Depression during pregnancy


  • Understanding Depression
  • Risk factors for depression
  • Causes of depression
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Behavior relatives
  • Tips expectant mother
  • Postpartum Depression
  • Conclusion

It would seem that pregnancy - this is the happiest period in the life of any woman. But, alas, this is not always the case. Emotional instability for the mother normal. The woman can then cry, then laugh - and all this in a very short period of time. So bad mood expectant mother is difficult to surprise anyone.

But just in a bad mood - not the worst. Much worse, if the expectant mother was faced with the scourge of depression. Depression during pregnancy - a phenomenon that is very common. But, unfortunately, very often depression remains without due attention. But it is fraught with serious consequences.

Understanding Depression

Depression is a serious illness. It is characterized by depressed state of mind. As a result, a person consistently bad mood, a negative vision of the world, pessimistic perception of reality. Simply put, a person suffering from depression, I'm sure that everything is very bad in the future nothing will change, but he's just not able to somehow influence the situation.

By the way - doctors, therapists argue that women suffer from depression twice as often as men. There are two versions to explain this:

  • Features female psyche

Women are much more willing to share their experiences with others, as opposed to men. That is why they diagnose depression is much easier. So, come and Statistics is the fair sex.

  • The relationship's emotional state and hormonal

The psychological condition of the woman depends on her hormonal levels. As a prime example - the infamous PMS. And the main distinguishing feature of premenstrual syndrome - emotional instability. But the hormonal changes before menstruation and not so strong. What can we say about a pregnant woman? Indeed, in its organism there are very real hormonal storm!

Of course, depression during pregnancy does not occur at every future mother - only 20% of all pregnancies. And depression occurs in pregnant women is much softer than the rest. But leave it unattended in any case can not, because depression increases the risk of pregnancy complications.

Risk factors for depression

Of course, it is very difficult to predict whether the depression it touches you. However, there are a number of specific risk factors. These include:

  • Depression before pregnancy

Very often depressed while waiting for a child facing women before pregnancy and who have been exposed to depressive states. Especially in the case of pregnancy was interrupted drug treatment of this disease.

  • Genetic predisposition

In case if any of the family there were cases of depression, the expectant mother much more than others exposed to the risk of developing depression. Their friends and relatives have to be especially careful.

  • Unwanted pregnancy

Very often depression in the expectant mother develops when a pregnancy is not desired, but a baby is perceived as a negative event that could greatly complicate life.

Causes of depression

In that case, if a pregnant woman broke up with the father of the child or the child's waiting period was the mountain - a serious illness or death of a loved one, or even some really unpleasant event, the reason for the depressed state is clear. But, fortunately, these are serious reasons are rare.

More often depression occurs - at first sight - for no apparent reason. And she expectant mother feels good, and the pregnancy is perfect, and the future Pope blows dust from his wife, and at work - understanding and support. But to enjoy life does not work, the mood is getting worse and worse. Why is this happening?

Doctors say that depression during pregnancy arises from the combination of two factors - physical and psychological. With all the physical quite clear - during pregnancy there is a global restructuring of the hormonal levels. And because of this there is the emotional instability that can be maintained throughout pregnancy.

In addition, during pregnancy the expectant mother a lot of psychological stress. And no wonder - because their way of life during pregnancy is changing dramatically, all life is subject only to child bearing. In the event that woman before pregnancy led passive, home life, these changes are not particularly strongly affect her psychological state. But in the event that the lifestyle of the mother before pregnancy was active, such changes will become very severe stress.

In addition, difficult to account for, and those women who impose themselves too high demands. They believe that all they need to keep up, keep everything under control - and work, and household and family situation. But during pregnancy, to cope with all of this is not so easy. And the expectant mother begins to lose optimism and depressed.

 Depression during pregnancy

Symptoms of depression

Thus, the causes of depression, we more or less sorted out. Now let's see what this very same symptoms depression makes itself felt. After all, just knowing about the symptoms, you can notice in time the disease itself, and thus to provide the expectant mother with all necessary assistance.

