices

The basis of clear, detailed recipe below:

  • The first thing to do - is to choose the meat. There is no categorical "for" and "against", there are many alternatives to lamb. This pork, beef, and chicken, and even fish. The main thing - to find the right spices to meat.
  • The meat is washed, cleaned superfluous: veins, cartilage, skin, excess fat. If we take as lamb meat, it is best to boil it in water until soft, in order to avoid stiffness. Lamb meat itself is tough, so it's best to play it safe.
  • Lamb chop medium-sized pieces, put in multivarku, filled with water and cooked (stewed) 40 minutes. The pressure is chosen equal to three. When properly set mode get a perfect risotto. As if it was prepared in a cauldron on the real nature of the Uzbeks. So, it boils the meat and not solid.

 pilaf in multivarka

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The recipe zirvak

  • Preparing zirvak. Zirvak - it is part of pilaf, which consists of onions, carrots and meat. Carrots clean, washed and cut into strips. Onions cut into half rings. The secret right zirvak - the proportion of onions, carrots and meat are 1: 1: 1. That is, the meat should be the same as carrots and onions. At first glance it may seem that the onions and carrots too much, but after frying, they diminish in size 2-3.
  • In multivarku poured vegetable oil. Meat fried in oil until crisp beautiful. To this was added the onions and carrots and stewed until soft.
  • Adds spice pilaf can be used for grilling. Spices can be very different. There are spices and herbs of European descent, and there are Asian.
  • Carrots are roasted to carotene is better absorbed and gave afloat beautiful orange color.
  • Seasonings spicing, improve the taste and stimulate the stomach to secrete more gastric juice, which is so necessary for the digestion of fatty foods.
  • Meat with vegetables stewed until until the water has evaporated. Vegetables should be fried in oil.

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Add the main ingredient - rice

  • Next comes the turn of rice. Figure pre-washed. The water in the washing should be clean. Rice poured to the vegetables and meat. Despite the fact that there is a recipe that offers rice to soak for several hours before cooking, though this is not recommended. Otherwise, it begins to swell during cooking and be sure to seethe, and it is unacceptable for pilaf. After cooking the risotto should be tselenkim. Each grain should be allocated, and the figure while remaining crumbly.
  • By the time you need to cook rice for half an hour and a half of water to fill a finger above the vegetables with meat. If you measure the water glasses, it can be mistaken as the volume of pressure cookers are all different, so the water is poured on the eye.
  • Instead of water you can pour the broth left from cooking the meat at the beginning of cooking. In this case, pilaf get fat. For lovers of hearty and fatty foods is ideal. For those who want to get pilaf popresnee easier and better to add plain water. This does not mean that the dish will be too bland. After all, it has a meat and vegetable oil. Accordingly, rice dressed with water or broth to the amateur.
  • In the middle of Multivarki insert a clove of garlic.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Once the broth (water) is poured into the rice, set mode "Porridge". Prepared for half an hour.
  • After the signal and rice mixes. If no excess water remains then ready pilaf. It is necessary that he is currently 10 minutes.
  • When serving, you can decorate it with herbs or a wide variety of spices.

 recipe tasty pilaf in multivarka

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Recipe vegetable pilaf

Vegetable risotto get the same delicious and hearty as meat. To cook rice, you need to use the correct rice varieties and producers not to change the recipe.

Ingredients for pilaf:

  • Steamed rice (4 cups Multivarki)
  • 3 carrots
  • 5 pieces of bell pepper
  • 2 onions
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 h. L. salt
  • Water (8 cups for Multivarki)
  • Salt
  • Spice
  • Season to taste

Cooking method:

  • Carrots and peppers cut into strips, onion - half rings
  • In the baking fried vegetables in sunflower oil for 40 minutes
  • The washed rice to vegetables filled, filled with water, and the mode is activated pilaf.

Result - vegetable, original, delicious crisp risotto. If the hostess was not yet such an experience cooking pilaf, then multivarka - is that it is primarily necessary to get into the kitchen.

 Preparation pilaf in multivarka