  • Low mood

The first sign of depression - is a constant low mood. Future mother is not happy almost anything, even those things that pleased her before. Of course, a bad mood sometimes replaced by a good, but not for long, and rarely enough. Moreover, if treatment is not started in time of depression, such as "bright spots" will be less and less.

  • Increased anxiety

Of course, every expectant mother is worried about the health of their future child. However, this anxiety depression takes hypertrophied form - a woman is afraid of literally everything. Fear of premature termination of pregnancy becomes a true obsession. The woman has lived as "on a powder keg" waiting for trouble. As a consequence - a very strong emotional instability, tearfulness. Tears flow for any reason, and sometimes for no reason at all.

  • Apathy

A woman loses interest in everything happening around. In severe cases, even the preparation of dowry future baby becomes a woman is not interesting. A pregnant woman can sit or lie down for hours, staring at one point, completely lost in gloomy thoughts.

  • Self-flagellation

Sometimes depression leads to the fact that a woman begins to blame himself in every possible sin, over and often without it. Expectant mother feels a burden to their family, worthless creature. She is confident that her mother would be useless, with the duties will not be able to cope. And these thoughts can completely deprive a woman of peace.

  • Sleep disorders

During pregnancy, there are often disrupt the normal sleep rhythm. It can be as hypersomnia or insomnia. Moreover insomnia occurs more frequently - gloomy thoughts simply do not give the woman to fall asleep. Incidentally, the constant lack of sleep is also very negative impact on the emotional state of women. It turns out a kind of vicious circle.

  • Wanton aggression

Sometimes emotional instability manifested not excessive tearfulness and wanton aggression. Future Mom becomes a real fury, terrorizing everyone around. However, she is very strong and she suffers, because he understands the inadmissibility of such conduct.

Behavior relatives

Very often, even the closest people, not to mention all the other surrounding, just simply do not understand what's going on with the future mom. They get nervous or even angry. Pregnant woman hear advice like "pull yourself together." Believe me, if the expectant mother could, she would certainly do that.

When depression is very important help of loved ones. And it is needed, even if the woman of this assistance is not requested. It may even she did not realize that he needed help. And it is the correct behavior of native people can help a woman get out of depression as soon as possible.

It is important that close people did not respond to the mood of the pregnant woman. Of course, depression - it's not the flu, by airborne droplets, it is not transmitted. But the pessimistic mood is even possible to earn. Therefore, be sure to observe a certain psychological distance - remind themselves and the future mom that depression - a temporary phenomenon, and very quickly her condition normalized. In no case do not criticize a pregnant woman, and even more so do not reproach her for anything. On the contrary - constantly reminds her that this state - it is not the fault of the women, but a real illness that requires proper treatment.

But in any case, concentrate the attention of the entire family is on the doldrums of the future mother. It is much wiser to try to ensure that women as much as possible of positive emotions. After all, you probably know what it can to please a loved one? Dare - you certainly will succeed.

In addition, in any case, do not try to remove the future mother from all sorts of things. Of course, a pregnant woman should rest as much as possible. But if you are totally exclude women from the family, it may feel abandoned and useless. And it will only worsen the emotional state of the expectant mother.

Tips expectant mother

Below is described as the most useful tips expectant mother and her family. Under these rules depression, if it will overtake the future mother will proceed more smoothly. Yes, and it will take place much faster.

  • Timely reaction

First, always remember that the sooner the depression will be noticed and taken the necessary steps, the easier it will be to handle. Begin to act immediately as soon as you notice the first symptoms. Until the condition worsened, we must act. Try a little more fun and relax.

What do you like most? Go shopping? So, it is time to shopping. Love nature? Why not go on a picnic? And maybe you've always dreamed of a warm sun and gentle sea? In any case, your positive emotions have to stand in the foreground. Everything else - wait. In the end, nothing wrong with your husband is not going to happen if he will reap dumplings.

  • Mode

Of course, we are all people and adults are well aware that it is impossible to get all 9 months of fun. Life does not stop, and the work should be done in any case. But in order not to get bogged down in them, "head", you need to plan your day. This is best done in advance, in the evening. But try not to get to this same hook - the schedule should not be too tough. Otherwise, the risk is high that is not in time. And in this case, the depression will only get worse.

  • Complete rest

In no case can not be forgotten that the pregnant woman is very badly in need of recreation. You should not take on all the household chores and care - leave most of the house. They are not active? Ask them for help! Maybe they just do not realize that you need it.

After exhaustion while waiting for the child is the main enemy of the future moms. Fatigue tends to accumulate, which means that sooner or later will have an irritation, fatigue and depression. And here too depressed to practically on the doorstep.

  • The diet of the pregnant woman

Everyone knows that good nutrition for pregnancy - is key to the health of both mother and unborn child. However, not everyone knows that poor nutrition causes the development of depression. While depression itself suppresses appetite. So sometimes the expectant mother sometimes has to make over a certain effort, but still eat. Otherwise, we get a vicious circle, which eventually will sooner or later have to break.

  • Motor activity of women

Depression in almost all cases leads to apathy. This means that physical activity decreases - a woman most of the time is in an inactive state. In this case it is appropriate saying "like cures like." Try to move as much as possible - of course, within reason, exhausting himself in any case impossible.

But gymnastics for expectant mothers, aqua aerobics, or even the most ordinary walking tour able to greatly improve the mood expectant mother. And the overall positive impact of physical activity on the body of a pregnant woman is very difficult to overestimate. Certainly your body will thank you.

By the way - on foot walks. Make it a rule to walk at least two hours. Finding out as a very positive effect on the emotional state of the expectant mother, especially in the third trimester. After the monotony is very tiring. Although in any case we should not forget about caution.

Coming out of the house, do not forget to bring your passport and a card exchange, a certain amount of money. Make sure that your mobile phone has always been charged. And it is in any case does not go on long journeys - in the third trimester deliveries could begin at any moment. They should not catch you by surprise.

  • The appearance of the expectant mother

The woman, in any case always a woman. A woman always wants to look good. And if it looks messy, depression far worse. So try at all times to find time for yourself. Alone hygiene is not enough. Go to the barber shop, buy a new blouse you liked, do makeup. Surely the feeling of attractiveness largely lift your mood.

 Depression during pregnancy symptoms

Postpartum Depression

Talking about depression, which can occur during pregnancy, not to mention - at least briefly - and postnatal pregnancy that she did not catch you by surprise. Many women who have recently become mothers, there are post-partum depression. This depression is associated with social, psychological and chemical changes in the body and the life of every woman that occur after birth. In addition, it is the emotional and physical changes that occur in the life of a young mother.

Most often, this depression occurs on the third week after birth. Not surprisingly - during pregnancy level virtually all hormones grow approximately 10 times. And after childbirth dropped sharply, quickly returning to normal - around those same three weeks. It goes without saying that these jumps can not affect the physical and emotional state of a young mother. Because of hormonal it depends very, very much.

Moreover - otshumeli congratulations and delight family donated the flowers wilted and began routine, which a young mother previously could only guess. Time to sleep less, responsibilities - more. Especially if the baby cries a lot. Of course, a young mother very much frightened - because accurate advice on how to soothe or at least differentiate the cries of the baby, and there can not be.

Whirling around the house, like a wound, Mom still did not have time, knocked out of the forces. All goes wrong, and feeling unappreciated its glorious feat only worsens her condition. That's where mom gets into the swamp of thinking about their ineptitude and krivorukost.

Opportunities for communication among young mothers is not too much, especially now that if not fashionable to walk with prams, grouped in groups, as it was before. And it was in that circle of associates can and should find support, to understand that you're not the worst, and similar problems faced by any woman who has given birth.

To prevent this type of depression can - asking for help and letting your family to help you. Also, try not to focus on just one kid. Continue to pay attention to her husband - you do not have pushed it into the far corner, temporarily useless thing in the economy? Your man is also very hard, so try it a little support. And then he probably will treat your condition with greater understanding.

And about yourself, your favorite, you can not forget.

